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[Drama 2019] Her Private Life 그녀의 사생활


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missed scenes...but it had lee sol, DM doing formalities etc. and them taking a walk in the park.

28. The BTS scene we saw before happens, and it is a Baskin Robbins PPL lol. They have another heart to heart and I love it.

29. SA is working in the studio and with Da Out. Ryan talks about him and they talk about seeing them do things in the elevator!! Eat that, Da Out! Another flashback.

30. SA arrives at Ryan's house and they have a talk? Did I tell how how lovely communication is BECAUSE THIS IS THE THING I LOVE. Ryan and DM get it checked and it is authentic(?). I like DM handling all the stuff while Ryan is having a hard time - these small gestures go a long way. She tries to distract him by taking HIM TO HER HOUSE. I LOVE GOOD GIRLFRIENDS.

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Thank you guys for all the live recap. From previous eps, I feel like I can watch a raw episode and still understand it all because of your live recap here. Keep it up, I refreshed the page every 30s :))

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DM has bought them drinks at the park. It's a funny cup that has a portion that you can blow (near the straw -  there is a ball which spins when you blow it), I think she wants to cheer him up. She touches his hair and comments that he looks good when he smiles. He probably still hasn't told her the significance of the paintings and he apologises for brooding. But she says she understands. She felt bad that the artwork was stacked in the gallery, neglected and not well take care of. At one point, someone had painted and poured their emotions into that artwork. that some artwork make us feel good and happy, and she understands why he is so taken with the artwork by Lee Sol (I think). She then tells him that they should nurture their relationship so that it doesn't become neglected, which he nods to. 


RG informs SA that he has acquired another painting by Lee Sol. SA and DI are at a music studio planning for the music that would accompany the display of his art. I think SA wants to call RG but the manager says don't disturb RG and the girlfriend. The manager talks about how intimate they are and how much time they get to spend with each other and SA can tell that DI is uncomfortable with the conversation and tries to tell the manager to shush.


RG is reminiscing about the past. As a little boy, he touches a woman who was painting something that looks like a Lee Sol work (or she was painting it?). The door bell rings - it is SA who has come to ask the hyung about the latest acquisition. RG explains that the painting was badly damaged and needs to be restored. But he doesn't let on that he has bought it, as he doesn't want SA to know that he is the one collecting pieces of the artwork too. RG suddenly asks him if he wants to eat fried chicken? And I think SA agrees but teases his hyung to ask him in a casual manner (dropping the formalities) which RG does.

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DM and Ryan are sitting down with a drink on them. DM says handsome/beautiful while stroking Ryan's hair. DM ask him weather the drink is nice. 

at the studio, Shi an is listening to his new song maybe. DI is also there. 

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It's the next scene, again, they have gotten an expert to verify restore the painting. The expert says it is possible to restore it on time for the exhibition. DM again notices him deep in thought. She asks him what he is doing tonight. I think She is asking him to come to her place but she teases him by saying "I am going to clean my place today. My boyfriend is coming over to visit my penthouse.". After all, he knows about her other life, so it's alright to reveal her 'penthouse' to him. She vacuums her place, in preparation for RG. She wonders what to do with SA's photos lying all over her place, if it's going over board. She turns one of the photos over, then she decides against it. On second thoughts, she keeps some of them, probably a little embarrassed with the SA collection. She gives the cushions with SA's face a good whack with the broom to get rid of the dust and apologises to SA for doing so (LOL).


Omo, of all times, DM's mother decides to visit the daughter and the door is open as she is spring cleaning it. Yes, you guessed right, it's the BIG reveal. The mother finds out about DM's fangirling. The mother gets physical and hits DM with a pillow in fury, while threatening to cut her hair off (a threat she made years ago). RG appears (with a wine bottle in hand, probably thinking someone is assaulting DM) and protects DM from getting hit. Of course this stops DM's mother in her tracks, and her mother calms down.

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at the gallery, in Ryan;s office someone is checking Lee Seol's painting with Ryan and DM too. DM ask Ryan weather he wants to come to her penthouse. haha she invites him to her house :wub: she does the cleaning. 

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DM gets a special drink (PPL of Baskin haha) and gives it to Ryan. 

Then they talk about an artist(?) called "Yang" and LeeSol's painting.

DM asks him not to worry and continues to enjoy themselves like now.


/Sian recording/

Dain is with him to talk about the artwork.

Ryan calls to talk about finding another LeeSol's painting.

Sian's excited to see him at his house later, but his manager advises him not to cuz Ryan has a gf with him.

SiAn notices Dain's expression and tries to shake it off...but his manager even re-enacts the elevator scene LOL,


Ryan stares at Lee Sol's painting. A memory of him as a child patting on a woman's shoulder with similar painting.

SiAn goes to find Ryan at his house

The painting is not with them yet...Ryan assures him not to worry cuz DM will manage to get it anyway.

SiAn looks so down...so Ryan randomly invites him to eat chicken.

He still speaks formally, so Sian asks him to talk to him in banmal.


The Artist Yang seems to be someone that can fix and clean Lee Sol's painting. 

Ryan is staring at it again.

DM asks him about his plan after work. Ryan: "Do you wanna do something?" DM says she'll be busy cuz her boyfriend will come to her house...and invites a pleasantly-surprised Ryan haha.


Ryan is otw to Deokmi's house.

DM is cleaning.


OMG her mom is coming to her house too. and sees her door is opened


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31. DM cleans her house and apologizes to SA's cushion for hitting it to clean off the dust! She is thoroughly cleaning everything,

32. DM's MOM IS HERE! Her mom sees her apartment and she hits her for so long and then Ryan protects her. Mom immediately controls herself.

33. She explains her daughter's room and makes excuses and HE SAYS HE LIKES DM BECAUSE SHE'S CRAZY OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS MAN. How can this man get better oh my lord!

34. Her mom shouts at her again as DM makes her leave.

35. Ryan is ultra jealous looking at the paintings. He looks at the one photo she took and asks her to keep it in the centre


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DM's mother asks why RG is here. DM says its about work and RG cuts her off by informing the mum that he is dating DM. The mother pretends that all the SA collection belongs to her and that her hubby doesn't like the stuff so she moved it to DM's house, probably because she is worried that RG will be put off by the fangirling activity. (LOL)


The mother asks RG if he is ok dating a woman who fangirls and DM says RG knows. RG says he still likes DM despite her fangirling activities. DM asks RG to tell more - and RG says he loves the passion that DM displays in fangirling and fell in love with her because of that. DM tells her mum that she still got herself a guy despite her fangirling. Her mum says it wasn't because of not getting a date, but because DM always got injured and recounts the time when she broke her arm in an idol event.


He says something like DM won't get hurt as he will protect her and looks at her with really loving eyes. DM's mother I think says something like she will leave her daughter in his good hands. DM chases her mother off, and the mother says tells her not to get hurt because of her fangirling activities. And asks her to keep her place clean. She even offers to help clean the place out if DM can't, and DM acts all aegyo towards the mum because of that.


RG is staring at the collection of SA's photos and DM asks if he finds it strange having so many many of it in her house? He says it is rather uncomfortable; all he got was a lion caricature from her. He points out to all the stuff that she has of SA and says the flowers he gave her should have taken centre stage, not be kept in a corner of the shelf. DM asks if RG is really jealous. She then gives him a kiss, to shut him up. He is really sporting and starts to ask her about her collection, which she takes great delight in explaining to him. Like where she got the item, and what it means... She is so excited to finally be able to confess to him. RG then says they are not alone (he is referring to the life-sized card board cut out of SA) and she says it's too cold to leave him outdoors. RG asks what happened to his neck (the tape bandage is all over his neck) and she informs him that EG chopped it off. heh he 

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Ryan in the car bringing a bottle of wine and a box of cake. DM cleans the table too. haha...

her mom is coming and DM is surprise to see her mom enters her room as she didn't lock the door. her mom finally found out. Lol... of course she is mad at DM. she even hits DM with the cushion. Ryan is coming and prepares the wine and holding it to hit the bad guy. but when DM's mom tries to hit her again, Ryan comes in and protect DM. 

Ryans tells her mom that he likes her and they're dating

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Ahh I missed quite a bit but somehow DM and Ryan are at her place and her mother showed up and was trying to beat up DM with a pillow lol I dunno. Mom was worried about all of DM's SA memorabilia but DM reassured her that Ryan knows all about her fangirling and accepts it.

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they talk but when her mom want to tell Ryan about DM, DM interrupts her and asks her to go home. outside, DM says she loves her mom. then she gets inside. Ryan is looking at Shi an pic. 

Ryan is jealous i think. haha... Ryan complains there is only small space for his picture. but the rest is full of Shi an's things. DM kiss him :wub:

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