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[OFFICIAL] Hyun Bin ❤️ Son Ye Jin (BinJin Couple)


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Has anyone here noticed during the wrap up party watching the finale episode HB went to hug YJ and pat on her back? Actually another guy sitting opposite them was about to clink the glass of beer with them but HB ignored him and went ahead to hug YJ (watch it in slow mo). I thought that's really funny lol

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23 minutes ago, avocado yum said:

Thank you for all of you, your thoughts been open my mind greatly, eventho there's discouragement post about the way me and some people posting about how we felt.


First of all, I'm a first time shipper, never in my 10 years in the kdrama world put a ship on actor. It's because i've been watching SYJ movies (but not digging her personal life just movie) and like almost all of you, start shipping them since the negotiation press conference era (the More Than Friends vid - I see the owner of the vid here a couple threads ago, bring me to believing they're a thing). But since the denial, put my mind up and down in this journey, one time believing they're a thing and another time not.


But after couple of article news that have been shared, and a couple of thoughts that's been through my mind, I feel like, Whatever I'll ship them but put on my mind that they're a very close friend indeed and to ship without much overthinking Yes, I'm too emotionally invested. Never I thought that I will get down from the ship except they're confirm to be with someone else. Because I do enjoy the moment of them that being shared (either on and off scene).


Never in anyway that I put what I thought to bickering with you and bring everyone down, it's purely because the feeling of up and down in this ship and I want to share what I felt. I've put my thought in a calm manner and to be a discussion without any meaning to lead this thread in a negative way. Couple of people thought the same and put their thought too that it's seems a couple threads ago feel like a negative one and some people thought that because we're anti(?). Once again, if what I've said apparently not allowed, I'm sorry:dissapointed_relieved:


Thank you once again to people who courage me and others more why to be in this ship. I'm sorry if I put the mood down. I've choose to be a silent lurker and liking your content:heart: to put this thread in a better condition if that's necessary:blush:






random question: are you "the avocado" from a popular kdramas watching site? 

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6 hours ago, Magritte said:

I echo @bpwinces! sentiments.


These cannot be denied:


1.) The pictures taken in LA. This alone is big red flag. No matter how one wants to spin it, one cannot deny the truth behind it. You have already exhausted this in your discussions. How about the other sightings that unfortunately have not produced any pictures? It doesn’t mean it did not happen.


2.) Rubbing of other people’s hands, fingers, arms or any part of the body. This is a very intimate act only a couple should do. Imagine your friend or let alone a co-worker do this to you. You would probably slap that person. It’s an invasion of one’s personal space if not permitted. It goes beyond touching. It’s a very sensual act. Hyun Bin has done it to Ye Jin numerous times in and out of the scenes.


3.) Hyun Bin’s intense stares or longing eyes directed at Ye Jin at numerous occasions. There were too many to count. Does this seem normal to you? Is it an act of someone uninterested or just being friendly? I’m sure your gut instinct says otherwise.


4.) Uncharacteristic gestures of both. Hyun Bin all of a sudden being playful and having guts to act silly and Ye Jin being shy and girly, when did these all began? Does it happen when they are with other people? Again, you have all discussed these.


5.) Unnecessary skinship. One tends to gravitate to someone you are attracted to or have feelings for. It’s natural to want to get close to that person. Your body looks for it. It has been shown in this forum comparison in their interactions with other co-star. It’s more apparent with Hyun Bin but nevertheless not unnoticed with subtle act of Ye Jin. Who would grab the head of a co-worker just to sniff it? Don’t tell me she didn’t smell his hair? To grab his hair and put it close to her nose is not looking for a scar...it will not be visible to the eyes. You have to part the hair to see it. So what’s the purpose of that act? And in Hyun Bin’s case, I feel bad for the Ji Hye who wanted to shake his hand and only got a high five and a look away after. How about all the BTS skinships coming from both? I don’t need to name them for all of you again have exhausted them in your discussions, videos, gif, etc. Also, the wrap-up party hug, which by the way initiated by someone who is supposedly shy and introverted, whether awkward or not, how many actors have done that?


The above are just to name a few. I don’t have to list all of them because I’m sure deep down this list is already embedded in your minds and hearts. So again please don’t get discouraged. Trust your eyes and your guts! It gets clouded by so many different opinions, news articles, negativity, assumptions, judgement, biases, etc. Put all these aside and look at it as a grain of salt. Base your judgments on what you yourself have seen and observed not with what other people say or have said or written. Actions are better than words. People lie all the time. Ye Jin and Hyun Bin have gifted all of you with many sweet and heart fluttering gestures and acts. So, why doubt?


Just my two cents. Peace and be happy. Enjoy your delulu and continue the fun. I’ll go back to lurking and enjoy reading your posts. Please don’t let this forum die down. It gives happiness to those who read.




All the point above is why I tell you: 

BinJin shippers, you have all the evidence every shippers wish to have.

Other shippers out there still holding on to their ship even with less evidence, but you BinJin shippers, you have it. You have sumthing to hold on, to be sure that this ship might be sail.


Like someone mention it earlier:

Is it really BinJin Shipper thread? 

I'm sorry to say this , but this is the first time I visit a shipper thread but feels like antis thread. You have to visit other shipper thread here. Many shippers out there find a home for them to ship their OTP in their shippers thread.


You know, that's the hard part of being a shipper. Because you'll never know.

They will deny many times they want. You have to wait with no certainty they will confirm it later. 

But, you have something that has a proof. It's hard? YES, OF COURSE! 


I saw a comment here mentioned that when they denied that groceries rumor, they can deny everything. I agree.

Even that holding hands under the table, you can see it clearly that the color of the sleeve was dark blue, while YJ sleeve was brown.

2 rumor that has a CLEAR evidence, but they still deny it. Well, thats the perks of being shippers. It's that hard.

But, this I want say it to you, my fellow and real BinJin shippers,

Action speaks louder than words.

It's really your call to continue this ship or not. But please don't pour this thread with your doubt.



Dispatch, it's your time! :ph34r: 




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33 minutes ago, YANI-PIE ^^v said:

im not yet done shoppers... hahaha continuation i cut it coz it feels really long 


okay now that OUR FAVORITE DRAMA IS OVER (im assuming this since we are all here arent we). i know most of us if not all are in a denial stage or having bit of a cloy hangover... anyway stuff that should have happened did not happen especially in the story ... the twins... the wedding and such...okay i get it it is a very sensitive topic to talk about especially with the conservatives in SK so writernim decided to just make it realistic ad safe... BUT  what i am really disheartened about is the after party. Everyone has have selfies of everybody excep;t our BINJIN ... yes i know they did not have any coz of rumors and all... but still. (DONT GET ME WRONG I AM HERE TO PROTECT THEM.) ANd yesterday V4st issued a statement about this and that... yadayadayad... (i dont buy it)


i still want a spark of hope for us grocery shoppers... for me... this is one of the strongest point that we have besides the LA grocery photos.


i have been introduced with the Korean culture for a long time, and have many  Korean friends... and Christmas is a different time for them. I was actually shocked to find out that they dont sp;end it w fam... Since majority of Korea does not follow a certain Christian belief... Christmas for them is allotted to spend time with their special someone.


For years Yejin has posted a simple photo of no one and her self video in 2018. But this 2019 Xmas time she posted a foto of her and HB. That was the very first time she posted something with someone and then it is HYUNBIn... She could have posted a selfie as well... or a scenery...  or the crew or some of the cast like the comrades or whatever. RIGHT? but she chose to post a pic with him... just HIM.


for me this was a big deal... THE REAL DEAL... i dont know about others of if others have emp;hasized about this... but for me this was a big thing.


And how about the book? the "NAMJACHINGGU" one? what do you think about it? is it just coincidence or fate? lol i know i am overthinking this and reading between the lines... but really nothing? ( im just excited... so dont misunderstand me as being admant)


And now that cloy has finished we barely heard from her? not even a personal thank you note for the staff, cast, and crew or a groufie... (i am not forcing her.... nor i am not demanding her to... but this is unlikely of her why????? WE ALL KNOW THE REASONS.


LET HER BE...  she deserves rest from social media.... she has been under the sp;otlight since the grocery incident ... how much more now. 


i hated the fact that the under the table handholding incident was dug up... i know the fan/s who ignited the issue just wanted to point out something obvious despite it being unclear... and it added damage to the injury as well... because of it they will be more cautious... HYUNBIN would not even do post interview... it feels as if they just want to get this drama over and done... LIKE GOOD RIDDANCE... which is a bit sad knowing they worked their buttoms out for this... UNFAIR.


Anyway till now there are still alot of stuff i wanted to pour out but ill just rest it for now?


Do you like what i have written shoppers? i hop;e u did and in a way i added some lil inkling insights...


Ill leave my favorite quote from Alexander Dumas... which is just SO FOR US = groceryshoppers


“There is neither happiness nor unhappiness in this world; there is only the comparison of one state with another. Only a man who has felt ultimate despair is capable of feeling ultimate bliss. It is necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live.....the sum of all human wisdom will be contained in these two words: Wait and Hope.”


                                                                                                                                                xoxo- yanipie



Thank you so much for your insight! I’m a new SYJ fan. She’s just so adorable & genuine. That Christmas post is giving us more reason to believe that they’re for realz.


Can anyone please tell me why they are called Dooli couple? 

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@YANI-PIE ^^v love love your analysis! With all the sweet pictures TVN spoiled us with and all the BTS, we forgot the MVP picture of them all!  Christmas is typically a holiday reserved for friends and lovers in S Korea. For SYJ to post that picture is a very loud statement!  Grocery shoppers, sit tight. 

What about NamJaChingu? That is the Encounter drama? Or is she sending a message to her namjachingu? 

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11 minutes ago, GlowWithTheFlow said:

@YANI-PIE ^^v love love your analysis! With all the sweet pictures TVN spoiled us with and all the BTS, we forgot the MVP picture of them all!  Christmas is typically a holiday reserved for friends and lovers in S Korea. For SYJ to post that picture is a very loud statement!  Grocery shoppers, sit tight. 

What about NamJaChingu? That is the Encounter drama? Or is she sending a message to her namjachingu? 


I KNOW RIGHT... @GlowWithTheFlow this has been forgotten i mean the Xmas post... if our gal wanted to really promote the drama she can do with many ways... ^^ 


She posted  a book in her IG the title is Namjjachinggu/ boyfriend... well like said i am an overthinker (which is bad or good dep;ends on the situation kkk) im trying to read between the lines

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1 hour ago, YANI-PIE ^^v said:

And how about the book? the "NAMJACHINGGU" one? what do you think about it? is it just coincidence or fate? lol i know i am overthinking this and reading between the lines... but really nothing? ( im just excited... so dont misunderstand me as being admant)


What about this book? I know nothing :cry:

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3 minutes ago, Meily Jima said:


What about this book? I know nothing :cry:

it is in her IG... the book's tile is in korea if you translate it to english is Boyfriend... there can be no meaning to it to be honest... but we are SHIPPERS here... POSITIVE SHIPPERS... we r just thinkin of it as a HINT.

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1 hour ago, carly08 said:

What’s the golfing incident?


They were spotted golfing at a place that is pretty exclusive so not anyone can just go in. Although the picture is so blurry and small you can't really tell who it is LOL. But rumors say it was SYJ and HB.

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