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[OFFICIAL] Hyun Bin ❤️ Son Ye Jin (BinJin Couple)


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1 hour ago, wolfie26 said:

What part of them holding hands you managed to identify ??? THEY didn't held hands under the table , thats the point. What so difficult to understand? 


If they had held hands in a video evidently - and you were able to catch that . FINE. spread it , post it everywhere. The point on that scenario is that we all know, that part of the netizens would judge , not shippers . We all know by now since they are hot topic any speculation tops and headlines will go crazy and that might harm the pair AGAIN with a rumor that clearly don't want .


What part is difficult to understand????? Did i say i'm against them holding hands??? All i said is that the pic was blurry and everyone is posting it everywhere without thinking it will make headlines for the wrong reasons when is not even proven . Y all making it as if i'm against them being a couple. Are you even reading what i post? Is it ok to spread the fact they held hands under the table while filming without thinking that people don't care if it' s true or not? Do i have to repeat myself again? 


All i said is that instead of trying to find a needle on a haystack , maybe analyze what is right there. Do you need further proof? Fine but don't make one out of blurred pics and maybe think of their privacy and share it on a group chat - where other parts of netizens won't see it and start judging or the gossip sites find another headline especially if it's not true. 


I wont reply on anything beyond this post . Story closed. 



It is very childish of you to quote me and not allow me to reply. I read your posts and I think you over complicated stuff, hence my post.

My point is it is not a big deal IF they held hands under the table. 

I am not sure what would be considered more unprofessional. Them holding hands secretly but got caught (IF it is true), or he showing her suggestive move (to go to bed), or her grabbing his head and sniffing his hair!? If some knetz dislike them, they would have found all reasons to diss them, like finding faults in my last 2 examples and not because they held hands. So stop over-reacting to the photo even if it is fake. I don’t see how the photo would tarnish their reputation in any way, it’s not like it is showing them making out under the table!? I personally think the photo is quite cute.

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I'll definitely miss the Captains of our ship. Weekends will never be the same again. :tears:


I just hope you guys keep on posting here, though. Reading in here has been my everyday habit. I love the delulu hearts that we all share about our ship.


Can we just spread the love and ship them happily? Let's not fight and just continue sailing~~~ 

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Hello all! Its rise and shine from my place. 

I have read all yesterday posts . And i’ll stop here about yesterday stories. This thread has been a lovely one and i hope it continue to be lovely. 

Every moments in CLOY are precious. But to have BInJin longer relationship is much more precious. Let us all take a deep breath and lets move forward positively. 


Spreading BinJin positivities ! :heart:



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31 minutes ago, AnnieCheesecake said:

Only his “bestie” can :joy:.

And if you see the MoA BTS with PSH oh my god HB is so reserved :lol: “it looks like ouch I dont like being touch in that area” while SYJ can just do as she like :lol::sweatingbullets: wew I envy you onnie :rolleyes:


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23 minutes ago, GlowWithTheFlow said:


Cheer up everyone! This is meant to be a fun ship . We are shippers w/ one mindset when it comes to BinJin.  We have a lot to look forward to in coming days; wrap up party, finale weekend, and hopefully a few interviews here and there. We will swoon if they actually did hold hands, but my logical side says probably not.  BTSes are also edited and our stickler CEO would not have let that slide. The main point of BTS for shippers is to read silent body language, to see how they interact together , etc.  I don't think they would be that obvious - our job would be much easier if they were!  I know that a lot are protective about our couple and rightfully so. Although we are of one BINJIN nation, we are a divided world. What may be deemed acceptable in Western society, is not in the Korean society. Case in point - Honey Lee was criticized heavily for posting with Parasite winners when she was not in the movie. She was merely congratulating them and still got thrown under the bus by netizens.  Someone mentioned Chen from EXO , there are petitions to remove him from the group because he got married and had a baby.  Stuff like this doesn't even get mentioned in Western press but can potentially ruin careers in Korea .  So, you see, things that we may not really think about in Western culture is brought out under Korean society and whipped and beaten until artists literally hit rock bottom.   Our Binjin couple has a lot to protect at this point and if they don't want to come out yet, we should respect them, giggle behind the screen and on this forum secretly.  


I do not respect those who are aggressive in their responses to others.  We get excited over any tidbit we get our hands on- whether factual or not . That is the point of a shipping forum, isn't it? To have fun, dissect movements, talk about the OTP.  If not, please correct me.  My motto is that there is always a nicer way to word things and  kill people w/ kindness.  Everyone here has a different culture and from different parts of the world.  Let's be kind to our fellow comrades. 


I do agree wholeheartedly with your points. 


See the above line? This is the 38th parallel between them holding hands or not holding hands. Let us agree to disagree.


In the future, when they deliver us the twins daughter happy news, let us congratulate them as if we didn't know anything ok comrades? :heart:

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4 hours ago, lavanta said:

I think this is exactly why everything escalates so quickly for this ship. The possibility of them being together is so strong that every single action receives so much attention. That could bring positive or negative impact in our ship. I am sure everybody who is supporting our couple want their happiness regardless of them dating. No one has any intention of harming them (by posting some pics or by suggesting to remove the pics), however i find using very harsh tones here could be very discouraging. I am aware that some shippers go beyond delulu so there has to be some boundaries to keep rationality as well but I have never experienced such level of delulu shipping in this thread. Therefore i would suggest being polite and engaging when discussing, after all it is a forum and we are here to discuss not agree on everything, right;)


I echo your thots and I think you made a very rational and valid point about the shipper forum here. It's really pretty chill, fun and cool in this chat group and everyone's passionate but don't really go overboard (or delulu as you call it). Most here in fact were 50/50 about the "hold hands under table" picture and everyone was just having fun discussing it.


I can totally understand the concerns of some who worry that this can be used by antis or irrational knetz to create negative scandal for Binjin. I've followed enough k-ent, including kpop and kdrama news, to know that it's a very real thing that can happen - korean netizens are very scary and can bring celebrities down with their attacks (case in point - Honey Lee took pictures with Parasite movie directors Oscar awards and got attacked by knetz who said she's riding on his coattail, and she had to take down the pic and apologise - craziness!)


BUT, some of the tones used here can be rather harsh and can take ALL the fun out of this thread. Let's be calm and use kind words - no need to shout.


Everyone should just chill and enjoy the 2 days before we watch the last 2 episodes of CLOY. After that, we won't see Binjin for a long time! So let's just have FUN here! That's what this forum is for.




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7 minutes ago, Jellysshi said:

And if you see the MoA BTS with PSH oh my god HB is so reserved :lol: “it looks like ouch I dont like being touch in that area” while SYJ can just do as she like :lol::sweatingbullets: wew I envy you onnie :rolleyes:


The one that made me feel awkward sometimes is the stuff with Ha Ja Min... think that's her name. Wall of professionalism. Even though I think she's a lovely actress. He seemed so stiff.


BTS pic of HB and SYJ viewing the monitor ... She's so gorgeous. Still has that delicate look from her 20s.


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14 minutes ago, Jellysshi said:

And if you see the MoA BTS with PSH oh my god HB is so reserved :lol: “it looks like ouch I dont like being touch in that area” while SYJ can just do as she like :lol::sweatingbullets: wew I envy you onnie :rolleyes:


I was feeling bad about that another past  co-star the one from the drama “Hyde, Jekyll Me” she was always so excited to touch and play with him and he was with the most uncomfortable and annoyed expression and was always avoiding her touches :joy:.

I envy HB for having this goddess next to him giving him attention :joy: (jealous fangirl).

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54 minutes ago, AnnieCheesecake said:

Only his “bestie” can :joy:.


20 minutes ago, Jellysshi said:

And if you see the MoA BTS with PSH oh my god HB is so reserved :lol: “it looks like ouch I dont like being touch in that area” while SYJ can just do as she like :lol::sweatingbullets: wew I envy you onnie :rolleyes:



Hahahaha!! I have so much fun watching the contrast!! @Jellysshi  put it so well! Only YJ-sshi has the privilege to do whatever she pleases with Bin-sshi


42 minutes ago, BINGO_O said:


btw CLOY has been wrapped up. Let’s wait for the wrap up party tonight and hope the effort of the cast and staff will be reciprocated with great review from the audience and high ratings in the last two eps



LOVE that BTS picture of MB and CCG smiling happily together! Such different vibes vs the drama, which is why they are such amazing actors! 


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6 minutes ago, AnnieCheesecake said:

I was feeling bad about that another past  co-star the one from the drama “Hyde, Jekyll Me” she was always so excited to touch and play with him and he was with the most uncomfortable and annoyed expression and was always avoiding her touches :joy:.

I envy HB for having this goddess next to him giving him attention :joy: (jealous fangirl).


I've also seen that video contrasting Binjin with the Hyde, Jekyll Me co-star. It's really funny and I had to LOL! 


I think HB is usually very shy and cautious around his female leads. I recall this video/ news about HB during his school days where girls followed him into the bus he takes and say he's handsome, and his sunbae teased him and his face got red - his sunbae says he's really a shy person. He went to an all-boys school which I believe make him less comfortable around ladies that he's not close with.


What more can we say - at the least Binjin are the best of buddies, and for us here we hope it's more than that!!


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24 minutes ago, Elle R said:

BTS pic of HB and SYJ viewing the monitor ... She's so gorgeous. Still has that delicate look from her 20s.


Agree tho. I cant believe myself that me and SYJ onnie are 10 years apart (I am 10 years younger than her) I think I need to do TRX and Pilates just like her :phew::lol:

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12 hours ago, Bu da Bizden said:

 And I'm just so shocked right now upon reading your post that hyunbin is the lead role of a millionaire's first love. How strange that I don't know or didn't care at all the names of the leads. Because this movie is also one of my favorite movie during my teenage yrs. Haha what I'm really trying to say is that how thrilled I am, very very happy that I am shipping my girl crush SYJ to hyunbin. 


OMG!! Yasss.....so happy that you realize it now Yay!!! I was so invested in that MFL movie especially cuz back then Jaejoong (any DBSK fan) sang the OST..lol. HB was such a bad boy in that movie. I really loved it. Good ol' high school time.


10 hours ago, Bu da Bizden said:

@xxyy sorry if your name keeps repeating I can't delete it. 


It is no problem. I am so happy to hear your observation of SYJ. THough she has been my most favorite actress, I know so little about her personality. 


11 hours ago, TotoroSY said:


Both HB and SYJ are pretty "big bosses" and influential within the SK entertainment industry, and also very private. So I hope they are able to control the media play themselves and have all the time they need together, away from prying eyes!!





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8 hours ago, Woodshop said:


@AnnieCheesecake the second i noticed her face got slightly blushed, i instantly thought: SYJ? Shy away from kissing scene? When?

She used to get this kind of things done effortlessly, and now look who's lowkey blushing. :rolleyes:



@TotoroSY i've been her avid fan since her Classic era, and i've always thought of SYJ as one of those few actress that has this Hyung-ish side within her which essentially makes the most part of her charming qualities. Because she has always been that cool and friendly partner to her co-actors. Having said that, from my personal observation over the years, she would only lower her guard down a bit when she's around people she has known for lots of years. Specifically actors, even when she behaved friendly and all smiles with them, she wouldn't act clingy or spoiled toward them. Apart from the script material, the level of skinship she made with her co-star would be pretty modest, if you ask me. Even with JHI on SITR, you can clearly see it on BTS clips, every physical gesture she made there was measured and calculated to enrich the depth of certain scenes. Whilst with SJS during Be With You, she practically kept bullying SJS during their promotional tours, both during the presscon event and v-live session. There were some arm touching situations, but bear in mind, that they have known each other for so many years since they first started working together as siblings on this past drama project (i forgot the name). So, my answer is yes and no. She has done it before, but only with people she's personally close to. i hope it helps a little. ;)



In that case, i probably don't need more proof or evidence anymore.

They don't even have to admit it. i already got it.


i honestly watched the attached link in disbelief.

That's huge lead, if you ask me. :)



Thanks for the detailed reply! I really had fun reading about SYJ from her long-time fans. Helps me understand her more. I really like her more and more which each description from fans and each BTS/ interview/ variety show videos I watch of SJY. She's a precious gal and HB better get her fast!!


What you said about her having "done it before, but only with people she's personally close to" is very helpful! HB has been pretty "touchy-feely" (not too over-the-top) with her esp in the last BTS, and she seems to be totally comfortable with it, plus she is the same with him. So that's roughly within 2.5 years since Negotiation filming started in June 2017. Their friendship developed pretty fast, esp between a guy and gal. Of course the fact that they have 2 productions together almost back-to-back helped with their relationship development, but then again, they've been closed enough right after Negotiation that they went golfing a few times and of course grocery shopping overseas. PLUS they were so keen to work together again, which may also mean they want to know each other better.....


And SYJ being shy in kissing scenes is not normal?? Except with HB-sshi? What more can I say?


Ah, it's really FUN to ship Binjin!!



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37 minutes ago, Elle R said:

The one that made me feel awkward sometimes is the stuff with Ha Ja Min... think that's her name. Wall of professionalism. Even though I think she's a lovely actress. He seemed so stiff.


BTS pic of HB and SYJ viewing the monitor ... She's so gorgeous. Still has that delicate look from her 20s.



Yes, I watched the kissing scene BTS in Jekyll and Hyde, and even the actors are also of same age like Hyun Bin and Yejin, they were speaking formally in between takes. Very professional. 

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42 minutes ago, AnnieCheesecake said:

I was feeling bad about that another past  co-star the one from the drama “Hyde, Jekyll Me” she was always so excited to touch and play with him and he was with the most uncomfortable and annoyed expression and was always avoiding her touches :joy:.

I envy HB for having this goddess next to him giving him attention :joy: (jealous fangirl).

@AnnieCheesecakeI said similar thing right before your response lmao ... there were two long kisses. In one I think they walk away in opposite directions right after cut was called ... was thinking wtf is this? Awkward lmao I did my job. Peace.out. @jessyqueue

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