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[Drama 2020] Itaewon Class, 이태원 클라쓰


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2 hours ago, Alice Wonderland said:

Just done watching it. I love JYS even more! Her coaching for her Danbam team pays off! And PSR is just so admiring! As GS narrated, he is the true adult here. An adult who teach you to have shame, conscience and dignity. He sees through people heart. And it proves when we finally see it's not SA who reported them. It's so annoying, I know SA didn't do it so I feel a bit guilty hating her. But what makes her do that? Why did she lie like that? Just like YS. I feel guilty but I feel her still irritating. 


And LOL for that counter ending! Hahaha. Should I be thankful for having a sociopathic FL for this!  I thought YS would back off but no, she's just surprisingly unexpected. She calls it defense. Gosh.. this girl doesn't want to lose her love before the game starts. Hahaha. What about her stealing kiss then, does she ask SY permission??? 


I think she lied bcs she wanted to convince herself and prove to Yiseo that no matter how bad she was, Saeroy would still like her. That's what she keeps as her weapon to make Yiseo flinch. But you know Yiseo is total psycho, she won't budge in the slightest. She's even determined to destroy her. This girl is so scary :joy:

About her stealing kiss, in this regard i know many people symphatized Sooah and feel this is somewhat unfair to her, but Yiseo only cares about other people mistakes, not hers, unfortunately :glasses:

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@Anjalifairy PSY amazes YS more with his good attitude. Even SA feels conflicted because deep down her heart she likes SR. The moment she gets closer to SR and he let her be. I thought, are you serious, there's a viewer behind you guys!! And that happens, YS's defense. LOL. Seriously, it's pretty hilarious :lol: YS is quick-witted reading SA's mind. I can't wait to watch ep 6 soon. Sigh... have to wait until the next morning. 




And talking about transgender MHY, hope she stays as girl. Wait, what is she actually? The scene when they refer 'that' as not yet for surgery. I don't really get it. Are they supposed to tell that HY is a man or woman originally. I'm not really reading the character description of her. She's pretty in that girly style with that black long hair. If HY is a girl then hope she stays as girl instead. 


Love the scene where SR told YS to train HY. And how HY tried her best to meet her expectations. It all ended with good result. And love how YS gathered her team before they open the reborn danbam, it's no wonder SR accepts her. She sounds so mature and such a cute reliable manager of danbam. 


It's pretty fun seeing GS is all fluttered by himself while YS used him as a model example to show how to hit on a girl for that scary look oppa. Poor him, I think he would broken heart if later he knows that YS falls for their boss.


All characters range with different backgrounds and problems. I love how the writer creates them very interesting to watch. You know I'm talking about Danbam team, it's always worth watching to see how they all grow into one another, as colleagues and family, with SR as their head of the household. 

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I'm sorry just finished eps.5 the defense and articel 32 made me burst out:lol:.

IC up and down plot is superb, while Soah and Seroy scenes such melancholy could set the mood in sad nostalgic the tragic memory of younger days there is the jealous dorky girl interrupted with her unbelievable break the law matter .lol.


So what was happening after that scene?

Does tonight episodes more interesting?

And the plots twist is really clever doesn't it? Soah what some of us hate , is not like it seems or she just indecision?  Seeing Seroy trust her wholeheartedly must be made her felt contemplated between ambition and revenge or actually she wants do it at once?

And how the smart short hired girl will help Danbam to expand their businesses?


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Finish todays episode


Another amazing episode.


The main star of today episode is more soo ah background and this time we can actually see how conflicted she was between her feeling and jangga. Kwon na ra perform it perfectly.


Jo Yi Seo had some share of greatness aswell. 

The decision to not having an handicap and tell sae royi about soo ah is a good way to have a fair fight for PSR heart. The badass JYS is showing up much here which i like so much!


PARK SAE ROYI OMG THIS MAN IS A SILENT KILLER. i didnt see that coming he really plan it like a crazy. So actually he invest on jangga 8 years ago when jang geum won had the scandal that plummet jangha stock. He invest all his father death money for it. And guess what it is 1.9billion won thays like 1.9 million $


Holy crap no wonder he can had two months suspension and seems pretty alright with that. He is fcking rich you know. HE IS AINT A JOKE.


And the end the real showdown begin. 




Based on preview, there will be development with JYS and PSR ( i think this is the same as webtoon ) they had trip together and JYS will sleep on psr Lap. 


And then PSR will Support Jangga group secretary to lead jangga ( which i think he do that so he can divide her from jang da hee ) 


Psr plan is so well made and carefully done he is a clinic omg.



Also tony kim is so funny hahaa i hope he will get more screentime lol

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Do I want to see more Soo Ah? I have no idea, but this love triangle is driving me crazy :persevere:

What I liked about this episode: a) going deeper into characters, even that stupid Jang Gunwon, b) knowing what exactly Park Saeroy did with money, that he inherited from his father,  c) the game I guess officially started now. 

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Ok i am confused . Can someone clarify? 8 years ago he was in jail? so could he invest from jail? And if he had invested 8 years ago, then why evil uncle said you invested money in morning?  That don't make sense to me? Or is he taking his money out or selling shares. THat's why they found out?

Who is the glasses guy? Thanks in advance if someone clarifies regarding investment and glasses guy

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you know what,i want to sympathize with oh sooah,i really do.but i just can’t.she is still a girl,that works for family that murdered park saeroy’s dad.and what worse,she is making the guy,who lost his dad feel sorry and apologetic to a girl,that benefited from his tragedy!that’s a new low!why should he ease her pain,when she gained so much from his pain!why he should be here for her,when she is never here for him and working actively against him!

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2 minutes ago, Deepakmahajan said:

Ok i am confused . Can someone clarify? 8 years ago he was in jail? so could he invest from jail? And if he had invested 8 years ago, then why evil uncle said you invested money in morning?  That don't make sense to me? Or is he taking his money out or selling shares. THat's why they found out?

Who is the glasses guy? Thanks in advance if someone clarifies regarding investment and glasses guy


8 years ago he was out of prison. Time is slowly passing, since he met Oh Soo Ah originally, so keep in mind, that it's now not 7 years, but round 8 years since he came out from the prison and spend Halloween with Oh Soo Ah.

He is buying shares.

The guy in the glasses the bullied by Jang Gun Won kid form high school. 

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SRY, when he got out of prison, I'm assuming when he started working, invested in J. Co when their stocks plummeted, which is a pretty smartass move. So when J. Co stocks rose increasingly over the past 8 years, so did the value of SRY's investment. The person who he spoke too was Lee Ho Jin, the highschool kid that

JGW bullied/poured milk on. Fast forward to the present, LHJ serves has SRY fund manager who

manages and overseas SRY's stock/investment in J Co. He told LHJ to invest more into J Co. stock. with the death compensation money of his father. Like JDH said, it had to be meaningful, so SRY is investing the death compensation money of his father to get back at J. Co.

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Episode 6 delivered, so intense. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. My thoughts:


1. In episode 5, Soo Ah is torn between PSR and Jannga, we see she’s chosen Jannga in 6. We also see an explanation for why she is the way she is which makes absolutely no sense to me. Yes, her mum leaves her and she feels no one loves her. All acts of “love” are acts of pity in her books hence why she threw the girls stationary in the toilet. She also believes homeless people dont need help. So why does she accept help from Jannga? Is it not the same pity?

2. Now to Yi Seo, at this point PSR is a trophy in her eyes and I hope she doesn't tire when he finally shows interest. For now, PSR replied “No way” when asked if they were on a date and i felt Yi Seo’s heart break into a million pieces:joy:.

I also really liked her interaction with Soo Ah in the restroom. If there’s anything I like about this drama, its these two strong and fierce women. None feeling belittled by the other

3. Also yes to diversity, I’m excited to see what new character Tony will bring to the table.

4. I can stand Chairman Jang but not Geun  Won. His character irritates me so much especially when he laughs. Testament to good acting.
5. PSR having all those shares. 1.9 billion won is over $1 million. I cannot breathe guys! The guy he calls was the student who was bullied by Geun Won in high school. Best collab ever!

I wish PSR had actually started franchising before revealing that he had all these shares. It would have been a real hit in the face to Chairman Jang. But he allowed Geun Won to get to his head and I feel like the drama is now about to start.




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53 minutes ago, emollienime said:

you know what,i want to sympathize with oh sooah,i really do.but i just can’t.she is still a girl,that works for family that murdered park saeroy’s dad.and what worse,she is making the guy,who lost his dad feel sorry and apologetic to a girl,that benefited from his tragedy!that’s a new low!why should he ease her pain,when she gained so much from his pain!why he should be here for her,when she is never here for him and working actively against him!


I never quite understood, why him apologizing so upset me, why him being so in love with her and saying "he will be okay" felt so wrong. Thank you for pointing it out! That's what that feeling is. Her using him, his pain and making him feel bad for her and grateful for no reason too. She didn't even do bare minimum for being one of the people, who covered up his dad's murderer, yet it's Park Sae Roy who is taking all burden, with her acting all "conflicted", like she has any rights at all -_-

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9 minutes ago, serenilmauve said:


I never quite understood, why him apologizing so upset me, why him being so in love with her and saying "he will be okay" felt so wrong. Thank you for pointing it out! That's what that feeling is. Her using him, his pain and making him feel bad for her and grateful for no reason too. She didn't even do bare minimum for being one of the people, who covered up his dad's murderer, yet it's Park Sae Roy who taking all burden, with her acting all "conflicted", like she has any rights at all -_-

I don't understand Soo Ah's conflict, she is not a family member to the Jung's....she can quit anytime and join a different company, they do not own her....I mean if Jung's second son can walk away....what's her deal

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So, it turns out SA did not report the underage drinking. IMO, I don’t think she is conflicted between SR and Jangga. I think she knows in her heart that when it comes down to it, she would choose Jangga over SR. She cannot have both which is why she wanted SR to believe it was her that reported him. She expected SR to be upset with her about it. Maybe even cut ties with her, but it didn’t work - he responded that he still likes her regardless. I respected that she finally decided to tell SR not to like her the appropriate way. She will always choose to love herself first and as a proud employee of Jangga, this means she will choose Jangga as well. I thought it was really touching that when SR found out the truth, he told her to give him time and that he would destroy Jangga to end her struggle. It's unfortunate that she does not have enough faith in him and his capabilities to do so. It could also be that SR is wrong in thinking that she would want that. Perhaps to destroy Jangga is to destroy her as well.


Regarding YS, I come from an upbringing that values education so personally I was a little conflicted when she decided not to attend the university. However, I know there are many people who have done quite well for themselves without going to college so perhaps it is not for everyone. I did like SR and YS’ conversation on the bridge. YS told SR that her mom is upset with her because her mom’s dream was for her to attend a good university then join a big firm. Upon hearing this, I like how SR gave YS hope that when he turns Danbam into a franchise, the end game would be the same as joining a big firm. I feel the biggest difference between SA and YS is that YS believes in SR's dreams and his words when he said that he will make it happen. She is willing to dream big with him and accomplish it together. He is worth the gamble. I thought it was sweet that he stayed by her side until the break of dawn.


SR turning out to be a significant investor in Jangga was a great plot twist! I've been waiting for the moment where SR and CEO Jang meet again and come face to face. Despite SR's bad feelings against Jang, it was nice seeing him respectfully greet Jang like any other customer at Danbam. Also, I love how Jang acknowledged how much SR has an impact on him at his age and how he knows that SR is a force to be reckoned with. Game is definitely on!


SR's plan originally started out as revenge and to seek justice for his father. Now that it's commingled with his determination to free SA and to turn Danbam into something big, the storyline is getting more interesting and the momentum is developing really well. Really love and enjoy how unpredictable it is.

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2 hours ago, AsveriaPSJ said:

Do I want to see more Soo Ah? I have no idea, but this love triangle is driving me crazy

I prefer to have less of her. After the flashback of her teen. I feel like there was the mistake. But instead of reflecting she keeps finding a reason to justify what she did. Like she admit, she turned away the chance to do it. She says she doesn't need it. I feel bad at her. Because of her trauma being abandoned. She thinks of everyone's help as a pity. 


Forget about the triangle plot, why do I love the love and hate relationship between YS and SA. Magically, they both have good chemistry together. I enjoy their bickering. 


Episode 6 ends very short. Wow that new cast? who is he? SY's hidden employee?? SY saves pretty a lot. Wow. Clap! Now he's really going to head to head with them.


Oh, the preview! Why did they make me wait another week for that bus scene! 


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16 minutes ago, Nymeria289 said:

I don't understand Soo Ah's conflict, she is not a family member to the Jung's....she can quit anytime and join a different company, they do not own her....I mean if Jung's second son can walk away....what's her deal

Because her conflict is bs, and I refuse to understand anyone, who supports or calls her decisions “justifiable” or “realistic”. 
God, I hope they will not double down on love triangle, because Oh Soo Ah gets on my nerves with her “I’m Jangga’s loyal dog” type of attitude. 

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51 minutes ago, greenwatch08 said:

The person who he spoke too was Lee Ho Jin, the highschool kid that

Thanks... ah.. yes it's him. I forget since I ffd the first two eps very fast. Ah... this is getting more interesting. 


No wonder the chairman feels so much hurt. It serves them right. What a great shock he gets to make he himself visiting Danbam. 


The next plan SR has, getting an ally with Ceo Kang? I remember she's quite close with SR's dad in the past. 

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