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[Drama 2020] It's Okay not to be Okay, 사이코지만 괜찮아


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The BlueBeard and The Hunchback of Notre Dame crossed over at the end, hopefully it’s just a light hearted addition and not a kind of premonition. Because Quasimodo dies and Esmeralda lives in the book while in the drama was the opposite.

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Finally, my fav Choi Daniel is making the cameo with Kim Soo Hyun! The naver article says that he will confront Kim Soo Hyun's character in the drama! 


I can't really wait for it! ❤️


Saturday, please come fast! :lol:


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1 hour ago, Alice Wonderland said:

haha, I love the new theme btw. You can change into evolution one, it looks even cooler and no eye strain! :lol:


omo!! How do we change it to the evolution one? I like this theme when I am using it in the dark but during day time, it’s quite hard to get use to lol.



As we see from the flashback memories that MY has, her mom and dad aren't normal. The mom keep telling her some thoughts that she's different from others and she shouldn't be friend other people too. And we also learned from the recent episode that when she eagerly to welcome KT who visit her with those flowers, her mom (probably, we can't see her face) stopped her. With this constant doctrine and shut her off from the social life slowly turned her developing some ASPD through times. Plus the trauma that caused by her dad who keep trying to kill her completes her mentality issues. 


Despite will all of those treatments she got from them, I am amazed that she still grow as normal as she can be. She didn't become like her parents, you can tell that she's perfectly sane if all those trauma healed. 


see that is how I feel too. We definitely see and know the parents contributed to MY being this way. Yet, she didn’t grow to be like her parents. She still suffers from the scars but she is able to bear it to herself without slashing others. Now this makes me wonder: just how long did MY live under her parents before her dad moved into the OK location. He must have been deemed to have mental issues to be in that kind of place in the first place since he isn’t in a nursing home for his age. We know MY’s mother was found in the basement (but question is: is she dead or comatose somewhere?) I actually believe she is dead but a part of me tells me she is comatose somewhere. MY did mention her mom is no longer alive..but being in a vegetative state can also trigger someone not being ‘alive’ either. They are on life support constantly. 



And now let's we discuss about ST and KT. I know ST autism doesn't stop him form living a normal life in his own. I guess with some independent practice, he can take care of himself well. Since kids, their mom used to make him to rely on his brother and someone burden KT as a result. In his young age, she has to take responsible as the mature adult and act like a guardian big brother for ST. I wonder if their mom choose a different method which teach both kids to do their work on their own while helping each other whenever facing some problems or difficulties. I guess ST wouldn't be this dependent and KT will also have his own privacy for himself. I don't mean to blame what mom did, I just try to think it could be better this way. 


to be honest, I feel horrible for KT’s upbringing. His mom seemed like a very caring and loving mom, but she did neglect KT for ST on the occasions we have been shown. It is easy for a kid to feel their mother favorites another one more.  I actually think ST is able to take care of himself as shown in this past episode. He can make his own choices and try to achieve it. He does think about his brother even with his autistic mind. As a child, their mother always thought ST need more caring than KT. She probably didn’t believe ST was capable of doing things on his own: to some extent, this is true. ST still needs guidance here and there. But I believe that he is not fully a dependent on KT. KT believes he has to take care of ST because his mother bestowed that duty on him. I know he loves his brother but I am sure he cannot help but feel pitiful for living a life the way he is. I think, after the moment ST left him in the ice pond, he realizes that his brother is the one who can abandon him because he doesn’t comprehend when someone is in need of help. Yet, he clings onto ST because he is all that is left of what family he knows. Therefore, he knows he cannot abandon his brother for the sake of his brother’s condition and for the point that he will be all alone, truly. If KT’s mom didn’t use the words she did on him, nor the way she showed her love differently towards both sons, I believe both of them would have grown up differently. It could be that the mom was also at her end’s wit. But still..it doesn’t mean she should tell one child that she bore him for the sole reason of taking care of the other. Like, whoa..that’s wrong on many levels.




Next we have JR, I think this is the first time I don't hate second FL which is a bit annoying here. She seems nice but will be super obnoxious when things don't go her way. I still see how spoiled she is when she cried over her one side love fail to mom. But I love her mom, she has such a great mom. I love how she calmed her with all her wise words. She didn't tell her to go for what she love with her best effort without giving her any wrong ideas. I respect for her mom!


lol, she annoys me too but her actions doesn’t seem too far fetched for me. It’s just that there is something about her that seems too soft for me..that it is almost a facade. I am glad her mom is there to guide her. This is something KT and MY lacks. So I hope JR doesn’t take it for granted.




ehm, KT has an obvious image that we can directly see with our bare eyes, :lol:


haha have you heard of this before: “even the bare eyes can miss details that requires xray vision..” hahaha! Better to be on the xray lookout :P



I never really read the BB book but I know a bit of its story through dramas and some wikipedia reference. lol. And I'm not that familiar with this Hunchback and Notre Dame, but I think I've heard about it somewhere. Sounds like a barbie Notre Dame? no??? hahaha. 


But I like the bb at the ending, it is indeed scary but they also make it to be pretty much funny, do you see all their heads off and put into a display?? I thought what the hell? what this epilogue supposed to be? someone enlighten me please, cuz I'm a bit confused in this part. lol


opps, so long, hope I don't bore you ya :lol:

haha nope, u don’t bore me at all. Notre Dame is a story I am not familiar with however I do know a little. He is a hunchback who longs to be with people but must hide due to his appearance. He is afraid people will judge him and deemed him “ugly”. I just found it interesting that this character shows alongside BlueBeard. Oh yes, when I saw those heads, I jumped. Then the blooper made me laugh because the heads moved and laughed too LOL! Disney also did a Notre Dame version movie.


1 hour ago, cenching said:

The BlueBeard and The Hunchback of Notre Dame crossed over at the end, hopefully it’s just a light hearted addition and not a kind of premonition. Because Quasimodo dies and Esmeralda lives in the book while in the drama was the opposite.


this is what I found interesting too. The crossover. That’s why I am hoping it has nothing to do with the story and is just an addition to the BB arc. 

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After a few episodes, I'm still wondering whether KT is the reason why both JR and MY became "enemy" when they were young.  Both JR and KT have quite similar economic background.  Their mothers worked hard to bring up their children while MY was (still is) wealthier and have both parents at that time. At first I thought maybe the different economic background could be the reason but for now I'll wait till I know more from JR and her mother instead of just relying from the characters' description.  Seeing JR's behaviour towards her mother also made me want to know more about her background when she was young.   


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1 hour ago, Teeners said:

Wow. I have finally caught up on all the episodes, and all 80+ pages of the thread. It took me so long Soompi changed colors on me! Lol. I've really enjoyed everyone's theories and analysis. It makes watching the show much more fun.


Wow I am amazed at your dedication hahaha! This thread moves so much faster than I could keep up! And agree, reading how different people have a different perception about the show is definitely eye opening!



Couldn't agree more. As I watched the show, I've been amazed by GT's endless devotion to ST. After the ice incident in Episode 6, I wonder if he's been experiencing a lot of guilt and feels forever bonded to ST.


Yes honestly the scene when young KT ran away, it made KT's character feel a lot more tangible. Prior to episode 6, KT had always been the faithful brother by ST's side. But him breaking down in tears and showing how he is frustrated that his life is dictated by ST's made him feel human.


I don't think he continued to remain by ST's side out of guilt however. KT appears to be very kind, forgiving and tenderhearted since he was young. Even after getting angry about his life needs to be bonded to ST, the next moment we see that KT is glad to have ST playing with him on the ice. He doesn't hold grudges against ST. Even as ST was running towards thin ice, KT tried to stop him. If anything, I think if I were KT, I would get angry that after jumping into ice water to save ST, ST ran off without saving him back out! However KT is just understanding enough to look past that. I think KT initially walking away from ST just goes to show that every person has their moment of weakness.


I think this is the same reason why KT had always been drawn back to MY. He has the same compassion for MY as he does for ST. All the moments which we have seen KT drawing close to MY were all moments when he felt deep down that MY was hurting badly or about to be harmed. As much as he had been trying to stay away from her, KT can't find it in himself the hardness of heart to withhold care from someone who needs it.


MY is intrigued by KT because of this (tbh, I would be too. Tenderhearted men ftw). Even from a young age, she witnessed KT hesitating between prioritising his own freedom versus saving ST. KT showed MY that there is such a thing as sacrificial love. A love that's not about what we can get out of it but a love that requires us to give ourselves away (like the story of the Zombie Child). This perhaps hints that this sacrificial love was never a part of her life and her existence in her family was merely to serve the needs of her parents. If given a choice, perhaps it is visibly clear to MY that her parents would ultimately always prioritise their own needs over her.



I can't quite wrap my head around the JR character. So far, I don't think she's really helped move the plot forward. Maybe we'll get some flashback scenes of her childhood?  She was rather mean to her mom after GT moved out! It seems her mom anticipated this reaction because she was trying so hard not to let this info slip.


I think JR exists for a few reasons:

- To represent prejudice from a normal person towards someone with a mental disorder

- Represent a normal family (although, she seems to have been raised by a single mom but her mom definitely functioned as a typical parent and we can see that her mom loves her very much) in comparison to the dynamics of MY (lack of love shown) and KT (improportionate love albeit very sacrificial)'s families. Interestingly we also see how KT seems out of place and less comfortable in JR's welcoming home with a warm family to eat with versus being in the cold cursed castle cooking for MY and ST and forming their own version of a family. 

- Contrast the connection between MY and KT with each other versus with other people. Through interactions with JR, we can see how MY and KT relate very differently when they are with each other. Especially KT. Despite JR loving him and caring for him, we can see that nobody could really understand and make KT feel understood quite as much as MY who comes from a less than perfect childhood environment.


I think it's too early to tell if she would further move the plot but I think she was a catalyst of both KT and MY coming to OK Hospital. I think KT would not have considered returning to the town if not for JR so she's not all an aimless character entirely hahaha.



There are so many different pairs of mother-child dynamics in this show. I'm not quite sure how they all tie into the show's theme, but they stood out to me...

  • GT. You all have dissected this nicely. His mom really put him in an unenviable position. To go so far to tell him the reason she had him was so he could take care of ST!
  • MY. Gosh. This THE mystery for me right now. Is she dead or alive and what did she do to young MY? Do we think MY's memories of her mom are reliable?
  • JR. They seem to have a fairly healthy relationship but at times, JR's a bit harsh with her mom. I see this a lot in real life as kids grow to be adults. You're no longer in fear of punishment/discipline from your parents and aren't afraid to raise your voice.
  • Kwon Gi-Do. Poor KGD. I feel his mom would have acted differently towards him if she wasn't married to a prominent politician. She had to live up to societal expectations and cast away the wayward son.
  • The patient who thinks MY's her daughter. Even though she's in a psychiatric hospital, and her mental state is considered not "normal," she doesn't stop being a mom. She's worried about finding a good match for her daughter.


Love how you out this together! It makes me wonder if the theme of the drama actually centers around the roles of a mother and its implications on their children. Since Zombie Child is also very much themed around the thought of motherhood. I am equally as curious about MY's mom and I do wonder if she could possibly be alive.


I am also worried about the truth of KT's mom's murder because I foresee that the truth behind it will unleash a lot of pain for KT and maybe even MY. I hope I am wrong :bawling:


EDIT: Just want to chime in! In regards to the Notre Dame reference, perhaps it is intentionally portrayed by KT's character to hint of his perception of himself. I think growing up thinking his life purpose is merely to exist for ST and that his mother only wanted him because of ST takes a toll on KT's self esteem. I look forward to how this is played out especially now that someone else has admitted to be MY's man. Hahahaha.

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@Teeners whoa! You caught up on all 80 pages!!


:heartxoxo: amazing! I try to catch up too but this thread does go by fast and makes it hard for me to keep up lol. There is definitely a lot of interesting theories here and it’s a joy to read all of it.  I agree with you that this drama does focus on the different mothers we have been shown so far. So far,  i think we have only seen two fathers in this drama: the suicidal one and MY’s father. Interesting thing is that both fathers display behaviors of wanting to kill someone. The mothers so far have either been verbally manipulative (MY’s mom), neglectful (KT’s mom), wise (JR’s mom) and yearning for lost daughter (patient who mistook MY to be her own). All are mothers that display their maternal instincts differently whereas it seems that the fathers are shown to be more violent and physical. I wonder if the purpose is to show us that this is the pattern of societal norms upon parents who raise their children differently but in truth, any parents can stray and the children will suffer instead. Usually, it is stated that men tend to be more abusive than women hence women suffer more domestic violence than vice versa. No one really thinks that a woman is capable of doing the same to a child. I wonder if the purpose is to show the contradiction of what norms believe. (Man, do I even make sense?) haha. My thoughts are just rambling away..

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Lists of Most Buzz Worthy Dramas & Actors [1st Week of July, 2020]
Good Data Corporation has shared its weekly rankings of the most popular dramas and cast members who have generated the most buzz over the past week! The company analyzed news articles, blog posts and online communities, videos, and social media from June 29 to July 5 for dramas that are currently airing or are set to air, and they revealed the results on July 6.
The top 10 dramas that generated the most buzz for the 1st week of July
1. tvN “It’s Okay not to be Okay” - 34.13% (0)
2. KBS2 “Once Again” - 13.43% (0)
3. SBS “Backstreet Rookie” - 10.95% (0)
4. tvN “My Unfamiliar Family” - 6.44% (+2)
5. tvN “Oh My Baby” - 5.12% (+3)
6. MBC  “Kkondae Intern” - 4.87% (-2)
7. KBS2 “Into the Ring“ - 4.81% (NEW)
8. MBC “Dinner Mate” - 3.93% (-1)
9. TVCHOSUN “The King Maker” - 2.8% (0)
10. KBS2 “A Dangerous Promise“ - 2.69% (0)
The top 10 drama actors that generated the most buzz for the 1st week of July
1. tvN “It’s Okay not to be Okay” - Seo Ye-ji (+1)
2. tvN “It’s Okay not to be Okay” - Kim Soo-hyun (-1)
3. SBS “Backstreet Rookie” - Kim Yoo-jung (0)
4. KBS2 “Into the Ring“ - Nana (NEW)
5. tvN “My Unfamiliar Family” - Han Ye-ri (+1)
6. tvN “Oh My Baby” - Jang Na-ra (+1)
7. SBS “Backstreet Rookie” - Ji Chang-wook (+5)
8. KBS2 “Once Again - Lee Cho-hee (-3)
9. KBS2 “Once Again - Lee Sang-yeob (+5)
10. KBS2 “Once Again - Lee Min-jung (+7)
Source: https://instagram.com/gooddata_official




OSEN | 2020. 07. 06.
Seo Ye Ji pressured to be noticed for her appearance instead of acting skills




Seo Ye Ji, the actress starring in the airing weekend drama "It's Okay to Not Be Okay" (tvN), is unexpectedly becoming the talk of the town thanks to her surreal figure. Instead of the drama's storyline or Seo Ye Ji's acting capability, the audience is pouring interest in the outfits she put on her slender body.

As an artist, it would be grateful to receive public attention. However, it would not be so pleasant as an actress to make headlines for her clothes and body shape, not for her character in the drama.

In response, on the afternoon of July 6, Seo Ye Ji's management agency, Gold Medalist, cautiously shared with OSEN, "Actress Seo Ye Ji is also pressured amid this situation." The company explained that although episode 6 of "It's Okay to Not Be Okay" had been aired last weekend, the viewers pay excessive attention to the external aspects rather than drama. This has put Seo Ye Ji under pressure.

Seo Ye Ji is one of few actresses in the Korean entertainment industry with an outstanding height, slender physique, thick eyebrows on a small face, and attractively husky voice. According to her profile, she is 169cm tall and weighs 43kg. However, she looks even thinner than this number on the small screen. Above all, all are curious about the tiny size of Seo Ye Ji's waist.

"It's Okay to Not Be Okay" (scriptwriter: Jo Yong, director: Park Shin Woo) starring Seo Ye Ji and Kim Soo Hyun is a work revolving around two characters: Kang Tae (played by Kim Soo Hyun) - a caretaker working at a psychiatric ward, Moon Young (played by Seo Ye Ji) - a fairy tale writer who knows nothing about love due to birth defects. The drama depicts the story of the two healing each other's wounds.

The first ep airing on June 20 recorded the viewership ratings of 6.1% (provided by Nielsen Korea, based on the standard of fee-paying platforms nationwide), ep 2 to ep 6 reached 4.7%, 5.9%, 4.9%, 5.2%, and 5.6% respectively. This is not a fine achievement compared to the audience's expectations. However, the ratings are likely to rise along with the development of the storyline.

The image of Go Moon Young always struggling with nightmares and Moon Kang Tae becoming her support, who can profoundly understand her pain, has multiplied the drama's grievous emotion, making the audience more expectant for the next episode.

On the other hand, after debuting in the drama "Potato Star 2013QR3" (tvN) in 2013, Seo Ye Ji has acted in various works such as "Diary of a Night Watchman" (2014), "Super Daddy Yeol" (2015), "Last" (2015), "Moorim School" (2016), "Hwarang: The Beginning" (2016), "Save Me" (2017), "Lawless Lawyer" (2018).


OSEN = Reporter Kim Bo Ra / purplish@osen.co.kr
Photo = Screeenshots from "It's Okay to Not Be Okay"
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I don't know why this show is not getting higher ratings. What's there not to like about this drama. I mean 5% is not bad for a cable drama but it deserves much better. Maybe it's because of the current world situation so people are not that interested in watching heavy shows and there's also this Netflix thing. Nevertheless I am disappointed.


@hwonhwon_stv The Head Nurse seemed suspicious to me too. She didn't even consider that there might be some other reason why MY's dad chocked MY especially since they are in a mental hospital. 


I hope the Hospital Director along with KT helps MY overcome her trauma that Director seems genuinely nice.


The thread is moving so fast that whenever I try to say something I find someone else have already said this :lol:



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