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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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I love the recapps! thank you to everyone for working so hard.

BUT.... i am going to not like ep 18 till the end. my stomach doesnt feel well.

I am glad that ep 17 gave us a lot of otp scenes, and how that WS at his darkest and saddest moments turn to HS. True enough the throne that position, does no matter what require some level of ruthlessness. I dont blame WS for going all dark, i think at that time you had to be.

But the misunderstandings are going to start tmr oh dear. my heart cant take it...


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Angsty Ep! 
looks like Soo will die, they dont get married and So is forced to marry YH instead
and WW shld just be hanged

Seems like Soo will not forgive So for killing CH too... 

Oh my oh my oh my.....

I dont have the heart to continue watching the last 3 eps!   OMG!!!!

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oMyGod the preview of international version is making me puke af. i knew it :( this episode is too good to be true. i'm not prepared for episode 18th, but in the same time relieved that i only have to wait for tomorrow. now i thank the baseball game last week because if i have to wait one week with that kind of preview, i'll be in the hospital 

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OK guys I'm trying to calm myself down so lemme just hypothesize that HS will eventually have to say goodbye to WS and live away from the palace. HOWEVER she will be carrying his child and she would probably die giving birth leaving WS something to live for after she passes away. PLS DRAMA GODS, WE KNOW YOU'RE TAKING HS AWAY FROM WS BUT PLEASE LET HER LEAVE HIM WITH THEIR LOVE CHILD  lol 

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6 minutes ago, qwenli said:

Wook to Gwangjong: The hwangbo family propose a marriage! :tears:

yh to hs: if you want, i will let you stay here. I will accept that you are one of the king's women. my son will be the next king. I am going to marry the king, I will become the queen!


wook to WS: the throne is easy to take but difficult to keep. you ned the clan's men support.

ws: I am already engaged to someone.

wook: hs? she cannot be queen. did you forget that hs avoided marrying our father and cut her wrist? a woman with a scar cannot marry the king. :crazy:


AND now I want to puke...........................


Yea......Let's do it collectively..... arrrggghhh !!! 1vomito.gif



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God, I'm so scared for tomorrow's episode... that preview with CR being "killed" gave me a bad feeling..... 

It's like we're all waiting for So to become evil and I hate it so much because it just doesn't fit his character at all, but since the c-version is like that will the writers decided to follow it at the last moment? They made So completely different from the original 4th prince for a reason, right? 

Im.. scared :( don't ruin my So please

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5 minutes ago, yuhotarubi said:

That preview !! WS was crying while hugging HS !! Please don't tell me the lantern scene is a goodbye scene !



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15 minutes ago, thenagain said:


Wow, Wook is such a sore loser. He really is going to prevent Hae Soo from being with So just because she rejected him?! That's so controlling. I never really agreed when people called him evil but this type of obsessive thinking is pretty classic abusive ex boyfriend  behavior.

Not that simple.. from Wook's perspective, HS is showing her double standard..

She looked down upon him and judged him and threw all her tantrums..despite knowing that he has a family too to consider for.. She had this self-righteous attitude..


Therefore, from his perspective its HS who is incomprehensible..and ofc will get angry at WS because all things aside, WW does love HS.. and WS took her away from him  ( even when he and hs were together..WS was in between)

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