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[Drama 2018] Should We Kiss First?, 키스 먼저 할까요


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2 hours ago, jadecloud said:

Hello everyone! Hi! @Lmangla Thanks for the shoutout. I'll surely watch this. Been waiting for it and sort of lost track of its premiere. LOL. So many good dramas, so little time... you know it too, I'm sure. LOL. 

waving hello! @jadecloud ~ lovely to see you again. the writing looks good here (watched the first 2 episodes) but sadly, am in a place where I need something a little light and fluffy. too much real life stress. my husband ok jak-doo fit my mood better and it seems like the drama to break my drama slump. the first two eps are great. check it out chingus! :D


EDIT: we will be starting to play OTP bingo at 11 PM KST. if folks want to join. please do!



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This drama is really able to make you laugh one moment and cry the next and there is something so truly open and honest about the OTP that makes you feel as if you are right there with them and I love those Something He Cherished moments at the end that are sad and yet feel like the icing on the cake because you realize just how long he has been watching her and in a way has been protecting her as well that is when given an opportunity...


He may be different in some ways but he is so sensitive and observes those things most people would over look.  But not him he is deep in thought and also in the heart.  I think they have that in common they are both caring people and maybe because they are a little different their spouses  whom left each of them never realized just how wonderful they truly are...


I think no matter what the future holds when it comes to life no one is promised anything and I am looking forward to watching them step out on faith and trust their hearts and laughing and even crying with them...:wub:

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One of the PD's left a message on the DC forum thanking them and showing his happines that they made it onto DC. We translated it (pertty loose translation) but we haven't put the pictures up yet. I'll try to post them tomorrow! The letter is below


Hello DC Acorns (DC people in this forum call themselves Acorns),


I am the SubAcorn1 and sub PD Kim Jae-hyun
I am super happy that KiMunHal has it’s own gallery (KiMunHal is the nickname for the show. It is a shortening of Kiss Munjo Halkayo)


Because of your love, we are having a wonderful time at our site.

Today I am working hard on editing for todays episode.

To make sure I am not a fake person, I will show a realtime report of the editing room and some pictures.

Today is the 10th episode, we will show the old relationship outline. So please be sure to tune in.

This 10th episode I laughed a lot and cried a lot while looking at the edited version and checking the music.

The past relationship continues to the present. The one hurt is also helping and embracing another hurt person. 501 starts to love 401.


While I was working on this drama I realized that a sexy thing can be this warm and this sad. While I was having a hard time I would read about what Acorns here said about this show. A lot of people said it was healing and they like it, that made me heal all our troubles. We forget that we are tired when we read these posts as well.


The people who make the drama and watch the drama both forget about their hardships together. (Muhan+Soojin = Mujin) Not only MuJin, but everyone around this drama (makers and viewers) are all 501 and 401.

Thank you for this support from the bottom of my heart.


If you have any questions about the shooting sight or the story then just leave a comment anytime and say <<Jo Acorn, look at this>> and we will look at it and answer as much as we can.


The third picture is of the scary taxi driver who asked if they were getting in or out. Actually he is this era’s real hair-tori (hair+acorn) and he is the main FD (Floor director).


And the last picture is about the dogs dark circles and how we created them.


Please watch this show live, I will be back soon.


There will be no more sadness
When I walk around a rainy street without an umbrella
I think I will be happy
Because acorn is within me


Cho Acorn
(Sub Acorn)

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14 minutes ago, V said:

One of the PD's left a message on the DC forum thanking them and showing his happines that they made it onto DC. We translated it (pertty loose translation) but we haven't put the pictures up yet. I'll try to post them tomorrow! The letter is below


Hello DC Acorns (DC people in this forum call themselves Acorns),


I am the SubAcorn1 and sub PD Kim Jae-hyun
I am super happy that KiMunHal has it’s own gallery (KimMunHal is the nickname for the show. It is a shortening of Kiss Munjo Halkayo)


Because of your love, we are having a wonderful time at our site.

Today I am working hard on editing for todays episode.

To make sure I am not a fake person, I will show a realtime report of the editing room and some pictures.

Today is the 10th episode, we will show the old relationship outline. So please be sure to tune in.

This 10th episode I laughed a lot and cried a lot while looking at the edited version and checking the music.

The past relationship continues to the present. The one hurt is also helping and embracing another hurt person. 501 starts to love 401.


While I was working on this drama I realized that a sexy thing can be this warm and this sad. While I was having a hard time I would read about what Acorns here said about this show. A lot of people said it was healing and they like it, that made me heal all our troubles. We forget that we are tired when we read these posts as well.


The people who make the drama and watch the drama both forget about their hardships together. (Muhan+Soojin = Mujin) Not only MuJin, but everyone around this drama (makers and viewers) are all 501 and 401.

Thank you for this support from the bottom of my heart.


If you have any questions about the shooting sight or the story then just leave a comment anytime and say <<Jo Acorn, look at this>> and we will look at it and answer as much as we can.


The third picture is of the scary taxi driver who asked if they were getting in or out. Actually he is this era’s real hair-tori (hair+acorn) and he is the main FD (Floor director).


And the last picture is about the dogs dark circles and how we created them.


Please watch this show live, I will be back soon.


There will be no more sadness
When I walk around a rainy street without an umbrella
I think I will be happy
Because acorn is within me


Cho Acorn
(Sub Acorn)


Thank you for posting and translating.  That is so nice! :blush: Can you share the link please?

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On 06/03/2018 at 11:28 AM, raziela said:

Thank you for posting and translating.  That is so nice! :blush: Can you share the link please?

I will find it for you!



Okay, it might take a minute to find again since we are almost asleep, but we saved the photos so hurried up and formatted them just now!


Behind the scenes of Should We Kiss First

Behind the scenes of Should We Kiss First

Behind the scenes of Should We Kiss First


Behind the scenes of Should We Kiss First

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12 minutes ago, V said:

I will find it for you!



Okay, it might take a minute to find again since we are almost asleep, but we saved the photos so hurried up and formatted them just now!


You are so kind! Thank you! :) It's so nice when you can see how the production teams genuinely appreciate the support from fans as filming conditions can be so difficult.

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Thank you @V for the insights from the PD. Especially this part which we are looking forward to the most.


1 hour ago, V said:

The past relationship continues to the present. The one hurt is also helping and embracing another hurt person. 501 starts to love 401.


Now we've know a whole lot more about SJ, and with yesterday's closing "he cherishes, she forgotten" scenes, we may now establish a rough timeline between the two. We also can guess what happened between SJ and KS and how JM came into the picture. I suppose we will be getting to know MH next. As in what is his story - the dynamics between YD and MH (why is he so cold towards her???), the beef with his book, etc.

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I was bored and decided to check out this show. It is SURPRISINGLY good.As much as I love radio romance, I am actually enjoying this show just as much based on the hilarity of the situations. And yes - I would like to slap Moon's daughter upside-down and several times around the planet some just so her young entitled behind gets the kickin she deserved decades ago despite the sob story of 'poor me coz my daddy left me' aside. Oh boo hooo spoiled young brat.... maybe that hearing-impaired barista guy she ran over is going to turn her around or something....

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The bed scene was hilarious! I bet MH was just being cautious with SJ as he has no problem with "get up" as he has confessed to his bestie at a bar that he experiences it too often. And SJ has the WRONG IDEA! :D


KWS 's demeanour and speech makes him a perfect fit as MH! KSA as SJ is SPOT ON too! :tongue:


This drama and our MUJIN couple is the BEST for me!:blush:


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Guys. I was absolutely dying of laughter last night!!:D


When SooJin thinks of the million dollars she could get from divorcing MooHan





and does the Happy divorce dance - loosening her unused muscles




When she requests for a cure for her insomnia







and he lets her know that Tonight, he's gonna throw it DOWNNNN!!






She doesn't know whats coming for her! LOL!!!

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Random thoughts after 9 & 10:


- Even though Soon-Jin is still wracked with grief, I love that we can see how she is still *alive.* Her horniness, her irritation at Mu-Han, even her anger towards Ji-Min and Kyung-Soo all show a woman who was once full of spirit, and who wants to enjoy life again.


- I think Mu-Han is just being very careful. He's seen her at her most grief-stricken, the worst moments of her life: her child's funeral, the day she divorces her husband, the day she attempts suicide. The coincidences are almost a bit too ridiculous but the story is still working for me. He knows how wounded she is, so he's treading lightly.


- He's also nursing his old wounds. He won't let her see the book that he wrote, and he won't let her dine with his dog. They're both going to need to break down each other's walls. And I am here for the slow burn.


- I think the daughter's name is actually "Eden" but the subs are spelling it "I Deun?" Weird. Anyway, she is gorgeous. I've seen her in a few roles before and she always stood out, mostly for being so pretty.


- Ji-Min. WHUT. I don't think a mistress needs to wear the "scarlet letter." It takes two to tango and her husband is the one who broke his vows. They chose to marry and raise their child together. I respect all of that.


But her behavior is over the top. That scene where she wraps her fist before punching him? That's just violence and NOT OKAY. And she barges into Soon-Jin's house to break her stuff, including her wedding photos and other family mementos? NOT OKAY. Are they trying to make us hate her? Because I thought we were supposed to empathize with her and there weren't any obvious villains here. But her behavior is NOT OKAY.


Because on top of everything else, she knows that their child died. Never mind the fact that she slept with someone else's husband, which is nothing to be proud of. But at least have sympathy for the fact that the woman is grieving. Ugh, Ji-Min is turning out to be a huge bummer.


- Kyung-Soo. Okay, he's just being an idiot. It's nice he wants to help pay for Soon-Jin's house and try to take care of her in his own way. But he literally made your bed, and now he needs to lie in it. His behavior is no help to either woman.


Having said that, seeing him break down in the cemetery was genuinely heartbreaking.

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Hello to chingus :)  I love this drama and our hurting, hilarious, weird, live for today OTP. How not to love the drama that can set me laughing hard one moment and then aching so sadly the next. I enjoyed all 6 pages of comments/information on this thread and would like to thank everyone in advance for the pictures, clips, comments, analyses and information that make watching and understanding this drama all the more meaningful and interesting.


I have always found Kim Sun Ah such a talented artiste and she is excellent/at her best in SWK1st. I love her many past roles but her role as Shin Mirae in City Hall is my favourite so far. Perhaps An Soo Jin might take over that position.

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anneyong chingu.. allow me to join in here... 


I know I’m a bit too late but better than not right hehehehe... anyway I love the story plot a lot.. not just the thypical chaebol common never been in love before dramas... so tired of those..


I know that Ahn Soon Jin doesn not love Son Mu Han yet... but I think she will fall for him deeply.. and so does him  to her.. I will watch how they express the feeling and I wish for them to have a happy ending (they deserve it.. especially our homegirl Soon Jin ah)


happy watching chinggu ya..... 

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