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[Drama 2017] Strong Woman Do Bong Soon 힘쎈여자 도봉순

Go Seung Ji

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am i the only one who think that Gook Doo also likes Bong Soon somehow. From the flashback scene where he told his friend about his ideal type, he keeps looking at Bong Soon. I am more feeling smitten by Gook Doo right now because i already am affected by the second lead syndrome T^T

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3 hours ago, briseis said:

A brief summary of Min Hyuk’s medical condition after surviving spending one week under Bong Soon’s protection 

Gosh, she looks sweet even if she's worried. Ah I will sleep well today. Needed just my daily dosis of PBY,

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21 minutes ago, ruzikie said:

am i the only one who think that Gook Doo also likes Bong Soon somehow. From the flashback scene where he told his friend about his ideal type, he keeps looking at Bong Soon. I am more feeling smitten by Gook Doo right now because i already am affected by the second lead syndrome T^T


Maybe because he was somewhat making sure that BS heard his ideal type..:D

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lot of good scene for episode 4

that scene of BS treating MH wound/ him stare at her face was cute

that scene of the gang boss thinking that soccer ball flying is a ufo was funny.

that scene of the tour guild. saying the rock cant be move even with ten man. only to see BS push it over th cliff funny.

lol that scne of BS dram of MH touching GD behide was so funny.

that scene were BS wish to be GD gf to buddha/only to see the bubda laugh at her /after she findout GD have a gf/ she stare at the buddha face. in the end she turn the buddha face around was funny.

that scene were BS drunk/ her telling her ma MH is gay. in front of him/ her telling him to stay away from gd was funny.

i hope MH would kiss BS in the up coming pisode so BS would stop saying

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I finally finished episode 4 with english subs! I can't wait for next week already! Love Park Hyung Sik's acting and how he's drawn into Park Bo Young. :love: 

My fiance is soo into the criminal side of this drama, that he's trying to figure out who it is that is after Park Hyung Sik and who keeps taking the girls. Lol! :lol: 

I'm confused, those gangster that keep following them, are they after Bong Soon? 

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4 hours ago, uglypearl said:

The culprits in the drama.

So far these are my main guesses who have the highest possibility to be the culprits.


The psycho serial killer that the cop GukDoo is looking for:

"The Eye Witness"

The person who threatens the AINSoft CEO MinHyuk :

MinHyuk's "gentle" second half-brother

@uglypearl I was considering him before (the witness as the psycho). He fits the profile, being tall and lanky. But BS already confirmed his voice is different. So may not be him. 

The second brother. Hmm.. I'm still conflicted about this guy. He seems gentle and kind. We can even see how he defended AMH when they were kids. I am leaning more to him as the stalker/creepy caller since he has motives to get rid of AMH despite his kindness.. Who knows, greed can change a person. But I think he wouldnt dirty his hand as a stalker, he is more likely to orchestrate the whole thing. 
If only we know more about the brothers. What are they doing now, what's their position in the company, how much they would lose if Ohsung should go to AMH. 

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First of all, of all the sound in this drama so far, Bong-Soon's phone's ringtone cracks me up every time. So mentally funny! Anyone knows where I can get that?

1 hour ago, penelop3 said:

PBY is so great at acting. BS's love to GD is real and I feel it. I'm sad for her for feeling this way - unrequited love is hard. I hope she can move past it and let go. But I'm a bit upset about how she moved the Buddha statue. I get that she was just a teenage thus tend to do childish thing. If she's mature enough, she probably - hopefully, would not have done it. The show keeps hinting that BS cannot control her feelings and power anymore. I wonder where it will take us? BS no longer a secret but a real superhero that shows up in public? But aside from that, I wonder what GD will respond when he knows about it?

Yup. I welled up during the phone call in which she hung up first for the first time. "... it's not as if I am not aware that we're friends!" with that OST '...I want to be a flower in your garden...' His remarks, "I like a girl who is like cosmos flower..." must have been deeply planted in her mind. 

.... but then that ringtone comes in with call from Min-Hyeok. Mwahaha! That ringtone! Really! I don't know if I should be bothered by the sudden switch of mood... 

It's so sad that after all this time, Bong-Soon and Gook-Doo didn't happen because she hides her true self in front of Gook-Doo when Gook-Doo can be as susceptible to her charm as Min-Hyeok is, if only she lets him see...

But I like that Min-Hyeok can't stand her being sad. He would rather she be mad and annoyed at him than be forlorn about her unrequited love.

And... Bong-Soon and Min-Hyeok, what a riot! A case of together "...greater than the sum of its parts...", in the good sense (the domestic setting of sleep-over) and the bad  (investigating that motorcycle's owner...).

...The show keeps hinting that BS cannot control her feelings and power anymore. I wonder where it will take us? BS no longer a secret but a real superhero that shows up in public?

So far, this is the most interesting storyline of the drama for me, Bong-Soon and her power. She manages to hide it so far, partly due to her struggle  to fit in Gook-Doo's idea of an ideal girlfriend. But now that enough is enough (in terms of unrequited love), she'll have to deal with her power. I like that Bong-Soon is given a taste of the implication of that power and temptations to abuse it: she can win and influence people (the high school thug wannabees), scare people (but I really hope the scouting thugs are not that bad...), and invite enemies (the case of Do siblings' kidnapping).

Frankly, I am not sure if the thriller part (serial kidnapper) still holds my interest... It's too obvious that playing whodunit is no fun. But then, the drama is titled Strong Woman Do Bong-Soon, it's her and her power.


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Wow I'm so happy that the ratings got increased and broke 8% hope at this rate we will be able to reach 20% too. I'm so happy like these children were..


Episode 4 was really interesting after watching with subs. Firstly the episode was great even though there it was quite slow paced regarding the plot. But it was nice to see each of the character's past .I would like to share few points other than already discussed

What I noticed is that BS's response to leading men of her life..



She didn't even givve him proper name she just gets irritated by him so much...



I really like PHS's cute acting as AMH when he said to BS are you keeping any secret like being a man.. BS's reaction was worth watching.crazy-monkey-emoticon-022.gif?1292792384






 Then not only do main leads add to the flavor of comedy in this drama but also other characters.  Especially BS's mom and her BFFs. Seriously they go to visit a fortune teller for that building case and also for BS's future I really loved BS's mom reaction when she confidently told i know that whoever is getting beaten up is not her daughter. The gay (gae) confusion was so hilarious I couldn't control myself.crazy-monkey-emoticon-014.gif?1292792381





AMH really knows how to get on BS's nerve with this scene I was like poor BS I think now she wishes she had the 'etude' to learn.crazy-monkey-emoticon-060.gif?1292792394






BS rather than being a bodyguard AMH is making her do all sorts of work. His acting there was really like that of a child who is begging his mother for chocolate.crazy-monkey-emoticon-024.gif?1292792384







This scene was really cute with our OTP bickering and BS trying to defend her words "this person". Today's lesson is Never speak bad things about our CEO  in AMH's car coz he can see you and hearcrazy-monkey-emoticon-061.gif?1292792394





Loved this scene crazy-monkey-emoticon-003.gif?1292792378

We got to see affectionate DAD giving his lovely daughter all his money saved.. for her to buy clothescrazy-monkey-emoticon-125.gif?1292792412  He is really caring father he is not materialistic as his wife instead he gives all his love to his children 









the best part of episode for me is buddha scene which i'm replaying again and againcrazy-monkey-emoticon-154.gif?1292792419






Not only that we got so many otp scene from clubbing , movie to drunken BS and smitten MH.

Anyway we have the long wait for next episode till then lets enjoy all the gifs pics and video and stills shared by our chingus. crazy-monkey-emoticon-146.gif?1292792417


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2 hours ago, ruzikie said:

am i the only one who think that Gook Doo also likes Bong Soon somehow. From the flashback scene where he told his friend about his ideal type, he keeps looking at Bong Soon. I am more feeling smitten by Gook Doo right now because i already am affected by the second lead syndrome T^T

No, you're not alone. The way he mentioned it while he was looking at her, reveals that he wanted her to hear it. But this leads me to the next question: why did he date the famous high school student later? So when DBS wanted to declare her love with the scarf, she heard that he was dating someone else. But even so, since he has a new girlfriend, I am wondering why he has never tried to make a move on her all this time. So they missed the timing.

I agree with @dhakra and others who wrote that the story didn't move a lot in the episode 4, however it was important for the evolution of our OTP. Until the episode 4, DBS was not able to perceive AMH in a positive way. Nonetheless, the fact that he didn't fire her and even treated her nicely despite the insults she made the night before, made her see him in a better light. So the relationship between AMH and DBS has changed due to that night.  Besides, I have noticed that DBS didn't pay much attention how AMH treated her (tries to protect her, makes sure that she eats, brings her home, calls her often), while she paid more attention to his words hence she judged him in a negative way. She is doing the same with IGD. IGD might show concern towards her but the way he treats her reveals a certain coldness and distance. He doesn't listen to DBS or even hangs up on her. There is a discrepancy between his words and his actions too. IGD is criticising her a lot but she allows him to say this, whereas she will reply and act sassy towards AHM, if he dares say something annoying.

On the other hand, the episode 4 was important for another reason: we get to discover their past. Both have something in common: their loneliness. Sure, she has a friend and a family, but her powers makes her feel different from the others. AMH was bullied by his older brothers and left home very early.

What I liked in this episode is that AMH is the only one who seems interested in her and her powers. Actually, DBS is not just good at fighting, she can also cook. But IGD's words showed how little he knows about her. This proves to me that she has a low self-esteem somehow. I have the impression that her mother seems to favour BG because he is a good student. Moreover, her mother is trying to make sure that DBS doesn't use her powers as well. Hence DBS has never learnt how to control her strength. She could never be herself in the end. It was not just because of IGD that she hid her powers. We saw how her mother scolded her for creating a scene with her powers and it is clear that her mother sees DBS' powers as something negative. As conclusion, AMH will be the one who supports DBS to use her strength, to learn how to control her powers. We saw in the preview that he will test her. DBS saw her powers as a part of herself, but she felt unhappy as she was different from the others. IGD's description about his love burdened her even more. 


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2 hours ago, Ahpheng said:

@sharreb @triplem @nonski Hi guys, yup...I am here finally ! Thanks for the shoutout

yay! it's great to know that you've started watching and stripping this awesome drama.

We always adore your c-strips and we are lucky to have you in this thread @Ahpheng

one of the reasons that I watched this because of Park Bo Young

Then at one point a long time ago I feel in love with Park Hyung Sik

Then my forever baby Jisoo

and with my penchant for superhero themed shows and movies.

I am a big fan of all DC and Marvel movies and of course, been a huge fan of Arrow, The Flash and DC Legends of Tomorrow.


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Fav scenes on 4th episode:
*BS being jealous to MH for "stealing" her first love... Showed in her dream and when she was drunk... Her jealousy is no joke yo:D

*When MH ate breakfast served by BS... Just short scene, he didn't even shed tears and i cried buckets... Poor MH... He missed mom badly:dissapointed_relieved:...PHS really nailed it

And its crazy how mood among scenes switched rapidly.... when BS talked on phone with GD i felt her sadness... Then ta daaa... There came MH on next call with his cute annoying babble asked BS if she is a man (God how i love this man... Why so cute?) ... Also when MH asked BS to make breakfast for him and she decided to make only 'handmade' apple juice... MH acted like annoying kid and a little later we felt his sadness in the kitchen.

Well maybe some of us are not satisfying with slow pace of the loveline but i really enjoy every moment of  MH and BS^_^

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1 hour ago, turtle0217 said:

I'm confused, those gangster that keep following them, are they after Bong Soon? 

@turtle0217 They want to either crush her like a bug or bring her over to their side. But from the mob boss reaction's, I think he is more motivated by personal reason for after BS. 

41 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

No, you're not alone. The way he mentioned it while he was looking at her, reveals that he wanted her to hear it. But this leads me to the next question: why did he date the famous high school student later? So when DBS wanted to declare her love with the scarf, she heard that he was dating someone else. But even so, since he has a new girlfriend, I am wondering why he has never tried to make a move on her all this time. So they missed the timing.

I agree with @dhakra and others who wrote that the story didn't move a lot in the episode 4, however it was important for the evolution of our OTP. Until the episode 4, DBS was not able to perceive AMH in a positive way. Nonetheless, the fact that he didn't fire her and even treated her nicely despite the insults she made the night before, made her see him in a better light. So the relationship between AMH and DBS has changed due to that night.  Besides, I have noticed that DBS didn't pay much attention how AMH treated her (tries to protect her, makes sure that she eats, brings her home, calls her often), while she paid more attention to his words hence she judged him in a negative way. She is doing the same with IGD. IGD might show concern towards her but the way he treats her reveals a certain coldness and distance. He doesn't listen to DBS or even hangs up on her. There is a discrepancy between his words and his actions too. IGD is criticising her a lot but she allows him to say this, whereas she will reply and act sassy towards AHM, if he dares say something annoying.

On the other hand, the episode 4 was important for another reason: we get to discover their past. Both have something in common: their loneliness. Sure, she has a friend and a family, but her powers makes her feel different from the others. AMH was bullied by his older brothers and left home very early.

What I liked in this episode is that AMH is the only one who seems interested in her and her powers. Actually, DBS is not just good at fighting, she can also cook. But IGD's words showed how little he knows about her. This proves to me that she has a low self-esteem somehow. I have the impression that her mother seems to favour BG because he is a good student. Moreover, her mother is trying to make sure that DBS doesn't use her powers as well. Hence DBS has never learnt how to control her strength. She could never be herself in the end. It was not just because of IGD that she hid her powers. We saw how her mother scolded her for creating a scene with her powers and it is clear that her mother sees DBS' powers as something negative. As conclusion, AMH will be the one who supports DBS to use her strength, to learn how to control her powers. We saw in the preview that he will test her. DBS saw her powers as a part of herself, but she felt unhappy as she was different from the others. IGD's description about his love burdened her even more. 


@bebebisous33 totally agree. I was struck by what you said about BS only listens but doesn't see. I think in future episodes, she will become more mature by seeing more than just listening. This show is about her and her growth, personally and 'professionally'. And not just her, AMH's as well. He has been haunted by his past. Meeting BS in a way cure him and give him strength. 
From early on, he keeps saying, you protect me, I protect you. BS may not realize it yet, but with more progress of their relationship, they will indeed be there for each other. 

Your analysis on BS's mother is on point. She could be traumatized by what happened to her and the grandmother that she saw this power as a curse instead of as a blessing. Hence, her treatment to BS, she's not a mean mother, she's just indifferent to her. It'll be interesting to see her reaction on BS's changes. Will she help BS cultivate her power which later on can also 'help' herself. Or will she disregard her duty as a mother and stand back not doing anything. 

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3 hours ago, sebastian27 said:

Finally had the chance to watch episode 4...

PHS/MH's acting is very good in this episode. Showing emotion without saying anything, without even doing anything... his eyes is very expressive. When i first saw him act in Sirius, i was very impressed.. did not know that he was an idol and not an actor... but here in his latest acting gig... he is still showing improvement that if and when he is given future roles... i am sure i will be in awe..

scenes that i like

1. Club scene... when MH was watching BS dancing... his expression is so whipped... anyone looking at him will know that he is on the verge of falling hard for BS. 

2. The dad hiding money from mom and then giving everything for BS so she can buy some new clothes... (so touching) very much the dedicated dad to his children .

3. After club scene... when BS was mouthing off to his employer... and MH instead of being angry like a normal employer... just find his bodyguard / secretary so cute...

4. The shooting incident... omg! MH even shielded BS from the pellet shots  ... even knowing that BS is the strongest person he has encounter...

5. MH being curious on BS's strength origins... (all superheros have origins) 

oh i will stop at five items.. this post is getting longer...:wub:

now... for the week LONG wait AGAIN.....

Ah yes I really liked PHS's acting in Episode 4 :) It's very good, especially with his eyes! His eyes just show the emotions....

I love all the scenes you listed as well. :wub: Especially the club scene and when they were talking with one another on the phone~

Definirely will be a long wait...

2 hours ago, ruzikie said:

am i the only one who think that Gook Doo also likes Bong Soon somehow. From the flashback scene where he told his friend about his ideal type, he keeps looking at Bong Soon. I am more feeling smitten by Gook Doo right now because i already am affected by the second lead syndrome T^T

I feel so confused with Gook Doo.. He has a girlfriend and it seems like he didn't pay much attention to Bong Soon in the past, except for that one even where he looked at her. I feel like Gook Doo doesn't just treat Bong Soon like any normal friend. The way he is concern for her and always making sure she's alright...Definitely more then some friend. He seems to really care deeply for her, maybe he does like her deep down.

1 hour ago, penelop3 said:

@uglypearl I was considering him before (the witness as the psycho). He fits the profile, being tall and lanky. But BS already confirmed his voice is different. So may not be him. 

The second brother. Hmm.. I'm still conflicted about this guy. He seems gentle and kind. We can even see how he defended AMH when they were kids. I am leaning more to him as the stalker/creepy caller since he has motives to get rid of AMH despite his kindness.. Who knows, greed can change a person. But I think he wouldnt dirty his hand as a stalker, he is more likely to orchestrate the whole thing. 
If only we know more about the brothers. What are they doing now, what's their position in the company, how much they would lose if Ohsung should go to AMH. 

I don't know what to think of the brother. It seems as though he defended Min Hyuk when they were kids, but at the same time we don't know his motives... I said this before but you always have to be wary of the quiet ones. I'm not 100% sure if MH's stalker/attacker is the second brothers doing but definitely on the suspicious list..

Maybe the mom might have something to do with it as well. She was quite during the family dinner but you never know... she could be the mastermind of all of this..

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I'm really glad we got some light on Min Hyuk's past~ How he grew up being bullied by his brothers, living without his mom, deciding to move out of the house and the door being slammed behind him... I am happy we are learning more and more about him. I hope we can learn more about his mother and details of the bus incident...

Also I love all the OTP and funny moments :lol: I was dying at the part where Bong Soon was drunk and the way she was talking to Min Hyuk xD Informally and threatening him about making his butt disappear, LOL! Also pinching his cheeks and mentioning him being gay. Gyeong shim is definitely on to something about AMH not being gay. (We all obviously know that Min hyuk is gay)... I am hoping Bong Soon will find out the truth soon! Seems like Bong Soon saw a little bit of charm in Min Hyuk today because he didn't mention her being drunk on the phone (and also thinking she's cute and sexy hahaha!!!). 

Somebody mentioned this already but Min Hyuk already trusts Bong Soon so much because he even talked about his personal life to her. Plus you can see how he protects Bong Soon when they are being attacked :wub: He totally has fallen for her at this point and he loves to tease her and joke around.

I can't wait until Episode 5 because I think we are getting the scene from the first OST music video where AMH tries to kiss DBS :o Also it looks like AMH is starting to get jealous around Gook Doo :lol:

PS, Park Hyung Sik's acting is great in episode 4! he did such a good job expressing Minhyuk's emotion with his eyes. But also Park Bo Young's acting is awesome too! Her acting all drunk and the scene in the club.... Both of them are doing a fantastic job.

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Excerpt from soompi article: 

Strong Woman Do Bong Soon” is writing JTBC history.

On February 4, episode four of the drama gathered 8.3 percent viewer ratings (Nielson Korea), breaking its own record of 6 percent for the previous episode.

The first episode of the drama recorded the highest ratings for the first episode of any JTBC drama, and the show is almost about to break JTBC’s all-time highest ratings record.

Park Bo Young and Park Hyung Sik are playing a huge role in bringing in these views. Do Bong Soon’s (Park Bo Young’s) unprecendented strength and Ahn Min Hyuk’s (Park Hyung Sik’s) crazy charms combine to create an adorable and hilarious chemistry between the two. However, “Strong Woman Do Bong Soon” is not just a bright romantic comedy, as Do Bong Soon gets involved in a serial killing case and keeps viewers on their toes.


some BTS photos.. 


BTS’s V And Park Hyung Sik Share Cute Photos From Their Meetup


Hwarang” co-stars Park Hyung Sik and BTS’s Kim Taehyung (also known as V) have both shared shots from their recent reunion!

On March 4, Park Hyung Sik uploaded a photo to Instagram of himself with Kim Taehyung at a café with the caption “V.” He also encouraged everyone to tune in live to his new drama “Strong Woman Do Bong Soon” in the hashtags.



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@penelop3 Thanks for the compliment. I would like to add about DBS's blindness. If you remember the important scenes with IGD, you'll notice that each time, DBS always heard something about IGD. The first example is, how she hears the description given by IGD about his type of girl. Actually when he was mentioning it, he was looking at her, but she didn't see it at all. Later when she wanted to confess to him and give him the scarf, she heard how her brother complimented IGD for having the most popular girlfriend. That's how she learnt that IGD was dating someone!! How come that she didn't notice it before? Notice that each time she looked at IGD like a fan girl, IGD wasn't looking at her at all. He was looking at his cellphone. Why is she so blind?

In my opinion, it is connected to her powers. Her powers are visible and as such, she wants to hide these. Since they are visible, she is considering sight as something negative. Moreover, she fell in love with IDG, when he played piano. The way she looked at him playing in the corridor, when nobody was there to listen to him. On the other hand, I have the impression that IGD is deaf because he doesn't listen to DBS's words and he doesn't even notice the way she talked to him: she speaks in a gentle way. Only when she got upset with him and hung up on him, he finally heard that she was upset. He doesn't realise how harsh his words are towards DBS. For someone who plays piano so well, how come that he seems to be deaf and unsensitive, when it comes to DBS? (when he speaks to her!)

I find it really striking that DBS recorded IGD's number as cool GD, while in reality, he rather speaks in a rude way to her. However, she accepts his harsh comments and critics which is weird, when you see that she acts with AMH in the opposite way.

Finally, I would like to point out that in the last episode, DBS' drunkness made her realise for the first time that words can also have a negative impact. Actually, she was criticised by her mother for insulting her boss and the mother was right. DBS felt embarrassed not because she had been caught with her powers but because she had said mean things to AMH. Since the latter didn't pay attention to her words, DBS realised that AMH was indeed a better person than she imagined. Like I had mentioned it above, she was connecting seeing to something negative, whereas she considered "words" and hearing as something better. She was proven wrong. 

Another thought: DBS didn't see the killer but she heard his voice. This underlines again that DBS has always paid more attention to voices and sounds than actions/people's facial expressions. No wonder why the voice of the killer has become an evidence, while the latter thinks, there is no witness. Another clue for that: DBS heard the scream of the third victim!!  

@Ahpheng I am glad that we are watching a drama again. I really missed your c-strips!!!   crazy monkey


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7 hours ago, quockhanh45 said:

I think there're so mistake. It's from jTBC, not tvN. tvN usual rating super high but they doing bad recently.

of course i know its jtbc. what i meant is the jump is really big compare to tvn drama. 

for example oh my ghostess, the jump usually 0.5 - 1% per episode while do bong soon jump 1%-2% one episode

Episode # Original broadcast date Average audience share
TNmS Ratings AGB Nielsen
1 3 July 2015 3.2% 2.65%
2 4 July 2015 3.3% 2.66%
3 10 July 2015 3.9% 3.37%
4 11 July 2015 4.2% 2.98%
5 17 July 2015 3.8% 3.59%
6 18 July 2015 4.2% 3.35%
7 24 July 2015 3.8% 3.80%
8 25 July 2015 4.8% 3.60%
9 31 July 2015 4.6% 3.66%
10 1 August 2015 4.8% 3.49%
11 7 August 2015 4.7% 4.21%
12 8 August 2015 4.9% 4.39%
13 14 August 2015 6.1% 5.08%
14 15 August 2015 6.1% 5.45%
15 21 August 2015 6.2% 5.34%
16 22 August 2015 8.0% 7.34%
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9 hours ago, triplem said:

Let's have a moment of ultimate fan-girling with our strong gal

This is me everytime JiSoo appears on screen


The dream of every fan girl


Even the men and cross-dressers love him


....and find him too hot to handle....

  Hide contents


For @i.am.bugz.funny, @crazyyo  and all the JiSoo fangirls.

I swear this is sooo true :D Jisoo is so damn hot like wow

Also this whenever jisoo appears my eyes goes heart heart :D

tumblr_olwcaxUmuz1ue3jhso1_400.gif   tumblr_olwcaxUmuz1ue3jhso2_400.gif

I mean I wouldn't blame hyungsik, who can resist jisoo? :wub:


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6 hours ago, evie7 said:

Word chingu! I love that he accepts her for who she is, bone breaking, and unfiltered. She doesn't exactly hold back when she's around him. I love the way he teases her he just can't help himself. :D

@bebebisous33 I think that GD did have a crush on her at one point, found out how strong she is and couldn't deal with it. He keeps telling her she's a weak girl, it's almost like he's trying to convince himself that's she's normal. 

jcdragon_hi.gifHello! It was so nice to get the roll call, GD has a very structured personality. Your so right that everything he does is by the book.  I hope that he ditches the girlfriend because I don't like that she's flirting w/ GK.

@i.am.bugz.funny  There's nothing with wrong w/the way GD is, he's a loyal friend who cares about BS. He's is being overprotective of her but who wouldn't if their frend ends up in the police station accused of beating a bunch of gangsters up and then is put in danger because she visited him in the hospital. Then he finds out she's going to sleep at a man's house for work, I'm happy he is looking out for her. Just because he's a straight laced guy doesn't make him a bad one.

@snowglobe147 and @stroppyse Thank you both for the translations


I actually got the sense whith all those school flashbacks.. that jisoo always had a thing for BS.. and he would keep dropping hints..

e.g. i am sure the piano playing was to show off to her, the comment near the water tap was again to rile her up..


HOWEVER, jisoo never saw PBY's interest in him and kind of harboured his one sided crush, got heartbroken.. and then met another girl whom he probably likes..

and in a way he has accepted that pBY will never fall for him so better to stay friend and protect..


look at how clueless PBY is with PHS when her friend took 1 meeting to make keen observations about PHS.



THerefoe, in conclusion.. BS is the air head here.. she is pining for a boy who was, has been in love with her..

and is going to pine for a boy in future.. who's first love and last love is she herself..



It would be fun if serial killer kidnaps BS :) .. well i want to see him try

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