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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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4 minutes ago, qwenli said:

There was some discussion about the 4th Prince in Chinese history and someone pointed out the editing of the decree could be a popular distortion because apparently in those days, the edit was written in 2 language: Chinese and Manchurian (qing dynasty is Manchu run) so it would Be rather impossible to edit both versions.

Also despite the bad rep about the 4th, he was among the best emperor of the qing dynasty, very firm and effective.

I just feel like it's one of those moments where I'm stunned I didn't realise it and scared for my precious So. I feel like this drama is rewriting history and I'm scared it's not going to right itself in So's favour. The things that the 4th prince did in the cdrama made sense based on his personality. He was a superb strategist. The personality So has is wounded, violent, righteous, desperate for love and also known as a monster. If he does the things that OG 4th did he's going to look pretty evil. If it follows history it won't. 

As the romantic moments keep happening between So Soo, while Soo is in Love with 8 is killing me. 

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I'm anticipating for tomorrow:dizzy:

I never been addicted to any kdrama before. This MLSHR really make me a loner & keep refreshing this thread hoping for new BTS & still cuts:bawling:

LJG & IU bring such a chemistry & i love to see the development in their character & relationship

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Recent activities of me :

1)Monday night..waiting for recaps..after that reading analysis here. 2)Tuesday morning..goes to work but can't focus thinking of MLSHR. 3)Tuesday night..reading the thread for recaps and analysis. 4)Wednesday til Sunday..can't keep my mind off of MLSHR..rewatch over and over again,goes to work but can't focus.

What has this drama done to my life?how am I going through it when the show ends?okay,only exaggerated..I'd still pray for LJG-IU, KHN-IU duet songs..and hopefully there's someone in Korea whose willing to help with MLSHR DVD-extended/director's cut..I'm going to pre-order it.

To mods : noted..my sincere apologies..won't do that again..please kindly forgive me *bow*

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7 minutes ago, bingewatcherinsomniac said:

I hope I was wrong, but there is a subtle impression that people seemingly not allow her to naturally respond to a difficult circumstances and even demand her to trust and understand him unconditionally, a request that even in real life is hard, if not impossible, to fulfill.

Like it or not, her fear of that terrifying premonition itself already become a major hindrance for their relationship, that sooner or later need to be addressed accordingly. If not, it would create a bigger misunderstanding and distance to both of them. 

As I have stated before, I am probably belong to the minority that actually appreciate her unfiltered emotions that in a way accommodate a chance for both of them to resolve their issues. Though hurtful, for me it was raw and delicate moment where she laid bare her true honest feeling and convey her utmost concern. And so was he. In other words, it was a rare moment for both to be completely authentic to each other. And at such closing their distance and create a better odds in fixing their problem. In conclusion, we don't need to feel sad or mad to watch such confrontation, believe me it was for the better, much more so than bottled up your inner feeling and ignore the so called giant elephant in the room.


@bingewatcherinsomniac I wouldn't worry about whether your comments or position on the matter offended anyone since the range of reactions from our community did vary from one end of the spectrum to the other, so there are certainly others that feel as you do. Regardless of where everyone ended up on the understanding/not understanding Haesoo scale, I think the common reaction from EVERYONE was that it was painful to hear Haesoo hurt Wangso with similar words that were used by his mother. I think we all have become so very invested in Wangso's character that his pain has now become our pain.

That said, despite the anger and frustration some may presently have for Haesoo, I don't believe anyone's given up on her. Because of her place in his heart, she's really the only one who can make him feel whole.

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@40somethingahjumma very well said, . Thank you for expressing your  discerning thoughts and I so agree  with all you said and actually your brain just flourished...not dead...

I too am ok if the ending is not a ride into the sunset together forever one because of the reasons you stated. I love operas and most of them end in tragedy however the love story told within the story is sentimentally, achingly beautiful such as the original BBX. Actually that for me was what made BBX a classic love story.... it is not about the ending but about how Rouxi loved and was loved. In the next episodes, I am hoping to see much So/Soo togetherness. 

Hwaiting So/Soo!!! 

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We are all highly anticipating tomorrow's episode. Whether we are ready or not we want to see everything go down.

One thing I am most anticipating is all the princes reactions to the ordeal that happens to Soo. So far we have somewhat of an idea of So's reaction but not really in depth. Was Soo tortured or just beaten? Seeing Chae Ryung getting whipped pricked my heart but I guess the events just get worse from here on out. How will Wook react? Is his reaction that of him screaming her name in agony? What about Baek Ah, Eun and Jung? The 3 youngest who are so pure and adore Soo so very much, their love for her stems from different places. How will they respond when they see that Soo has been punished? Will they ever find out she wasn't responsible? Tears will be spilled and hearts will be torn but ultimately will this change any of the princes? Is this the real engine starter for the fight for the throne? 


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43 minutes ago, bingewatcherinsomniac said:

Okay guys, I haven't been able to catch up with your pace just yet and still stuck behind on page 637, and happen to read interesting discussion about our heroine that I would love to join to share my pov...hopefully it's not too late for that ^_^

Speaking of Haesoo, although I put a long explanation trying to put some context to her behavior, it was mainly done to put some light into circumstances and emotions that lead her to make such reaction, but never aimed to give her a "free pass" or anything. So don't feel bad if some of you disappointed with her, me too, there are times when I share the same kind of frustration to her character as well, mostly related to her reckless attitude, but still it didn't diminished her other lovable quality that I admire. After all, it show how emotionally invested we are to the characters from this drama, right? 

After taking all of her circumstances into account, my conclusion for her reactions was fall within understandable category, in a sense that nothing out of ordinary or abnormal in her behavior as it did not defied too much from the common response to similar condition.

However, to avoid some misunderstanding, I wasn't implying it was justified or right for her to react that way, at most her behavior was admissible, but it was still detrimental to WS's fragile state and definitely unwarranted especially knowing her important presence to him and the fact that he has not done anything bad just yet. Even though my explanation focus on her side of pain, I am not trying to overlook or discounted his feeling, but since people already consider and taking his side of story, I won't delve further to avoid redundancy. :P

I agree, it was his underdog and tragic backstory that urge the need to protect him at all cost and what made some of us feel taken aback and condemn her harsh reaction. Despite that, based on what I observe, the way he dealt with the confrontation itself was better than I expected considering his personality and the state of emotion he was in. So bravo to him! My point is, we need to believe that he was capable to handle such situation, and put hold our tendency to be overprotective towards his character at the dispense of our heroine to even go as far as belittling her feeling.

I hope I was wrong, but there is a subtle impression that people seemingly not allow her to naturally respond to a difficult circumstances and even demand her to trust and understand him unconditionally, a request that even in real life is hard, if not impossible, to fulfill.

Like it or not, her fear of that terrifying premonition itself already become a major hindrance for their relationship, that sooner or later need to be addressed accordingly. If not, it would create a bigger misunderstanding and distance to both of them. 

As I have stated before, I am probably belong to the minority that actually appreciate her unfiltered emotions that in a way accommodate a chance for both of them to resolve their issues. Though hurtful, for me it was raw and delicate moment where she laid bare her true honest feeling and convey her utmost concern. And so was he. In other words, it was a rare moment for both to be completely authentic to each other. And at such closing their distance and create a better odds in fixing their problem. In conclusion, we don't need to feel sad or mad to watch such confrontation, believe me it was for the better, much more so than bottled up your inner feeling and ignore the so called giant elephant in the room.

 I TOTALLY agree with you. That's exactly what I tried to discuss about in one of my previous posts...

A romantic, bittersweet mv by a new youtuber (he only has 2 subscribers) I just discovered:


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1 hour ago, solelylurking said:


Yes, I agree. That's why for me obvious villain like Yo and Mommydearest is no fun haha. 

Oh I doubt he will be psychotic, at least not alone. He has a persona to maintain. It is what get him his followers, I'm very sure he doesn't want to lose that. But he will give us the best dark vibe ever. We have seen that when he talked to YH in front of the rain. Wook is a very preserved person, he likes to keep what he feels inside and dwell in his on mind. That's why peeking up to his mind through expressions and voice tone change is very exciting to me. 

Kang Haneul is a superb actor for me. He is indeed a very talented actor who can display series of expression each unique to its own character but very different from his true self. He just silly in the real life haha. He's the reason I tune in eagerly in MLSH. I hope he can reach the sky just like his name :D

I'm really sorry to all moderators for all my mistakes. I will repent and not doing it again. :tears:


"Wook is a very preserved person, he likes to keep what he feels inside and dwell in his on mind. "

Just wanna add in my opinion on this part :)

Actually it is this characteristic of Wook that made me doubt if he was really that sincere gentleman that we all think he is in the initial episodes. Based on my experience of holding all my thoughts and feelings in,doing such a thing can really take a toll on you emotionally.Not only do you tend to ponder over issues for a very long time,assumptions of your own based on what you see or hear will be added onto your current issues.And most times such assumptions may not be clarified with other parties.All these added together plus an absence of a reliable confidante (Cos trusting ppl in goryeo era is hard) will drive you to do unexpected things and you may not even be able to deal with the consequences thereafter.So it's definitely not impossible for Wook to turn over to the dark side-no matter how noble his intentions may be.With that said,I am not saying Wook is evil or psychotic.It's just that ,being human,he took several wrong decisions.


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Thank you everyone for posting all those lovely bta pics and helping me going through the torture if waiting for Moonday to come...

Just hoping we will be able to survive seeing so much pain and blood.

And to mention the most talked pic 'his hands on her thigh on the way to saddle' we have two versions of it, right and left angle,  but if noticed carefuly both are same pic inverted 180deg horizontally. (See HSs hanboks neckline also changed 180 degree)

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4 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:


I am so ridiculously excited about the coming episodes because the angst will be taken up several notches I imagine. 

I'm thrilled that the OTP will be forced to bond together in that "You and Me against the world" kind of scenario. It's delicious.


Yay! they are having the WS shielding HS from the rain scene just like the c-version. Looking forward for it in K-version. To look at it in a comical way, WS looks like a western vampire with the black cloak.

59 minutes ago, junee22 said:

Recent activities of me :

1)Monday night..waiting for recaps..after that reading analysis here. 2)Tuesday morning..goes to work but can't focus thinking of MLSHR. 3)Tuesday night..reading the thread for recaps and analysis. 4)Wednesday til Sunday..can't keep my mind off of MLSHR..rewatch over and over again,goes to work but can't focus.

What has this drama done to my life?how am I going through it when the show ends?okay,only exaggerated..I'd still pray for LJG-IU, KHN-IU duet songs..and hopefully there's someone in Korea whose willing to help with MLSHR DVD-extended/director's cut..I'm going to pre-order it.

To mods : noted..my sincere apologies..won't do that again..please kindly forgive me *bow*


Wed till Sunday.. here's how I occupy my time. Google : "Lee Jun Ki military/army" video and swoon over him in uniforms. Soldier 7-123.

Back to the plot, may I know where did you get the hint that Lady Oh is going to die? New trailer for ep 10?

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2 hours ago, car148 said:


Lol, I got blocked as well for voting so many times! :D


2 hours ago, Diana Blanche said:

Maybe that poll is irrelevant but I can't stop to vote. Many times I stop just to read yours wonderful posts.

@car148 @Diana Blanche Hahahahahaha we're like Wang So. *sigh* the things we do for the people we love :D:wub:

49 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

Saw somewhere that you need to wait 5 minutes before voting again.LOL

Really??? Thanks chingu! Guess I'll have to flood vote again :D I'm desperate, gotta let them win hahahah

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