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[Drama 2018] My Mister, 나의 아저씨 - Best Drama at 2019 (55th) BaekSang Arts Awards

Go Seung Ji

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15 hours ago, justamom said:

Haha! I can't believe you went back to read your old posts. I remember you saying that and thinking romance? What romance? I came in to the show not knowing anything about the controversies (I was just trying to recover from Misty) and my first reaction after #1-2 was that this was a slice of life/thriller/mystery kind of show. I was so wrong!


LOL!! I moved on to this show to get over MISTY.


You are extremely lucky that you didn't know about the controversies before watching this drama. On the other hand, I was emotionally invested in the drama immediately it was announced last year. It sounded like a drama for middle aged adults, you know, speaking to the ACT TWO of our lives. That synopsis was the biggest plus.


I saw LSK listed as part of the cast, I marked the PDnim and Writernim combo and I knew...... I had to watch it! When IU was announced as lead, I wasn't bothered since I didn't have a problem with her acting. I had already organised my watchlist knowing that this drama would be a mandatory watch in March.

So right off the bat, I was ready for all this healing, but I definitely expected some type of romance, or at least, I didn't have a problem. How would it work out in the bleak environment the synopsis suggested? I dunno. But my heart was ready. I was ready for no romance, but I was happier to imagine that there would be romance.


 I ignored all the little controversies that existed going in to the show about age etc. I'm not interested in Ajussi romance in real life, but I separated my personal opinion from the show. After all, My Spring Day and Marriage Contract were Ajussi romance done right. 


Imagine my horror when they had that mid-series "apology" of a press conference!!! I felt betrayed. Betrayed that they would give in to the pressure of an immature section of the population that was overreacting. A section that had no basis for their complaints, especially by the time the conference was held because the show had already proven itself.


I also come from an ethnic nation of extremely hard headed people :D who understand logic first, then emotion. So when the production bowed to this emotional pressure, I was extremely jolted. When the tyres of a car in a high speed chase scene blow out and the car veers off the screen, that was me. Why did they have to give in???? They should have ignored the little people, stuck to their guns and told the story as is. No apologies. I guess Koreans are not as hard headed as I am..... It's wise to know when to bend your back... a lesson that is lost on me.


That's why I look back on my previous posts and track my descent into this separatedness I feel from the drama and laugh :D. Don't get me wrong, the drama is still amazing on all levels, but i really wish that press conference didn't happen.


After that conference, I reconciled myself to the possibility that the OTP would not end up together. The writer has laid out a strong case for them not to be together in the romantic sense. They met each other at a crucial time in their lives and helped one another out of it, and that is enough for me. They can live on the special memories of who they are to each other and the story will remain authentic.


On the other hand, they really should end up together. There's no way they can get married to other people and have such a connection with anyone else but each other. It is not fair to their other spouses that the spouses will never know DH and JA the way the two of them know and love one another. We don't need them making another marriage like DH and YH's in the drama world!


Wow! I needed to get this off my chest! LOL!


2 hours ago, mushroomsoupie said:

What he’s actually saying is, “If you love someone, nothing they do bothers you. And I love you.”


Going by your post;


1. If you love someone, nothing they do bothers you.


2. And I love you.


Therefore, nothing you do bothers me.


I agree with you. For me, that scene was obvious. DH was confessing to JA.


He was just being clever with words.


My dad loves to talk like this to amuse me or make me think deeply.



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My Ahjussi just brings back so many feels from the previous relationship with the person I mentioned earlier. But I stepped out of it emotionally the moment he invited me to his home and I met his wife. She was just such a generous, kind, open-hearted, and intelligent woman I knew there was no way anything could ever happen between us. It's the same thing with Lee Seon Gyun. The moment I watched Jeon Hye Jin on stage -- wow. What an amazing woman. They complement and deserve each other, and I mean that in the best, best sense possible. There are some couples that just work. 


I feel a little better after working on my fan fiction. It's been a loooong time. @arctichare I've been working on my own work the last few years. It's so much easier to write fan fic when the characters and settings have all been developed so well already! Thanks for the encouragement :)


Ahhhhh! It's been so good hanging out with all of you here. This drama has truly warmed my heart from the inside out. It is the greatest of dramas--not only did it made me think, it made me cry, it made me laugh, and when it finished I truly felt the world was going to be a better place :heart:



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My Ajusshi kept its top spot on the most buzzed dramas list for how many consecutive weeks now?  It's strong to the end!  



And while the Pretty Noona couple reigned supreme at the top, our own age-gap couple went back right below them (although IU had not moved from 3rd):


1. Son Ye Jin

2. Jung Hae In

3. Lee Ji Eun (IU)

4. Lee Seon Kyun

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2 hours ago, jhjsw said:

I just finished this amazing drama. Finished it in 2 and a half days. I'm really thankful and happy that I've come across this. So heartwarming. This goes straight to my top dramas of all time! I lovelovelove Lee Sun Gyun in everything. I wonder if Another Oh Hae Young has the same feels? I'm eager to check that out now. 


I can't really express in words on how much I loved this drama. The character development, cinematrography, OST,.... just everything. Withdrawal symptoms coming my way. I need to watch something else to move on from this. :cold_sweat:


I'm watching Reply 1988 in an attempt to get over My Ahjussi. Been saving it for a rainy day. While I love it so far, I don't think I'm getting over my obsession anytime soon lol. I'd recommend Yoona's Street to you. Wonderful character-driven drama with a winsome OTP. One of the most satisfying watches, start to finish. I can't really find anything to compare it to - it's fresh and one-of-a-kind. It's penned by the writer mentioned below.


Fun fact: The main character, Yoona, is an anti-heroine like uri Ji Ahn.



12 hours ago, chickfactor said:


I want to translate one of these, I thought it was so cute:


Yoo Byungjae


Is it possible to make a drama this well... ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ (this symbolizes crying)


I feel like this writer, director and actors were sent from heaven to make dramas... It just doesn't make sense (otherwise)...


Would it feel this way if Writer Kim Woon-Kyung became younger...


If I could write this kind of screenplay and these lines, it would be so great... ㅠㅠㅠ


I am always waiting for Wednesday and Thursday to come...


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I just realized that somewhere in the last few episodes we no longer see shots of the back of DH's head.  I'd like to think that there is a significance but am struggling to make a connection.  My best guess is that the old DH did not like to face a problem head on, and this is yet another one of the director's very clever way of nuanced story-telling.  

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28 minutes ago, anipanch said:

I have a question for yall!!!

Do you think DH was JA's first kiss??? 'Cos I do and I need validations, hit me up


No.  She planned that kiss attack like it was no big deal in any way.  And she never had problem telling the truth, so when DH asked her why she did what she did, I tend to believe her.  If she said it was because she had not kissed anyone in a long time (implying that she had kissed before), and she was bored, then yes, she had kissed a man before.  Given her tough growing up circumstances, I won't be surprised if she had done more than kissing.


Now, your turn.  Tell me why you think otherwise.

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@sadiesmith soo here's my argument.

I can't, for all I try, imagine JA romantically involved with anyone. The life she had, she's not only a victim of abuse but have been trying to survive since early childhood. Now as someone who has been subject to such life, it is not a surprise that JA is/was socially closed off person and indeed, the only people in her life are grandmother, her childhood friend and Kwang Il and that janitor guy. It seems a little far from reality, that she would open up to some guy and have kissing sessions with him, she haven't made any friends aside from  the childhood ones, so getting romantically involved with someone while struggling to survive from day to day doesn't seem realistic. Not to mention, she really didn't have time to think over boys, the loan has been a big burden to her, not letting her live like a normal person. The only possible option I can think of, is either her first kiss was KI (eeeww I hope not) or she might have been a victim of sexual abuse/harassment... that aside, I want to adress your opinion about her possibly doing more than kissing, judging the life she had. Aaaand I second that, because of the following reason. Selling body would clearly bring her more money and I don't see why she would go working on more than one places like she did, the girl was barely sleeping and stood, if she ever did something like prostitution then I doubt she would be living the way she did, it's obvious she wanted to have a decent life and preferred working to death on meager salary than going around sleeping with guys in return of money.


I'm not really sure how honest she was when she told DH that reason. But it was at least partially lie, because what could she say? "Hey I'm working under JY to get you fired so I kissed you while my friend took photos to create a scandal?". Moreover that kiss happened during the early stages of their relationship, neither of them were truly honest with each other at that point, with JA being rude when DH tried to ask about her family. So I really really doubt the sincerity of JA's given reason. I can't really advocate for DH being JA's first kiss because we don't have enough information but for me all the clues point at the high possibility of her actually not having kissed a guy before.

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4 minutes ago, berny said:

I have a Question....


The promised trip to China... that was only for the crew and staff... and not the actors?




I think it's for everybody as long as the actors are not busy or have any schedules then they can go.

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6 hours ago, tiger457_stv said:

@akhenaten  said:

Yay! I finally finished watching Episode 16 with subs!!! :)

I was already overwhelmed when I watched the raw live streaming.  I was screaming when the last scene came on and practically freaked out when all Dong Hoon did in the end was shake Ji An’s hand.  It was like PM&I deja vu to me and I didn’t like it.  Good thing I decided to check out Soompi and Tumblr and other sites and my fears were put to rest when I read comments about that scene, especially that handshake.  But I still couldn’t shake off the feeling that, maybe, maybe, Dong Hoon decided to go the noble idiocy route after all:  happy that Ji An has finally integrated into society and seem to be moving on, but sad because he knows she will do that without him. But again, my fellow Soompiers put my mind at ease. Hehehe.  It’s difficult to interpret when you can’t understand the words, although it is a testament to their acting skills that I still felt their emotions. 

I have so much I want to say but it’s almost midnight here.  For now, all I can say is that My Ahjussi is the most romantic non-romance drama I have ever watched.  And Park Dong Hoon and Lee Ji An had the most intense and intimate non-relationship ever. 

I’ll definitely say a bit more in the next couple of days because I am sooooo not over this drama. :D



Congratulation on watching the final episode... seems like you are among the last to watch it with subs.

Please go to sleep, and rest, else you start to sound like noor1 (pessimist)!  hahaha


@tiger457_stv  hahaha. I know.  Pathetic, really.  I would have wanted to watch it with the subs the minute they came out but it was already midnight where I am but the subs weren’t up yet.  Then RL got in the way for the next 3 days.  You can just imagine my frustration. 


I have slept, thank you, and I’m gearing up to sharing my own thoughts and feelings about the last two episodes and this drama overall. :D


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8 hours ago, justamom said:

My Ahjussi just brings back so many feels from the previous relationship with the person I mentioned earlier. But I stepped out of it emotionally the moment he invited me to his home and I met his wife. She was just such a generous, kind, open-hearted, and intelligent woman I knew there was no way anything could ever happen between us. It's the same thing with Lee Seon Gyun. The moment I watched Jeon Hye Jin on stage -- wow. What an amazing woman. They complement and deserve each other, and I mean that in the best, best sense possible. There are some couples that just work. 


I feel a little better after working on my fan fiction. It's been a loooong time. @arctichare I've been working on my own work the last few years. It's so much easier to write fan fic when the characters and settings have all been developed so well already! Thanks for the encouragement :)


Ahhhhh! It's been so good hanging out with all of you here. This drama has truly warmed my heart from the inside out. It is the greatest of dramas--not only did it made me think, it made me cry, it made me laugh, and when it finished I truly felt the world was going to be a better place :heart:




It explain why your husband classifies DH-JA as father-daughter lol. He is sending a message lol. :wink: 

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It seems like the friendly war between the shippers and the non-shipping folks continued due to the writer deliberate open ending. This raises doubt and uncertainty... and disagreement and conflicts (friendly one of course)


From the writer's stand of point, this is great, since it promotes endless debates, which keeps our interest long
after the last scene was gone... a free promotion for the awards season!...but for us, anguish and headaches....!


So let's analyze a little about this friendly little Korean war!... actually it is like a little friendly United Nation war (since we are involved too, and many of us don't even speak korean!...much like the American, French, Turk, Australian, British, Canadian, New Zealand, Greek, South African...plus Luxembourg, netherland ethiopian, columbian, Thai and Phillippinos.. why the earth did the latter groups get involved in that 1950s conflict???


Of course the crux of the matter is the age difference between Engineer Park Dong Hoon and Lee Ji-an.  When she was 1 he was 25.  When she was 17 he was 41 and when she became 21 (20 western age) he was 45 years old!...to young people a dinosaur, an Ajusshi, an...OLD MAN!

To conservative middle or old age folks, he is an adult, an Ajusshi...  So HOW COULD HE LONG FOR A YOUNGSTER, practically A POST PUBERTAL TEENAGER young enough to be HIS DAUGHTER!!! So many think.


A lesser obstacle is he is married and she is not which raises moral question.  Didn't he swear to uphold the matrimonial vow, to stay with his spouse through all sickness, health till death do they part?   So what if he has become an ox with horns on his head?  The family is sacred and must be protected at all cost.

That child as wonderful a person as she may be, her story as heartfelt as can be, but she is a temptation...and must be kept at arm length, or even further apart.


Interestingly, many non-shipper folks who feel uncomfortable with this awkward relation, just like the shippers, applaud them for their efforts to help each other, cry with them as they suffer, as they struggle to the seemingly endless obstacles, endless strifes as their lives literally fell apart.  And, shippers and  non-shipping folks alike, all cheer for them when things start to go right, with the battered ships heading toward the safe port, after enduring the terrible cyclones!


But now that the ships seem to be in calm water, non-shipper folks start to feel unease... will these 2 ships which have been united by necessity during all those tempests, now become too close for comfort... thus raising the age question to the forefront!  Hence it is much easier to think of a beautiful platonic relation, forged by storms at sea!


The shippers on the other hand, see THE PAIR going through their struggles, cry with them and want them to unite even closer (some time graphically close!...gulp) much like DAMASCUS STEEL where 2 completely different types of steel were forged together by fire, becoming intrinsically bonded at the molecular level...making the metal as a whole much stronger and enduring than the original!


So why do the shippers root for THE PAIR to get together romantically?  Don't shippers feel yucky about physical relation between an older man and his daughter/niece like the non-shipper folks???


In the humble opinion of this reader, the shippers see and were able to overcome this unease about unequal relationship and focus instead on the attraction between THE PAIR and what a romantic ending would mean for them (THE PAIR & the SHIPPERS). 


The non-shipping folks also want THE TWO to be happy, supporting each other, growing ever stronger but separately, platonically like father/daughter, uncle niece, mentor-student...then end.
The non-shippers recognize that they love each other but it is a kind of pure, emotional love which by societal necessity transcend earthly needs...thus a much more beautiful love?


So, both sides do SHIP The PAIR or The TWO ... but differ on whether physical matter will make them happy?

Let's look at THE PAIR or THE TWO lives if they are together.


SHIPPER SIDE:  THE PAIR just met by chance after several years of separation, were delighted to see each other, albeit with shyness due to the circumstance (with colleagues presence, in the open) and quickly realize that they feel the same need for each other, he invited her, they shook hand, she invited him and they go on to have a courtship and end up together as man and wife.

These 2 lost souls that have been battered, floundering in the storms, have found their safe harbor together, their happiness in each other arms where they can heal each other wounds, support each other, growing ever stronger, 2 soulmates till...the end.  So what if society may snicker behind their back (calling them craddle snatcher, dirty old man etc..) since they willingly choose each other.

They will live their lives like countless other people, smile and even play with the little rabbit(s) if they are blessed with them (could anyone imagine the grin on an 47 years old Ajusshi's face as he play with a wiggling smiling baby rabbit, saying coochy-coo?).

With the passage of time the 24 years difference won't be so great when she become 70 and him 94....they both will be old and gray and she helping feed him via his gastric tube and help him bath before burying him at 96!!!!  It's their shared happiness which count.


NONSHIPPER SIDE:  THE TWO met and were delighted by the surprise encounter, reacquainted and found that each has changed for the better, and promised with smiles and handshake to support each other like old valued friends.

Each going to the other's family funeral and each smiling at the other's family photographs as each go on with his/her life close but apart.  So, in this scenario, will the two be happy?

Maybe... depending on what one means by happiness.  Most probably, Ajusshi will continue with his life, devoted all his energy to his company, his people, his friends and family.  He has no time to think of romance.  What he felt for his wife was extinguished years ago in the past.  He, being passive would be divorced if his wife choose to do so, or not divorce if his wife did not file the paper...

He lives contented, with a few message and photos that his son and son's mother sent him from abroad.  He would smile, sip some coffee, then go back to work, eat and do bodily function, hanging out with the gang some of the time to drink beer and play football.

This will continue until he get older and not as strong, then he will cut out the football part, then the drinking part, and just shuttles between his work and home... comfortable...until he takes his last breath...ALONE.

With his personality, that is how it will end, if he cannot be with the one person who knows his inner thought... his soulmate.


Ji-an the much younger person, will devote to her work.  She probably will stay a shy, reserved, introverted tomboy and won't change very much. 

She will likely date young men she meet, judge them by her standard, may even accept one or a few into her life, may get married and have children (she is not the type who would have an affair with a man) and live her life devoted to her family, trying her best for them. 

When/ if she meet HER AJUSSHI, she would be very happy to spend a moment with her savior/her hero, talking about her angsts, her successes, then afterward going back to her life, contented but melancholic, about how things could be different....IF...

If she is unlucky and find her mate wanting, his defects numerous, then she would leave a reunion with HER AJUSSHI, disheartened and downcasted, wondering how things could  have turned out to be....IF....

With her personality, that is how her story will end, if she cannot be with the one person who knows her inner thought... her soulmate.

PS: This reader for moral unease started the journey on the Non-shipping side...but has over time, become a reluctant shipper.... 

But he is contented, for, the tale is not called MY MISTER for no reason... hahaha

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6 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:


In my view there is a tendency around the web to idealize DH... like he's extraordinarily kind or that his affection for J'A is a philanthropic platonic love in a bid to whitewash the more "taboo transgressive" aspects of that relationship.

But I wonder if DH was as extraordinary in his kindness and as philanthropic as some might prefer to classify him as, why hasn't he tried to replicate that dynamic with other young people. If the writer wanted us to believe that DH was an extraordinarily good man who was "just" doing a down and out young woman a good turn, why hasn't he for instance, started a non-profit with the big money he's apparently making creating apprenticeships and work opportunities for young people who are doing it tough. I know lots of people who do these sorts of things because they are truly philanthropic. They are people with a calling and a mission. They see something bigger outside themselves that needs to be accomplished. I don't see that with DH. For him, his world is a lot smaller. Geographically and emotionally. His relationships and own sanity was on the line.


I'm not trying to diminish what DH did for J'A  and vice versa but if we're speaking to motive here, I have to wonder. After all he says to her, "I was dying and you saved me." It's an intensely personal comment about his own personal happiness.


Even if he would be gentle with young people, it would be the male one. He barely speaks with female workers. The drama not only did show his reservation towards female workers, it explicitely did say it: during the last meeting with the directors, when everything about JA-YJ was revealed, they pondered what kind of feelings DH had, they explicitely said (amazed) that DH never did drink even a cup of coffee with a female employee!

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@h2ogirl  said: "I'm watching Reply 1988 in an attempt to get over My Ahjussi. Been saving it for a rainy day. While I love it so far, I don't think I'm getting over my obsession anytime soon lol. I'd recommend Yoona's Street to you. Wonderful character-driven drama with a winsome OTP. One of the most satisfying watches, start to finish. I can't really find anything to compare it to - it's fresh and one-of-a-kind. It's penned by the writer mentioned below.

Fun fact: The main character, Yoona, is an anti-heroine like uri Ji Ahn."


You are a strange,  h2ogirl to like that show....  this reader like Yoona Street a lot also! hahaha.


My favorite part are:  1) when they steal from the thieves by easily climbing the pipe up to the third floor's window...that little pickpocketter is athletic!  2) the 2nd scissor in the hospital scene... How yoona keeps cutting paper!!! and the expression on the intended victim gigalo face! hahaha

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6 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:


In my view there is a tendency around the web to idealize DH... like he's extraordinarily kind or that his affection for J'A is a philanthropic platonic love in a bid to whitewash the more "taboo transgressive" aspects of that relationship.

But I wonder if DH was as extraordinary in his kindness and as philanthropic as some might prefer to classify him as, why hasn't he tried to replicate that dynamic with other young people. If the writer wanted us to believe that DH was an extraordinarily good man who was "just" doing a down and out young woman a good turn, why hasn't he for instance, started a non-profit with the big money he's apparently making creating apprenticeships and work opportunities for young people who are doing it tough. I know lots of people who do these sorts of things because they are truly philanthropic. They are people with a calling and a mission. They see something bigger outside themselves that needs to be accomplished. I don't see that with DH. For him, his world is a lot smaller. Geographically and emotionally. His relationships and own sanity was on the line.


I'm not trying to diminish what DH did for J'A  and vice versa but if we're speaking to motive here, I have to wonder. After all he says to her, "I was dying and you saved me." It's an intensely personal comment about his own personal happiness.


This is an interesting point and very western, I think. In the Buddhist sense, a person who takes the path and is enlightened does save the world. Not buy setting up a charity.  DH does save others, even his co-workers becoming his employees are doing much better albeit financially than they would have. The company he worked for also shed off evil men.  JiAn's grandma died with dignity. KI finally overcomes his anger over the violent death of his father and saves Jian.  JiAn of course overcomes her self hatred, her bitterness and suspicion of the world .  She finds someone who she can trust to the point of selflessly loving him.   


But, when I look back to the beginning, I don't think DH's interest from the get-go was entirely pure.  He was initially attracted to Jian, and she was very aware of it, and did not for a moment think he was just being fatherly.  That is how she began to manipulate him and it was so frustrating to watch.  Then as he learned more and more about JiAn's suffering,  the beatings, caring for grandma, the way she killed the loan shark, etc. he did become more and more protective of her  He was always controlled, always the adult, but he ultimately really started to become that person.   Still, the character of DH is elusive, his sexuality and desire is always kept hidden from us, behind the curtain of his moral maturity.    Lee Ji-Ah who takes the part of Yoon Hee,  said that she would miss the production team but not playing the character because Yoon Hee was so difficult.  Yoon Hee tells JiAn there are 100, even 1000 reasons for cheating on Dh.   But the writer never lets us see all that, we have to make things up. We see DH clings to his family  and he lacks ambition, but that is only 2 faults, not 100, or 1000.   I did understand DH's  pain when he and Yoon Hee finally talk about her infidelity with the sleazy CEO   After the storm is over, all the drama and tension of unraveling and settling  all the schemes and plots that went on at the company,  going public with his wife's infidelity,  there is this great let down, and DH is all alone and and breaks down.  He cared so much and took care of everyone, but who is taking care of him?    Still, DH is a great mystery.  

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16 hours ago, brose_stv said:

On the other hand, to call someone affectionately you would add an "ee" or "ah" to the end ("ya" if the name ends in a vowel). You can only do this if you're very close to the person. Typically, this is used by parents-to-children, older sibling/friend to younger sibling/friend, close friends of the same age, etc. It denotes closeness and affection, but a specific FAMILIAL type of affection. Lovers or spouses don't normally use this form of address with each other. It's awkward. It only works in certain relationships. For example, between lovers who were close friends before dating, who addressed each other this way in the first place. There are more nuances, but that's the general idea. It specifically denotes a familial type of closeness.


Dong-hoon didn't use either form of address in the final line of the drama. He called her simply "Ji-an". It denotes a much closer relationship than before. Furthermore, he didn't call her Ji-an-ah, so it's NOT a familial kind of closeness, such as that of a father to his daughter OR EVEN an older friend to a younger friend. For me, the fact that he said just "Ji-an" and the way he said it came off as very, very, very intimate.


Also, maybe I'm overanalyzing the final scene, but after Dong-hoon asks Ji-an if she's found comfort, the way the camera quickly jumps to Dong-hoon between Ji-an's two "Yes's" makes it seem like Dong-hoon himself is the comfort that Ji-an has found in her life.


I can't agree more! Yes, that was just so, so obvious, I don't understand how the Korean audience could have viewed it in any other way. That whole voiceover was just so tender and intimate, there was just so much 여운 (lingering feeling in their voices). But I suppose the heart finds what it wants to find.


And I didn't know that about the "ees" and "aas"! I always wondered why some couples still use "sshi" when addressing each other, some use "ees" and "aas", and many others just use their names, That was really, really insightful! :heart:


@Kimchi Sweet Potato  what a delightful video! Yes, I see exactly what you mean. Like squeezing blood from a stone! Episode 16 was literally the only one episode shot in the day. It felt like coming out of a very long, dark, deep tunnel.

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