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15 hours ago, partyon said:


We'll probably get a baby announcement within 12 months too. :D Congrats to the happy couple! 



more than the couple (who I don't really know and I didn't watch CLOY), I am more happy for the shippers!!! :D the shipping community is often treated as a joke by fandom and they have to deal with so much stuff by actors fans who think shippers are delusional idiots and are not true fans etc. depending on the equation, some actors fans won't even let shipper fans join in any celebration of their actor. not to say all actor fans are so zealous and some very easy going and very accepting of shippers. however, it is one of the reasons, shippers end up hanging out in their own forum.


also non-shippers don't get the fun of being a shipper -- more than anything, it is about expressing a romantic hope and having a laugh as a group in the process. basically you get to indulge your romantic side as a group and it can be highly entertaining. it all depends on the ship. some are more romantic while others are just funny. so yea, it is great to see when a ship becomes successful -- just goes to show that sometimes people's instincts are bang on right. ^_^



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Problem is that some shippers take it to the next level and we've seen on more than one occasion some really toxic discussions and fights going on even on this forum. I'm not saying that all shippers are like that, but shippers do tend to get a bad rep because of the very vocal fandoms.

Also, tbh 99% of these ships aren't even real but are based on some romantic notions and dreams that the fans have. I've seen more than one video where the "proof" set forth by shippers holds no merit. And sometimes I wonder how comfortable celebrities feel about themselves being shipped too.


The kpop industry is one that has become warped because of fangirls wanting their gay ships to happen badly. Kpop groups are even encouraged to do shipping fan service, and the girly demeanor that idols have today enforce that notion too. It's all something that has been done on purpose for the kpop groups to make more money from their fans.


A lot of kpop idols struggle with the immense fame that they live with, and not being able to do normal things. Dating publicly is a big no no, and any idol that goes that route is in the risk of being abolished from the kpop industry. Chen from EXO anyone? Or Sungmin from Super Junior?


Unfortunately a lot of fans believe that they "own" their idols / celebrities and these idols / celebrities become "hostages". No wonder many stars feel the need to protect their private life even further.


We can safely assume most actors and idols date (or at least have dated at some point in time) - many girlfriends/boyfriends are non-celebs. I wonder how it feels for the people they are dating that their partners are being shipped with other people?


Celebrities are people too, and having their life and every action they take being dissected, interpreted and (probably most of the time) twisted can't always be easy for them.


Just my view on shipping.




PS. Peeps, let's do the math, okay? :kiss_wink:

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@4evrkdrama @Ameera Ali @Calli

@elan1 @hsmz @joccu 

@larus @LeftCoastOppa @mirmz




*bowed head* hai there. chingudeul 

yeah :D

very glad that this calculation could be started here with add in and subtract. :D










feels very pleasing by just looking at it.




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1 hour ago, partyon said:


Problem is that some shippers take it to the next level and we've seen on more than one occasion some really toxic discussions and fights going on even on this forum. I'm not saying that all shippers are like that, but shippers do tend to get a bad rep because of the very vocal fandoms.

agree with all of your points -- my view is that the same can be applied to fandom as well. it is not like they are more sane than shippers :lol: they also think they own their celebs and they are not allowed to date anyone LOL. what people forget is that not all ships or fandoms are alike. they actually have unique characters just like the actors themselves.


my personal feel is that if the ships and fandoms are problematic, then it is also a reflection of the dynamic / actors in some level. sane actors/ships attract sane fans who are smart enough to know that this is all a bit of fun. they are well aware that actors are free to date whoever and are more supportive. some ships won't even comment or post on the actors social media. they are super careful to be hands off -- basically a mother hen/aunty type approach -- we want the best for you but this is your life type idea. it really depends on the leaders in the group and how they navigate more younger/immature type fan/shipper behaviour.....


there there are *cough* *cough* some actors/actresses and their fans are also weird. :sweatingbullets: they even try to justify weird/strange social media or criminal behaviour... and you just want to face palm... they can also go on offensives and this in turn causes even sane shippers to lose it a bit.


then there is the cultural/money aspects which really makes things complicated. for whatever reason, in some entertainments, fans aren't just fans. they are in some sense sponsors and so there is this weird symbiotic relationship between the actors and the fans/ships. so much so the actors cannot be themselves and weirdly hide even marriages and kids in some places. :sweatingbullets: then there are other entertainment circles where fandom and shippers are all about having fun. neither party cares if anything really comes out of it.... in some entertainments, the fans are more like social clubs and even get involved in whatever social cause their actor is interested in. so they actually do social work more and people benefit... then there are PDs who take advantage of ships and fandom in order to keep their shows going and ratings not falling... 


so it is interesting to observe and see what are the factors and different facets affecting how these groups react.....



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41 minutes ago, kokodus said:

@Lmangla You can easily write a thesis paper on shipping....


kekekek.... I really hope it is being studied in all seriousness @kokodus; I feel it is a pity that fans and shippers are just brushed off as silly people or activity. however, there are wider implications. because the internet is relatively new and so many things are happening too quickly, it is taking longer for govts to form IT related policies. however, at some point, more and more will be crafting stuff on privacy, social media etiquette, cyber crime and so on.


in order to form well crafted policies that make sense and work, one has to understand how these fans and people on social media behave. what are the nuances? what keeps some sane and some cuckoo? what are the specific cultural factors and dynamics that are coming into play? also, the positives have to be understood as well as the group dynamics and how that feeds into negative behaviour. why are more and more people interacting online and how do these forums take the place of social clubs (of yesteryears)? why are people feeling so lonely that they are taking more and more to online activities? so how is it going to influence society going forward in both the positive as well as the negative?... so there is actually a lot to unpack and I do hope that it is being studied closely by people in different fields such as sociology, crime, psychology, IT . 


also as an aside, I did read research many years ago that forums such as soompi can be a positive because they actually behave like an old fashioned social club. so the benefits of friendship, interaction all happen even if is behind display names. interesting no? however, that doesn't apply to other social media... forums are super old school in those terms!



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Happy weekend!


Good afternoon @Thong Thin, thanks for the coffee! Sleep some more when it's bed weather and there's nothing else to do. ^_^


@kokodus I did watch those scenes and cried again, sigh. 




Gremlins and I watched it last night. Sadly,  the 6th installment of Ice Age isn't as funny and interesting as the previous Ice Age movies and shorts. Even the colourings aren't as vivid, that the gremlins were asking why they all looked so dull. 




This was way more interesting, even to someone who isn't a Potterhead. :)


@Lmangla and @partyon, shippers should read your posts. Even fans should, since there are fandom groups that get angry if their idols are shipped to anyone. 


@Sleepy Owl, still remember the war in two threads early last year? 



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1 hour ago, MayanEcho said:


@Lmangla and @partyon, shippers should read your posts. Even fans should, since there are fandom groups that get angry if their idols are shipped to anyone. 

kekekek....many of those fans need to a self-awareness check on why they get mad and this sense of loss. do they feel lonely and project their romantic hopes all onto this ship/fandom and then feel dashed?? what were they trying to fix or distract themselves from in their lives? and now that they no longer have those idols to focus on, how will they deal with their real life? 


back when shipping threads were more active because of the variety show, "we got married", I used to post my shipping thesis (as @kokodus calls it) a lot -- to stop fan wars LOL. :lol: 


so there was a non-shipper thread which discussed all 3 couples on the main variety section. then there were the shipper threads which were dedicated to one couple and people who enjoyed watching those two would mainly congregate there. however, they all read the main WGM thread and would get upset at us when we would dissect, diss or ignore one of the couples.


it always used to crack me up as we were a very small thread on the variety section in terms of number of posters. maybe just 4-5 of us and sometimes only 2 of us. and yet, our opinion mattered much and there were quite a few times that I had to remind them of the following:

1. there is no such thing as one ship is superior to another -- it just means that you prefer a certain relationship dynamic and find that romantic. so shipping can actually be educational in that it can tell a lot about what you want and are generally looking for in a relationship. 

2. no one is obligated to like what you like but it does not make what you like less important -- so rather than feeling bad, instead just enjoy the ride because you know PD will rotate out the couples in few months. 

3. pay attention -- people are going to have different views but it is important to ask why. while it not necessary to agree and you can continue to disagree, you can also learn something along the way....


so my thesis did usually work to stop the noise and surprisingly, there were good conversations. I remember one girl saying that while she usually gravitated to couple B type dynamic (cute puppy dog type crush), it always fizzled out. so she was trying to see what she can learn from couple C (which the WGM thread liked more) and how she can apply those dynamics (better communication, teamwork and respect) into her relationships going forward. I was surprised to say the least to read that post. it made me realize that even something like shipping or dissecting a silly show can be very educational. it all depends on your perspective!



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21 minutes ago, larus said:

Who are they? :D


They are the actors playing MJ and Gorya in F4 Thailand (BOF). He's a supporting lead and she's the female lead.


They look cute together! :dontwanna: Actually cuter than the ML & FL together. :D

Are they dating IRL? :smooches3:


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3 hours ago, MayanEcho said:

This was way more interesting, even to someone who isn't a Potterhead. 


Agree; that was pretty entertaining...and we are all Potterheads here. The whole discussion about the scene where Ron and Hermione had to kiss had me LOLing. :sweat_smile:


@MayanEcho and @kokodus I finished Reset Ep 1 last night. It did get better. :lol: Even hubby got sucked in to watching. It reminds us of Edge of Tomorrow (Live Die Repeat) with Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt. Hope to watch more this weekend.


Good day, everyone! Can somebody in Asia please send me some of these:








I want one right now. :D



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