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[Drama 2017] Mad Dog 매드독

Go Seung Ji

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A great episode tonight!! :wub:I had always thought that the big villain would be Chairman Cha but in the end, it was JHK!! The latter was introduced as a selfish, coldhearted man but less cunning than Chairman Cha. However, the last 4 episodes proved me all wrong. He was always able to get away from Cha's traps and was even to turn the tables around. So now he is blaming his father and Chairman Cha for the plane crash, while in reality he was the one who embezzled money and didn't manage the company properly. I am even wondering if the deal between Chairman Cha and JHK is that CHJ is saved by JHK's move so that she accepts to become his wife.We shouldn't forget that Cha killed JHK's father because of JHK's request. The latter wanted to marry CHJ which the father had accepted, however he felt the need to show his superiority to Cha. When he mentioned all this, we could sense that the proposal was actually a favor coming from him and that Cha should accept it because he was not so noble like him.  

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Episode 13 was an almighty manichean battle and probably the best episode as yet. Of course, I never really believed that Mad Dog would actually disband :wink: but it was fun watching them try to convince the baddies that they'd gone their separate ways. I know that HK is a right royal psychopath but I have a bit of soft spot for him because well... it's Choi Won Young and he's so good at chopping and changing masks. I love that slightly goofy, slightly innocent air that he affects when he wants people to think that there's not too much between his ears. Even though he's a baddie, I like the way he strolled into that police station and got his stuff back from under every one's noses and wiped that smug grin from the legal affairs manager's face. Although we're meant to be slightly more sympathetic towards the Chas because the chairman's a self-made man that's been the brunt of snobbery, there's something about him... a self-righteousness perhaps... that rubs me up the wrong way.

KW looked like a man on fire... as if someone had lit a fire under him. Good. He's been taking a bit of a back seat for too long. I like this more proactive side to the team. Mad Dog has been reactive long enough, it's time they stopped pussyfooting around. I think it's partly MJ's fault because he dragged them into this reluctantly and led them by the nose longer than he should have. I need the good guys to plot and scheme with the best of them. 


I understand why @stroppyse thinks this episode has more of Leverage vibe than the others. I also think that this episode reminded me of the pilot of Leverage where there was a bit of high stakes bluffing going on. The music was also reminiscent of that from the US series.


I know I'm a bit of a financial ignoramus at the best of times but is it the subs that I'm watching with or is it just the vagaries of the exposition that the scams are a bit hard to follow? I don't have difficulties understanding the jobs on Leverage but with this show, all the insurance gobbledegook seems... vague. All I do is nod and think... okay... they did a bad thing... without actually understanding how bad is bad.

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One of the fascinating aspects to this show... aside from the impulse of people to create families... is how people react to tragedy that they may not have a hand in. I don't get teary often in K dramas but that early scene with Pentium weeping and apologizing on his father's behalf for the plane crash brought tears to my eyes. But what was even more poignant was MJ turning around and telling him that it wasn't his fault, that he didn't do anything. MJ has made strides since his smug boy days and this occasion proved it. I think now HR will be more inclined to open up to him romantically because he's stopped trying to pretend that he's got it all together emotionally and push people's buttons. It was hilarious that that their back and forth about the attractive woman who went to his flat was overheard by the others.


Pentium is a sweetie and his reaction serves as an instructive contrast to HJ's when she found out that Dad was responsible for a whole string of bad stuff. I think the difference exists in part because Pentium isn't beholden to family loyalty or business empire... after all his family left him to his own devices.... and can see objectively how all this hurts these people. The problem with HJ too I think is that she wants to prove to Dad that she can play with the big boys. I also get the feeling that she's trying to earn brownie points with dad. I agree with everyone that she will be tested in her loyalty to company and dad in the event of having to enter a contract marriage of sorts especially to someone as revolting to her as JHK. 


With two more episodes to go, obviously we can't be rid of the bad guys just yet. I am disappointed, however, to discover that HJ knew all about the faulty airplanes unless of course she was just bluffing to strengthen her negotiating position with those two lads from the transport department. I've always believed at some point that she could chuck the whole thing, tell Dad to stuff it and be redeemed but after this week's episodes, it's clear to me that she's reached a point of no return now.


The team dynamic continues to be very likable and the highlight of the series. It isn't just MJ and HR or MJ and KW. There's also Pentium and Cheetah, Cheetah and HR, HR and KW, Pentium and MJ and Pentium and KW. The banter within the team is also loads of fun and I especially enjoyed the scene where they took it in turn to put in their vote for throwing out the "bait".

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This goes to show that even though MJ's face is plastered all over the news about him being the brother of the 'suicide pilot' and he wants a reinvestigation, his target (with that swarmy English accent) does not recognise him or have an inkling that MJ may be up to no good?

*face palm*

HJ was right to be suspicious and the Mad Dog team was good at directing HJ and the two saps into a room where they did plant a listening device. *stands and applauds*

Although I hurt for the team when they realised how involved Taeyang was in the whole scam (especially since HJ was a friend of the family)

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Minjoon: So you were curious as to what transpired between me with that woman that night?!!?

Hari: NO I wasn't (then proceeded to see her binoculars backwards!:w00t::lol:


And OMG when he wiped Soju off of her lips~ heh *I am melting in a puddle of goo:D* you sneaky lil devil Minjoon-shi!:phew:

I was SO hoping for a bromance hug with Minjoon-Kangwoo LoL at the end. I was wrong about Hongjoo; the Apple Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree indeed. She's about as dirty as her Dad. However with 2 more ep. she could still turn around & surprise us as this drama is known to do:tongue: God what is it with the wealthy in K-Dramas??!! They're all so blinded with their greed/power that they're willing to use their own families as pawns to get whatever they want. Not to mention all the parents in this drama are screwed up! Luckily Pentium turned out to be an angel:D I really like how Minjoon gave him those words of comfort that the tragedy wasn't his cross to bear.  

Seriously this whole upstaging each other scenario is gettin' tiring, like can we just move on LoL!?:rolleyes::crazy: The Mad Dog Team facing off the baddies in a survivor-like; outdoing the other OY. Enough is enough.   

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10 hours ago, Dramanoona said:

This goes to show that even though MJ's face is plastered all over the news about him being the brother of the 'suicide pilot' and he wants a reinvestigation, his target (with that swarmy English accent) does not recognise him or have an inkling that MJ may be up to no good?

*face palm*

HJ was right to be suspicious and the Mad Dog team was good at directing HJ and the two saps into a room where they did plant a listening device. *stands and applauds*

Although I hurt for the team when they realised how involved Taeyang was in the whole scam (especially since HJ was a friend of the family)

Lets just say that his full face was never revealed and he must have introduced himself as Jan Gab-whatever instead of minjoon and lets assume that the nation doesn't know his real name :D 

So in ep 15 are we going to see a deadly lawyer in action again but this time the victim is not minjoon but kangwoo :crazy:

Also can anyone confirm what minjoon said when he tapped hari's nose "You might get hurt" is that the right translation? It didn't sound right to me :/ 

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@crazyyo disclaimer that my Korean is limited too... But i thought subs were wrong as Hari was saying she would be tired rather than amnoyed if Minjoon got drunk again and MJ was saying to be careful or you might get caught? Sounded like caught more than hurt.


Someone else might have a better translation haha.

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11 minutes ago, herina_90 said:

@crazyyo disclaimer that my Korean is limited too... But i thought subs were wrong as Hari was saying she would be tired rather than amnoyed if Minjoon got drunk again and MJ was saying to be careful or you might get caught? Sounded like caught more than hurt.


Someone else might have a better translation haha.

Exaclty! They kept saying 'pigonhan' means tired and it does makes sense coz she had to like half carry him back home, instead of annoyed. anyway minjoon didn't say 'sangcheo' in the sentence so it's kinda confusing. I m waiting for viki subs, they are taking forever though lol

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2 hours ago, crazyyo said:

Lets just say that his full face was never revealed and he must have introduced himself as Jan Gab-whatever instead of minjoon and lets assume that the nation doesn't know his real name :D 

So in ep 15 are we going to see a deadly lawyer in action again but this time the victim is not minjoon but kangwoo :crazy:

Also can anyone confirm what minjoon said when he tapped hari's nose "You might get hurt" is that the right translation? It didn't sound right to me :/ 

Let's ask @stroppyse our go to person for all things Korean. :wink:

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Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching???




So, what are we all watching this week?

What kept you reaching for more (or agonizing when there was no more), and what made you want to throw your remote through the screen? Time to weigh in…



  • Mad Dog: This was the emotional payoff I’ve been waiting for, and I feel rewarded for having stuck with these characters, because now that they’re really acting like a family and being openly mushy with each other (in their gruff, roundabout way, of course), I just feel content.



  • Mad Dog: There’s nothing of this to watch except the cute I-like-you-not moments between Min-joon and Ha-ri, and the adorably tsundere interactions that Min-joon has with the rest of the team as they show their acceptance of him.







whats that sign cheetah? errr :blink:


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Ok I’m now at eps 12, and going into eps 13, but i wanted to say I liked eps 12 very much cause there were so many “breakthroughs” . 

1. KMJ finally opening up & letting his guard down after Pentium’s stabbing. In previous episodes there were times I wanted to (gently) smack his pretty face for being so smug. Of course I do understand why he can be so prickly & lack trust given all that he has gone through but it was still nice to see him break down & allow himself to be vulnerable in front of the team.

2. KMJ gets to hear for a fact that his brother is indeed not the murderer, and not responsible for the crash.

3. Hong Joo - CKW’s betrayal finally pushed her over to the “dark side”. They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. 

4. Joo Hyun ki is a lot smarter then I give him credit for.  He is definitely a more layered & interesting villain then CEO Cha or Pentium’s dad. I loved how he called out On’s bluff about wanting to reinvestigate the crash. 


I feel the drama is finally heading somewhere! 


Ratings have been on the rise in the latest episodes & it hit its highest in eps14



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1 hour ago, stroppyse said:

@40somethingahjumma, regarding the financial scams, some of it is the translations which can be somewhat hard to follow. I actually think the translators are translating fairly literally because they're not entirely sure of what's going on, which in this case actually makes it more confusing.


The basic scam is that JH Air has been getting unsafe planes insured so that they can fly, but in order to get them insured, the planes need to be signed as as air travel worthy by the Ministry of Transportation. The head of the MoT is a buddy of Pentium's father. So, ultimately is was Pentium's father who got in done in exchange for campaign contributions. And, the head of JH Air and Chairman Cha both knew what was going on. However, flying those planes in that state, even paying off some insurance in case something goes wrong was cheaper than fixing the planes appropriately or buying newer planes.


I don't know if the above helps any. Let me know if there is something specific that you're not sure of. To be honest, though, I think this drama is almost as good if you just do what you do and say "Okay, bad guys. Check." :)


Thank you for responding so promptly dear. Really appreciate your time clarifying a few points for us non-K speakers here.

What I was specifically referring to was the 10 million dollars that Taeyang paid out to JHK so that he could buy his shares to take over the company... the siphoning/laundering of 10 million from clients and their bank accounts. The meeting that KW had with the top regional insurance agents... the subs I watched called them planners confuses me no end... a lot of the exposition regarding that went over my head.


I realise at the end of the day the most important thing to take away from this is that they are unpleasant people who do reprehensible things but it would be nice to know what is actually being said especially when a number of plot points hinge on certain facts. :D 


K dramas really excel in providing emotional beats and creating great relationship dynamics but often I do wish their thrillers were written as cerebrally as the J or C ones. 

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16 hours ago, realistic2280 said:

NO offense, sometimes, when i watch, Hari face can be quite big, but other times it is not.... wonders why..

I lol-ed! Yes it’s true. Also especially when she’s next to KMJ , who has a small  baby face :lol:

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Mad Dog: Episode 13



In spite of the machinations between the two companies responsible for the tragedy of Flight 801, Kang-woo’s focus is justice for his family and Min-joon’s brother. Their opponents may have high-level connections, but Kang-woo has connections of his own and is a threat in his own right. Mad Dog knows what they have to do to bring the misdeeds of two powerful companies to light, but it’s anyone’s guess who will be left standing in the end.


EPISODE 13: “Show”


As the press conference begins, Soon-jung and Ha-ri agree that Min-joon looks nervous.

In the hospital, Noo-ri feverishly texts Kang-woo to stop the press conference, and manages to send the text just before Chief Prosecutor Ohn discovers that he’s awake and Hong-joo snatches his phone away.

Min-joon introduces himself as the brother of Flight 801’s co-pilot just as Noo-ri’s text comes through. Kang-woo suddenly bellows at Min-joon as he makes his way to the podium.



Kang-woo grabs Min-joon in front of all the reporters, and with a slight shake of his head demands, “Don’t you dare say another word.”

Chairman Cha watches a news report on the interrupted press conference, amused by Kang-woo’s public display. Hong-joo is surprised to receive praise instead of criticism from her father, who says, “No matter how much they bark, no one will listen to them.”

Kang-woo and team are now at the police station and things look bad as a detective details the crimes that Lawyer Lee has leveled against Min-joon and Kang-woo. Min-joon has been accused of blackmail and faces a penalty of five years in prison plus deportation.


Lawyer Lee also claimed that Min-joon falsely accused him of stalking and murder in retaliation for ignoring his blackmail demands. The detective plays a recording of Min-joon that supports the charge and calls him mentally disturbed like his brother.

When Kang-woo warns the detective to watch his mouth, he learns that he’s been accused of illegally copying the blackbox, a crime punishable by ten years in prison. Soon-jung asks the detective if he’s listened to the recording but he answers that it can’t be trusted since it came from a bunch of criminals.

The detective asks for Soon-jung’s identification but Kang-woo interrupts and acknowledges that Hong-joo caught them. Min-joon disagrees and even though Kang-woo tries to stop him, he confesses that he forged the blackbox evidence and asks the detective to call the German embassy.



===Read more: http://www.dramabeans.com/2017/11/mad-dog-episode-13/





In spite of his moral shortcomings, I have to admit that my heart broke for Hyun-gi when he confessed his feelings to Hong-joo and was cruelly rejected. Hyun-gi is glib and irreverent but he’s not vindictive like Hong-joo and her father, at least not yet. It’s that vindictiveness that led to the entire tragedy that’s overtaken the lives of Kang-woo and Min-joon. At first, I thought that Chairman Cha was greedy, but in reality he wanted to crush the man who insulted his humble beginnings. Chairman Cha’s personal vendetta led to murder, not to mention unsound business decisions that could ultimately lead to his downfall, as well as his daughter’s.

I know that Kang-woo won’t rest until he brings Hyun-gi down but a part of me will be sorry to see him fall. Hyun-gi has been a fascinating character to follow because he’s so complex and has those split-second flashes of humanity that make him sympathetic. He’s been a great foil to Chairman Cha and Taeyang as well as the Mad Dog team. I’m really looking forward to watching Hyun-gi face off against Kang-woo as we head into the final episodes.





What I found most moving in this episode was the shift in dynamic between Kang-woo and Min-joon. Kang-woo and the Mad Dog team have been softening towards Min-joon for some time now and I’ve looked forward to seeing Min-joon fully accepted by each one of them. What I didn’t expect was to see Min-joon deflate so noticeably when faced with the possibility that he ruined the chance to restore Beom-joon’s good name. Will it be Min-joon’s melancholy that will prompt the team to embrace him? The team can’t bear to see Min-joon hurting and it was heartening to see them work so hard to hold him up when he was at his lowest. Kang-woo may not be conscious of it yet, but he now wants justice not only for his wife and son, but for Min-joon’s brother as well. These two have come so far.

As Ha-ri and Min-joon flirt and bicker, their bond continues to grow, and Soon-jung and Kang-woo are turning into the most obvious matchmakers. I’m enjoying every second of Min-joon’s and Ha-ri’s journey and I’m hoping that there will be time to see them enjoy a happy ending. In fact, it would be beyond satisfying to see Min-joon finally find love and acceptance from a family who understands him better than anyone.





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