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[Drama 2016] Descendants of the Sun 태양의 후예


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@CatWhiskers ahaha I was just going to make a comment on the "oasis" reference too. Great minds :P haha

For sure, KMY found her "oasis" in YSJ after wondering helplessly in a "desert". Quite a good metaphor. 

In terms of the plausibility of the phone.. while I also questioned it, I also really liked it hahaha. But that's the charm of a crack kdrama, right? Like, a total guilty pleasure :P 

But to be realistic, yes, for sure the plan could still be paid and kept alive by his father or someone else. I know this occurs, which is why I mentioned the possibility briefly before. But when I thought about it, my questions were moreso with how he had his phone now if they don't take personal belongings with them into the field. And let's say, because this is a kdrama, he did have his phone on him.. why turn it on at that moment in the middle of the desert? Right?? But guys, this type of questioning can be done with a lot of scenes in the drama, so I don't think it takes away too much. It's like KMY's phone that was completely fine after crashing into the ocean. Like.. how? I mean, if they live in a world where YSJ can come back to life miraculously multiple times, why not have perfect timing with their phones? LOL. Either way, I did really enjoy that moment with the phone and the "unread" going to "read." Plus it just added to the drama of his return.

On a slight tangent: TOTAL Signal feels right at the moment with the walkie talkie and phone though yeah? I wonder if KES and KEH had a total *nudgewink* moment when watching the ep because they're friends. Again, great minds.. eh? haha :D Also, I think if KES and KEH collaborated on a drama, my mind would be BLOWN AWAY. One is so great in action/suspense/character development, and the other is amazing at writing romance. I would just commit to watch it hands down if they ever worked on a project together. The cost to hire them both would be through the roof though, so it most likely will never happen. I will say this though, while I know KES takes a lot of the writing credit because her style is so apparent in the drama, I'm pretty certain that the co-writer KWS helped A LOT in story development because for the most part, DOTS was a lot more consistent when compared to KES' previous dramas. Especially since KWS had the initial premise of the story made. 


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This episode was a big improvement over last week's episode. I have problems with the last five minutes, but before that..

Kang Mo Yeon!! (SHK I bow to thee) Such a wonderful character arc and SHK slayed it with her acting today. So much so that I didn't miss YSJ at all!

The initial denial, the soul crushing grief, anger, acceptance, attempting to move on, all was shown so realistically. Despite her grief, she didn't lose her grip on the world and climbed back to her original post. This shows her resilience. I loved that the writer had her go on with life, rather than renounce it. The volunteer mission in Albania to commemorate his death anniversary was also a nice touch. But I think something got lost on the editing table. Was YSJ's mission in Albania? Which brings me to the final scene..

It was beautifully shot. No question about that. But the writer better have a good explanation up his/her sleeve. Is it that he heard her call sign over the radio and hence rushed to meet her? Is he in some deep undercover op? What made the army declare them dead? I am assuming YSJ must have checked in with his superiors over the year. Unless he is now a spy, there is no need for him to strike out on his own in a foreign country. I can't wait for the explanation and I have a bad feeling that I'll be sorely disappointed. 

PS: The shot of KMY and YSJ running towards each other in the desert, did anyone else notice the symbolism? Or maybe I am over analyzing the scene. What came to my mind was God reaching out from above giving hope to mortals who are seeking it. YSJ, the flawless perfect soldier who has a God complex and KMY the poor mortal who is looking for a way to deal with her grief. 

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Regarding the phone, weren't YSJ and KMY using a chat app? Ordinary text messages (sms) won't show whether a text message has been read/seen. And if they are using an app like Line or FB messenger, you can log in to your account using a different phone or even a tablet or pc. So when the messages were read I thought that YSJ finally accessed his chat account. I didn't even consider him getting his old phone back. Just my two cents worth :-)


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4 minutes ago, pranx said:

This episode was a big improvement over last week's episode. I have problems with the last five minutes, but before that..

Kang Mo Yeon!! (SHK I bow to thee) Such a wonderful character arc and SHK slayed it with her acting today. So much so that I didn't miss YSJ at all!

The initial denial, the soul crushing grief, anger, acceptance, attempting to move on, all was shown so realistically. Despite her grief, she didn't lose her grip on the world and climbed back to her original post. This shows her resilience. I loved that the writer had her go on with life, rather than renounce it. The volunteer mission in Albania to commemorate his death anniversary was also a nice touch. But I think something got lost on the editing table. Was YSJ's mission in Albania? Which brings me to the final scene..

It was beautifully shot. No question about that. But the writer better have a good explanation up his/her sleeve. Is it that he heard her call sign over the radio and hence rushed to meet her? Is he in some deep undercover op? What made the army declare them dead? I am assuming YSJ must have checked in with his superiors over the year. Unless he is now a spy, there is no need for him to strike out on his own in a foreign country. I can't wait for the explanation and I have a bad feeling that I'll be sorely disappointed. 

PS: The shot of KMY and YSJ running towards each other in the desert, did anyone else notice the symbolism? Or maybe I am over analyzing the scene. What came to my mind was God reaching out from above giving hope to mortals who are seeking it. YSJ, the flawless perfect soldier who has a God complex and KMY the poor mortal who is looking for a way to deal with her grief. 


Did the albanian shooting scenes also take place in urk?

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This scene makes me super giddy!  *shooting love confetti into the air*

The way he says it effortlessly, but sounds so damn honest. May i say that I LOVE YOU BACK?

Maybe ' I love you' is overrated, but saying those words does carry some weight, it could be burdensome. Personally, those three magical words bring certain volume to their relationship. Or maybe i'm just that conventional :D

I'm expecting rainbows, kisses, tight hugs and all things sweet tonight. Keep 'em coming!

Btw, withdrawal syndrome? what withdrawal? I ain't gonna withdraw myself from anything, not for another month(s) ^_^

YT Vid Cr to @Song Joong Ki


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2 minutes ago, nataliakay said:

Ok this may be a stupid question but when KMY said it is death anniversary does she mean a year anniversary? Not like one month annivesary?


mmm I'm pretty certain it's a year since his death. 

And don't worry about asking questions :) 

Everyone should feel free to do so. It's a forum open for discussion for a reason. 


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I think that we should not speculate whether SJ ever liked MJ or what. Of course, it's freedom of discussion but for what purpose? There are details we should dwell into to help understand the drama better but this, for me, is not one of them. MY belongs to SJ and MJ belongs to DY, period. SJ and MJ like each other like very close friend.

When I look closer, I notice SJ has quite a number of scars or wounds. He doesn't look like he fully recovers from his injury either, quite thin in fact. But he still goes all the way to meet MY. To me, that shows how he misses her and being unable to contact her before is definetely not his choice but because of the circumstance. We will know futher about the context in tonight's episode but I am sure SJ will try to let MY know he is still alive as soon as he can.

I wish the "I love you" scene would be done diferently in a different setting. Sure, it is cute. But I secretly hoped before that these words would be spoken in a very touching moment. Seeing SJ and MY exchange banter and smile brightly is nice and so comfortable, I know. It's just my fantasy.

The lovely moments before SJ get sent away was too short. Mostly talk and  quite lack of skinship, in fact. I don't know why but their goodbye scene at the hospital doesn't touch me much. The scene of SJ looks behind before entering the helicopter with Argus's voiceover  makes me worry more. Thanks God the reunion scene makes up for all of that.

The scenes where MJ and MY cry at the stairsteps, I can't pinpoint it exactly but something is a little off. Maybe the camera angle? But how MY breaks down in her house alone is so heartbreaking.

The transition between MY's mourning and her return to work, it seems too quick for me to handle, if not for SHK's stellar performance.

And yet, with all these points I wish would have been done at least  differently, I still cried along like a baby. :(


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Overall, episode 15 is the peak of this drama. "Descendants of the sun", its YSJ who come out from the light of the sun in the setting of desert.


I wonder why KMY was asked to sign the letter for YSJ regarding of his death, not YSJ father. Im looking forward also to see KMY interaction with YSJ father.


In ep 15, if YSJ has recovered for 1 year, why did he come out with dust and blood in his body? I think they have had pretend to die, and did another mission. Also, when YMJ said to her soldier patient in Urk "tell the commander officer that you cant work too hard for a while". Who was in charge to be captain and sergaent major after YSJ and SDY death? I am curious also about their position after they come back today.

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Writernim Jebal :tears: ......... I don't have any tears left please give me a happy ending.:) I'm really sad to see this drama ending today. I hope we all will enjoy the ending. BTW I really love the rabbit and comrade stuff animals it's so adorable.


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4 minutes ago, bakegyamon said:



I wonder why KMY was asked to sign the letter for YSJ regarding of his death, not YSJ father. Im looking forward also to see KMY interaction with YSJ father.



I'm pretty sure that YSJ's father was also asked to sign the same waiver. In MY's case, they need to have her sign that waiver cos she knew YSJ went on a mission and that YSJ left her a letter. So they need her to keep quiet about what she knew. The dogtags went to YSJ'S dad because he's the next of kin. KMY and YSJ aren't married yet so Gen. Yoon didn't give it KMY. 

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16 minutes ago, angelicXD said:

Yeah one year passed. Thats really sad for lovers to be separated that long. Makes me feel sad for all the heartbreaks and longing our troops is going through. 

My hubby has done year long tours 3 times...they are not fun,  but I imagine that it is way worse to take if they are presumed to be dead which would be devastating. 

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