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[Mainland Chinese Web Drama 2020] Three Lives Three Worlds The Pillow Book 三生三世枕上书


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3 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:


Can't blame the guy, he was thinking he will finally...finally have a decent sweet and sour fish! But for just a moment of a trip down memory lane, Lian Song ate everything to the bones!

:evillaugh: :loolz:

Surely his cooks must have made decent sweet and sour fish though 

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Hmm...considering Dong Hua’s jealousy....will he even get jealous of Feng Jiu’s pillow? Say Feng Jiu hugs a pillow in her sleep like he does, I imagine that pillow would vanish mysteriously and Dong Hua will be in its place

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16 minutes ago, Megan said:

Surely his cooks must have made decent sweet and sour fish though 


Are they cooking that dish for him? If they do, sorrowless flowers one of the ingredients? It's Jiu he remembered when he smelled the tip of his chopsticks. :)  From that reaction - probably only Jiu cooked fish that way, and now FJ as well.

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What else do you want Dijun to do? Forgive me for my disrespect, but what more do you want Dijun to do?”


This is what Zhonglin tells Feng Jiu in the book before he tells her the truth of Dong Hua’s absence from their wedding. I don’t understand this quote. Technically Feng Jiu didn’t want anything to with Dong Hua after their failed wedding. She never asked for anything. So technically, Zhonglin’s phrasing or belief is kinda wrong here.


Zhonglin suddenly said, “I heard you already know Dijun had altered your memory. Then do you know why Dijun had done so? Forgive me for venturing a guess. When you found out Dijun had altered your memory, you must've been very angry, you must've thought Dijun was disrespectful and only did whatever he pleased, and you must've thought you wouldn't ever forgive Dijun and you would cut things off with him, am I right? Ah no, not only did you think that, you have done so.” He sighed and said, “When Your Highness was still a baby fox in Taichen Palace, I was always by your side, so I know how your temper is. But have you ever thought that Dijun might have untold difficulties?”
At length, he sadly smiled. “Dijun asked Destiny, and Destiny said His Majesty and Your Highness weren't actually fated. Dijun knew if he didn't alter your memory, he was unlikely to reconcile with you again. Since Destiny was already written, Dijun was just using his own method to protect this love. Perhaps his method was wrong, but hadn't he tried his best? But in the end, who can really fight against destiny?”


I don’t care that Dong Hua was trying to protect their fate and whatnot, he should have asked for her consent in entering into a real relationship with him. I can’t believe Zhonglin is trying to excuse the memory altercation thing. Oh who am I kidding? This guy will always be on Dong Hua’s side and will defend him even when wrong. Case in point when he sought Lian Song’s help to preserve Dong Hua’s reputation. 


Mhmm, now I can’t help wondering if Zhonglin had a hand in writing those incorrect textbooks about Dong Hua’s history.

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Reading about Jiheng’s threat now.

im wondering how she got Xiao Yan to bring her out of the valley when he knew she needed to stay there for her own safety. Mmm, maybe she pretended to say she wanted to be a wedding guest and offer her congratulations?

then she took a gamble and got stung so many times (I don’t wish her bodily harm, an unhappy ending and emotional pain, yes) but what made her think Dong Hua would be able to get there on time?

and Jiheng...you don’t love Dong Hua if you want to ruin his wedding day. And since you don’t love him, why commit suicide over DH? That makes no sense. Blame her irritating obsession.

Jiheng claims that she loves him more than Feng Jiu. Girl; you don’t even know what Feng Jiu has done for him. All you did was serve him at the valley. Plz, even Zhihe has managed his staff for him. You two are just doing chores. Feng Jiu did that, and gave up her fur, human form, and family for Dong Hua.

jiheng says she is willing to die for Dong Hua...how is she dying for him? Dong Hua gains no benefit from her death (well, he would be free of a pest) she’s dying so his wedding will be ruined. She’s dying for her own pride, so she will be noticed. And nobody else is willing to do that because nobody else is that stupid. Seriously, what made her think Dong Hua would be moved by her act?

it also makes me wonder, when she asked for a job as a maid in the drama, maybe she was hoping to pull a Feng Jiu. Maybe she heard how Feng Jiu was first a maid.

and using her father’s claw as one of her dying requests in such a manner is honestly pathetic. As if Dong Hua would give up Feng Jiu over that. He owes his promise to Meng Hao, not Jiheng. And Meng Hao already stated his promise.

i can’t find anywhere in the book where Dong Hua returns Jiheng to the Red demon clan and orders her to be confirmed there. Some help plz?

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2 hours ago, Megan said:

What else do you want Dijun to do? Forgive me for my disrespect, but what more do you want Dijun to do?”


This is what Zhonglin tells Feng Jiu in the book before he tells her the truth of Dong Hua’s absence from their wedding. I don’t understand this quote. Technically Feng Jiu didn’t want anything to with Dong Hua after their failed wedding. She never asked for anything. So technically, Zhonglin’s phrasing or belief is kinda wrong here.


Zhonglin suddenly said, “I heard you already know Dijun had altered your memory. Then do you know why Dijun had done so? Forgive me for venturing a guess. When you found out Dijun had altered your memory, you must've been very angry, you must've thought Dijun was disrespectful and only did whatever he pleased, and you must've thought you wouldn't ever forgive Dijun and you would cut things off with him, am I right? Ah no, not only did you think that, you have done so.” He sighed and said, “When Your Highness was still a baby fox in Taichen Palace, I was always by your side, so I know how your temper is. But have you ever thought that Dijun might have untold difficulties?”
At length, he sadly smiled. “Dijun asked Destiny, and Destiny said His Majesty and Your Highness weren't actually fated. Dijun knew if he didn't alter your memory, he was unlikely to reconcile with you again. Since Destiny was already written, Dijun was just using his own method to protect this love. Perhaps his method was wrong, but hadn't he tried his best? But in the end, who can really fight against destiny?”


I don’t care that Dong Hua was trying to protect their fate and whatnot, he should have asked for her consent in entering into a real relationship with him. I can’t believe Zhonglin is trying to excuse the memory altercation thing. Oh who am I kidding? This guy will always be on Dong Hua’s side and will defend him even when wrong. Case in point when he sought Lian Song’s help to preserve Dong Hua’s reputation. 


Mhmm, now I can’t help wondering if Zhonglin had a hand in writing those incorrect textbooks about Dong Hua’s history.

ZL has been loyal to DH for so long, he saw the pain amd misery and without ZL's interference, after DH's death I think FJ would have faded away into oblivion from depression and despair. So can't blame ZL in fact FJ should be thankful.


ZL appreciation day:


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3 hours ago, Megan said:

“What else do you want Dijun to do? Forgive me for my disrespect, but what more do you want Dijun to do?”


Here's the complete paragraph of the phrase you're asking about, including the paragraphs before and after: 


“I want to see Donghua. Let me see him,” Fengjiu suddenly said.


Sadness emerged on Zhonglin's face. But with a forced calmness, he told her, “Dijun really does need to rest. I've already explained everything about that matter to you. If you still have anything to complain about, just let me know and I'll pass your words to Dijun without missing one syllable.” He gritted his teeth: “Rest assured, as long as it's Your Highness's wish, I can guarantee Dijun won't ever fail to comply, even if he needs to use his life…” at this point, his eyes reddened, as if he finally could not rein it in anymore. “What else do you want Dijun to do? Forgive me for my disrespect, but what more do you want Dijun to do?”


Tears rolled down Fengjiu's cheeks. “Zhonglin, tell me the truth. What exactly is going on with him?”(PB2, p465)


3 hours ago, Megan said:


This is what Zhonglin tells Feng Jiu in the book before he tells her the truth of Dong Hua’s absence from their wedding. I don’t understand this quote. Technically Feng Jiu didn’t want anything to with Dong Hua after their failed wedding. She never asked for anything. So technically, Zhonglin’s phrasing or belief is kinda wrong here.


You got it wrong that FJ doesn't want anything anymore to do with DH. ZL is asking FJ if there are any other things she still wants from or wishes to discuss with DH before his death. Neither is he wrong in what he asked FJ.  


FJ has been informed earlier by YQT that he was declared as the next Dijun by DH. A fairy who names his successor does that when he's about to die. Did you miss reading that in PB2, pp462-463?


Zhonglin suddenly said, “I heard you already know Dijun had altered your memory. Then do you know why Dijun had done so? Forgive me for venturing a guess. When you found out Dijun had altered your memory, you must've been very angry, you must've thought Dijun was disrespectful and only did whatever he pleased, and you must've thought you wouldn't ever forgive Dijun and you would cut things off with him, am I right? Ah no, not only did you think that, you have done so.” He sighed and said, “When Your Highness was still a baby fox in Taichen Palace, I was always by your side, so I know how your temper is. But have you ever thought that Dijun might have untold difficulties?”


At length, he sadly smiled. “Dijun asked Destiny, and Destiny said His Majesty and Your Highness weren't actually fated. Dijun knew if he didn't alter your memory, he was unlikely to reconcile with you again. Since Destiny was already written, Dijun was just using his own method to protect this love. Perhaps his method was wrong, but hadn't he tried his best? But in the end, who can really fight against destiny?” (PB2, p469)


3 hours ago, Megan said:


I don’t care that Dong Hua was trying to protect their fate and whatnot, he should have asked for her consent in entering into a real relationship with him. I can’t believe Zhonglin is trying to excuse the memory altercation thing. Oh who am I kidding? This guy will always be on Dong Hua’s side and will defend him even when wrong. Case in point when he sought Lian Song’s help to preserve Dong Hua’s reputation. 


There you go with your grudges of DH again. :) 


You might not care, but DH wants to have a life with FJ even if they don't have fate together. As he was defying Destiny due to very little fate between them, he used methods he believed that will keep them together.


He altered her memories because FJ believed he never cared of her, and that the one he loved is JH. He had taken the identity of Xi Ze in Aranya's dream, wherein FJ fell in love with him as her archmage husband.


Zhong Lin pointed out FJ's temper. He was so right on that. She left before DH arrived to explain himself. That's a flaw with FJ, she concludes without enough info to support her.


DH feared that there will be no chance between them anymore should FJ realise who was the Xi Ze she loved in Aranya's dream. He felt that there is no other way but to alter her mind. That was also a hard lesson DH learned, that being straightforward has more merits.


You might find it acceptable or not, but it's because DH has finally met after hundreds of thousands of years that one being whom he could love and loves him just as much. He might have altered her memories, but he married her, registered that marriage, and has openly declared himself as her consort.


As for DH not asking formally to be in relationship with FJ, did it come accross you that it's due to their feelings being mutual? A relationship doesn't always necessarily commence through a declaration of intent. Many develop mutual feelings and come close together naturally. Besides, even if he didn't ask, FJ loves DH, in fact she never stopped loving him no matter what happened between them and what kept them apart.


That has been explained to you by @chsaf@ChibiLy@Ninky@jimmylyne and others few pages back the forum. DH and FJ have a deep, ingrained, instinctive love for each other, but their fate is shallow.


And if Zhong Lin chooses to protect DH, what is wrong with that? He is the one who is looking after him, thus he knows better than anybody else the situation?


He had thought that FJ getting teased in the worship hall by DH has tarnished his reputation, so he asked assistance from Lian Song. 


Zhong Lin knows how much Dong Hua values his peace and quiet. Him becoming gossip fodder of immortals in Jiuchongtian can change that.


3 hours ago, Megan said:

Mhmm, now I can’t help wondering if Zhonglin had a hand in writing those incorrect textbooks about Dong Hua’s history.


That is for you to research on if ZL was the reason of the discrepancy in textbooks compared to what DH narrated to BGG.

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31 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:

You got it wrong that FJ doesn't want anything anymore to do with DH. ZL is asking FJ if there are any other things she still wants from or wishes to discuss with DH before his death. Neither is he wrong in what he asked FJ.  

Yeah...I still don’t get your explanation. Feng Jiu really didn’t ask anything of Dong Hua. So how can Zhonglin say “what else” or “more” when technically there was nothing she asked for in the first place?

as for my grudges, to each her own! Lol :)

31 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:

As for DH not asking formally to be in relationship with FJ, did it come accross you that it's due to their feelings being mutual? A relationship doesn't always necessarily commence through a declaration of intent. Many develop mutual feelings and come close together naturally. Besides, even if he didn't ask, FJ loves DH, in fact she never stopped loving him no matter what happened between them and what kept them apart.

i believe it was necessary for her intention to be declared, even if their feelings were mutual, because she still said she didn’t want to see Dong Hua anymore. Remember she kept on avoiding Dong Hua in the valley. She may still love Dong Hua; but at the time, her wish was for him to keep his distance.

31 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:

You might not care, but DH wants to have a life with FJ even if they don't have fate together. As he was defying Destiny due to very little fate between them, he used methods he believed that will keep them together

I do care. As mentioned before, I do ship a DongFeng. I just hated the deception involved.


31 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:

Zhong Lin pointed out FJ's temper. He was so right on that. She left before DH arrived to explain himself. That's a flaw with FJ, she concludes without enough info to support her.

To be fair, who would wait 70 days for the missing and supposedly healthy groom to return? Was she supposed to stay in Qingqiu waiting for Dong Hua while under the impression he is with Jiheng? She gave him a choice and deadline. What was wrong was that she did not let him explain himself, i’ll Admit that. Although after all the times he lied to her, how would she know he was telling the truth this time? I can’t blame her for staying away after all the deception.

and Dong Hua also has the same flaw. He concluded Feng Jiu liked Xiao Yan with weak evidence and then stole her fruit.

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31 minutes ago, Megan said:

Yeah...I still don’t get your explanation. Feng Jiu really didn’t ask anything of Dong Hua. So how can Zhonglin say “what else” or “more” when technically there was nothing she asked for in the first place?


You really don't understand what's being said in the paragraph of that phrase you qouted? I qouted you the three paragraphs to help you understand why ZL asked her that. 


Did you not understand that ZL asked her those, to know what else FJ wants from DH before he dies? So that he can arrange for those because DH that time is already battling Miao Luo at Bihai Cangling? A battle DH is not expecting to return from?


And yeah, how you feel is how you feel. You've said it plenty enough times. :) You've also been asked not to begrudge DH anymore several times. :)


You also have to remember what were answered before, so that you don't ask the same things time and again. Aside from that, most of the answers are really in the book.

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18 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:

Did you not understand that ZL asked her those, to know what else FJ wants from DH before he dies? So that he can arrange for those because DH that time is already battling Miao Luo at Bihai Cangling?

I’m pointing out the technicalities or phrasing because how can the word “else”

be used when she didn’t ask for anything yet. 


Also, currently reading the part about the poison, why didn’t Dong Hua ask for help in dealing with the Miao Yi chasm? While the Bai clan dislikes him, why not ask Mo Yuan?

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54 minutes ago, Megan said:

Yeah...I still don’t get your explanation. Feng Jiu really didn’t ask anything of Dong Hua. So how can Zhonglin say “what else” or “more” when technically there was nothing she asked for in the first place?

as for my grudges, to each her own! Lol :)

i believe it was necessary for her intention to be declared, even if their feelings were mutual, because she still said she didn’t want to see Dong Hua anymore. Remember she kept on avoiding Dong Hua in the valley. She may still love Dong Hua; but at the time, her wish was for him to keep his distance.

I do care. As mentioned before, I do ship a DongFeng. I just hated the deception involved.


To be fair, who would wait 70 days for the missing and supposedly healthy groom to return? Was she supposed to stay in Qingqiu waiting for Dong Hua while under the impression he is with Jiheng? She gave him a choice and deadline. What was wrong was that she did not let him explain himself, i’ll Admit that. Although after all the times he lied to her, how would she know he was telling the truth this time? I can’t blame her for staying away after all the deception.

and Dong Hua also has the same flaw. He concluded Feng Jiu liked Xiao Yan with weak evidence and then stole her fruit.

I think the problem is you are very literal in your interpretation.

Alot of the important messages in the Pillow Book are not said out loud or explicitly stated. 


FJ from the beginning to the end of the book wanted DH's love. FJ never pushed DH to give her love, but she had strong desire for it. If she didn't, she wouldn't have stayed with DH as a pet fox.

So technically, FH did want something from DH and that was his love. She never stopped wanting that. We as viewers or readers know, because each time DH were in trouble, FJ literally dropped everything to protect him.

When Zhonglin asked FJ what more does she want from DH, it was more a figurative speech. Because Zhonglin clearly knew DH had done everything in his power to show FJ how much he loves her, yet, FJ couldn't see it. So in his frustration, Zhonglin asked what more does FJ want from DH. 


The Pillow Book is based on a fantasy world, but I found DH and FJ's relationship very realistic. 

DH and FJ have their flaws. It is what makes them unique and interesting. I think there is alot to learn from their mistakes, the importance of communication, honesty and forgiveness. 

On the other hand, their story also demonstrated how beautiful love be once you find the right person. 



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7 hours ago, Ninky said:

Whats funnier in the drama was the way he threw down his chopsticks in a huff!!!

Oh my gosh, that was a highlight for me. Who would have thought seeing DH upset would be so amusing.

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18 minutes ago, Megan said:

I’m pointing out the technicalities or phrasing because how can the word “else”

be used when she didn’t ask for anything yet. 


ZL used "else" because FJ and DH had that last conversation wherein he bequeathed her Bihai Cangling and the heart ring. Do you get it now?

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21 minutes ago, Megan said:

I’m pointing out the technicalities or phrasing because how can the word “else”

be used when she didn’t ask for anything yet. 


Also, currently reading the part about the poison, why didn’t Dong Hua ask for help in dealing with the Miao Yi chasm? While the Bai clan dislikes him, why not ask Mo Yuan?

He must have felt that it was his responsibility alone considering his status and also because he was responsible for the chasm, he didn't want to burden others. 

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@Megan Qouting @Ninky's comment to answer your question:


Also, currently reading the part about the poison, why didn’t Dong Hua ask for help in dealing with the Miao Yi chasm? While the Bai clan dislikes him, why not ask Mo Yuan?


On 5/6/2020 at 9:09 PM, Ninky said:

The author is deliberately keeping Mo Yuan very mysteriously quiet as she wants us to read his story. The special thing about Mo Yuan is his parents are the very first immortals to appear in the 4 Seas and 8 Realms. Based on Tang Qi's timeline, Mo Yuan starts the New Era.


And besides in Mo Yuan's story, because of Shao Wan's connection to Dong Hua, you will also be able to see the young Dong Hua and how he later became the Master of the Universe. Which is why Tang Qi is giving you information about Dong Hua through other people like Lian Song and other forms of heresay throughout the Pillow Book. We  never heard Dong Hua himself ever talking about HOW he became the master of the universe. A lot of these things will be revealed in Bodhi Fate based on the refusal to talk in great detail in all the Q & As we  have posted so far on the blog. 


This is clearly hinted in our latest blog post, "Now that we have finished talking about the content in the current era, I know that some of our fellow sisters are looking forward to finding out more about Mo Yuan and Dong Hua from the Era of Great Desolation.


Information regarding Mo Yuan will be left to Bodhi Fate. Without revealing the plot as a premise, we can talk a little more about Dong Hua."


Based on the FAQ (the 1 & 2 one with fan questions), we also find out that Dong Hua's title is conferred by Mo Yuan. A fan asked Tang Qi about this and she replied. Be aware that Shao Wan is a crucial character in Lian Song's book. Shao Wan, Zhu Ti and Xie Ming are all in a deep sleep because they are saving the world from some kind of catastrophe. While Dong Hua is probably a favourite of all readers so far, I have found that Lotus Step is also a very good read so far in the 24 chapters she has posted.


Dong Hua is connected to those events as he is also an Ancient God. These ancient gods are all bound to save the world even if it means going into a very long sleep or worse fading.


The reason why Three Poisons fell to Dong Hua is because he used his magic to create a special world to act as  a vessel to suck the poison out of the one billion mortal world. Every immortal has a different signature when they cast spells.


This has got nothing to do with power. In this case, the poison will respond to purification by the immortal that created the world as it's the same signature. 


If another immortal tries, it might result in catastrophe as the other immortal has a different signature. But now something has changed. In the book, Mo Yuan used Mt Kun Lun to contain the three poisons. So now it is contained with Mo Yuan's magic so I suspect that this changed the signature to Mo Yuan and we will be revisiting that story again in Bodhi Fate. I am betting that Dong Hua and Mo Yuan will work together on this issue.


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19 minutes ago, ChibiLy said:

Oh my gosh, that was a highlight for me. Who would have thought seeing DH upset would be so amusing.

Have you seen the BTS of that scene? The sound of DH throwing the chopsticks were really loud, louder than dubbed scene :lol: Vengo really nailed it there. 

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17 minutes ago, chsaf said:

He must have felt that it was his responsibility alone considering his status and also because he was responsible for the chasm, he didn't want to burden others. 


It has something to do with the immortal signature. The one who casted the magic is the one with whom the chasm for example, respond to. DH was the only one purifying Huiming realm because he created the chasm. 


@Ninky has explained it better with more details, and I've qouted it at a previous post.

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22 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:


ZL used "else" because FJ and DH had that last conversation wherein he bequeathed her Bihai Cangling and the heart ring. Do you get it now?

But she never wanted that stuff, so can it be included in the sentence “what else do you want from Dijun?”

ok, she wanted the birds to dance and for specific decorations but I believe she gave those up when she went to the mortal realm

Edited by Megan
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9 minutes ago, pawla said:

Have you seen the BTS of that scene? The sound of DH throwing the chopsticks were really loud, louder than dubbed scene :lol: Vengo really nailed it there. 

Can I have the link plz? And what does BTS mean plz?



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5 hours ago, Megan said:



I don’t care that Dong Hua was trying to protect their fate and whatnot, he should have asked for her consent in entering into a real relationship with him. I can’t believe Zhonglin is trying to excuse the memory altercation thing. Oh who am I kidding? This guy will always be on Dong Hua’s side and will defend him even when wrong. Case in point when he sought Lian Song’s help to preserve Dong Hua’s reputation. 

You seem very rule governed. That is not a bad thing.

 Rules and laws are put in place to help guide us on what is considered the right thing to do. 

But in reality not everything is black and white, especially when emotions are involved. 

In DH's case, he never really abide normal convention, that is because he is solution focus. In other words, he will do what it takes to get the result he wants/need. I can understand why you are angry, but to appreciate DH, you need to also consider things from his POV.


I presume Zhonglin have served DH forever! It is understandable why Zhonglin exploded at FJ. If you consider the situation, DH was about to die. Zhonglin had no emotional capacity to care about FJ's emotional well being at that time. What Zhonglin said was not wrong and he was laying down the facts. 


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