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[Drama 2020-2021] Hospital Playlist, 슬기로운 의사생활 - Season 1 & 2


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1 hour ago, Kvothe said:


A bit of mental gymnastics to derive that that scene had anything to do with Jun-Wan in any context.

As in it's not possible/feasible? That's what I couldnt see at first too... I myself thought her crush was Ik Jun as well but after reading some analyses saying how it pointed towards JunWan instead so I was just trying to watch it again with broader mind/perspective *shrug*


Like i said, it could be just her asking IkJun if he knew about SeokHyeong's confession but pretended not to know... it could also be her implying something else, aka. him knowing who her crush was, and if it was that, then SongHwa might not have crushed on IkJun instead.. who knows... oh wellz... that's how my mind wandered off to :lol:

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I believe Jeong Won will have his own romance outside of the group. It's very uncomfortable to imagine if he also had a crush to Song Hwa in the past. If that's true, it means, most of the guys fell for Song Hwa?  :huh: 


Meanwhile, about Jeong Won's character description that stated he loves someone, I think that implies to God? As the description was added after episode 5 ended and Jeong Won already said that he is only interested in God. He also seemed serious with his dream of becoming a priest.


From the funeral scene, there are three things I considered: Ik Jun liked Song Hwa, Song Hwa liked Jun Wan (or maybe Ik Jun, but for now, I would say Jun Wan), and Jeong Won knows something about romance inside the group, but he didn't say anything.


Besides, it's only Jeong Won who doesn't seem super startled when Seok Hyung said he liked Song Hwa. He seemed like, "finally it revealed."




Besides, he's a very sensitive person who recognizes if anything happens in the group. For instance, he knew instantly that Song Hwa was pretending to be strong about the breast cancer. So it is almost impossible for him to be unaware about something that happened for 20 years. Even Jun Wan asked him about that, but Jeong Won didn’t answer. As a sensible person, it is more likely that he also knew the romance inside the group. But he didn't say anything in order to maintain their friendship. So let say Song Hwa and Ik Jun's feelings are mutual. Jeong Won wouldn't match Ik Jun with his current ex-wife.


Of course, these are only my assumptions. But here's just possibilities I want to share. Haha.


On 4/17/2020 at 5:40 PM, sillyvivian_yo89 said:

As in it's not possible/feasible? That's what I couldnt see at first too... I myself thought her crush was Ik Jun as well but after reading some analyses saying how it pointed towards JunWan instead so I was just trying to watch it again with broader mind/perspective *shrug*


And @Kvothe This is just people seeing things from different perspective, chingu. Please don't worry too much about it.  Sometimes, I also think it can be Ik Jun, make more sense and more likely to be Ik Jun. As all the clues points to him as well.

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The clues that Ik Jun liked Song Hwa are already there from episode 1. I amazed how Shin-PD made us didn't realize it from the beginning. Because it was so obvious. It reminded me of the alley scene in Reply 1988. Here Ik Jun couldn't breathe quietly too. In this scene, I can hear Ik Jun's breath was panting and so heavy.









And his stare here omg. It is before Seok Hyung said to Ik Jun that he liked Song Hwa and before Ik Jun throws away his birthday present for Song Hwa.



From Ik Jun's eyes, he seemed hurt here. 



How he still loves her. Yes, doctors shouldn't say a confidence sentence like that. But idk, hearing it from Ik Jun makes my heart hurts.






And I can imagine these two become a cute family. A cool mom and a goofy dad :D 






Edited by triplem
4th image (Pic, YT, IG, twitter) onwards needs to go into spoiler. TQ
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The Leslie Cheung hair reference was hilarious. The writer must have a special appreciation for the late 80s and 90s culture, including the Hong Kong film industry. In Reply 1988, he also featured bits of Leslie Cheung in the HK movie hits, A Better Tomorrow and A Chinese Ghost Story. The friends were seen watching them. Nice to see the late actor and singer mentioned here.

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you guys are getting better with this detective game of love but i'll believe no one and trust nobody for I know that only the last episode holds the answers to all our questions regarding who ends up with who (BUT I'M STRONGLY SHIPPING CAPTAIN AHN WITH SONG-HWA PLS DONT BREAK SONG JI WON'S (PRISON PLAYBOOK) HEART TWICE)

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People pointing this out and this is also a part of parallel between IkJun - Song Hwa and Director Ju and Jung Rosa. In addition, Ik Jun also loves taking flowers' pictures.






Thursday is still far away. I need to study and go back to the real life ^_^




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@40somethingahjumma I always LOVE reading your analyses/insights about the show since I started looking at this thread. I enjoy reading your insightful thoughts and writing style ^_^


I think that the shipping tendency is potentially due to the PD-writer duo that had given us the Reply series for the most part. Taken R88 for example, it was stated that the stories are focused more on families stories but fans still ended up having shipping war. I was on the destroyed ship for that as well... I admit that I didn't take it well on how or why my ship sank, heck i couldn't even sleep properly that night after watching the husband revelation :sweatingbullets: I know it's kinda childish and ridiculous... though not that i purposely wanted to ship them that i watch the series... it was just that how I personally interpreted the flow of the storyline to be and I guess I do prefer the type of love stories that are similar to JungHwan-DeokSun's portrayal where they potentially have feelings for each other but kept missing the timing ^_^ Life is indeed all about timings..  Because of this, after R88, I no longer allow myself to seriously 'ship' any character anymore while watching anything LOL.


For Hospital Playlist, Although I enjoy more of seeing the interaction of SongHwa and IkJun (especially after the 6th episode), I also personally love seeing the interactions of OT5 and how they care for each other. As much as I love for their interactions to never change, aka romance of them outside the group only, it's gonna be hard for it to happen though, seeing how the stories are slowly unfolding through these episodes... SongHwa will end up with someone, more likely so within the OT5 than Captain Ahn (though I like their chemistry too)


To me, I saw the similarity of my favorite style of love story in SongHwa-Ikjun: having feelings for each other but somehow having to hide it/let it go and kept missing the right timing and just went on with the course of life still be involved in each other's life and caring deeply for each other (whether that care is as friends or not doesn't matter much since caring is...caring right? why the need to put label for caring :)) The story of them right now is whether there is that right timing or not... it might be the same case for the rest of the boys too... There might have to be some sort of a big enough stimulus for the 'timing' to happen for any of them... and after episode 6, it seems like IkJun's 'timing' is coming! (but then again, we're still only halfway through this season, there are still twists and turns that can still happen)



I lovehatelove slow-burn-ish love story as well so I'm gonna fixate on/enjoying my favorite WinterGarden pairing ship for now :wub: just cuz they're so lovely to see. Of course I wont do it in a serious matter since the potential of the ship sinking can still happen but Heck if those revelation scenes are to be shown in the upcoming episodes that JeongWon has actually been secretly caring/paying attention to uri GyeolWool in his own way, mannnnn I'm gonna get a goooooood happy sleeps LOL :w00t:

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1 hour ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

I would put to everyone that the reason why this friendship has survived is because of a lack of romance among them. For 20 years they've maintained that equilibrium is because they have chosen to maintain a family dynamic. It's worked really well for them. That's why they can't look (consciously or unconsciously) from within the friendship to meet those other needs they have.

I agree with you that for them, their friendship is more important than anything else and that’s what they want to maintain. They have surely moved on to becoming family over those 20 years. The old feeling/crush, if there was ever  any, can only come back alive if they were not in touch and suddenly met each other again. But to be around each other all these times, that romantic feeling has surely transformed to something else (familial) and I just cannot see how it can transform back to a romantic feeling. 

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10 hours ago, LovelyLady said:


Cr: screencaps from estelle-sim (tumblr) gifset.


Jeong won is warm with everyone except Gyeo wool. In this scene, he's talking to Min Ah, whom he never met kindly with a smile. So the writers want me to believe that his behaviour towards Dr Jang means absolutely nothing. Why show us his subtle reactions like here but also in episode 5, where he looks worried. Anyway, for now, I'm gonna take Min Ah's advice and say there is nothing. We'll see how it goes.

Hey, you can see Jong WOn  said: I see you together all the time ---> That's the problem

If he don't care her anything, don't follow/ look at her why he know Min Ha alway go with Dr Jang. I feel that he is hiding something :)

Please do not quote images (pics, IG , YT, gifs) . Thanks
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Oh... I love how SH being open to her friends about her condition and glad that it wasn't that scary as they worried. 


Wait... did IK intentionally told JH that about that so he could step away for awhile then he got that reason for giving her the hairband he bought. It's so touching when he arrived at the hospital to accompany SH. 


And I love their friendship even more. Lol the moment each one of them confirming the test result are so funny. It shows how they care each other so much. I can't stop replaying it countless times. 


I wonder it would be fun to see how IK finally discover that his best friend date his sister. I can imagine how his reaction over this new finding. Lol 

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Thanks @40somethingahjumma for your insights.


Totally agree with you, that people fall in love for reasons other than what's obvious to others. Coming from a university where boys : girls is 4 : 1, I have a group where there are 5 men and 2 woman as best friends. We are friends for 12 years now and still going strong. That is actually why I watch this drama, even though I hate on going drama because waiting for each episode is hard. But knowing that it is relatable to me makes me endure the hardship. 


And from my experience, I find myself think that this show really do a good research for background story. Because it is likely happen to me and my friends as well. Some friends are married and we are not marry each other. Sorry but that is really how it goes for us to have this group stand still this years. :lol:

And I have other group that only stayed for 2 years because someone started to fall in love with another and when it didn't work out, somehow we separate our ways. 


Now that they are 40s (I am not even 30 hehe), maybe it will work out because they have more experience, but maybe it won't. 


That's why I am not in to one ship except Rosa and Ju Jongsu because I think, they will last even they don't marry each other because in your old days, you just need a good friend to be your partner. I think that is why some grandparents love to be in nursing home.


Back to our OT5 or fab five, I wish they get a happy family for each of them while still get the group strong. Like I said before, I don't see Dr. Jang will end up with JeongWon not because her personality but because our JeongWon has a dream to be a priest and that is nothing to do with girlfriend. And even if he doesn't end up become a priest, it will because a bigger reason than just romance. He is still a caring man, so it will really weird if he doesn't even text her and wish her well when she is sick. It is in his moral code. 


For Junwan and Iksun, I know it is so cute. But I will only say something if it break the 3 months standard. I mean, I do know a friend who never has a relationship longer than 6 months and it is weird but it happened. So, I won't expect to much. And we still don't know about Iksun past, so let's see what the next episodes bring us.


For our SeokHyeong, I really glad because my hope for him happened in thid week episode. Now he has more friends and we'll see if he will open his heart for woman, knowing that he is still in a heartbreak because of his family. I hope his heart is healed first. 


Ikjun and SongHwa will always be a best friend, whether they end up together or not. SongHwa knows her boundaries when Ikjun had a wife, because she is a woman afterall and she won't ask him about his personal relationship with his wife if he didn't tell them first. That's why SongHwa think Ikjun will solve his problem when Junwan ask her to check on Ikjun. And that's why I respect SongHwa so much, because I know that she is indeed a notable and stong woman. She knows her friends well and she won't badmouthing their girlfriends because she respects their choice (even Junwan's ex-girlfriend that never last than 3 months or Ikjun's ex-wife. I wonder who the girl she talked about with SeokHyeong in the first episode that he bought a bluetooth speaker for. SongHwa respects her too). 


So, if SongHwa end up with Ahn ChiHong I will happy (I said before why I really like Ahn ChiHong). But if SongHwa end up with one of her friends, I think they need to sort their feelings first about it and work hard to keep their friendship alive. I hope it will work in their age (with all the past relationship experience and having your best friends approval), having your friend to be your spouse, I think it will be great too. 


After all, I will enjoy the ride, because watching them make me see myself and my bestfriends. It is so relatable, I always talk about it to anyone who ask about a good  drama to watch in this social distancing time. And I keep coming back here, it is weird somehow but I can't resist. 


Have a good weekend, Chingu! :D

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wow did the forum got spammed or what.. i saw 1.5 pages of trash :angry:


anyway i’m loving every ep of this drama right now.. and i need to change my ship to 

Chairman Ju Jung Su/ Madam Rosa


they bring pure joy every time both enter the same scene :lol:



also i love how the Dr Chu really worry and care for Dr Jang when she got allergy reaction.. :D boy, when Dr Jang turned around at the coffee vending machine, i got a shock of her swollen face!



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3 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

concerned that we're setting ourselves up for huge disappointments ahead. I'm already worried about the hue and cry that is to come.



Me too me too. Guessing games are all fun and good but we should also know how to take a step back and understand what the writer is trying to tell us. There is no point in crying over a sunken ship that you've built it on your own. LOL. Now what will make me mad is if the band gets disbanded for some reason and everyone go their separate ways. After 6th ep I feel like this is also a huge possibility seeing Song hwa talk about going to country side and working in a small hospital. Song hwa will go to the country side, Andrea will go to London to study priesthood, Jun wan will probably go to Hawaii? Hahahah I don't know but I feel like he might break up with Iksun at the end of this season and Seok hyeong will probably take over the VIP ward or it might be Ik Jun, then in the next season they will all again come together because of some inevitable reason and we will see the Fab five in action again. I can totally see this happening. LOL. I should be the one who should write fanfics. Hahahaha

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2 hours ago, maggiee said:

I wonder who the girl she talked about with SeokHyeong in the first episode that he bought a bluetooth speaker for. SongHwa respects her too). 

That’s his dead sister (I only found out in retrospect after following episodes and so rewatched the first episode again just to fully understand the conversations).  It was the day of her memorial.  He bought her (his sister) food and a Bluetooth speaker.  That’s why SHwa showed up at his house because she wanted to make sure he was okay. 

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@sillyvivian_yo89, @maggiee


Thank you for taking time with your responses. Much appreciated. Thank you for taking my comments in the spirit in which it was intended. :)


I don't disregard any possibilities within reason. ;) That was the whole point of my ridiculously long post. It is entirely within the right of the showrunners to demonstrate that the whole WinterGarden loveline is only meant to highlight an unrequited infatuation that an inexperienced young woman has for a priestly aspirant. 


But I think it's an interesting "coincidence" don't you think that two best friends, Gyeo Ul and Min-ha have feelings for two other best friends, Jeong-won and Seok-hyeon. If these four people become couples... for argument's sake... it would be extremely convenient for future social interactions. It would be, in essence, be an extension of the existing Fab Five "family" rather than an outright appenditure. And because they're a regular part of Dr Bong's gossip corner, they're in a much better position to understand what this "family" dynamic looks like and how they fit into it.


Just saying. ;) You don't have to agree with me... I'm just putting it out there for people to chew on. 


I think there is a good chance that Ik-sun and Jung-wan will survive the the magic 3 months because this is something JW really wants despite the fact that it's his best friend's sister. IS isn't some random girl from a matchmaking website. He knows full well that he can't take this too lightly because his friendship with IJ is on the line as well. The fact that he made this step means he is fairly serious. I believe he is doing this with the view of getting married.



I wouldn't completely reject the idea that Song-hwa could end up with Ik-jun. But only at the end. Only after everyone has settled their own "happiness" whatever that looks like. Once everyone is secure in their choices, the two people left standing will be free to make that step.


1 hour ago, kokodus said:

I should be the one who should write fanfics. Hahahaha


You should if you feel so inclined. It's time consuming but loads of fun.

I find it somewhat therapeutic when shows end inconclusively. ;)

I don't think this will happen here mind you. Whatever the show chooses to do, it will do a good job of justifying it.

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@maggiee same at first i try hard not to ship her with anyone but at the same time i wonder how the writer will wrote the storie when the show first start..but after watching it,and maybe cause the character on their early 40’s and some of them already had partner yet they able to get along i realize i just hope they maintain like them as they five already like a family.


and maybe they will be like dr ju and madam jung rosa, they such close friend or did they became close again after their partner die?? 


and i forget that they said they wanna make this drama 3 season right?? i still hope it not follow up the hollywood style each season withh different partner and i hope either jeong won end up with geul wol or not i wish she stay on the show and the writer develop or had build up her character development..i dont know,she just so charming, maybe the actress also really so suit with dr jang geul wol character make me attract for it.


and i think people including me want jeong won end up with someone cause we dont want to see chilbong and even yys in MS was die alone...

but whatever the character choose i just hope it make lots of sense..like for now i love how cute jung wan with ik sun but i hope to see background story, when he start to like her or if the writer want to focus on the future how jung wan will react about the untold past?? or why he had 3 months curse relationships??? cause the early episode when jeong won and sung hwa had phone call, she said this times jung wan still with ten girl only to break up later cause she kinda had party or drinking problem...so does the 3 months curse cause he always attract to party type girl?? 

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@40somethingahjumma haha No no I won't be writing any fanfics. My imaginative skills are good but my writing skills are pretty bad. 

@Lawyerh You should write some fanfics about our sunken Junhwa ship. LOL. I'll read it all. 


@Sorary I think the writers are setting up Jeong won's character for some big reveal. He is the only one who didn't get any proper flashback yet. He is still like a closed book. They are intentionally not showing his true feelings towards DR.Jang. There is something he is hiding. The funeral scene in ep 2, he was the only one who didn't say anything when the topic of romance came. His reactions were also different from others. It's like he knows something. 

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