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[Drama 2021] Penthouse/War in Life, 펜트하우스


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9 hours ago, sasha1818 said:

Can I just say that Yoon Hee is screwed the minute Logan and SSR find out what she did?

The writer is adding more dimension to this drama so as to confused the audience. Who know, Ha Eun-Byeol next? Maybe Min Seol-A trying to hid herself at the edge of the balcony from her relentless, nevertheless fell and was witness by Yoon-Hee ? 

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Okay, so Rona and Yoon Hee can go to hell....she is comin across worse than the lawyer and bathhouse lady living in Hera Palace. Dan Tae is pathetic, evil. Su Ryeong deserves so much better. I am just like, this was too much. Is Eugene not doing this on the long run, otherwise there's no reason for this twist? Are they writing her off the show?

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The writers are lowkey insane with this twist.


First, they tried to make YH be the one who would potential be framed but then she was confirmed that she didn't do it by SJ's husband. As viewers, we thought that YH only met SJ's husband at that night.


Then, they gave us hints about YH meeting MSA at that night.


And now this?!?!?


In the preview, we saw YH and Rona turning evil. The preview, is just ugh. How do I say this? Bitter. Now I know why we were not suppose to root YH in the first place because the writers knew we would disagree with her actions. 


I really hope her memory is wrong but just like @chococarmela said, the person has short hair and was wearing a coat.


And the kids, there is no good kid in the drama. Rona was my only hope but now knowing that she will turn evil, sigh. Oh well, at least she'll fight back, I guess...


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Okay I have no idea what to describe today's ep but like.. SOMEONE GIVE KIM SOYEON BEST ACTRESS PLS?! The only thing memorable to me today was her screaming. Seojin's just screaming and screaming and screaming the entire episode lmao!


Also, idk what to think about Rona now. I get it, she's probably going through a "phase" and is all emo emo but I am really hoping the writers don't downgrade her character cause I'm getting a little impatient ugh. 


I can say that my new OTP is officially Logan & Suryeon! Hope somehow their partnership could turn into something much more hehe 


And even though I've always wanted Rona x Seokhoon but I'm not exactly anticipating the next ep where they start "going out". Like it feels as if Rona's just "using" him to get back at the gang and we'll prolly know what Seokhoon really feels in the next ep. 


tl:dr - i feel like the storyline is getting complicated and messy. but i kinda expected it since its a makjang after all! 

2 hours ago, Secretz said:

And the kids, there is no good kid in the drama. Rona was my only hope but now knowing that she will turn evil, sigh. Oh well, at least she'll fight back, I guess...


Same! Like of course we don't want her to become evil like the other kids but it's better for her to start fighting back instead of letting them control her. I think I'd rather she fight back and show the rest that she's no pushover. We also gotta understand, she's a teenager who's been bullied countless of time, if she doesn't fight back she'll be like MSA - dead! 

2 hours ago, chococarmela said:

I went back to episode one... short hair, dark sleeves... it's not DT. Can't be SJ either. The only logical answer is YH.

If it turns out to be YH, I foresee her and Suryeon friendship breaking. Maybe in season 2? Logan x Suryeon's target could change to YH if they found out..

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12 minutes ago, lebritneeey said:

I foresee her and Suryeon friendship breaking. Maybe in season 2? Logan x Suryeon's target could change to YH if they found out..


It was definitely foreshadowed with the promises and kindness stuff. Perhaps YH will be the villain in season 3.


I. Need. Spoilers. For episode 17! Why did ep. 16 just end like that?! That cliffhanger was so cruel.

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4 hours ago, Curlytop Asmr Lee said:

Come on guys...YH is not the killer. She has trouble remembering things from that night because she was drunk. Wasn;t she with Her old friend YC.?  She is just having delusions. They wouldn't have the protaganist be the killer. 


Yes they can. I have watched other dramas where the protagonist is a killer. I'd say that YH finally has all her memories back that night and it makes sense that she turned out to be the killer. One of the plot summaries specifically describes YH's plot, "A woman puts everything on the line to achieve her goal of being able to move into a luxury penthouse in the Gangnam District. In the process, she gradually finds herself turning into a monster."  When it came to who I originally suspected on MSA's killer, I assumed it was either JDT or SJ. But if it turned out to be neither of them, it had to be YH. She had another opportunity to get her daughter in that school and she finally took it. Either way this just got more interesting.


1 hour ago, Cinderello Martinez said:

so YH is the killer? so who is the father of hye jin?

Hye Jin was just random girl who got switched with MSA at birth. Who her real parents are isn't important. What's important is that SR is kind enough to still think of her as a daughter and SR's land is under her name.

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2 hours ago, lebritneeey said:

Okay I have no idea what to describe today's ep but like.. SOMEONE GIVE KIM SOYEON BEST ACTRESS PLS?! The only thing memorable to me today was her screaming. Seojin's just screaming and screaming and screaming the entire episode lmao!

Seriously, I was like damn she must’ve been damn exhausted from those scenes...she literally owned her character. The scene when her dad died and she ran away with the folder she literally became a small, selfish, narcissistic, evil child in a woman’s body.


4 hours ago, chococarmela said:

I went back to episode one... short hair, dark sleeves... it's not DT. Can't be SJ either. The only logical answer is YH. Plus, in the next episode, she burns the stuff she wore that night. We don't know when she went back home...

Short hair, dark sleeves could also be Seok Hoon...right? Would make sense to be him as he is his father’s child and has trauma from being abused by him!


I really don’t want YH to be the killer but I don’t want it to be SH either...I’d rather it be one of DT’s minions...


I really think the writer is trolling us...YH is having a bad memory and will have a fallout with Suryeon...Which I don’t like because I feel they are both outcasts and need each other.


When it comes to the kids, I’m not rooting for anyone they’re all bad apples and brats...and Rona is just so ungrateful to her mom from the beginning. 

The only child who was sane was Min Seola, I kinda wish they hit us with the she’s not really dead at some point... just like Suryeon’s fake child Hye Jin.


can anyone tell me what was the point of DT’s old secretary helping Suryeon? Personally that never made sense to me as to his motivations and I was kind’ve waiting for the writers to give a solid explanation but they just killed him off. Unless I missed it 

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Look Away if you don't want spoilers


So Rona and SeokHoon are together. EB tries to turn SH against Rona by telling him that YH is having an affair with her dad but SH plays uno reverse and says that it's actually HER MOM that's sleeping with her dad.


Rona and Yoon Hee are shaping up to be even worse than SeoJin and EB. Rona is now going to throw her weight around by using SH while her MOTHER is apparently eying SR's place.


The core of this show is basically parallels of different pairs of mothers and daughters. SR has been earmarked to be the hero from the start while her daughter who is the innocent that died. The death that sparked off this whole plot. 


Logan Lee and SR are going to have a love line while YH is now suspicious of Logan Lee and SR while making moves towards Dantae because they are having more soft moments. SeoJin is basically out of the loop with all the plotting and I'm dying at how she suddenly became the lowest rung on the totem pole. 


I think YH might try and alert Dantae to SR/Logan's plotting to win him over and this is how Season 1 will end with YH as the new queen. There will probably be another death for sure. SR and Logan defn are cute together and their brains are evenly matched. Logan was the one who questioned how much they could trust Yoon Hee

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Gonna catch the subbed version of ep 17 tomorrow BUT FIRST! 


I actually saw a bit of Baddie Rona and I'm not exactly annoyed by it. Like it feels satisfying to see Eunbyeol getting treated this way for once. Also, I guess Seokhoon and Rona are "fake dating"? Gotta catch the subs version to see what exactly they discussed but for now, I'm kinda satisfied with the little couple moments in ep 17! Also.. now i'm wondering about Rona's true feelings for Seokhoon (since we all know that he really really like her)


ALSO MY LOGAN x SURYEON SHIP IS ABOUT TO SAIL?! WOOHOO! If I'm not wrong, in the preview for ep 18, Suryeon probably went to find Logan after almost getting killed by DT and Logan was like "come with me to america, i'll make you happy"(?) Again, I need the subs to know the accurate translation!!! 


Also it seems like the stage for Seojin is getting lesser now since we are seeing YH turning evil? I actually don't mind as long as Rona don't become exactly like Eunbyeol.. still giving her the benefit of doubt. 


Okay, i'll be back tomorrow after catching the subs version! 

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Yesterday was a doozy finding out about YH is the killer of MSA. OMG.

I am enjoying the sparks of Logan Lee and SR. Now LL knows that SR was NOT living happily as he thought.

Dr. Han is free of SJ but having EB unstable hearing of their divorce is upsetting to him.

RN is a bit crazy loose canon with the wig and trying to drink

YH going on the evil deep end, OMG. Def Makjang def not a boring moment.


some clips from today's episode



More clips in spoiler





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Okay i finally caught the subbed versions!! 


Firstly!! I'M LIVING FOR THIS RONA. like i actually like how she's behaving. i mean, it's not even as bad as what the other kids did to her. Even in the confrontation scene at the community room, Rona was calm and collected plus Eunbyeol was the one who started the fight because she was insecure (as always). And one thing stood out to me was the scene where Rona was about to head to school, she told Yoonhee "I will start fighting now". LIKE YOU GO GIRL. 


But, I am kinda bummed that Rona x Seokhoon's relationship isn't exactly genuine. Like its' pretty obvious (like what Seokyung told him) that she's "using" him as a "shield" in school. And I'm quite sure Seokhoon knows it too but I guess his heart's still soft for Rona. Anyway, there was this part where Rona told Seokhoon that he told her he liked her? Does anyone know if there was a scene where he actually said/confessed that? Cause I don't really recall him directly telling her he likes her..?


AND DAMN I LOVE WHAT SEOKHOON TOLD EUNBYEOL. The fact that he told her that they aren't any different and that they themselves are all trash inside. WOWS. Like boi actually knows what he's talking about man. I see this as a tiny step to him getting a redemption arc. At least he knows he's wrong and that him and the gang are not special in anyway too. AND YAS HE TOLD EUNBYEOL ABOUT HER MOM. Like ok, I felt a tiny tiny pity for eunbyeol since she realises that her mom is a mistress and an adulteress which causes her a big mental breakdown.. 


Secondly! I still have doubts about YH being the killer though? Like it's only ep 18 and we already know the killer?! Like, a bit too fast isn't it? Plus, it's a makjang so I think there's gonna be more plot twists that we will not see it coming. 


RIP Suryeon x Yoonhee's friendship :( It's obvious YH's gonna distance herself from Suryeon since she thinks MSA was killed by her.


I wonder who's the one blackmailing Seojin.. Dr Ha? Suryeon? Hmm! 

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