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@angelangie, sorry, this is random, but I just noticed the other day that there's a thread with staff bios.  I noticed your comment that you first fell in love with Kdramas after "All About Eve," and I just had to share that "All About Eve" was also my introduction to Kdramas!  Life's never been the same ever since my mom introduced it to me.  We love that one so much.  Can't tell you how many times we've watched it!  And since we watched it dubbed in Chinese, there are some scenes we've practically memorized by now.  :lol:



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2 minutes ago, angelangie said:

lols.....yea it was my first and also the start of my life into kdrama world :D  i still brought it out to be re-watch some times and i still love them both :D  it is almost like my first love ahahaha


It's a classic.  You never forget your first love.  And seriously, Jang Dong Gun!!!  His character was -- and still is -- the best.  *sighs*  LOL.


My mom and I used to rewatch it whenever we had nothing else to watch.  Haven't done that in a while, but I'm sooo tempted to bring it out again now.  LOL.



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12 minutes ago, angelangie said:

oh i know what you meant....lols none came close to him in my eyes lols.....though we have many drop dead hunk left and right into the screen now but still he will held the spot for me and of course together with Chae Rim.....both of the chemistry was the reason i love Kdrama :D 


Tooooootally.  He'll always be the president of my Kdrama hero harem.  :lol:  And he and Chae Rim were perfect.


I really love the fact that they established a friendship first, that he always respected her feelings for her the other guy, and that he waited for her to be ready to move on before pursuing anything romantic.  Patience and respect, those were truly the hallmarks of those two's relationship, and JDG's character had the patience of a saint.  Not many men would've been okay with his girlfriend taking time to help their former love of their life through a difficult time in their life!  He was sooo good.  Toooo good!  I also appreciated that he was never swayed or fooled by the second female lead.  Too many times in dramas, characters act stupidly because they're blind to the other characters' evil sides, but that's not the case in "All About Eve."  Sigh... I'm falling in love with the drama all over again.  Haha!



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On 1/20/2018 at 1:00 AM, stroppyse said:




@bedifferent, I have a feeling you're probably already done with the musubis and gone to bed, but just in case. I wouldn't want to wet your hand/glove with waters as you wrap it up in the nori. The water will cause the nori to shrink. If you're specifically making musubis, do you have the musubi mold to make them? Or perhaps a kimbap roller?


Otherwise, it's basically just grilled spam, rice (or seasoned rice) and strips of nori. So, if you don't have the mold to make the musubi shape, and you don't have a kimbap roller, then I would make balls of rice first, about half the of your fist or whatever amount of rice you want per musubi. And, making the balls of rice, you can use water or some seasoned solution, e.g. rice vinegar, sugar, water, to help form your rice balls. Once you've made all of the balls, you can flatten the balls and put them on top of your nori strip, then put the grilled spam and wrap the rest of the nori strip on top.


Okay, now I'm getting hungry, and I haven't had any spam in like forever.




Thanks stroppyse, they were a hit.  I switched to lite spam then had to add teriyaki sauce after searing cuz it was not salty enough.  I used a mold, so much easier.  I should have sell them at the lift, bet ya I would have made enough for a lift ticket.


If you ever in Hawaii, there is a small hole in the wall, Musubi & Bento Iyasumi that made the weirdest combo fresh, $1.75. They also have bentos to go, their butterfish is pretty good.  It's a few blocks away from Marukame Udon.


Every time I eat spam, feels like it's a Walking Dead moment.  Mystery meat should be savor once yearly only @TRaNz 


@triplem I'm trying to hit Phuket, Chiang Mai and Bangkok in 6 days.  Not possible I know, going in June, craze me!  Then I do a 10day layover in Japan.  Planned Tokyo (again), Kyoto and Osaka.  I need tips for where to eat in Osaka.  The last time I was there it was matsusaka beef (maybe Matsusakagyu in Dotonbori), this time I need to try another resto.  Maybe this time I will try the multicourse crab meals and another kaiseki.  In Tokyo, hitting the Golden Gai, Kabukicho areas... soooo looking forward to it. I think one thing I need to do this time, going in June, is to hit Hakone Onsen.


I'll take any and all recs from you for both Japan and Thailand!! Thank you!! 


Hello everyone~



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