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[Drama 2017-2018] Jugglers 저글러스

Go Seung Ji

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Maybe so but If nothing else CW  Doesn’t like people getting in his business, trying to control him and particularly dishonest, sneaky  actions. 


He won’t let them destroy his relationship on principle.  He’ll buck her up and they will get through it together. 

9 minutes ago, jeijei said:

Mawang: Retrieve a special fan so that I can stop the fire. If you give me the fan, I'll give you the umbrella.

Sunmi: Okay!


Sunmi: *steals OhGong's fan* Here.

Mawang: Thanks.  *proceeds to fan NCW and YY making out*



You know NCW is probably a huge “Journey to West” Geek :wink:

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@triplem those gifs are just awesome! thank you :D 


I'm not sure if this is intentional but I just love the way CW stops and just looks at YY before he kisses her. You can see it in all of the kisses. He just looks at her and is probably dumbfounded (and grateful) that YY stayed despite all the roadblocks the ex threw at her. Their 'first' night couldn't have come at a more better timing :wub:

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7 hours ago, triplem said:

I do appreciate all the interesting & insightful comments that everyone has put  here. And I think we can all agree to disagree with regards to how we view BoNa’s actions & its consequences on YY & their relationship.


BUT chingus on some drama threads I am on where even a wrist grab can elicit pages and pages of squeeing, can I ask why are we not analysing a more important thing????? KBS just blessed us with a really great make out / bed scene :D? So i counted that there were FOUR sets of kisses , correct ? The ppuk ppuk sound was pretty audible too... So here you go...




SET 2 ( Daniel's butt made it's debut!)





  Reveal hidden contents


And BONUS!!!!

  Reveal hidden contents




Thank you for gifs  especially “And BONUS!!!!:lol:
I finally watched ep13 this evening.  Yeah I couldn’t hardly wait to see pdnim’s surprise gift for Jugglers fans.  However how the scene got terminated is more hilarious than I thought :  YY’s  line of  direction/guide ?( which sounds a bit like…? hahaha) and CW’s fumbling struggle with a zipper  and then bang bang.   Wow at that moment I was ready to bang on my table because it was so funny.  
Btw YY needs to do some clothes shopping but no button and zipper   poor CW  :unsure:



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16 hours ago, Latte_Anyday said:

The only thing I noticed during Yuni/Chiwon's hot makeout session, was his well shaped rear:w00t: Must be a result of all his boxing at the gym:w00t:

LMFAo Baek Jinhee is so lucky! To get to makeout with both fine men - Sunghoon first & then Choi Daniel. Although her damn wardrobe gets in the way aish<_< first buttons, now zippers tsk tsk. 

WoW the response I got from being in the minority over Bona sure touched a nerve with a lot of you! In particular @junejungki IDK I still stand by with what I said... I neither like nor dislike Bona, I just understand her motivations that's all - shrugs-

I find it super cute that Chiwon needs to bend down whenever he speaks to Yuni:lol: now with their romance out in the open, hope our OTP can be happy together. 

Aigoo~ Geonwoo yah stop giving your Eomma a hard time ok, please? She's doing the best she can, give her a break. 

I've been betrayed by a close friend for a petty reason. Just because her life sucks than mine, doesnt warrant her to ruin my life. 


 I find their height difference is cute. hehehehe!! Plus, dont you see CW's rear?? or Daniel Choi's butt to be exact :lol:

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Hi Chingus, did anyone know what YY's mother intended when  meeting NCW? 

Did she allow NCW to dating YY? or did she wish NCW to leave her?


Mother spoke very vaguely and very cautious . I caught YY's mother didn't want her daughter to suffer. 

What do you think? Maybe I have misunderstood what mother meant, because after meeting YY's mother, he sat alone in the cafe.


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oh wow oh wow!!! Those gifs! @triplem oh my goodness!!






24 minutes ago, triplem said:

She was not giving her blessings fo sure. But neither was she disapproving outright as she has no proof that the pair have gone full steam ahead. Plus NCW is still YY's boss , and Mum knows better than to upset your daughter's employer. So in typical Asian fashion she threw the ball over to NCW's court. and tried to appeal to his  sense of empathy - to see it from her point of view as a mother who loved her daughter & wants her daughter to be happy. She is telling him  to do the right thing by ensuring that NCW does not get YY to share the weight of his emotional baggages (his divorce and survivor guilt from his parents' and uncle's tragic deaths) . So she's saying the relationship will not be good for YY. She can't say she is allowing or not - after all YY is an adult but she's not in favour of it.


But I know how mums are , I have seen my mum do the same...they will come round later. NCW & YY being the adults here in this relationship ,  are capable of making their own decisions . I understand that coming from this part of the world, parental and family blessings are important, but heck if they are both confident enough in each other (which we have been shown so far) , she will eventually accept it.


agreed, i don't think YY's mom had given her blessing but neither had she said anything about it. I believe she was concern for YY's sake, I think all she wants to do is just protect YY and make sure she lives a happy and well life. I think that is something that what a mother does.


But i believe she will turn around as well! it may take some time to convince her but YY is very strongheaded and she really trust and believes in CW. So I have faith.




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48 minutes ago, triplem said:

She was not giving her blessings fo sure. But neither was she disapproving outright as she has no proof that the pair have gone full steam ahead. Plus NCW is still YY's boss , and Mum knows better than to upset your daughter's employer. So in typical Asian fashion she threw the ball over to NCW's court. and tried to appeal to his  sense of empathy - to see it from her point of view as a mother who loved her daughter & wants her daughter to be happy. She is telling him  to do the right thing by ensuring that NCW does not get YY to share the weight of his emotional baggages (his divorce and survivor guilt from his parents' and uncle's tragic deaths) . So she's saying the relationship will not be good for YY. She can't say she is allowing or not - after all YY is an adult but she's not in favour of it.


But I know how mums are , I have seen my mum do the same...they will come round later. NCW & YY being the adults here in this relationship ,  are capable of making their own decisions . I understand that coming from this part of the world, parental and family blessings are important, but heck if they are both confident enough in each other (which we have been shown so far) , she will eventually accept it.


Thank you for your good explanation.

I can understand how mother feel. Some Asian parents are still difficult to accept a divorced person to be their child spouse. Some other Asian parents have been able to accept and see nothing wrong with the "divorce".

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@junejungki Gee you don't say?!:rolleyes: I can "feel" the fumes of your anger toward your ex friend all the way here:tongue: it just came off like you obviously have a lot of resentment toward her. Now I'm terrified to make a misstep with you LoL:lol: Like I mentioned many times I am not as affected by Bona - probably because HELLO THIS IS A FICTIONAL CHARACTER (sorry f caps) but I have heavier stuff going on in my life now to care:tongue: 


@redfrog That's the only thing I admire about Bona - her ambition. She sees an opportunity, she takes it. I don't condone it but as I said before I get why she had to. The world is cutthroat & those who don't hustle get left behind. So I understand where Bona is coming from. As for her friendship with Yuni..it's probably goin' to have a Disney ending whatever. Btw Yuni's too nice & ever since she's dated Chiwon, her character has gotten "soft". 


@hrkharis Yuni's Mom is basically sayin' that she didn't want her precious daughter to have to bear the emotional baggage brought on by Chiwon - should their relationship get serious (meaning long to last until marriage) Which is totally understandable because what parent not want the best for their child right? 

Chiwon has the ex-wife drama, his separation/trust issues, losing his family etc. I also think Yuni's Mom had a bad experience with Yuni's Dad(?) Did Yuni's Dad have the clichéd K-drama trope of a deadbeat Dad (owing debt etc)? I don't remember maybe someone here can provide more details:wink: so that too explains why Yuni's Mom is wary of Chiwon & had that talk with him. 

Hey at least she wasn't wearing her "armor" so she's sort of warming up to him?:D

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10 hours ago, triplem said:

BUT chingus on some drama threads I am on where even a wrist grab can elicit pages and pages of squeeing, can I ask why are we not analysing a more important thing????? KBS just blessed us with a really great make out / bed scene :D? So i counted that there were FOUR sets of kisses , correct ? The ppuk ppuk sound was pretty audible too... So here you go...



@triplem, Thank you for the gifs. I have to say that these kiss scenes are some of the better ones in K-drama. This drama is more like BTIMFL and TRMY...in the way the leads interact act with each other. There is just so much cuteness between CW and YY. 


18 hours ago, USAFarmgirl said:

I would like to send a special shout out to KBS for taking such a risk in giving us this realistic moment. Allowing our OTP through amazing acting show us a realistic view instead of those plastic physical moments that we are so often used to.  I would rather have no kissing than all those that look as fake as they feel.  KBS took us to the edge gave us passion instead of plastic and it was brilliantly done!!! 


@USAFarmgirl, I agree with you so much. I would rather not have any kissing at all if it's going to be one of those stiff as a board kiss---so unrealistic. I think what really works in this drama is the chemistry between the leads...they are so natural together. Even after being interrupted by the brother, the looks of 'please leave'....:lol:


On 1/10/2018 at 5:07 AM, inna75 said:

And then the almost bed scene ( @triplem..hehe I am with you dear..and tq for the still pics.... the scene made me blushed and wanted a cool shower but that never stop me repeating it over and over again...hahahaha...#dontmindmypervetymind...hahaha). And not to forget the camera angle which capture's Daniel Choi's best side (@back side). Damn ...that make me blushed again!! Hahaha...(ok..need to go for another shower)



@inna75, it's nice to know that I wasn't the only one who noticed the derriere....easy to see the man works out.



19 hours ago, sophierai21 said:

Degreesing a little here but I have a feeling that whatever plan that the cutter has might just come back to bite him. the cutter seems to think exposing 2 people in love is the biggest scandal. I for one think his plan is honestly laughable. Really? 


@sophierai21, I agree with you that his plan will backfire. I love how they showed the people working with CW and YY already knew. They were just pretending. They also know how she has made CW really become a part of the team and interact with them more than he has before. These two people are single so there is no reason for them to date.


I love seeing them together. I laughed at those large couples key chains he bought for them. The office workers would have to be blind not to see them....:lol:


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Side Note:  I think we've forgotten how this drama started. YY had another 'make out' scene of sorts with her boyfriend who also had a hard time undoing the buttons of her shirt. However, in the first episode it went a long way to show us how demanding her caller id "Imbecile" boss was...on call 24 x7. She couldn't have a personal life at all.  The drama also shows us how all these administrative assistants have demanding bosses, but we really get a glimpse of how difficult YY had it. Remember how she first met CW?  Running in the rain to get a clean shirt for her boss who was trying to hide his lipstick shirt from his wife.  


It was shown from the very beginning that YY was the one having it hard. However, she has a sunny disposition. She's ambitious as well and wants her boss to succeed. However, I think there is a line that she won't cross.

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1 hour ago, triplem said:

@lclarakl Yes I really love the fact that the OTP has so much interactions .Talking bout those key chains , the fact that he buys these humongous obvious ones shows he has no intentions of keeping their relationships under wraps right? I like that he is actually quite open about it going home together etc . And I think it’s only for YY’s sake that they are not telling the world :D


haha true the fact that he bought such a huge one was kind of counterproductive with regards to keeping their relationship hidden. then again, if it is to be attached to your house keys, technically you don't take it out at work right?


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4 hours ago, Latte_Anyday said:

@junejungki Gee you don't say?!:rolleyes: I can "feel" the fumes of your anger toward your ex friend all the way here:tongue: it just came off like you obviously have a lot of resentment toward her. Now I'm terrified to make a misstep with you LoL:lol: Like I mentioned many times I am not as affected by Bona - probably because HELLO THIS IS A FICTIONAL CHARACTER (sorry f caps) but I have heavier stuff going on in my life now to care:tongue: 


@redfrog That's the only thing I admire about Bona - her ambition. She sees an opportunity, she takes it. I don't condone it but as I said before I get why she had to. The world is cutthroat & those who don't hustle get left behind. So I understand where Bona is coming from. As for her friendship with Yuni..it's probably goin' to have a Disney ending whatever. Btw Yuni's too nice & ever since she's dated Chiwon, her character has gotten "soft". 


@hrkharis Yuni's Mom is basically sayin' that she didn't want her precious daughter to have to bear the emotional baggage brought on by Chiwon - should their relationship get serious (meaning long to last until marriage) Which is totally understandable because what parent not want the best for their child right? 

Chiwon has the ex-wife drama, his separation/trust issues, losing his family etc. I also think Yuni's Mom had a bad experience with Yuni's Dad(?) Did Yuni's Dad have the clichéd K-drama trope of a deadbeat Dad (owing debt etc)? I don't remember maybe someone here can provide more details:wink: so that too explains why Yuni's Mom is wary of Chiwon & had that talk with him. 

Hey at least she wasn't wearing her "armor" so she's sort of warming up to him?:D

Oh!! Well, I am not going to eat you for dinner just because we dont share same opinion. Lets just say we agree to disagree. We have different experience in life after all, dont we?? :lol:


Anyway, I just want to say, episode 12 is daebak because of the hot and passion kiss and Daniel Choi's butt. kekekekeke!!

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7 hours ago, Latte_Anyday said:


@hrkharis Yuni's Mom is basically sayin' that she didn't want her precious daughter to have to bear the emotional baggage brought on by Chiwon - should their relationship get serious (meaning long to last until marriage) Which is totally understandable because what parent not want the best for their child right? 

Chiwon has the ex-wife drama, his separation/trust issues, losing his family etc. I also think Yuni's Mom had a bad experience with Yuni's Dad(?) Did Yuni's Dad have the clichéd K-drama trope of a deadbeat Dad (owing debt etc)? I don't remember maybe someone here can provide more details:wink: so that too explains why Yuni's Mom is wary of Chiwon & had that talk with him. 

Hey at least she wasn't wearing her "armor" so she's sort of warming up to him?:D


You are right. Apparently mom had a bad thing with her late husband, That's what mother said when she called YY for a blind date and found out that she slept drunk. Mother said that whether she wanted to end up like her father who died from drunk. 


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man i wanted to post a reply so badly but during the last 9 days i was in Osaka, Japan & Tokyo, Japan.....  BUT the rented-wifi became crappy during my 9 days away but i was able to watch episode 11 & 12 of this BEAUTIFUL, WONDERFUL, LIGHT WITH SOME SERIOUS ASPECTS ABOUT LIFE kdrama while in Japan (i was able to download   both a nicely good size video with subs on it).


ok i will start my comments about my observations too.


- ok episode 12 BED-KISSING SCENE WAS HOT......TOO HOT THAT MY MY CHEEKS BECAME HOT aside that it was super-duper-god-dang-cold in Japan so my cheeks were hot and my face was red sometimes.


- episode 11 for me in my opinion was like a TEST FOR Yoon-Yi and Chi-Won's relationship especially when his ex-wife showed, aside from the reason that we did not know that Vice President Do was like hiding his health condition.


- Bo-Na though many hated what she did to  her friendship with Yoon-yi. I am not siding with Bo-Na or hating her... (but i do know the feeling of having a toxic person as a friend but in my case its a bit different... mine was a ALWAYS A YES PERSON NEVER KNOWS HOW TO SAY NO when she was being given advise so what i just did was totally blocked her in my facebook. NO CONTACT EVER SINCE.)

 i do hope in the end game she will like repent and she realizes her mistake with siding with Senior managing Director Cho + APOLOGIZE TO YOON-YI............. (real life fact Bo-Na's actress is YOUNG LIKE SHE IS ONLY 27YRS OLD when i read her profile in the net i am like !@#@!#$@#%#$%^&**^)




I AM LIKE WHAT THE !@#$ REALLY??????? someone give me proof HOW they all knew all about it !!!!!!


- as for me i know Chi-Won will do anything to protect Yoon-yi from any kind of harm whether office politics, gossips of other people, Senior Managing Director Cho and his evil schemes. Since what he said to his ex -wife Do-Hee that "He is nervous. Afraid Yoon-yi will leave him and that he will have to let her go" already made me believed + proven to me that he loves Yoon-Yi dearly.

But yeah i was kinda saddened whatever the meaning was behind Yoon-yi's mother meeting with Chi-Won meant truly. But i do hope she gives her blessing to Yoon-yi and Chi-Won. Since both of them are adults + as Yoon-Yi said SHE ACCEPTS Chi-Won for who he is with scars and all to Do-Hee........ BUT MAN THE  WAY HE DROPPED THE RACOON KEYCHAINS ON EPISODE 12 WAS CORNY i laughed so much ahahahahaha (sorry guys)



Episode 13 I AM READY NOW FOR THE INCOMING WAR!  Let's get it on!





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On 11/01/2018 at 7:03 AM, lclarakl said:

Honestly, I think you give BN too much credit and justification for her attitude. Her father is a capable man; He married and started a family. He worked over the years to provide for his family BEFORE his daughter was old enough to get a job.


These are all assumptions you're making. We actually don't know where her mother is, if she was ever in the picture and married to her dad, how early BN started to work and how capable her father was of taking care of them both (or helping to contribute to the 3 of them living if her mom was around and was working). Maybe he only started to struggle recently and BN really just sees him as a burden and has her whole life and uses him as an excuse. Maybe she's had to work to support them for a lot of her life. Neither of us know and that stuff isn't really my point it's what's happening now in the show because we don't know anything besides the character stuff the drama gave us.


Her dad gets screwed over, BN works very hard and gives him part of her paycheck now so he can make rent, she sees him as her responsibility and that it's hard, and that's shown in the show to be the final reason she decides to work with Cutter on his plan. Cutter deliberately set up a scenario where he would look like the reliable  boss who understands her circumstances, helped defend her disabled father, and will carry her to the top to get her to agree to the plan. Cutter is a frustrating boss to work with for BN. It's hard for them to get new job postings even if they do request one because their boss is crazy pants (at least it was for YY and idk if it's that hard for everyone or just her because of the scandal. Maybe it would be a lot easier for BN to leave or maybe it's impossible). These are all true along with BN not being a nice person and her having done an unforgivable thing, having a very bad attitude, being extremely self interested and selfish, and is jealous of YY having a good boss now even though they suffered together for years with bad bosses. I'm not trying to justify her attitude, but the show is trying to show why she's like that so she seems more human and real. Even if we know why it doesn't justify anything  or excuse her actions. At least that's the way I see it.


She never quite treated YY right and that made it easier for her to betray her. I don't think it's fair to dislike her for our own assumptions and try and make her out to have turned on YY on a whim for no reason or pretend her circumstances aren't bad just because she's horrible. Because if we do that then we're treating her like a cardboard cut out "villain" of dramas (like Cutter actually lol) who are just mean and evil for no reason. But the show isn't trying to do that with BN.  The women being more varied and not just tv tropes is actually part of why I like the show! We both don't like her, there are a lot of reasons to not like her, and nothing she'd doing is justified I agree with you. And I agree with you that she's doing things her dad would be ashamed of and he wouldn't want her money knowing it came like this. She wants to live more comfortably and that's definitely part of the reason but it's not *only* social climbing intentions.


Whether that means she's gonna get redeemed ( i hope not I'm crossing my fingers she isn't) or that she genuinely feels bad for her actions after she gets cut off from her friends and ends up miserable who knows. But it won't be just her having bad things happen and her screaming her anger to the sky like what will definitely happen with Cutter. Because I don't think that's what the writer is trying to do. So we gotta prepare for all that by talking about BN honestly so we can try and figure it out together ^_^. Because if redemption is around the corner we all need each other as support and we can't be blindsided by it lol. I won't make it through that without you guys. 



Who wants to form a support group for just in case BN gets redeemed....I won't be able to handle that alone...

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