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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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16 hours ago, jerboa83 said:


I'm not convinced that "it doesn't make sense". She cannot do anything in her position, so maybe the only chance she has is letting the leeves break and spill her heart out TO HIM directly, with no holding back. She cannot just keep such a secret to herself without going (and looking) crazy, in front of him (who's explicitly asking for her love and trust and cannot be ignored anyway) and everybody else (who might pay the price if she just stays still and doesn't do anything). Spilling the beans right in front of WS might be the best thing to do, even if it's cruel. Some sort of twisted way to show him some trust despite everything.

I'd like to know what you think of my reasoning... Does it make sense, somewhat?


I quite like your opinion and it made me curious how WS would changed HS's view of him, since i think in c-version, the 4th didn't have this problem like WS had in earning HS's trust and heart.

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I was really surprised about HS reaction in episode 9.  Her character seems inconsistent.

She admitted that she didn't do well in history at school.  She almost couldn't recall the King's accomplishment.  She said she only heard that GJ was responsible for killing his brothers but clearly she was unsure if he really did and for what reason.  She speaks carelessly out of ignorance and judge WS in contradictory to what she told him earlier for being a good person despite his scar.  Doesn't make sense to me.  She was immediately terrified of the unknown, which is commonly what foolish people does.  Just because she knows something, she act as if she knows it all.  It was all about her preconceive notion of what GJ was as an emperor, when in reality she had very little knowledge about him.  The King even praised her for her intelligence but I don't see her that way in this episode.  For me she's a woman who lacks wisdom (= application of knowledge) and could be dead due to her untamed tongue. 

She look so highly about herself that she can change the history that she doesn't remember clearly.  How can you change/correct something that you don't know.  In fact her reaction could be more harmful than helpful.  Imagine telling WS that he will ruin everything in the end.   Who would like to hear that?  More so with WS who is always told to be a bad luck or the likes, as he was growing up.  More so hearing it from same lips who told him he is a good person? 

Indeed the book of Proverbs is correct in saying "be careful how you think because your thought runs your life."  She was ignorant and yet she let the unconfirmed information consume her and make foolish remarks.  Okay, given that GJ was like that, at least she could have compared it with the WS that she's currently with.  Is he that kind of person?  If he is, then think of a way where in she could make a difference.  But she did the opposite.  She's trying to protect something in a way that could even worsen the situation. 

Our mind is the battle ground actually ...  so if we are given vision or premonitions like that, it serves as a warning to prevent something from happening.  So how we think and decide determines the outcome.  HS already told WW of her baseless fears and it will certainly change how WW view WS in the future.  WS reaction is understandable... that feeling of having that betrayed trust... especially from someone closest to him. 

On the contrary, this also a very good catalyst too see what kind of person WS truly is.  Most often people will misunderstand us not because of what we do but because of the condition of their heart.  Since WS's heart is good he will probably think about it in a different perspective. :D 

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Just watched episode 9. And, is it just me, or this episode makes me exhausted and sad? Poor So. Being left out with evil mom, and now when he opens his heart, the woman he likes turn him away?

About the ending, i think i need to see both ending (international and sbs version). Because i watched SBS version and it's a short one and too forceful. But i heard the international version has longer kiss. 

Jaebal, please, if any of you chingus, has those scenes, kindly share those scene. I really want to watch/see those scene. Perhaps it will change my point of view about those forceful ending kiss. 


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I logged out like 12 hours ago and It's already more than 15-something pages later (it keeps increasing eveytime I'm refreshing).

I'm new here, so is this thread always moving full speed like this? Even after tuesday?

Screw Ratings. Seriously you eclipses are the best :wub:

When watching MLSHR in One yesterday I'm a little distracted by my college homework and missed some of the scene.. I missed WS slayed the 10th&his wife too (I can't wait to get home from college and watch it). But because I'm so curious, I googled some gif, and once again I'm blown away by LJK's acting. I can feel his pain and frustration in that crazy laugh. It's sad to see him lost control like that, while in recent episode he tried so hard to have his emotion under control :tears::tears:. But isn't that setting somehow looks like an attack something? Maybe he is not that ruthless?

HS in her vision didn't see the whole picture, right. From what I've seen so far, WS is not someone who's gonna kill his caretaker's (the general) daughter. It's against his loyal character. In fact I'm guessing and hoping that sweet little girl and 10th will be his ally in the future, along with Baek-Ah. Maybe the WW camp will attack 10th in his residence and makes WS's camp lost some secret paper or something. When WS arrived, it's already too late and 10th is on the verge of death and to redeem himself, keep WS secret or something (because thankfully after having a wife he becomes smarter) in case the WW camp comes back, and ease his pain, 10th ask WS to kill him. So WS kill him and become a little crazy because he just kills an ally and someone he trusts. (Pfffft.. I've watched too many dramas):D

So she doesn't know the cause of what WS is going to do (or maybe what he will do in an alternate past. but not in this past. LOL I'm confused by the many possibilities) and in fact scared WS will become someone so ruthless it's scary while in fact WS is still himself !!! So have faith people!!! esp. HS!! (I so want to calm her nerves down and bring her some herbs or something);)

Well my theory is biased towards WS and see him as bad boy gone good and WW as good boy gone bad. LOL

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This last episode shows how both Wang So and Wang Wook have begun to think about their places in life.
 It is the first time we hear Wang So mentioning about sitting on the throne. And Wang Wook starts thinking about where his place shall be....

 Wondering what are the reasons behind the ideas of both princes ?   If they both want to be the King, why?.........

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4 hours ago, shinaabby said:


This just brings my desire to make an MV with this song... I think someone already has... But should I do it anyways? :huh: Hmm

I love this song but you should wait for all the romantic clips of our SoSoo couple that are yet to come :wub: 

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I've look at the second make up appliance. WS looked at HS so lovingly while talking so soft and warm with her it breaks my heart... :tears:

She's creating distance between them but it wasn't bothering him. He just questioning her about it in everyday manner. Like when you ask your lover, "Why haven't you eat today? Is your stomach unwell?" as soft and cocern as possible. Sorry for the bad metaphor hehe. He also took a step forward to be closer to her. 

With Wook, it's as easy as breathing air because he is a gentle person initially. That's just his thing: being gentle and caring and comforting. Seeing him triple fold it, just making me goes 'aaawwwhh'. But with WS is not like that. He's not naturally gentle and soft. So seeing him like this is like a gift from heaven. He put so much effort and his voice is so much sexier that way.. The 'aaaawwwhhh' is triple fold. 

Ooohh.. This is breaking my heart! I hope they go well with the horse riding next ep. 

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Hae Soo will not change the history but maybe she will change certain facts. I will repeat myself. We are all horrified that he killed his brothers (well, one of them, two... or his grandchildren, it doesn't matter to me. But we don't know the reason. (Treason, attempt on his life or the destruction of the unity of the country or maybe just their stupidity. Sufficient reason for those times to be killed). But we forgot about his reforms and the fact that he abolished slavery, weakened the power of the nobles (And I think that was a good move). Powerful nobles tend to divide a country depending on their interests.


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5 hours ago, Diana Blanche said:

Hae Soo will not change the history but maybe she will change certain facts. I will repeat myself. We are all horrified that he killed his brothers (well, one of them, two... or his grandchildren, it doesn't matter to me. But we don't know the reason. (Treason, attempt on his life or the destruction of the unity of the country or maybe just their stupidity. Sufficient reason for those times to be killed). But we forgot about his reforms and the fact that he abolished slavery, weakened the power of the nobles (And I think that was a good move). Powerful nobles tend to divide a country depending on their interests.



There is time when one has to kill other people in order to save one's own life or for self-protection....
Regarding the matter of the throne, the reason may just be that either you kill or you get killed...
A King who is sitting on the throne can't be a King if he can't protect his own life, let alone his family, or his citizens...

Hae Seo's reaction to the pictures she sees of Wang So is over the cliff. She starts saying things about Wang So in the manner that will endanger Wang So without seeing the whole story or the reason behind....


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... just smiling by myself ... :) both of them even have the same kind of illusion: she thinks she can change history and he thinks she can only die if he gives her his permission ...

as we know from the novel , both of them are wrong - she wasnt able to change history and she died without him giving her permission ... I would call it "desire" illusion - the feeling that you can change fate

one of my favorite lines in this episode is "I was not manipulated. I knew and crawled into that seat" and one of my favorite scene is the hole dinner scene - I feel it shows the hole complexity of WS - the longing to be part of his family, the deep desire to be accepted and loved, the loving and kind part of him, the intelligence to realise his wishes will not come true, how fast he can understand a situation - his mother's real intention, how fast can he have a reaction and make an "attack" on her, the courage, the power to stand above his hurt feelings, the anger, the sincerity, the determination, the force of his personality, the deep of his disapointment, the cynical part, the dark side, the ambition one, the loving one, the charming part ...

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Can someone explain why king taejo has two queen now?

Isn't king can only have one queen at the time unless the queen died or dethroned..?

Now we have queen yoo and queen hwanbo together in the palace so who is hold a higher title and position since they both queen?

Sorry for this silly question :)

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In the end it does indeed look like HS and her limited knowledge in history is going to cause infighting with the brother. I feel really exasperated that dramas, women can't be smart enough to take things slowly or not be confused or surprised or totally oblivious all the time.

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I think Hae soo's reaction is justified in her consternation, albeit distressing to watch So reaction to her words.  

I'd be questioning my sanity if I was spontaneously having premonition and trying to reconcile with the fact I've just fell through time...which is where the inconsistency in her character becomes conspicuous to me. She had adapted remarkably well to Goryeo but it is now she falters? 

I can only attribute this to her growing feelings towards So. She's dismayed by her involvement, did she precipitate his ascension to throne by covering his scar? I'd be frightened too. Now her actions have consequences and she's afraid of how far those repercussions will reach.

From her perspective, she reacts plausibly but as an audience member it's difficult to watch. 

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