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[Drama 2020-2021] Hospital Playlist, 슬기로운 의사생활 - Season 1 & 2


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1 hour ago, Helena said:

It's impossible to overlook stories about her co-stars in the drama. Jeon Mi Do showed close-knit fellowship when sharing, "The actresses are striving to meet each other again. Recently, Min Ha (An Eun Jin), Gyeo Wool (Shin Hyun Bin) and I first met in private. As for the "99-line", we have agreed to meet once a month even after the end of the drama. Our relationship has developed and we have become much closer."

"Hospital Playlist", which marks the reunion of PD Shin Won Ho and screenwriter Lee Woo Jung of the "Reply" series, is about to end its first season with 12 episodes. Jeon Mi Do couldn't hide her affection for the series when sharing, "More than anyone else, we - the drama's cast and crew- are the ones expecting season 2 the most." After the end of season 1, she is expected to meet the audience again through the character Claire in the musical "Perhaps a Happy Ending".


Great to see that the 5 main casts are still going to meet together monthly, hope they will upload their meetup on IG to share with the fans.


Min Ha, Gyeo Wool and Song Hwa meet up is also nice :D


I suppose the guys might support JMD at her musical since this musical will be showcase for 3 months, furthermore Dr Do is also involve in the same musical. :)




Min-ha can sing

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Wow, wow, wow A LOt of new posters, forum has moved on a bullet train speed & I can not catch up with all the posts despite trying so hard :cry:so I give up & before I run out of little data balance & very little time that I have in my hands I should post my opinion.

                   Writer + director are not some holy cows who can not be criticized for their work. Every one has the right to state their opinion if they dislike their work. Just like some people hate Ik Jun & geoyol in respect to state their opinion but it hurts other people who have different opinion.

                    Kudos to @kokodus for some very befitting replys in a very civilised manner. If you know what I mean kokodus. You sure got a way to say things.

                  Coming to the highlight of this episode , the confession of Ik Jun ,  what I get from the scene & SongHwa response is 

1) The confession was not a brand new one,  Ik Jun had already done that before many times

2) SongHwa is totally awared of Ik Jun feelings to her from a long time ago

3) SongHwa reciprocates his feelings

4) As all of you mentioned that she did not outright reject him like she did for captain Ahn & SeokHyong.

5) SongHwa reciprocates his feelings but for some reason cannot fulfill her desire to be with Ik Jun as a lover 


     Her reason in my opinion

The feelings of SeokHyong for her. Remember how it was stressed in previous episodes that SeokHyong gives importance only to SongHwa's opinion.

And SongHwa shows so much concern for him, she cares for him a lot. 

        I know this can be done and viewed in the light of friendship ONLY IF SeokHyong did not have feelings for her in the past. So SongHwa can't love back Ik Jun because it will complicate things in their friendship of those 3 friends. And we are not sure whether SeokHyong has moved on or not.

             My opinion is just based on what we have been shown so far so I can totally be wrong but this fear cannot refrain me from posting my opinion so plz don't make fun of me in case:joy:.

              Ik Jun confession made viewers heart fluttered , yeah that is the power of JJS romantic acting. PD you milked him for comedic acting in this season so I am patiently waiting for you to use his romantic acting in full swing in the next season. You better do that or else ......:rage:.

                The banter between Ik Jun - KJW is the part I enjoy the most in every episode. Their back & forth on the name of Ik Sun to their egg fight to their scene in today's episode , hehehe KJW just cannot overpower Ik Jun by shouting at him just like he dominates others.:lol: Their every banter is a comedic gold , a treat to watch. Plz bring more PD.




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1 hour ago, DBSKyoochun said:

I partially share your sentiments with Songhwa and JWon. When I first watched it, I was more focused on Ikjun and Songhwa who obviously share a connection (IkSong shippers unite! Haha). But when I re-watched it again, there was something I noticed. Their conversations mostly pertain to a past action that they discussed together (Songhwa checking up on Seokhyung in Ep 1, Seokhyung wanting them to join the band etc.) and a foreshadowing of what might happen in the future (Jeongwon planning to talk to her about Daddy Long Legs). Another thing is, they always get each other without the need for any dialogue. They support each other’s decisions. So I’m watching out for a possible twist on this two BUT it might not be endgame but more of a reference in the past. Maybe they know each other’s first love(the possibility of Ik Jun’s wife to be Seongwon’s first love haha). 

Ikjun being dense: I also noticed this. The effort to re-assess his assumptions. Which might be the reason why he will discover Iksun and Junwan’s relationship. I am waiting for his reaction! Hahahaha. Maybe another hair pulling session? Haha. This characteristic of Ikjun is very interesting that’s why I also like Ikjun and Songhwa because they are polar opposites on this part. I’m really interested to see how their relationship will work out. Haha


Gyeoul: Gyeoul is one of my favorite characters not because she is perfect but because she is flawed. And when a character is flawed, the development would be beautiful and interesting to watch. Gyeoul is a reminder of our youth when we are still innocent and assessing reality. Comparing to earlier episodes, Gyeoul has improved so much as a resident with the help of Ikjun and Jeongwon. They mentored her and what’s nice about her is she listens. Not because she admires Jeongwon but because the advice makes sense. As Jeongwon’s loveline, I am anticipating a lot about this. Though, as an old person, I hate that jealousy tactic Ikjun pulled off for her. But that is typical Ikjun. Haha. There are two more seasons so I am looking forward on how Gyeoul’s love story and character development will pan out. 

I too had an inkling that Seonghwa and JeongWon already knew something about each other which they didn't share with anyone. May be Seonghwa relied on Andrea about her secret in the past and so he did in the present. Reason why Seonghwa asked him to meet a lady, she knew it was not impossible and has already happened in the past. About a possible love line between them, I just don't get the vibe. 

And about our dear Gyeoul, I can't agree more when you say she reminds us of ourselves in the past. I too love the way she is always striving for improvement in herself. IkJun feels more like an elder brother she can share her concerns with and Jeong Won being the guy she admires and having the qualities she wants to inculcate in herself, no one ever told her that she needs to have these. For JeongWon, he has shown her a side of himself which no one else is aware of except people in his close circle. I find it so beautiful that without even knowing him deeply Gyeoul never judged him for what he said to her, instead showed an understanding which very few people do. I guess Andrea knows it and hence the discomfort around her. She makes him contradict himself ( stubborn Andrea :D). He tried to act aloof but still got closer in a way he could never imagine of.Contrary to the perception of how a garden is supposed not to bloom in winter ( supposed not to act in a certain way) she embraces him  regardless and gives him a chance to grow  :)

Edited by stella_512
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6 hours ago, Lalazhiii said:

Ok but anyone else curious why Jwan was exempted from military service ? 


Maybe he's the family breadwinner. I also have an inkling that the new nursing student from ep9 is his sister 'Kim Yeung-Ju'


A prelude in ep6 when he was taking to his mum mentioned about his sister and that she changed her name. Ep9 scene talks about the girl's father having chemo therapy.


Junwan's mum also has expensive taste coz she were asking him over the phone to buy her a bathtub worth 30million won bcoz the neighbor has one :D 


So maybe they were rich before then things has change when his father got ill.


This is just my understanding from the presented scenes and i could be wrong ;) 


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1 hour ago, ryanallright said:

Min-ha can sing

Wow, beautiful voice ... almost everyone in HP can sing beautifully, just right for Hospital "Playlist".


I would love to buy actual album of our beloved Fab5 and other cast crew if they release it, or at least some more scene with others singing skill?


Too bad SongHwa is tone-deaf otherwise we may be able to hear her beautiful voice on HP (or maybe duo with Ikjun!)

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2 hours ago, DBSKyoochun said:

Though, as an old person, I hate that jealousy tactic Ikjun pulled off for her.

Personally I think IJ overstepped then.  How will she backpedal from that proposal announcement?  He practically told all her professors and Andrea that her bf proposed to her?  So this would be circulating around the hospital grapevine after that?  How is she going to break the news to everyone afterwards that...her bf didn’t actually propose?  And she’s not actually getting married?  People are going to keep congratulating her and ask her when’s the big day?  Have you thought about the wedding dress?  Where will you be holding the ceremony?  Where’s the ring?  Will she continue to live the lie and pretend it is exactly as IJ said?  Sigh, had IJ toned it down by saying it was a birthday gift from her bf or something less dramatic, it would save her a lot of grief.  

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3 hours ago, DBSKyoochun said:

Maybe there is a deeper reason why he finally submitted his priesthood application when in fact before, he listens to his brother to endure it for one more year.

I think it was mentioned there is an age limit. He hit the limit set in Korea which is why he is going to Italy instead. 


3 hours ago, nrllee said:

But smoking does cause headaches so he should quit his habit.  He would have to quit smoking surely if he wants to be a priest?  

I know there are many priests out there who smoke. Being a priest (in Catholic) doesn't require one to quit smoking. 

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25 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

I know there are many priests out there who smoke. Being a priest (in Catholic) doesn't require one to quit smoking. 

Okay, I will take your word for it.  I was basing my opinion on this (Wikipedia)


The Roman Catholic Church does not condemn smoking, but considers excessive smoking to be sinful, as described in the Catechism (CCC 2290):

The virtue of temperance disposes us to avoid every kind of excess: the abuse of food, alcohol, tobacco, or medicine.

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59 minutes ago, nrllee said:

Personally I think IJ overstepped then.  How will she backpedal from that proposal announcement?  He practically told all her professors and Andrea that her bf proposed to her?  So this would be circulating around the hospital grapevine after that?  How is she going to break the news to everyone afterwards that...her bf didn’t actually propose?  And she’s not actually getting married?  People are going to keep congratulating her and ask her when’s the big day?  Have you thought about the wedding dress?  Where will you be holding the ceremony?  Where’s the ring?  Will she continue to live the lie and pretend it is exactly as IJ said?  Sigh, had IJ toned it down by saying it was a birthday gift from her bf or something less dramatic, it would save her a lot of grief.  


Gyeo Ul doesn't strike to me as someone who cares so much about what other's think of her, at least she's not a typical people pleaser who'd get extremely affected by it/. Otherwise she would have thought twice about the things she said. 


In all other scenes expect the pretend bouquet, the GS professors have only been more interested on whose surgery she is assisting. There were no other times when they ask or nag her about dating. The same goes with the normal crowd she hangs out with - they made some remarks about the woman needed to beat god but that was about it. Or the two colleagues' question about Ik Jun that she answered. So I would not expect the GS professors to suddenly be so interested in her dating life more so than her decision of selected surgery assist.


Its a valid concern and has the potential to happen, but Gyeo ul is so baddass that being the talk in town would not affect her much, and even if this escalated to more fabricated rumours, I am damn sure she has the balls to defend herself and straighten things out.


I foresee an easy solution though, if she ends up dating Jeong Won during this time then there is no more lie. Then there really is a boyfriend. :D 

Propose in this context I believe isn't about marriage, but rather a "proposal" to be officially dating and bf and gf.  



oh and the sharing on smoking and the fact that is considered a sin - gives off a higher chance that priesthood is not exactly what he wants. Smoking is a sin and he is not able to stop and repent from that - then he's heart is not fully in it yet - which explains why he is conflicted inside. 





I watched a drama of her and Junho - confession. I'd say her role is quite minor and she's a lot more quirky - but still feels like gyeo ul to me because of how brave her character was. 


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35 minutes ago, sakura22 said:


Propose in this context I believe isn't about marriage, but rather a "proposal" to be officially dating and bf and gf.  

IJ said her boyfriend proposed, so must be about marriage proposal. But still easy peasy, just say that she didn’t accept the proposal. IJ didn’t say that she is getting married :D 



I also watched Confession. I enjoyed it, but not many people like it. The thread was very slow moving. 


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Well if gyeo wool ended with jeong won,she needs to added her cv

1. Beats GOD :lol:


btw theres still unreleased footage about ik jun asked jeong won did he likes gyeo wool,i think thats maybe the key to all of this. why he want to be a pastor ?,his feeling towards gyeo wool ? dunno if secret garden theory is true,if is why songhwa ask to jeongwon in last eps to get married and have child and jeong won asked back. also if they are secret couple why jeong won still want to became pastor ? although maybe because if songhwa who so hard to men and reject jeong won ,thats maybe the solution. well if you into reply series it all can happen .

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4 hours ago, superspace said:

If only, this scene had not never came out, maybe our life would have been more peaceful but maybe less fun :lol:

I rewatched the scene with the edits and it was too funny :D After Jongsu’s question “How did nothing happen between you guys?” I just got to notice the rock-thrown-in-water sound effect exactly right before Ikjun acting all defensive HAHAHA.


 My guess (guess because I don’t have much concrete basis on this mostly just my gut feel and their friendship dynamics) is that:


Jungwan- Really doesn’t have an idea about any romance within the group

Jeongwon- Knows who Songhwa liked (Most observations I have point to ikjun but I still can’t fully cross-off Jungwan from the possibilities)

Songhwa- Knows or has an idea about Ikjun’s feelings towards her

Ikjun- Knows Seokhyeong liking Songhwa

Seokhyeong- poor guy got pressured to reveal his confession :joy:


But then again, who they liked before would only have bearing in the present if they haven’t moved on. To be honest, if I were Songhwa, I think Jeongwon would also be the safest one in the group to talk to about the person I like. And with Jeongwon’s keen senses I would expect he knows a lot about his friends (like Hawaii) so he might’ve noticed it himself.


And I agree with @JJS's Fan-atics, I don’t think the “confession” from ep 10 was the first time they talked about Ikjun’s feelings. Most probably the first time it was brought up again in a long while. For some unknown reason, the topic hasn’t received closure.


2 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

IJ said her boyfriend proposed, so must be about marriage proposal. But still easy peasy, just say that she didn’t accept the proposal. IJ didn’t say that she is getting married :D 


  Reveal hidden contents

I also watched Confession. I enjoyed it, but not many people like it. The thread was very slow moving. 


While watching I also thought they were just putting emphasis on Gyeoul having a boyfriend and not really anything on the marriage HAHAHA. I just assumed it was a translation issue again. But then again, I don’t know korean HAHAH. All the professors were just excited that someone from their department was dating. I think if the topic was indeed a real marriage proposal the professors would’ve been more shocked and curious and ask “You have a boyfriend?” or something like that. So maybe the term proposal meant something like a confession?

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3 minutes ago, KDramaFan0828 said:

While watching I also thought they were just putting emphasis on Gyeoul having a boyfriend and not really anything on the marriage HAHAHA. I just assumed it was a translation issue again. But then again, I don’t know korean HAHAH. All the professors we’re just excited that someone from their department was dating. I think if the topic was indeed a real marriage proposal the professors would’ve been more shocked and curious and ask “You have a boyfriend?” or something like that. So maybe the term proposal meant something like a confession?

Yeah maybe it was more like a “we’re officially an item” type proposal?  :lol: Don’t know what it’s like culturally in Korea.  When I hear proposal I think wedding :lol:

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3 hours ago, Kathy345 said:

Wow, beautiful voice ... almost everyone in HP can sing beautifully, just right for Hospital "Playlist".


I would love to buy actual album of our beloved Fab5 and other cast crew if they release it, or at least some more scene with others singing skill?


Too bad SongHwa is tone-deaf otherwise we may be able to hear her beautiful voice on HP (or maybe duo with Ikjun!)


Well as mentioned, majority of the cast members has theater/musical background and several of them were still involved in it.

For example, out of the 5 main leads, I think only JKH does not have the experience of being in theater/musical


In fact, JMD and Jung Moon-sung (aka Dr Do) had been casted together for the same musical next month. 

Kwak Sun-young (aka Ik-sun) had already been involved in a new drama theater which started two weeks ago


YYS had also been casted in a musical together with Kyuhyun for his next project after HP

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Wow the forum moves so quickly, it's actually quite intimidating haha.

Some general thoughts on Episode 10:


- The incident with Dr Cheon and the stubborn patient seemed to not only reinforce Dr Cheon's questionable motivations for pursuing such a profession, but also the matter of his selfishness and pride that prevents him from truly becoming a respectable doctor. The first time the patient refused the diuretic, and Dr Cheon simply accepted his decision, he probably thought in doing the opposite of what is expected, the patient would become fearful (or at least emotionally affected) and ultimately accept the treatment. However, that failed as the patient rejected it a second time. Dr Cheon's consistent refusal to convince the patient beyond "you will die" then highlights his pride in 1) refusing to admit that his tactic failed, and 2) believing that there is no point in engaging in such a patient who so blatantly goes against the doctor's authority. He also expresses his self-centredness when his did not bother to find out why the patient is behaving this way (in fact, it was Dr Do Jae Hak who asked), and this selfishness culminates in his decision to give up on the patient -- to him, the patient is merely another means towards his monetary goal rather than a person whose life is literally in his hands. On the other hand, Jae Hak, who has said that he joined CS for the money, displays empathy when he not only tried repeatedly to convince the patient to receive the treatment, but also in the way he finally managed to succeed. He acknowledged that the patient had nothing left to lose (besides his pride) as he believed he would die, and switched tactic to "you will die" to "I will lose my job". The patient needed a reason to accept the treatment besides it being good for his own sake -- he needed to know how his actions could affect, if not him, then others around him. Jae Hak saw this, and at the expense of his pride, displayed his vulnerability, which in turn touched the patient. I am just so thankful that he has a great mentor in Jun Wan who very rightly reminded him that a real doctor never gives up on his patients. If the doctor, who holds the medical expertise and whom the patient trusts to cure them gives up, who else can they turn to? I'm really liking Jae Hak's arc, and this episode highlights that for all his inferiority regarding his intelligence, he is caring and empathetic at his core and that is the makings of a good doctor.


- Minha's confession really impressed me, simply because I could never be that blunt haha. Her straightforward nature has always been something I liked, as I think it's what makes her such a genuine person. At the start of the show, I admittedly thought her superficial with her emphasis on looks and her goal to kiss someone by the end of the year. However, time and time again, she has proven me wrong. She is sincere when with her friends, her colleagues, her patients, and especially in this episode, with herself. When she told Seok Hyeong not to treat the confession as if it didn't happen, it wasn't to make him feel uncomfortable, but rather to demonstrate the amount of thought she has put in in confessing her feelings. I liked her assurance to him that she does not require a response -- I think it also speaks of her great self-confidence, as what matters most to her is not whether he reciprocates her feelings, but simply being able to be honest and open with him.


- Speaking of honesty, I really admire Jun Wan's maturity in this episode. It would have been so easy to remain passive (or even be passive-aggressive) after finding out about Ik Sun's success in getting a position in the programme, and that's the response we see in a lot of dramas. Although disappointed and upset, however, he chose to be honest with her and confront her instead of speculating and dragging the issue out. I particularly liked that they decided to speak in person about it, because it's definitely not an issue to be discussed over the phone where one or both parties are distracted. Communication is key in a relationship, and I'm glad that they're constantly striving for improvement in this one.


- Lastly, something more lighthearted haha. I am constantly in awe with they band scenes. It's just so impressive that they are playing for real, and their consistent practice is really paying off as they seem so much more comfortable with their instruments as compared to the beginning. Glad that Jeong Won got his moment to shine vocally this episode, and Jun Wan had another solo part. Just want to add that their band scenes were what made me pick up the guitar again. Hopefully one day I'll reach "Canon" level. :b

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While I do admit YYS+SHB make a pretty couple, I just don't "feel" AJW+JGW. GW is just so.... bland - for lack of better word - when with JWon. Either the character was badly written or the actors misinterpret their characters.


Knowing what we know about JWon, I feel like he need some sparks in his life. I imagine that he would pair nicely with a passionate domestic abuse counselor or a family law specialist who initially wants to stay single and be a nun or something. They meet, they clash, they misunderstood each other, they reconcile and bam! And there is also that hurdle of serving God.


As per how things are going, GW is more interesting with IJ. Lively even. At least she doesn't become a doormat.


MH is another thing. She is a lovable scenestealer. The scene when she confessed to SH was brilliantly done. The way she blurted out her confession. What a bear! It took SH completely by surprise. And when she return to ask him not to pretend things didn't happen, one can see the apprehension that she has. She wasn't that confident after all. When SH initially laughed off when MH asked if he liked her, I thought that was genuine and he really didn't have any thoughts about her. But I'm pretty sure that he was shaken by her forthright admission and is not quite sure what to do about it. However, I believe MH and SH's mom would get along fabulously:)


I googled a bit about MH's actress AEJ and found out she was in Kingdom. Wow! And I really love her short crop which is so unlike the typical Korean female artists who tend to keep long locks.

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YO, my fellow Chihong-Songhwa shippers, where you at?

(Ehem, first time here, hello everyone *bow*)


Okay I've always been a silent reader but I would blame this video by Amie because I lost it.

T H E    F E E L S ! ! ! ! ! ! 


Don't be discouraged my chingus because our ship is still sailing. 

I have to agree with Amie here that "the dynamic between Chi-hong and Song-hwa has shifted drastically but in a low-key way and audiences often overlook it because they has made it obvious that she rejected him before".

Now let me show you how LOW-KEY it is.


One, when Chihong reached out to brush the hair off Songhwa's jacket, she tensed up. Lol, she literally froze. Her reaction is exactly like in other dramas where the male lead suddenly reaches over to help the female lead buckle up her seatbelt. 




Let's have a look HERESame reaction, right?

The question is: if she just sees him as a junior or a friend, why did she tense up?

You can say she was surprised, but definitely not in a bad way.

My opinion? She also sees him as a man too, without her even knowing.


Two, she looked at Chihong, as a way to ask him to back her up when she teased the other residents. Their interaction was so natural. A mutual understanding is implied.




Three, she said she's all in for a romance between coworkers. (Ahn Chihong, you cheeky little... I saw what you did there!)





Four, she smiled when she praised Chihong. Not once, TWICE. 









Five, she smiled again, when she turned around to see Chihong coming over to join their lunch.

She already knew he would be joining. She's happy to see him. 





Six, she tried so hard to hide her smile after Chihong joked that her cursing is like a therapy to him. She casted a glance at him and turned away smiling. (be still my heart be still)










Seven, she purposely looked at Chihong when she announced that she was the intern's dinner date.

(Chihong's dissappointed face cracks me up)







Eight, she looked at him AGAIN, when she asked everyone to go to dinner togerther.





Now you see why Amie said that their dynamic has changed drastically? 

Guys, this is development. The ship is sailing!!!!!


Edited by hoanganh
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