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[Drama 2018] My Mister, 나의 아저씨 - Best Drama at 2019 (55th) BaekSang Arts Awards

Go Seung Ji

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4 hours ago, zenya22 said:

Loved your whole post. I agree the walk scene and the "life" talk was the best scene for me too and you succinctly summarized "The struggle inside ourselves, about who we really are. And then expectations of who we are and are supposed to be"  thank you 

DH last sentence "nothing is what it seems" really profound 


Thank you dear. There are so many deeply profound lines. Even my hubby was moved. In episode 7:


Yoora: "I'm so happy because you're such a failure".....she repeats it so many times and we laugh and don't understand, then she says "I'm so happy because you're such a failure...and yet you're so happy....I didn't realise it was possible to be happy even if you've failed." And then we cry, it's so sad but at the same time so beautiful.


And of course, Ji An's line.


"When I'm running, I disappear."


Losing yourself. That's considered the highest state of nirvana, or meditation ( @zenya22 believe you were the one who made the analogy). How can we escape ourselves, our tortured selves with our wretched lives?To forget about ourselves, our worries, and just be in the state of doing or being. Watching Bong Ae watch the moon, listening to Dear Moon, I too lose myself.



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2 hours ago, aisling said:


I have to strongly disagree with you about them not needing each other after they both get better. The whole point of this show is that two very different unlikely people share the bond that defies social conventions. You just don’t dump someone because you don’t need them anymore. Well, you can do so if no feelings are involved, but in JA and DH case, there’s plenty of feelings from both sides. I won’t argue with you about the nature of their relationship - whether they feel like father/daughter, siblings, friends or lovers - each of us perceive them differently and that’s the beauty of it. This show is so unconventional and unprecedented that even longtime drama viewers don’t know what to expect.


And yes, Park Dong Hoon is an average looking and average money earning man in his mid 40s.  At a glance there’s nothing for other women to be attracted to when they don’t get to know him better. But to our Ji An, who can hear that side of him that no one see, he’s the most special and extraordinary man under the sun.

@aisling :) 'father-figure' means presence of a strong elder who fights for her or cares for her - not father-daughter! 


All I'm saying is that if DH's wife was appreciative of his strengths, and he was a happy contented person, he would not have taken to drinking / eating in a cafe' with a 21-year old. If Ji-An had found acceptance, forgiveness and steady income, she would not have seen DH as this endearing. The reason they are together (if someone wants to call it that) is because they are miserable, lonely and facing situations beyond their control. And both have low self-esteem - maybe because people keep pulling them down. He gets to quietly shine in her presence and she gets validated by his. They'll resolve problems by helping each other (without the other's knowledge, for now). That's the healing part.


And in ep. 8, JY makes it clear that 'girls found DH attractive all the time', so I'm not questioning that, just the notion that in a well-adjusted scenario, these two would not have looked at each other, or kept in touch once their problems get resolved - 'life happens' and people get on with their lives. Let's see what happens in this one! I for one, am waiting to see what happens when the 'non-affair' between DH and Ji-An gets exposed! The irony is that these two have a moral center missing in the actual adulterers!


Edited by noor1
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13 hours ago, kysy said:

Ratings went up again and crossed the 5 percent mark nationwide. 


Audience Ratings episode 8 (Nielsen): 


Nationwide: 5.313 

Seoul: 5.671



I’m so happy, esp when haters on Nate was talking trash saying this drama hasn’t even broken the 4% mark. This is the only drama that is captavating to me at the moment :)

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7 hours ago, Ayame said:


This is a late reply, so maybe you saw the article on Netizenbuzz already, but NB only translated the Nate comments from mostly IU-focused articles, so there's a lot of hate on her. Nate, in general tends to be full of negativity no matter what they're talking about, so which is why I try not to think about their comments too much.

Sorry @sadiesmith, I just saw your msg, I agree with @Ayame that in general Nate tends to be full of negativity esp, so I tend to not read it bc I want to be happy and blissfully ignorant of the fact that there are are those out there who gets a kick out of putting others down. I’m hoping the show will break the previous ratings bc that will help to silence the critics. 


Love reading all of your insights, I  wanted to respond to comments about JA not needing a lover but a family. When you love someone, you automatically think of them as your family and thus they do become your family. 

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2 hours ago, noor1 said:

@aisling :) 'father-figure' means presence of a strong elder who fights for her or cares for her - not father-daughter! 


All I'm saying is that if DH's wife was appreciative of his strengths, and he was a happy contented person, he would not have taken to drinking / eating in a cafe' with a 21-year old. If Ji-An had found acceptance, forgiveness and steady income, she would not have seen DH as this endearing. The reason they are together (if someone wants to call it that) is because they are miserable, lonely and facing situations beyond their control. And both have low self-esteem - maybe because people keep pulling them down. He gets to quietly shine in her presence and she gets validated by his. They'll resolve problems by helping each other (without the other's knowledge, for now). That's the healing part.


And in ep. 8, JY makes it clear that 'girls found DH attractive all the time', so I'm not questioning that, just the notion that in a well-adjusted scenario, these two would not have looked at each other, or kept in touch once their problems get resolved - 'life happens' and people get on with their lives. Let's see what happens in this one! I for one, am waiting to see what happens when the 'non-affair' between DH and Ji-An gets exposed! The irony is that these two have a moral center missing in the actual adulterers!



Oh you meant it like that as father figure. Well, I guess he’ll always be somewhat a father figure to her because he’s older and more experienced though she’s been through a lot herself. You know even though his wife cheated on him I don’t think he could do the same. Even if he’s growing more and more attached to Ji An, I don’t think he’ll ever let himself go there. So far we’ve seen him too principled to do something like that.

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36 minutes ago, aisling said:


Oh you meant it like that as father figure. Well, I guess he’ll always be somewhat a father figure to her because he’s older and more experienced though she’s been through a lot herself. You know even though his wife cheated on him I don’t think he could do the same. Even if he’s growing more and more attached to Ji An, I don’t think he’ll ever let himself go there. So far we’ve seen him too principled to do something like that.

Yes, he is a man of integrity, but I think both will have to explain their innocent interactions to others soon enough - story seems headed that way!

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The universe works in mysterious ways. I see DH as a man of STRENGTH, not a defeated man but a man in transition. Neither is hs showing any signs of depression. We see a glimpse of who DH really is, in that walk and talk he had with JA at the beginning of episode 8. Then he had this discussion with JH at the bar when he talks about the girl he says is 30,000 years old because she keeps being reborn and that he, DH, does not know the answer for her not to get reborn. JH says in order not to get reborn, is not to have a shred of hatred and hold unconditional love, compassion in your heart (not easy to do). Youngest brother passing by comments, I don’t want to have a place amongst the stars, that would be boring. LOL. But we see here the beliefs and values that drive DH and his actions. That he wants to reflect whether his actions are of benefit to others and himself as well. So, he is not going to just judge his wife for 15 years and dump her because she had an affair. Basing on his values, he might now reflect on his own actions that may have contributed to his wife’s affairs and whether the marriage ends or continues, he will try to make it as fair to his wife as possible. There is also the situation in his job that keeps popping up and he seems to have been avoiding, the chance for a promotion. His reasoning, he is not interested in upper managerial position because he loves field work. He may also reflect on his rationale that his excuses are not legitimate but maybe it is fear of disappointing those he cares about such as his family. He may realize now that the universe, fate, karma however his faith defines it, has given him a chance, an opening to prove himself and his values, that taking up the gauntlet and advance himself at work will benefit not only himself and family but also his subordinates, his superiors and his company. That he is the kind of person, the Chairman has been looking for. That JY, despicable he maybe, the tortured JA, all the challenges he had been facing, presented for a reason, to push him to where he should be. It seems that there will be more challenges and difficulties to come his way as Yoon and his team will try to rid him of his job.   .


The pillar: DH seems to be the pillar for everyone, yet he thinks he has no pillar for himself, especially at work and he is worn out. In that lonely walk home, he bends down and cries, fighting. My heart ached for him. But there is a strong pillar that has been waiting for him, the person who wanted to play a game of golf, soccer, foot volleyball, any game DH plays with him, Chairman Jang. JY at the beginning episodes, talked about Chairman Jang, that he liked camping because it reminds him of his humble origins, that he was a country bumpkin. It seems Chairman Jang never told JY about why he loved watching the fires but one evening of camping with DH and Jang tells him of his meditative experience with fire. Jang in that campfire seems to have done a mini interview when he asked if JY or DH had gone to the army. JY was the one who answered that DH had gone to the army for 3 years. JY said that he joined the Western Music club and Jang remarked that he joined the club for a girl. JY never clarified that he joined because he was interested in Western Music. Chairman Jang also as remarked by Yoon is humble and talks greets and tries to get to know the employees from janitor to the executives. DH is also humble and tries to be respectful of everyone. Chairman was informed that DH had found something about JY yet DH did not go running to report it to the upper management but kept mum.  I think Chairman Jang respects that.




It takes a village to care for a child, the saying goes. DH is a loved child of the village. JA’s story may then become known to the village in the next episodes. But one thing, if anyone tries to hurt and destroy DH, by making him a bad guy, and taking away his chance for a promotion, I am betting the village, the used to be drinking buddies, and the ahjummas will come out of the woodwork to support him including the monk from the temple. But we might just see that his most ardent supporter will be his wife. That is if she gets out of her bed and stops feeling sorry for herself. Beware of a woman scorned. DH is the father of her only child after all. She is a lawyer and she knows what JY tried to do to her husband but will she risk her reputation and will DH allow her? 


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6 hours ago, noor1 said:

YH is coming across more and more as an insufferable human being. She thinks she is sitting on this grand pedestal from where she can look down upon everyone in her life (including JY - man she supposedly is in love with!!!) She is condescending, dismissive, disrespectful to everyone (I have not seen her being nice to a single person without a catty remark). I think her personality problems go deeper than just a marital issue with DH - who is an unsuccessful, uncommunicative clueless wimp. She is a nasty woman. Even with JY, when she feels betrayed, it takes her 2 seconds to cut him into 5 pieces of nothing ('you were nothing in college and everyone knew it', 'I feel so humiliated to be involved with you', ' will ruin you for dong this to me'). She is an unhappy woman who will never find happiness. Is she going through a midlife crisis? But of course DH will never leave her. Let's see if she leaves him once he becomes director!


I thought it was easier to hate Yeon Hee but the last episodes were making it hard for me. YH is attracted to JYD because he is an ambitious man just like her. In a way, she understood his greed and the need for advancement. Let me put this out there. It is easier to demonize the affair but what if YH and JYD's love for each other is also real? The reason I'm saying that because YH is in severe depression with life sucked out of her after the break up. In episode 7-8,  you could honestly feel the intensity of their love no matter how immoral it is.  YH despite being an adulterer was happy with the jerk. She was dancing in their shared apartment like someone deliriously happy. Now it could be just because of the glow of something forbidden but she also looks free and does not act suffocated like when she is with Dong Hoon. On the other hand, JYD also loves her and greedy at the same time. He broke up the relationship because he partly agreed with DH that their affair could ruin YH's life. She worked hard to be a prosecutor and being an adulterer can get her disbarred from practicing law. I am trying to figure out if the sole motivation of having DH fired was not for career reasons but because he wants YH so badly that he was desperate to pay Jian for the seduction scheme. 


I am ok with DH and YH working out their marital relationship. If a marriage can be save, couples should stay together especially for their child. It is already common knowledge that DH is a principled man and will stick with his wife, but what about YH? She is also the other side of that equation. Does she want to stay? I assume that she will go back to her husband after the affair even if it suffocates her. The asynchrony and distance in their relationship is becoming a burden and sucking the life out of them. When a marriage is becoming a heavy burden is it even worth it to stay?  Can both of them still find the spark? or the statement of DH's mother is very telling that a couple will make it as long as they are faithful to each other. YH is still oblivious that DH knew about her indiscretion. Will the guilt of that affair even put a bigger wedge into their relationship?

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Enjoy reading everyone’s posts here,especially on their relationships,various yet interesting.


Just want to say two little things I found:

I thought YH will tell DJY that she knows him using her because of JA show her the recording...Maybe she is too into her anger and sadness to mention.If that happened,DJY would not ask JA to do another task though. I really hope this time she won’t harm DH but rather unveil the recording of DJY to make him being punished,like what she say she want to see in the trailer. Though it can be risky to herself.


In last week’s episode, JA’s friend told her the landlord demand the rent and told her to move soon.Further more,grandma will go to nursing home soon.Will that contribute to a chance for JA to live with three brothers?

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On 4/6/2018 at 10:07 AM, philosophie said:


Chingu, sorry to cut your post (I agree with all of it) but I had to say for this point, I had a feeling that JA was recording JY when he said all that stuff about being with a married woman (she does need some kind of security for after the job so that he can’t get rid of her easily right? Just feel like that would be such a JA thing to do-tape her convos with JY).


Can someone one give me some credit for predicting the recording right?! JA was recording her convo with JY.


I thought it was telling when YH was dancing to that song in their affair room with JY, she replayed the song that’s as JYs favorite because his favorite song is becoming her favorite song instead of her original favorite song. (I do not do justice with quoting haha) but maybe this ‘song’ is really a person. On YH side at least, I think she is genuine with her feelings even if she hadn’t actually divorced DH yet and would sometimes seem like she still cared about DH when she was being considerate of him quitting instead of being fired and having like a logos divorce if that’s even possible (which it isn’t cause now DH knows the truth honey).


So we know JY was married previously. I think that JY (among other things) was jealous of DH and Yhs marriage. Seeing the perfect couple in their perfect life with a DH content and happy (something greedy JY can’t stand) so he kinda wanted to ruin the happy marriage he envied for himself by sabotaging it with an affair. That’s how it started just like I think YH started the affair because she was bored with life, unhappy with her husband (couldn’t feel his ‘love’ for her, just thought he was there in body) and needed like an oasis in her desert of a daily routine (when she says ‘how am I supposed to go on?’ During their break up, I felt like this affair was her breath of fresh air in her suffocating marriage and life).


when get older nothing spectacular or amazing happens just because you’re an adult now. On the contrary, once you’ve achieved everything like a kid and husband and a successful job, then there’s really nothing else to work for. Or look forward to. And you’re just in this standstill of like is this really what society hyped us up to aspire for? I think this is a feeling that both DH and YH are experiencing is they’re growing up (and apart) but not sharing that similiar feeling to become closer because cause the other spouse is partly responsible for this ‘boring’ life. I don’t think DH considers his life boring-if anything I think he prefers a comfortable and safe life hence not wanting to be promoted or have a change in his life with a divorce. 


DH represents a nice person/adult in the middle class (I mentioned economic standing because JA replies to her grandma when she calls him nice, that it’s easy to be when you have money and no financial problems like JA does). I say nice too cause we see in first scene he’s the one trying to save the bug. And even now with how he’s handling the whole affair, and how he hasn’t told his brothers anything about it for most likely the sake of themselves and not putting his family through a whirlwind of drama and emotions. He definetly avoids conflict (is it for the sake of others, or for himself, or both?) 


maybe JY is right, and DH is a good person because he isn’t ‘broken’ yet. But then cut to the scene where the d-list actress states that she’s relieved and happy to see people who’ve failed that are still standing and happy (hit me right in the feels). DH isn’t a nice person because he’s middle class, or not broken, or for selfish reasons. I think he is just a good person that has morals and ethics we rarely see in modern society (his viewpoint on talking to people behind their backs, or filial piety with JA and her grandma, protecting his wife’s pride at the expense of being hurt more than he already is, etc). That said, I do think he’s suicidal and I wonder if it has to do with bearing all these burdens while remaining selfless? Having no pillars when you’re the pillar for everyone else? And then maybe this is a representation of the Ahjussi that commit suicide?



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OK, I know everyone on this show isn’t one dimensional and has plenty of layers but I just can’t feel bad for YH. And when she said this line I was so angry! Like how is she feeling humiliated?! It doesn’t look like she even feels any remorse towards her husband. She just feels sorry for herself because her lover turned to be a jerk (which she did know from the start). As a woman I can understand she wasn’t happy in her marriage because she never truly feeled loved and because she was way more ambitious than her husband. She only saw his bad sides and never appreciated or never even got to know what kind of man he truly was. But none of this justifies her affair which is the most painful thing you can inflict on your spouse.

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On 4/11/2018 at 2:00 AM, tsukiazura said:

DH and JA don't talk much, but when they're in a scene together, they use human senses to show their deep connection, like sharing deep looks and the sound of their breaths mingling together. It's all very sensual and it managed to convey the ambiguity, the awkward tension between them that makes me, as a viewer, wondering about the true nature of their relationship. 'What are they exactly? What is this awkward but delicious tension? There's gotta be something right?'  


Agree with you. Thank you for pointing this out.  It is because of that sensual ambiguity that made Gwang-Il obsessed in episode 7 &8. The other loan shark was asking him to define it were they flirting, dating, or was Jian running a con? Gwang Il could not point it out but was enough to anger him over something he could not explain. In episode 8, there was a wind that blowing into the building which forced DH to go outside check the cracks and Jian went with him. They exhibit a level of synchrony where they match each other phase like ying yang that was captured by the camera through the eyes of Gwang Il. It's like when he goes, she follows.. when she disappears, he looks for her.. he breathe heavily, she runs to him.. There is always something about JA and DH togetherness that you cannot explain but at same time hard to ignore... 



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14 hours ago, timidjock0819 said:


I thought it was easier to hate Yeon Hee but the last episodes were making it hard for me. YH is attracted to JYD because he is an ambitious man just like her. In a way, she understood his greed and the need for advancement. Let me put this out there. It is easier to demonize the affair but what if YH and JYD's love for each other is also real? The reason I'm saying that because YH is in severe depression with life sucked out of her after the break up. In episode 7-8,  you could honestly feel the intensity of their love no matter how immoral it is.  YH despite being an adulterer was happy with the jerk. She was dancing in their shared apartment like someone deliriously happy. Now it could be just because of the glow of something forbidden but she also looks free and does not act suffocated like when she is with Dong Hoon. On the other hand, JYD also loves her and greedy at the same time. He broke up the relationship because he partly agreed with DH that their affair could ruin YH's life. She worked hard to be a prosecutor and being an adulterer can get her disbarred from practicing law. I am trying to figure out if the sole motivation of having DH fired was not for career reasons but because he wants YH so badly that he was desperate to pay Jian for the seduction scheme. 


I am ok with DH and YH working out their marital relationship. If a marriage can be save, couples should stay together especially for their child. It is already common knowledge that DH is a principled man and will stick with his wife, but what about YH? She is also the other side of that equation. Does she want to stay? I assume that she will go back to her husband after the affair even if it suffocates her. The asynchrony and distance in their relationship is becoming a burden and sucking the life out of them. When a marriage is becoming a heavy burden is it even worth it to stay?  Can both of them still find the spark? or the statement of DH's mother is very telling that a couple will make it as long as they are faithful to each other. YH is still oblivious that DH knew about her indiscretion. Will the guilt of that affair even put a bigger wedge into their relationship?

with the conversation during the breakup, it seems that both JY and YH had questioned the sincerity of the other regarding their feelings to a more committed relationship. She said, I was going to divorce for someone as pitiful as you, that I never could see as marrying, and he said, there were many chances for you to get a divorce but you had not. Were you really going to divorce and risk losing the family you have and lived with for 15 years? I don't think you would have.


It seems that even if they were attracted to each other, they also did not truly communicate their doubts. Which to me will land YH at the same place she would have left. No communication. She once said to JY that he never talked about his ex-wife and on the other hand, YH talked a lot about DH and what she did not like about him. She says, she should stop rationalizing why she is having an affair. YH pride was hurt and that what she thought she had, was not as real as she would have wanted. As for DH, he may try to work it out, but I think that he will consider YH wants and feelings because he would not want to hurt her more by sticking to a marriage that makes her unhappy.  

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1 hour ago, Sejabini said:


why must people will have to explain to other people about their interactions with other people? (?_?) 

if I interact with A I won't explain to B why I interact with A hiehiehiehie :relaxed:

@Sejabini well, after watching ep. 8 and preview of 9, it just seems to me that a scandal will be created (yet again) to get rid of DH - and to stop him from promotion - and this time it will be his so-called 'inappropriate relationship' with an employee (a temp he hired) that will be under question at the office. JY has already told Ji-An to create a sexual harassment complaint! (which she won't) but Director Yoon is seen digging up potential 'dirt' on DH: His co-workers complain of his 'preferential treatment' to the temp who angers them and lives in his neighborhood, someone mentions lost 'gift certificates' as if DH has been treating Ji-An with gifts (DH gave those to his older brother earlier in the series) and she is a murderer who was okayed by DH so his judgement / fitness for the Directorship will also be called into question. 


We know it's not an inappropriate relationship, but dirty office politics abound! I won't be surprised if DH even pays 10 million won to Kwang-il so that her debt is cleared! - and that will make it seem like he is paying her bills! I think next week will be very very interesting.

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This is the only drama where office politics excites me so much! I actually don’t have to fast forward it like in other shows. This PD and writer combo works really well.


@timidjock0819 It amused me too how Kwang Il couldn’t even define their relationship - the ambiguity there is on purpose. I think what he saw in Ji An’s eyes made him more furious than if he saw them kissing - because then their relationship would be easy to guess. The lack of skinship or anything personal doesn’t fit with the way she looks and talks about DH, that makes it much more confusing for KI. I can’t wait to see their confrontation next week!

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2 hours ago, additionyang said:

Enjoy reading everyone’s posts here,especially on their relationships,various yet interesting.


Just want to say two little things I found:

I thought YH will tell DJY that she knows him using her because of JA show her the recording...Maybe she is too into her anger and sadness to mention.If that happened,DJY would not ask JA to do another task though. I really hope this time she won’t harm DH but rather unveil the recording of DJY to make him being punished,like what she say she want to see in the trailer. Though it can be risky to herself.


In last week’s episode, JA’s friend told her the landlord demand the rent and told her to move soon.Further more,grandma will go to nursing home soon.Will that contribute to a chance for JA to live with three brothers?

She may not mention to DJy that she heard the recording, because it was so humiliating to her, hearing him say he liked having affairs with married women because they will keep quiet and it was difficult while the woman still felt passionate to end it off.  And when she saw the public phone booth being removed she assumed I think that It was DJy who did that (who else?) and  a betrayal of trust and the love she  thought he felt for her. That must have been hugely  demoralizing for her.  (edit:  and also how humiliating it must have been for her to hear that her lover had this conversation about their intimate relationship with Jian- a 20 yr old who murdered someone).


I am not sure though that DJY doesn't still love her. He didn't want to end it even when DH threatened him and told him he would never marry YH anyway so stop it now and don't hurt her.  So why didn't he end it then, when the husband found out?  Instead he tried to cover his tracks telling the old man that DH just misinterpreted the phone call list. (okay I can understand him covering for himself anyway, but he still told DH - in his face, "I am not ending it!").


I don't know if YH will want to get back with DH. Like others on this thread, she does seem totally self absorbed and insensitive to his feelings.  Although we know, she does not know that he knows about the affair.  But what happened to them?  Were they  in love once?  What is the back story on how they moved apart?  Perhaps it is his lack of ambition like others mention.  She wants a more ambitious guy.  But is that it?  He also ignored her and neglected her up until now. Maybe that is why he was concerned about her well being when he heard about the affair.  He may have felt a bit responsible for her looking elsewhere for affection. She is a beautiful woman.  I am hoping we will learn more about how their relationship became so stale, cold, empty.   DH makes everyone feel uncomfortable with his moral superiority and highest pure ethical standard, so I guess living with that 24/7 might have  been stressful, but did other things happen?


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29 minutes ago, maddymappo said:

She may not mention to YH that she heard the recording, because it was so humiliating to her, hearing him say he liked having affairs with married women because they will keep quiet.  And when she saw the public phone booth being removed she assumed I think that It was DJy who did that (who else?) and  a betrayal of trust and the love she  thought he felt for her. That must have been hugely  demoralizing for her.


I am not sure though that DJY doesn't still love her. He didn't want to end it even when DH threatened him and told him he would never marry YH anyway so stop it now and don't hurt her.  So why didn't he end it then, when the husband found out?  Instead he tried to cover his tracks telling the old man that DH just misinterpreted the phone call list.


I don't know if YH will want to get back with DH. Like others on this thread, she does seem totally self absorbed and sensitive to his feelings.  But what happened to them?  Were they  in love once?  What is the back story on how they moved apart?  Perhaps it is his lack of ambition like others mention.  She wants a more ambitious guy.  But it that it?  He also ignored her up until now. Maybe that is why he was concerned about her well being when he heard about the affair.  He may have felt a bit responsible for her looking elsewhere for affection. She is a beautiful woman.


Same exact thoughts. Did DJY and YH genuinely like/love each other? I don't know what to say about DH and YH's marriage at this point than to say that it is in a really bad place. They are just glorified roommates at this point, and i feel like roommates have a better relationship than these two. We have only seen the bad in the marriage so far, even in the flashbacks, so it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel for them, because i have nothing to compare the bad against. If DH did not find out that she was cheating, would he have left the marriage in the state that it was in, forever?

To me their marriage now is like two of them in a jail cell, each of them at opposite corners of the cell, with YH quietly crying in her corner, with a key to the jail cell in her pocket, while DH on his end giving her side glances, but pretty much pretending that he doesn't see her crying/that everything is alright.

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41 minutes ago, aisling said:

This is the only drama where office politics excites me so much! I actually don’t have to fast forward it like in other shows. This PD and writer combo works really well.


@timidjock0819 It amused me too how Kwang Il couldn’t even define their relationship - the ambiguity there is on purpose. I think what he saw in Ji An’s eyes made him more furious than if he saw them kissing - because then their relationship would be easy to guess. The lack of skinship or anything personal doesn’t fit with the way she looks and talks about DH, that makes it much more confusing for KI. I can’t wait to see their confrontation next week!


The upcoming confrontation of Gwang Il and DH is something I'm going to be curious about on what precipitated that situation. I can't wait until Wednesday next week. The previews didn't reveal any images but just the audio of DH screaming. We both know he is not the type that loses his cool. I mean with the contractor he broke the walls. I thought he punched JYD coz of the affair but it ended up the jerk's head injury was self-sustained:lol:. Now, it will really be interesting to observe how far his anger will go if it involves Jian. Will he become violent? I am saying this because it's so out of character for Dong Hoon. I mean he didn't act  this crazy despite knowing of his wife's affair. He dragged JYD into the rooftop but only to threaten him. So I'm dying to know if he indeed lashed out and will have a physical altercation with Gwang Il. It will give us more insight into his feelings. We already saw this level of intensity with Jian this week. She literally jumped in front of the moving car. 


Gwang Il's curiosity is something us shippers can relate to:D btw, the PD should really stop sending food into the island as if he wants us all to stay there:lol: 

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@timidjock0819 Sorry for the late reply! I have watched the latest two episodes and have to say the writer keeps confusing me lol. I had already settled my mind and thought I'll keep my comments to myself at least until the last week of the show and then the last 5 mins of Ep 8 happened! After what I saw I really am okay with whatever ending the writer goes with. I can clearly see that Ji An feels something for DH, it's just something so profound that she doesn't know how to vocalize it, I don't know if she will ever be able to either.. or if it's necessary. Unrequited love is really something awesome to relish on, especially if you're reading a book.


Things that I really loved in this episode: - when Dong Hoon said to Jung Hee that he knows why Ji An feels like she keeps reincarnating. Because this place is not just her home, she just thinks it is, so that's why she needs to go back to the original home. Lol. I didn't expect that coming from a kdrama. 

- When dong hoon was doing that inspection for the restaurant, and what he said regarding the struggle between internal and external forces of building and compared it to life. - To me, dong hoon and ji an together is already a success because apparently, he doesn't have anyone else to talk to about these life lessons/ musings. I'm not craving for a happy ending but just these deep meaningful talks are the honey portions that I keep look forwarding to every episode. 

- The fact that Ji An likes[?] DH was already kind of wonderful to watch onscreen. I'm sure that this pillar of strength will be enough for her to find footings in life in future, even if DH won't be there for her.

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55 minutes ago, MsMinnieFran said:


Same exact thoughts. Did DJY and YH genuinely like/love each other? I don't know what to say about DH and YH's marriage at this point than to say that it is in a really bad place. They are just glorified roommates at this point, and i feel like roommates have a better relationship than these two. We have only seen the bad in the marriage so far, even in the flashbacks, so it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel for them, because i have nothing to compare the bad against. If DH did not find out that she was cheating, would he have left the marriage in the state that it was in, forever?

To me their marriage now is like two of them in a jail cell, each of them at opposite corners of the cell, with YH quietly crying in her corner, with a key to the jail cell in her pocket, while DH on his end giving her side glances, but pretty much pretending that he doesn't see her crying/that everything is alright.

This is a very sad situation.  I really want him to just confront her and get it all out in the open.  I am hoping next week's episodes will show us how these two came to be married, but I suspect what Joon Yoong said was correct, that DH is just charming and many people, including girls back in college, liked him.  Even now, everyone loves him.


I have been impressed by and really enjoyed reading everyone's thoughts on the last two episodes even if sometimes I disagree.  I don't think I am capable of writing anything cohesive just because there are soooo many things going in each episode, and I find myself having a hard time wrapping everything around my head. My reaction at the end of episode 8 was purely OMG!!  Did not see that coming at all but happy that this drama continues to get more exciting with each episode.  I am not sure if Ji An is feeling any dilemma about choosing sides, her heart is firmly on the ajusshi's side, but I don't know if she can keep pretending in front of the CEO.  I can see so clearly on her face the feeling of hopefulness/happiness at the thought of DH's liking her because he has been eating and drinking with her.  IU is very impressive with her subtle expressions.  So she is the first one to acknowledge her feelings after all.  But still, can she have her cake and eat it, too?  Can she go on eating and drinking with DH, enjoying every moment of it, and even getting paid for it? Is she hoping that DH's uprightness is so safe that in the end the CEO and others won't see anything scandalous by their meetings?  She may also think that DH won't ever find out about the wire-tapping and this latest deal with the CEO.  The only reason we know is because this is a story and things always get exposed.  In real life, not so true...


Other random thoughts:

1. Dong Hoon is NUMB.  He can't even cry.  Ji An was the same, until DH's words broke the wall.  I wonder if DH's first tears will be because of JA.

2. I can't hate Director Yoon, because his scenes always make me laugh out loud.

3. I love Ki Hoon's interaction with Yu Ra.  Their semi-hug also made me laugh.  

4. All the characters are so layered, no one is three-dimensional.  Even the chairman and the other directors are interesting.

5. I don't know why I liked so much seeing JA follow the men outside the restaurant checking the structure of the building.  She didn't want to be left out of the fun, although I am sure all the technicalities completely went over her head.  Still she couldn't help being impressed by DH's geeking about structural stuff.



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