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[Drama 2020] The King: Eternal Monarch, 더 킹: 영원의 군주


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What is the role of Fate and or Destiny as it is played out in the timelines.


Destiny:1.something to which a person or thing is destined  or 2 a predetermined course of events often held to be an irresistible power or agency

Fate:the development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power.



What is the role of Fate and or Destiny as it is played out in the timelines.


There are many different ideas about how traveling to different timelines affects the outcome of the story. Many predictions talk about how different  timelines are affecting the outcome of the story. The king goes back to save himself and LL goes back to warn himself. But what we have not figured in is another very important element of this story. That is the role that destiny or fate. What if the timelines need to repeat because what was destined to happen has been disturbed. The flute called to the King as a child just as it has to his father and his father’s father. LL was never destined to have and control the flute. When LL killed his brother and tried to steal the flute he went against destiny thus disrupting the balance of the two worlds. The sword, which is the ultimate defender of fate, was never LL’s to possess. Because he was probably never trained in the use of the sword, LL didn’t even think to take it and this may be his downfall. The king from boyhood knows about the sword and it’s use. He also is beginning to understand the power of the flute. So, LL tried to change his fate by taking the flute and the King has decided to accept his destiny by restoring the balance. Each change that goes against what is destined to happen weakens both worlds. So Fate must step in to restore balance  The red string of fate is tied to the king and JTE. Yoyo child has tied the string himself. Luna pointed out that it looked like it might come undone and that the child needed to fix it. Now the stage is set for fate to play out. It is time for the people whom fate has tied together to act to right the worlds bring back balance.  Over and over it is said that fate ties JTE and the King together. I believe that they have both accepted this so now  it’s time for them to live out their destiny. Those whom the red string ties together will prevail. 

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48 minutes ago, AgentQuake said:


Speaking of spoilers, it’s been a few days.  Isn’t it time we get another round of contradicting spoilers or photos that will launch another 50 pages of screaming?  It’s not that I’m asking for it...but yeah I want it.

I think we are done with spoilers since the filming is over :(. Unless there are some people out there holding out on more spoilers pics. 


26 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:



@scrawford Come on over. Plenty of drinks on my side :lol:



I’ll be right there!!! :)

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22 minutes ago, scrawford said:

@SweetButters could be that LG drew the concept of time machine because he suspect the savior is from the future, since he brought JTE ID card, a picture of a grown woman but was born in 1991. I think he is aware somebody time travel but he just didn’t realize that it was him who time travel?

@scrawford Yes it could be highly possible, as I was taking a closer look at some of the things he was drawing on his boards, it mostly centered around space-time.




17 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:

@SweetButters haha, I love your explanation of the cylinder symbolizing basically the flute itself. I had to read it a couple of times to get the gist of it. But honestly, this was me trying to simplify it even more for myself:

@vangsweetie637 HAHHA oh no again I'm really sorry haha!!! What KES does in TKEM is use stuff in math and science as metaphors haha. For example, if someone who didn't get what the different colors on circuit board wires mean, they would say oh it just looks like a bunch of rainbow spaghetti lol. 




15 minutes ago, Alice Wonderland said:

Thanks @SweetButters it was much understandable now. I agreed that the flute itself will be the key to each other world and it becomes more powerful and works as a balance once it got united maybe. That's what the yoyo kid do, making the path for LG to return for everything into its rightful places.


I always wonder that those scientific notes over his study room, on every wall or any flat glass LG could write are the vivid clues to those understand them very closely. But since it's something I don't have much knowledge about I found it very confusing. Hahaha. Again your x-ray eyes and pretty mind save me again! LOL. At this rate, with many of science students like you and others here, this makes KES work seems so wonderful. 


Now I just need to at least see this bits of the writer's explanation into some scenes in the next episodes. 


P.S. thanks for indexing a link, very helpful and efficient. 


@Alice Wonderland Exactly !! I mean the way I look at what's going on in TKEM, is from every direction whether its based in math, science, movies, or literature. Awww thanks I'm glad my x ray vision serves a better purpose than seeing through LG's clothes hahahah. Basically whatever is written on those boards is almost like a story of his and JTE's journey to finding and loving each other. You could communicate someone's love story through equations since math is a universal language :wub:!

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1 hour ago, SweetButters said:

@Heretorant If anything, KES probably used a consultant who is a physicist and mathematician hahah because there's just no way she could come up with that on her own hahahah. Yea I dont get it either as to why LG is so um dumb? He's portrayed as this super smart math and science man, but he couldn't figure it out yet .....even though he drew the concept of a time machine on his board  is just beyond me at this point lol. 


Hahahaha. I wouldn’t say LG is dumb. But I’ll say LR is smart beyond any non mathematicians. I kind of like when the main character takes time to figure things out. If it’s too easy, I can’t help but roll my eyes. Yes, I’m definitely rolling my eyes at LR. It’s not like he’s been spending time thinking about the possibility of time traveling and trying to figure out a way to achieve it so how is it possible that he can figure out 1) there is a traveler and 2) how to travel in such a short time? On the other hand, LG has always had a hunch. He has an ID that was issued in 2019 and instead of dismissing it as a fraud, he accepted it. See there? He already accepted the possibility of there being someone from the future traveling to his time. He’s also a mathematician so he only needed one missing clue to confirm his theory. Now that it finally clicked, he is the savior who traveled back, it’s only a matter of time that he’ll figure out how. I like it. I like when we’re taken from points a-z along with the character.

I’ll be excited and over the moon if your theory holds true and they use math and science to back up time traveling. Why not right? This whole show is a math equation in itself. I just hope they take time to explain it. Can we hear an explanation from LG? Yes please.

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10 minutes ago, leeminhosny said:

SBS actually is good among KBS and MBC , SBS had with highest rating dramas but can't make promotion, everytime works with LMH but can't use for promotion.


I thought CH, LOTBS, Faith, and Heirs had crazy good promotions despite being on SBS. With heirs and lotbs most of the promotion was done by viki and dramafever as they co-owned which one of these dramas and promoted the hell out of them while with TKEM netflix did 95% of the promotions while CH and faith most promotions came from minoz china and japan

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17 minutes ago, leeminhosny said:

This isn't concerned with LMH, dramas companies contract with channels.


15 minutes ago, madmad min said:


I asked somewhat of same question, has he been also working with Studio Dragon only for last 3 dramas as well?


Someone please ask him to switch Prod Houses and Channel for a change for further Project.


8 minutes ago, leeminhosny said:

SBS actually is good among KBS and MBC , SBS had with highest rating dramas but can't make promotion, everytime works with LMH but can't use for promotion.

Thanks for the explanation @leeminhosny

Thats true, but it seems odd that LMH’s drama had always been on SBS since city hunter. 


Hopefully the next drama he choose, it will be on cable. Granted that he has No say in it


Regarding studio dragon, they seems to be financing/producing a lot of Korean drama lately, I don’t know if it’s feasible to avoid it. 

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30 minutes ago, AgentQuake said:

The MSRP of that car is $261,274 to $287,400 USD. 

Considering ES didn’t take any luggage with him when he went to KOC, and had a big suitcase and backpack when he went back home...omg.  Is this illegal goods dealing? 

Does the palace even have any more valuable goods?  Has Lady Noh not noticed that LG is robbing the place blind?


LG is all about the natural resources they said his worth Quin-trillion

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27 minutes ago, Joanna Alfson said:


I thought CH, LOTBS, Faith, and Heirs had crazy good promotions despite being on SBS. With heirs and lotbs most of the promotion was done by viki and dramafever as they co-owned which one of these dramas and promoted the hell out of them while with TKEM netflix did 95% of the promotions while CH and faith most promotions came from minoz china and japan


I don't think Viki has ever promoted a drama like they did with LOTBS they have like 40mio views on some clips of LMH/JJH playing around etc etc and they have spammed Youtube with them getting multipe million hits on each video. 


The heirs had arguably equal promotion via Dramafever they went all in. Faith was a major hit in China and Japan that is why most of the promotions came from there and spread from there. As for CH it had a cult following in germany and other neighbouring countries it spread via word of mouth

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10 minutes ago, Joanna Alfson said:


I thought CH, LOTBS, Faith, and Heirs had crazy good promotions despite being on SBS. With heirs and lotbs most of the promotion was done by viki and dramafever as they co-owned which one of these dramas and promoted the hell out of them while with TKEM netflix did 95% of the promotions while CH and faith most promotions came from minoz china and japan

Actually LMH's name makes promotion himself , I think SBS is lazy for this reason but cable tv dramas are more successful in last years.Firstly TVN, lastly JTBC dramas shine.So national networks suffer.

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19 minutes ago, Heretorant said:

Hahahaha. I wouldn’t say LG is dumb. But I’ll say LR is smart beyond any non mathematicians. I kind of like when the main character takes time to figure things out. If it’s too easy, I can’t help but roll my eyes. Yes, I’m definitely rolling my eyes at LR. It’s not like he’s been spending time thinking about the possibility of time traveling and trying to figure out a way to achieve it so how is it possible that he can figure out 1) there is a traveler and 2) how to travel in such a short time? On the other hand, LG has always had a hunch. He has an ID that was issued in 2019 and instead of dismissing it as a fraud, he accepted it. See there? He already accepted the possibility of there being someone from the future traveling to his time. He’s also a mathematician so he only needed one missing clue to confirm his theory. Now that it finally clicked, he is the savior who traveled back, it’s only a matter of time that he’ll figure out how. I like it. I like when we’re taken from points a-z along with the character.

I’ll be excited and over the moon if your theory holds true and they use math and science to back up time traveling. Why not right? This whole show is a math equation in itself. I just hope they take time to explain it. Can we hear an explanation from LG? Yes please.

@Heretorant Hahah yea LR is smarter than most non mathematicians, but literally LG had more clues and help from his future self than LR and LG still didn't get it until now hahah. Gosh I literally wish there was a scene with LG working on his board and explaining time traveling early on instead of now or whatever. I mean for heavens sake, the diagram of the time machine was there after all. So maybe some criticism on the director or producer part is that they did not include a scene of LG explaining more than half of the stuff on his board. I mean in one episode, he drew like a wormhole on the board too..... like they could have include a scene like him saying "Oh wow so thats how I can travel from KOC to ROK, its because the in between place is a wormhole that acts like an accelerated propulsion system that shoots me across the universe in no time" lol. Those kinds of scenes I think would help people understand things better in TKEM lol.

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7 minutes ago, leeminhosny said:

Actually LMH's name makes promotion himself , I think SBS is lazy for this reason but cable tv dramas are more successful in last years.Firstly TVN, lastly JTBC dramas shine.So national networks suffer.


People tend to crowd around whatever he is attached to. He has good report with the viewers in general Specifically end consumers they have a thing for him

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8 minutes ago, Joanna Alfson said:


People tend to crowd around whatever he is attached to. He has good report with the viewers in general Specifically end consumers they have a thing for him


Agree with this. some may think this is an exaggeration but it's truly and honestly not and more of current reality. His an ICON and have reached ICON status few years back during GB era and I would even go a step further an say that his the most significiant actor to appear in the world in the last 2 decades outside of Shahrukh Khan. The dramafever servers almost crashed just due to a poster they posted of him throwing a punch in a mud fight 

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