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[Drama 2019-2020] Wanna Taste?, 맛 좀 보실래요


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@Gypsygirl, I missed out on "Happy Sisters", but it sounds like those women were as fertile as these ones, trying to turn around Sth Koreas alarming drop in the birth rate with their inappropriate   conceptions. 

You're probably right about Ok Boon not trusting the Lee's to raise a baby. I wouldn't either. I also think she'll soften towards JB for CJs sake. That's what I don't want to watch. The redemption and forgiveness of JB that hasn't been earned.

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39 minutes ago, Bejaffled said:

The redemption and forgiveness of JB that hasn't been earned.

100% agree with this.


There was a scene in 82 where she says "I know I was mean to HJ and so was my brother and father. But can't you let me make up for that?"


Short answer: No

Long answer: No


You don't erase 62 episodes of being a selfish lazy a-hole with the wave of a writer's pen. And OMG she's 5 weeks pregnant that means they've only been dating like 4.5 weeks! WTF?! You want to get married to someone you've been dating for less than 5 weeks? Is she the only woman in the city?!


She's trapping CJ in a relationship/marriage and it's her fault. She was responsible for taking him to the hotel. She was responsible for staying when he told her to go. She seduced him and now the Kang family will pay the price, again. I would say she's entirely at fault but good lord did they flush CJ's brains down the drain. He's letting his small brain think for him.

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58 minutes ago, Bejaffled said:

I missed out on "Happy Sisters",


Don't want to derail the thread but if you have time, that was a really good drama to go back and watch. The script got ridiculous at times but the character development and OTP plot were 10 times better than this one IMO. 


Happy Sisters was the drama that finally allowed my wife to rope me into k-dramas for good. My all time favorite drama. Shim Yi-Young made me fall head over heels for her character and cemented her as my favorite actress of any nationality. I mean I have only watched the drama from beginning to end like 4 times and I still go back to rewatch favorite scenes from time to time. I boo hoo'd like a baby throughout that one even in the wrap everything up everyone has a happy ending final episode .

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29 minutes ago, rolisrntex said:


Don't want to derail the thread but if you have time, that was a really good drama to go back and watch. The script got ridiculous at times but the character development and OTP plot were 10 times better than this one IMO. 

Watching the cheater husband get punched or hit nearly episode was a treat!


Could use more of that in this one! Although it does look like YR is gonna get a slap from JW!

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Ep 84, a very good episode.... 

heheh, our adorable couple was just too cute, there were a scene that i had to just LMAO .... Glad i am working from home today, coz had i watch it at the office, it would have been a dead giveaway that i was watching a something during my break time....



DG and HJ both wanted to do something what they've always wanted with their loved ones, and its just too cute.... It was funny that they managed to slot in a chocolate commercial too... LOL

Its so nice to see DG confessing that he didn't think that he could be this happy (with HJ). Me guessing that  this is also first first true love.... Sweet, both first love for the both of them...


One other thing i wanna note was thank you PD

for NOT giving that frozen kiss or lips just meet and the lady just freeze and do nothing, I used to really hate it when k-drama does that...


JS's dad caught JR conversation with another guy and thanking that fellow for last night being together with her... However, I can't figure out the preview why JR was crying outside the door, wonder what JS said to his dad....


 i pity HJ's mom... She is quick to realized that her dream are not abt HJ but her son.... HJ's mom looking so sad coz she knows that a bad omen has happen....

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2 hours ago, Saja La said:

Ep 84,


 i pity HJ's mom... She is quick to realized that her dream are not abt HJ but her son.... HJ's mom looking so sad coz she knows that a bad omen has happen....

YES, i pity also , poor mother, Worst day the couple CJ andJB got married i guess their marriage is registered, where are  the people who believed they weren't going to get married?:joy:

I guess  for mother 's dream, that JB is pregnant with  twins  or triplets


JW is a badass woman, i love this, just i hope she will divorce of her husband

Juri is the worst here, she broke a family for married a lazy guy, now she want to sleep with another guy, time for JS for regret it

the kiss  between HJ ansd DG is so sweet

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That was a simple yet oh so sweet kiss. Quite fitting for a matured adults. 


JB’s wedding vow is “My heart will not change”?? Pffft, we know that already...<_< We need so much more than that. You need to promise to slave away with blood, sweat, and tears for the Kang family. For the rest of your life. 


I forgot to update the fist clench yesterday, so here goes: 

Fist clenching count:

JW: 2++

DG: 2

JH: 2

YR: 3

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Copied & paste from SBS viewer's remark (translated by Google), this viewer is so annoyed with JB: 


what is this. I can't see it because it's annoying.

Date 2020.03.05 09:17
Views 753
Doesn't it mean that you don't know what gags you have, and you don't know your faces, and you fall in love?
Plus pregnancy. It's really a downstream writer.
I really don't want to see you because I'm not acting like this.
Since Ahn Ji-hwan is his father, can you increase Ahn's script?
It's so ridiculous and absurd.
So far, it's been a drama that other people are good at, but I don't want to watch it because of Lee Jinbong station.
Try home shopping now.
I will not watch this drama in the future.
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this drama is so much more enjoyable when you skip all the cheol jin- jin bong scenes altogether. I had no patience to see her whine and cry and capture this guy into her hands. tell me when they start having trouble!


the main leads continue to be cute. jeon won is really shrewd. it is interesting to watch and hear her perspective. just because she is choosing to look the other way doesn't mean she has no power. in fact, junhu is really aware of how she is in the driver's seat of their relationship at the moment. jeon won has really weighed in her options and feels being a divorced woman isn't all that attractive. she doesn't want the 7 years she put in to go to waste. she looked like a general when she just silently smirked and accepted junho's lies because it suits her terms at the moment. junhu will really face her wrath if he fails her again.


jin sang and yuran are perfectly matched! yuran is so weird -- why are other people responsible for her mess? is she just arrogant? entitled? some superstar complex? she seems to have burned her bridges as the PD just got annoyed and couldn't bother to placate her. even the crew didn't look sympathetic and were more horrified that jin sang got slapped. working with her has given him a real taste of reality. however, being the brother-in-law means he can freely tell yuran without fear of losing his job. so yuran really got a taste of her medicine as he told her off. had to giggle when jin sang told her to just walk home as he wasn't driving her. ha!

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55 minutes ago, brooksmom said:

Jangmonim Chicken employees make the comment: "Jin Sang and his family must know how to seduce people."

Also what the Property ahjushi said about JB -_-

These people have given their testimony about the girl... I guess love is indeed blind... 

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2 hours ago, Lmangla said:

jeon won is really shrewd. it is interesting to watch and hear her perspective. just because she is choosing to look the other way doesn't mean she has no power. in fact, junhu is really aware of how she is in the driver's seat of their relationship at the moment


Now that we are starting to hear her roar, I'm really starting to like this character. To borrow an old military term, "She is a steely eyed missile man. (woman)"

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OMG, CJ told JB "Let's get married" and admitted he cannot live without her & JB was stunned but really happy.  Crazy fickle-minded man gone insane, cannot stand his behavior. How can a decent man change 360degree?

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Thank you guys for you recaps and comments. Haven't been able to watch as I'm away and internet is shoddy. But dang man I know we called it but this preggers storyline is so sad. They've completely screwed CJ over and turned him into a bumbling idiot. The character they developed at the start wouldn't have let JB have it all her way like this. He wouldn't have his mum have to endure that family again. They really screwed up. I know sex ed isn't big in SK but gosh they are making JB wishes come through making entrapment seem a viable option. Seems the writer and the team too scared to tackle this and are well and truly punking out. If a guy had done what JB has done....oh wait JS did.... Urgh.


Yah told y'all JW was playing the long game. She was getting her ducks in a row while them two out the going at it like rabbits. She has the power. JH is really gonna wish YR's mum and dad never met. 

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2 hours ago, Halo21 said:

OMG, CJ told JB "Let's get married" and admitted he cannot live without her & JB was stunned but really happy.  Crazy fickle-minded man gone insane, cannot stand his behavior. How can a decent man change 360degree?

Let's review the whiplash timeline:

CJ gets drunk after learning HJ got a divorce.

JB takes him to a hotel they sleep together. Let's call it what it is, date rape.

After throwing a major pity party, they start dating.

She starts talking about marriage after about 4 weeks of dating.

Now she's 5 weeks pregnant.

Hey knocked up stalker, let's get married!


Excuse me, but WTF?!

Does CJ have brain damage? Is he emotionally stunted? Is there only ONE woman in the city for him to date? 

Why marry her?! Why marry her


I gave up on CJ a long time ago. He's a lost cause. He can think with his little head all he wants, but how DARE he tie his mother back to that leech family? You selfish SOB.

Just take your 5 weeks old relations and leave. Just leave and go live somewhere else. I'm just sick to death of their story and how hard the writer is trying to make JB into Mother Theresa reborn.


(side note: this means JS and JR have only been married about 5 weeks too!)

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In my opinion the problem with CJ is his mom raised him too well. He is a good guy who cares deeply for his mom and sister but he also has a sense of responsibility. I am pretty sure in his mind he does not see the real truth that Jbong took advantage and sees himself as the bad guy who used Jbong that night. We can see the truth since we watched that train wreck as Jbong stalked him until she flaired him up that night and accepted his kiss and the rest. It was a selfish move of hers and then she denies that they did anything the next morning when she realized he was not happy to wake up beside her. At no point did she ever think pregnancy would come about from these actions. 


CJ being the great guy he is starts down the guilty conscience road for what he suspect truly happened that night. Also she has worn him down with her tenacity in pursuing him so its inevitable that he would start dating her even though she is so far from the list he had for his "perfect girl". Sometimes opposites do attract and Jbong ran in front of him until he started to see her. He was not moving as fast as Jbong when they were dating. Everyday she is talking about marriage but he was on a slower pace then her. We also know that had he known her real name and who she was related to he never would have dated her let alone talked to her at all. 


For me the only premise for this scenario is a. keep HJ and JS from remarrying per YR's plans. This little girl will be very upset that her uncle broke his promise not to be with her aunt.  (so we have a twofer here..) b. The next is to provide Jbong with the lessons she deserves.  Its not going to be smooth sailing in that house the moment CJ brings Jbong home and HJ and his mom realize who he was dating. There will be anger and tears and a lot "aigoo" and chest hitting when he presents his new wife who is pregnant to the two women he cares the most about. He will hang his head in guilt at what happened when we all know he was victim. But he will have to endure the guilt and shame of bringing Jbong into the house until they accept her. All those ugly words she use to say to HJ about seducing her brother and mistreatment will come back to Jbong.  Its for sure his mom will say it to her as her precious son is now married to someone from that family and they are tied once again. I am just waiting for her to bring up the similar situation to HJ. No matter how much Jbong says she will be good and take care of them it will be pointed out that she does not know how to do anything and her family is the worst. Its going to be hard going for her as her mother in law puts her through the ringer. She will get to walk a long mile in HJ's shoes this time (at least I hope so.) Eventually she will get her new mother in laws approval but it will take a long time and maybe not until after the baby is born (if it is born). Jbong will have then learned to cook, clean  and do laundry and work hard perhaps even in the shop of HJ's by then changing her personality and providing her with growth. This is where her sincerity comes in as she truly understands what she did when HJ was married to JS. But also takes it all without complaint to CJ or anyone.


HJ will be shocked and it could be her who points out the obvious about the pregnancy. Perhaps even knowing that he was so upset after learning about her divorce CJ got drunk which allowed this situation to happen will make HJ very upset and guilty as she will see it as her fault her brother fell victim to Jbong and they are yet again re-tied to that family. I still think she will be the first to approve of this relationship for nothing else because she loves her brother and saw how he mopped around after the break up realizing he must have been very tormented but because he thought of her he gave up his possible happiness. HJ will want him happy as he helped her find her happiness with DG once again. 


What I am really looking for is someone who will shut JS down when he tries to stand up and punch CJ. As for the father he will truly have to cook for himself now as a daughter leaves her maiden home coming off the registry to go on her new husbands /family so there will be no mooching at the dinner table of the in laws and you can only see your daughter outside the house maybe but I expect Jbong to be very busy to run home everyday. She was a princess in her home valued by her father but now she is someones wife and in a family that he mistreated the daughter from at that. It is distasteful that we have to endure this farce and a good man ends up with Jbong but this relationship will serve a purpose in the end. 


I am not surprised by JW's actions. I knew that JH would end up having to grovel and dance to her tune. I also never expected her to divorce. As much as I thought she was the perfect fit for CJ I knew on some level that the writer was going to show us a different outcome for the last couple. We have seen HJ end in divorce due to cheating. We have DG end in divorce because he just can't stand the woman he married anymore. We have one relationship that broke up and the wife thought the husband loved her and then we have another relationship that never had love just responsibility. So JW's marriage with JH had to be the marriage that survived in the end.


JW and JH's marriage was cold and distant and I think that JH seeing a different side of his wife and learning about her will enable him to finally deal with his daddy issues and open up to his wife in the end. JW may have turned her head to the affair but she was by no means a fool.  But its for sure that this marriage will not end. There is too much on the business side at stake. I have to wonder if the reason that JH never opened up to JW was because he saw her as too good? Special in a way and that is why he never communicated with her or connected with her after the marriage?


Well.. that's my 2 cents on the recent going on's ..

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Please let HJ gets married to DG before CJ iron his dirty deeds.... I honestly gave up on CJ long time ago...


I hope the PD will make their (barf couple) scene as short as possible and 1 scenes at that so its easier for us viewer to FF as we do not even want to know what is going on with them ...

And yes, i want one scene of Yuri to be SUPER disappointed with her uncle and said right in front of JB that he broke his promise NOT to date woman like JB. And to sarcastically thanks JB for her selfishness to think ONLY about herself first that JB has totally eliminate any chances of her parents getting back together... Would love it if Yuri will say to CJ "your promise means nothing just like my dad...."


HJ's mom will hate JB so much that HJ's mom will make CJ moved out instead of living with her.... HJ, not wanting her mom to stay alone, suggested if DG would mind moving in instead of her moving into his place... DG, actually was fine with it. So, DG and GJ will moved in and DG will be the one to take care of his MIL.....


So if they want to put CJ scenes so much, let  it be often him alone watching his sister and mom from a far, CJ will notice how HAPPY his family is living with DG where else he lives miserably with JB, food sucks, house dirty, JB lazing around and using her unborn baby as her every excuse in the book to get out from doing anything... He has to work extra hard now that he HAS TO PAY FOR RENT and a lazy wife expenses....  JB gave birth to triples... LOL


DG will quickly pay back CJ for the loan on the restaurant so to prevent JB claiming that restaurant as half hers (via CJ). CJ will be able to see how HJ will come visit DG at the set and bringing him food and he'll compare his life with DG's and CJ will see how lacking his life is as compared to DG.... CJ will noticed that both (HJ-DG) are each other biggest fan and he'll (alone) see from a far, how DG will accompany HJ at the restaurant and both walk home together with both kids hand in hand even his mom has join too sometimes...


People at the set will notice how delicious HJ's food is that the PD will suggest if HJ wants to be a guest chef and cook. The show becomes a big hit that they wanted to give HJ a contract.... JR will become jealous that HJ has become a celebrity chef. Yuran will see that HJ took over her show that Yuran starts harassing her. And in one of HJ's cooking shows, HJ started to feel like vomiting, that the host said "solma, HJ sshi are you expecting...?" So her fans was so happy and DG will jokingly say, "how come i found out that you may be pregnant the same time as the rest of the SK netizen...?" Both got so excited, and went to see a doctor... They broke the news to the kids and both side of the parents.... CJ will see from a far the celebration HJ is getting from the news that she is pregnant n he will be reminded of how it broke both his sister and mom's heart when he announce that he was expecting... 

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Is Bae Yuran the only person to get hit? Not that she doesn’t deserve it, but it took two for that hot mess of lies and scum. Junho is so slimy, shouldn’t he be losing a leg or getting disfigured and then thrown in jail or something?

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