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Kim Yoo-Jung & Park Bo-Gum | Moonlight Couple|


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@BoYooMom - it is quite complicated to register to vote for KBS drama awards. Someone confirmed that she has to wait 6 days for an acceptance and confirmation email to come through. Dont know why they make it hard for fans to vote, they should know we love to vote for our fav stars and the process of voting puts them off a bit. Keep waiting, I am sure you will receive an confirmation email before this weekend, :blush:

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14 hours ago, myvilvil said:

When PBG jumped from 7th to 2nd then 1st place, no one questioned it here, I wished that no one questioned KJY's votes either especially in this thread. 

Exactly!!! I've deleted this post so as not to cause so much misunderstanding.. I for one don't really care about awards..I totally agree that let us not mention about it anymore.. What matters to me most is that they win each other's hearts.

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Good Morning Chingu-deul 

Have a beautiful day today too! And always be grateful :wub:

Let's smile and be happy! 

I'm going to have a super long day at work today after a long holiday, so I wanna start the day with beautiful and bright  Bogum smile in pictures taken of him in KL 

Cr: ososo2


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38 minutes ago, thesecretgarden said:

Ooooh, so many pages to back-read. We're almost at 500 pages guys! I haven't been able to spazz along since last week because of school :tears: And I see a lot of chingus here going through the same thing! Fighting guys! We can slay our exams :D 

@dee_230208 I'm here! But you're right I've been busy studying and basically confining myself in my room like a hermit XD

Let's keep this thread positive and always full of Ra-on :wub: A little something from me (and my ultimate stress-reliever):

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Warning: utterly delulu and probably full of typos and grammatical error. Proceed with caution :D I shall come back and edit this when I have the time :phew:

Prompt: BoYoo ABC Drabbles Part IV.


C. Cheeks



Yoojung freezes at the sound of the shutter and immediately turns around to address the perpetrator, about to politely inform him or her to delete the picture from their phone, but all words die in her throat as her mind registers who is it exactly that's currently standing in front of her with a large smile plastered on his face. 


Her cheeks redden in embarrassment, but Yoojung can't help but smile in return at the sight of the man and has to contain her happiness from seeping through her voice.

"Bogum-oppa! What are you doing here?"

Bogum bites his lips, unable to contain the smile blooming on his face. He feels so rejuvenated all of a sudden, never mind the fact that he had returned to Seoul less than twelve hours ago and had barely any sleep to boot. It seems just by looking at her face gives him plenty amount of energy, much more effective than any sleep or food ever could. And is it just him or did she get prettier again?

He chuckles at her flabbergasted expression and playfully nudges her in the arm. "Ey, what's with that response. Aren't you happy that you can finally see me after a week?"

Yoojung makes a face at him and sticks her tongue out. "It was just two days ago that you video-called me to talk about your FM in Malaysia, oppa."

All of a sudden, Bogum stretches both of his arms out, looking at her expectantly.

Yoojung raises an eyebrow at his action. "Hm? What is it?"

With a cheeky grin still playing on his lips, Bogum quips in a light tone. "Don't I get a 'welcome back' hug?"

Yoojung's eyes widen into saucers. "Ne--? H-hug--?"

Bogum chuckles, chastising himself inwardly for teasing her again. "I'm just joking, Yoojung-ah. Mian. I can't help it. It's been a while after all and I miss looking at your flustered face." He ruffles her hair. "Did you miss me?" 

Yoojung gives him the stink eye. "Bogum-oppa..."

He smiles at her innocently. "Hmm?"

Yoojung has to bite her tongue to prevent herself from sighing and mumbling in frustration at the oblivious look on his face. Does he not know how much his words affect her? That a few misleading words from him can easily break the wall the she has built around her heart? And sometimes, she thinks, it's so unfair that she is always the one who ends up blushing like a fool. She wants to see him rendered speechless too, to see him stripped off his professional and gentlemanly face.

Impulsively, ignoring the warning bells in her head, Yoojung launches herself at him and circles her arms around his front, burying her face to his chest, causing Bogum to tumble backward at the sudden impact of her hug.

She closes her eyes and waits for three seconds, before looking up with her lips tugged into a victory smirk. Yoojung expects him to sprout a troubled look on his face, or maybe a sight of him blushing will do too, but what she finds instead can't be further away from her expectation, because instead of questioning her bizarre action of throwing herself at him like any normal person would, Yoojung finds Bogum-oppa smiling that smile at her -- so bright and blinding and radiant that she is sure any ghosts within three-metre radius of them just found themselves unintentionally exorcised.

His cheeks are somewhat flushed, she notes sourly, but not from embarrassment or shyness. Instead, he looks so, very happy that for a second there Yoojung thought she was looking at the child version of him -- the complete opposite of mature, rational, level-headed Bogum-oppa -- who is told that he's just been given free access to a candy store. 

"Why do you look so happy, oppa?" She pouts and pounds at his chest lightly, sighing in disappointment. "This didn't go according to my plan at all."

He sounds amused. "Your plan?" 

Yoojung cringes. Salvaging whatever dignity and pride she has left in her, she replies off-handedly. "Not telling."

Bogum isn't fazed by her answer, however, and he hums in contentment. "Is that so?" Tangling his hands behind him, Bogum tilts his head and looks at her with a hint of mischievousness. "Geunde, Yoojung-ah. You look different today."

Yoojung tenses and sighs as she turns away from him. "I just got my wisdom tooth removed yesterday. That's why my right cheek is all swollen right now."

"I see." Bogum's lips twitch into a small grin at the sight of her red ears (is she embarrassed?) and purposely steps in front of her, bending his head down so he can get a clearer look of her expression. "By the way, where's Taehyun-hyung and your manager?"

"They both went to the washroom," Yoojung mutters, still looking down and shuffling her feet awkwardly. Why is his face so close? "Geunde, oppa. You haven't answered my question yet. Why are you here?"

Bogum pulls away and Yoojung relaxes in response, lifting her head to finally look at him. "Are you here for work?"

Bogum shakes his head and beams at her again. "Ani. I'm here to see you and Taehyun-hyung of course. He called me and said you two are going to be in Chanwoo-hyung and Taegyun-hyung's radio show, and since I was nearby, I thought it's not a bad idea to come and visit."

Yoojung tries to ignore how her heart immediately flutters at his words. Don't be silly, Yoojung-ah. He's here to see you and Taehyun-oppa! There's nothing weird nor special about it. 

"Does your cheek hurt?"

Yoojung blinks, snapped out of her musing, and she smiles at him sheepishly, all traces of her previous annoyance gone. "Un. They hurt a little still. The doctor said it's going to take maybe around four more days for the swelling or pain to go away. And I can't eat anything solid so I'll have to settle with congee and juice for now." She purses her lips together, crossing her arms in front of her. "Isn't that so unfair, oppa?"

Bogum looks at her in concern, reaching out one hand to cup her left cheek gently. His touch -- always so gentle and warm and familiar with his callouses against her cheek -- surprises her at first, but what surprises her more is the fact that she no longer shies away nor does she freeze when he touches her. Does this mean she's getting used to his touches? Getting used to his presence in her life? Him...Bogum-oppa?

"Are you sure? Do you have a headache right now?" Bogum knits his brows together, eyes shining with worry. "I remember back when I had my wisdom tooth removed, I had the most terrible headache and ended up resting in the infirmary for the rest of the day."

"Because you didn't want to skip school, right?" Yoojung shakes her head and laughs. "You must have hated that a lot, oppa."

Bogum quirks a small smile. "Oh. You know me so well."

She clears her throat, blushing. "Well, it's been almost eight months since we met each other after all--"

"Hee, so you're counting," he notes with a small grin, raising an eyebrow. "You must have liked me a lot to do that, Yoojung-ah."

This...this oppa. Yoojung gapes. I thought he's supposed to be a gentleman? Why does he keep on teasing me these days?

Yoojung then huffs, not about to be deterred. "So what if I am?"

Bogum grins even wider. "So you do like me."

Yoojung refuses to acknowledge his words and instead makes a sound in the back of her throat, looking away from his prying gaze. "Of course I do," she says coolly.

Looking at her puffing her cheeks in annoyance, and coupled with her already swollen right cheek, she makes such an adorable sight at that moment that Bogum's heart unwittingly gives a small squeeze in response and before he even realizes it himself, he's already leaning down, his face mere inches away from her own. 


Yoojung almost jumps at hearing his voice so close to her ears, but before she can do so far as blink, Bogum tilts his head and leans closer to press his lips on her right cheek. His gaze trails slowly from her slight opened mouth to finally meeting her brown orbs. He resists the urge to chuckle again and gives her another small kiss, this time to her other cheek. He pulls away slightly and jams his hands into the pocket of his pants, grinning at her from ear-to-ear. 

Yoojung blinks a few more times before she finally closes her mouth and swallows, muttering absent-mindedly. "Um...oppa...that...uh, k-kiss--"

"It's a pain-killer." Bogum replies softly, brushing the bangs out of her eyes. He smiles at the baffled look on her face and taps her forehead gently with his knuckles. "My mother told me a kiss is the most effective medicine."

Yoojung stutters, failing miserably at keeping her cool. "O-O-Oh? Right, o-of course." She clears her throat but ends up coughing, feeling her own two cheeks reddening (again!) without her consent. "Uh...um, well, thank you, I guess...Bogum-oppa."

Unbeknownst to the two, Taehyun who is finally back from his washroom break shakes his head in exasperation at his two juniors and has to give a pitying look to Yoojung's manager who's currently busy coming up with ridiculous excuses to deter people from using the hallway, afraid that they would see the (scandalous) interaction between his charge and her co-star. 

Taehyun shifts his gaze back to the two actors and smirks as he notes the silly grin on Bogum's face. "Oh, he is so whipped."

Glancing at the red tints painting Yoojung's cheeks, Taehyun laughs. "Then again, so is she."


(Later that day)




"What are you smiling at your phone for?"

Clearing throat. "Eh? N-nothing, hyung."

His manager looks at him suspiciously, before shrugging and turning away to focus on his driving. 

After a while, the young actor falls asleep with his phone cocooned in his hand, but a bump on the road causes it slip off his grip and his manager catches it before it can reach the ground. "Oops, that was close." He glances at the actor. "Bogum-ah, you should put your phone--"

The older man pauses. 

His eyes then widen in recognition as he stares down into Bogum's phone and he has to stop himself from bursting into laughter. 

"So this is the reason why he couldn't stop grinning just now." His manager snorts, looking at his charge with a mix of fondness and amusement. "But you shouldn't be too obvious, Bogum-ah." He sighs and puts Bogum's phone into one of the car's compartments, smiling as he continues on driving.

Well, he couldn't blame Bogum for using that picture as his lock-screen.

That picture of Yoojung, who is cradling both of her swollen cheeks, with the most adorable and surprised look on her face. 

"Such a lovesick babo," the older man mutters, chuckling. But then he pauses, his brows knitted into a confused frown. "...When did he take that picture of her again?" 


E. Entertainment Weekly


"He has starred in more than thirty dramas and movies over the years and now playing the handsome spy in one of the best blockbusters in 2028, please welcome the actor from Footsteps in the Dark, hallyu-star, Park Bogum-ssi!"

The actor bows in front of the cameras and waves to the people in the studio with his trademark smile. "Hello, viewers of Entertainment Weekly. I'm Park Bogum and I'm delighted to be invited here again. Please take care of me."

"Park Bogum-ssi," The MC starts, turning to look at the actor, "how does it feel to play in another blockbuster project after your countless other achievements? Anything special that you have learned or would take into account from this experience?"

"Ah, de. This project is particularly special to me because I got to act alongside my role models, Cha Taehyun-sunbaenim and Jo Insung-sunbaenim." Bogum pauses, before he looks at the camera and laughs. "And of course, my father-in-law Sung Dong-il-sunbaenim too."

The MC coughs into his hand. "I take it that Sung Dong-il-ssi still hasn't given up on making Yoojung-ssi his daughter-in-law?"

"Ne, but Joon-ie has grown up so well I'm scared he will snatch away my wife the moment I let my guard down." Bogum jokes, shaking his head. "But we do have dinner together often, and I also learned a lot of acting advices from sunbaenim and ponder about the things I didn't think of that I know would be important for my growth as an actor. So for that, I'm extremely grateful."

"Speaking of your wife," The MC inserts slyly, sending Bogum a knowing look. "Do you know what the people have been calling you these days?"

Bogum tilts his head, pointing at himself. "Eh? I have a nickname?"

"Of course you do! Everybody in South Korea knows how much you adore and love your wife. We even made a tally of the amount of times you have called her pretty in front of the television," The MC accepts a large cardboard from the staff, titled 'Park Bogum: She is so pretty.' 

"Park Bogum: She is so pretty." The MC reads. "The netizens and people have been calling you the ultimate wife-fool because of how often you express your love to your wife. Forty-seven times now in the span of twelve years." He pauses, and points at one section on the board. "Here, thirty-five year old Soomin-ssi from Jeonju said, 'I can see honey dripping from his eyes when he looks at Yoojung-ie! So envious~! I wish my husband can look at me the way Bogum-oppa looks at her!'. What do you think about this, Bogum-ssi?"

"Eh? But it's true, right?" Bogum turns to beam at the camera. "My wife is the cutest and prettiest woman in this whole entire world, although she will probably scold me later on for saying this." He then chuckles, eyes softening a fraction of an inch as he continues to speak with the most tender expression. "But it's really because of who she is inside that made me fall in love with her. She's a much more beautiful and kinder person than I am. She helped me through one of the most difficult moments in my life and taught me that sometimes, weakness can be turned into strengths. She told me that it's okay to be afraid of failures. She accepts me for who I am. She's my most precious person. And I'm thankful every single day that I am able to marry her." 

A collective dreamy sigh escapes the mouth of all the female staffs in the room, and the MC has to clear his throat and rubs his neck in embarrassment after the actor's public confession. "Err, I think you just made half of the females watching this segment faint. I'm curious about this, though, but what do you think is your wife's best quality?"

Bogum pauses, before a small smile plays on his lips. "That she's selfless. An opposite of me who's selfish."

The MC looks at him as if he has just grown two heads. "Ey, seolma. You, selfish? We can't possibly believe that. Park Bogum and selfish in one sentence? That can't be true."

Bogum laughs. "It's true, though. I can't think of an example on the spot, but between the two of us, I would have to say Yoojung-ie is the more selfless one."

"Haha, I guess we will just have to take your words for it. Moving on to the next question. Fifty-seven year old Jaemin-ssi from Seoul asked, 'Park Bogum-ssi, when are you and Yoojung-ssi going to have a child? The nation would like to see you on The Return of Superman, and possibly before I die from old age'." The MC chuckles. "Jaemin-ssi, I think fifty-seven isn't that old. But right, adding on to her question, the viewers are curious: would you prefer to have a daughter, or a son?"

"Hmm." Bogum grins. "A daughter?"

"Oh, this one is somewhat unexpected, since I thought when you were asked this same question a few years back, you said that would like to have a son whom you could play basketball with?" The MC regards him, curious. "What made you change your mind?"

"Well, Joongki-hyung told me that his wife barely has any time for him ever since his son was born," Bogum looks down guiltily, the tips of his ears turning red. "I just thought it would be nice to have a daughter first, so that I can have my wife to myself for a few more years." He chuckles, looking at the camera with a sheepish expression. "I'm so selfish, aren't I?" 


"W-What...Bogum-oppa!" Yoojung turns to look at Bogum, who is currently sipping at his tea with the calmest look on his face. He then meets her gaze and flashes her a radiant smile.

"Hmm? What's wrong, Yoojung-ah?"

"What's wrong?" Yoojung sputters and points at the TV in their living room, face as red as a tomato. "Why did you have to say such an embarrassing thing?"

"But it's the truth, though." He beams at her. "And I don't think anybody sees anything wrong with that. I'm thankful even that they support our relationship so much."

"B-But the articles--"

"The articles are right," He walks toward her and leans one arm on the couch, pressing a soft kiss to her temple. "I am a fool for my wife."

Yoojung reddens. "Geez, oppa."

Bogum grins. "You look happy."

Yoojung huffs. "I'm not!"

He chuckles and brings his two arms around her waist, scooping her into an embrace. "Yoojung-ah."


He smiles into her hair. "Saranghae."



Lololol, delulu I know, and it's all my brain's fault. I'm surprised it's still functioning after all it's been through these past few days. But eh, as shippers we can ship to our heart's content, right? RIGHT?

Fighting, chingus! :wub: Keep calm and continue shipping :D Remember to spread love and not hate. Meanwhile, I will be going into my exam room in less than two hours. Gah, I'm so nervous! I love genetics, I really do, but all I can think about right now that's genetics-related is whether Yoojung-ie is heterozygous or homozygous for double eye-lid and wondering whether her child will inherit her beautiful eyes or their father's (you-know-who, kekeke) 

Don't forget to smile, chingus. And hope you all have a wonderful day! :blush: See you guys in a week! :wub:

This is so well-written!!!  Can't wait for the continuation but focus on your exams first!!!!

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3 hours ago, thesecretgarden said:

Impulsively, ignoring the warning bells in her head, Yoojung launches herself at him and circles her arms around his front, burying her face to his chest, causing Bogum to tumble backward at the sudden impact of her hug.


Aaaaaaaaa.... this made my cheeks as red hot as pomegranates *giddysquealgiddysquealgiddysqueal* 

Thank you so much for posting this @thesecretgarden You made my day!

Have a wonderful Tuesday y'all. Sending love and happy thoughts to wherever you are.

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@thesecretgarden thank you..thank you!! I needed that over-the-board delulu at the moment with all the not so good things popping up with work..I have been waiting for that scene where YJ launches an embrace..I fell anew with our BoYoo..I had to remind myself that I was reading a futuristic fanfic..and it's because almost all of us want this writing to be realized..cheers to you for a very realistic account on what we're all hoping that's happening off cam!

Fill up this page, quick!!and we'll be 4 more pages till 500th!!

Happy shipping, everyone!!!

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