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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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56 minutes ago, SukBin said:

In my point of view the true threat to our OTP comes from In Joo rather than SW... because for all her cruelness SW is only a impulsive, childish girl desperately trying to match her father's overbearing demands for her.... whereas In Joo seems straight up manipulative and calculative personality.... she knew exactly what to say to break HJ's heart and make her stay away from JH even without her lifting a finger.... In Joo looks like a person who can prey on other's deepest fears and insecurities for her own advantage.... I just hope our OTP gets sufficient time to strengthen their bond and HJ to overcome her insecurities because In Joo the proverbial antagonist will be coming soon too test their bond and HJ's self-confidence...

So true. She appears to be nice and she is all smiling, but deep down, she is much more manipulative than SW. She used the opportunity of the scandal to get a chance to get closer to JH than before. She wanted him as a doctor so that she could stay next to him, he was sent away to the USA. Not only that: she told him, she would take care of HJ, yet she didn't do anything. I am quite sure, she was glad that HJ refused her help because due to that, In Joo could say to JH that she had no idea what HJ was doing right now.  In Joo was manipulating JH as well and honestly, I am doubting that he has realised it yet. You could sense his guilt, when he remembered the last time he spoke with In Joo. Although he already knows that SW can be mean, he has done nothing to really stop her. He never dared to say something negative to her... so with In Joo he will have a similar attitude first because he sees In Joo even less negative than SW. 

@UnniSarah @angelangie I have been thinking again about the black hole from Doo Sik. What if the Chairman is not really responsible for the car accident, but he is feeling guilty because JH's parents couldn't be saved due to the bad conditions at the hospital. I have noticed that when his parents were in the ER, JH had to ask a doctor to come to look at his parents. Maybe at that time, the Chairman was thinking like JMJ and had decided to cut down the ER so that that day, there were not enough doctors to treat the patients so that JH's parents died. MAybe they could have been saved, but due to these circumtances, they were treated too late. This could explain:

- why the Chairman is so against the idea to manage a hospital like a business and

- why he supported the orphanage where JH was living and decided that it was not enough to put his mind at ease.

- why later JH will come to support the vision of his adoptive father  

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1 hour ago, ktcjdrama said:

I foresee more backstory surfacing, esp.on JH's past. Haha, I just couldn't believe we're given such a perfect flawless male lead. I'm sure later on he's got some things/emotions he needs to resolve too from the past, and I can't wait to see HJ being his source of support and comfort when he breaks down.

yup for sure! i expect to see more of ji hong's past in future episodes. wasn't there a teenaged actor who was supposed to play younger ji hong  during the first script reading?

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21 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

I kinda feel the same way. Not only that, she may try using the getting-Dad-on-her-side card. In fact, I was thinking later on in the story, SW may just cross over to help HJ and JH be together instead of allying together with IJ. Don't know how, but I do hope SW and HJ's friendship will be restored.

I gather it from the last scene they were together before the 13-year separation. When she decidedly chose to ignore phone calls from JH after her grandma's death. She flashed back to convo with IJ. If IJ never told her about how she and JH belongs together, I think HJ would have accepted help from JH. But instead, she chose to leave him and to survive on her own. Whether she actually realized/acknowledged it as romantic feelings or not at that time, it is indeed an act of love for JH to protect his reputation (trying to clear up scandal with SW), and not burden him (her coping with grandma's death), and for hoping he'll have a good future with IJ. She cried and held back her tears when walking away from him. If you've got no feelings at all for a person, you wouldn't be sad leaving that person.

Btw, who else think HJ-JH have similar face features? What the Chinese would call 夫妻脸 (husband-wife-face). Just look at the pic of them running in the rain under his coat.

I wonder why this drama has 20 ep. instead of the usual 16. I foresee more backstory surfacing, esp.on JH's past. Haha, I just couldn't believe we're given such a perfect flawless male lead. I'm sure later on he's got some things/emotions he needs to resolve too from the past, and I can't wait to see HJ being his source of support and comfort when he breaks down.

Oh... That is true. I didn't think of that. So its no more a one way street. That's a relief. Because I really love seeing JH be all romantic and swoony. KRW is one of my favorite actors because of that. Also, although I wasn't a huge fan of PSH when Heirs came out, I'm actually absofuckinglutely loving her here. More gangster strong women roles here please! Thanks for clearing that out for me @ktcjdrama I didn't necessarily wanted to be rude. Most of my peeps know me as pervy and funny. Heee.


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@SukBin I have also been thinking that In Joo might have also be the one who "helped" him to look for HJ, when he came to SK and each time, she gave him false information saying that she couldn't find her. She used this strategy to buy some time but after a while, she realised that she couldn't win against HJ. Another thing: why did everyone think that In Joo was married to JH? I am thinking, she might have spread the rumours herself and SW's "friend" is not aware of it.

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16 hours ago, USAFarmgirl said:


My hope for the second question is JH saying lets give love & us a chance.  With so many male characters in our view and hers as well who have all been moved one way the other by HJ.  And also with so much still ahead it would lead you to believe a love triangle or so could happen.  Of course SW will most likely continue to mess with HJ until something or someone gives her a high kick and changes her heart.  Which for some reason I'm hoping for.  I'm not sure why but my mind keeps wondering that it won't be another Man that will be the problem but HJ herself.  We all knew & know how JH feels it's written all over him and he is a pro at sharing it through his actions even his Dad knows HJ is in his heart after just once hearing him talk on the phone.

I for one believe HJ was given two things when JH walked into her life.  Inspiration, that by believing in herself she not only could be better through hard work but that she could be the best. Also an introduction to love, love takes many forms at first JH was a stranger messing in her life.  Later he was a teacher at first she must have thought just another adult reminding her of her failures.  It didn't take long for HJ to realize JH was much more than that.  Watching & finding out JH was a doctor seeing him quickly doing everything to save someone.  For her must have been like seeing Clark Kent enter a phone booth and coming out looking like SUPERMAN!  She was beside herself and with a child wrapped around her neck she was given a dream...

Even more she was captured by JH she admired him wanted to know & even be like him.  It's like JH planted the seed of love within her.  She may not have understood everything but she could feel kindness, caring, someone listening, encouraging, friendship, even laughter.  A person who shed some light  & hope into her dark world.  I'm sure of one thing JH took the chains of everyone else saying your worthless except her Grandmother who was her only source of love off of HJ and set her free!!  Allowing her to know no matter what others may say, you can be & do anything if only you yourself believe...

The day that JH ran as fast as he could but in the end didn't grab onto HJ.  And earlier HJ answering with a lie because JH seemed out of her reach believing she wasn't good enough and kept walking.  Was the moment I knew JH was in her heart too...  When I think about this moment it wasn't two people who didn't love each other that stopped them.  It was others and the worlds thinking that did.  NO matter about age or teacher & student and yes it's out of the box even for me but never the less it's what it is.  With tears running down her face, and JH in pain from not holding her back I may not have wanted to believe it but two hearts were left there at that very moment...

When your told your bad, worthless, hopeless, you killed your grandmother just by being near you,  you will never be on JH's level.  Not to mention being deserted and beat on until you believe it too!  These are the scars that didn't stop HJ from fulfilling her dreams of being a doctor.  But I think we all know that those scars didn't disappear with time and I am afraid the episodes ahead will show their damage...:tears:


@USAFarmgirl....i love your analysis on our OTP....keep it coming.

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20 minutes ago, kate_USA said:

SBS is not being nice to us:( Where is the teaser to Ep 7??? Maybe everyone is busy planning a Sooni Hawaii Party for Doctors.  Imagine, everyone show up at that party  :w00t::w00t::w00t:

 no,i think sbs do a good job.;)just think a little.Its only 7 episode.There is no way becos of live shooting.They just want more excitement from the fan.If i am not wrong they will drop the preview at sat or sun.And then that preview trend on naver.That is the main purporse .They will need to maintain or keep rising the rating.So i think they have some plan behind our back.Don't worry patients . Doctors made our wait worth.just sit still and enjoy our otp moments.like bicycle sence,microscope sence,helli pad sence,confession sence,boxing sence and the last is hug and kiss sence.haha.i already lost count how many i watch them.:wub::wub::wub:

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We're only a couple of episodes into new SBS drama Doctors, but already a fandom is brewing. Some are long-time shippers of The Inheritors' star Park Shin Hye (who plays rebel-turned-ace doctor Yoo Hye Jung) while others are glued to their seat by the big-guns-big-heart combo that is teacher Hong Ji Hong, played by Kim Rae Won, who was last seen in thriller drama Punch.

But we reckon that's not the only reason they're sticking – Doctors is packed to the rafters with wisdom and we all know that's the mark of a really good drama. Here are some of our favourites, from just the first 2 episodes:

"Don't cast pearls before swine"

A biblical proverb that basically means don't offer anything sacred to a dog or a pig (figurative ones, of course) or they'll trample on it and then turn against you. Quite a bitter pill to swallow considering Ji Hong told Hye Jung this the first time they met. If he seems harsh, remember that Hye Jung didn't exactly give him any reason to have anything less than a terrible first impression of her!

"The dichotomy of good and evil can't be used to describe people"

Just when you think all the sassing Ji Hong's receiving from Hye Jung and his students is about to make horns appear out of his head, he breaks out a gem like this one. In case you're wondering, he means humans are complex and can't be defined by those two values alone – and he says these about the very people who want to completely ruin him. If that doesn't make him a saint, nothing else will come close!

"Don't tell lies you'll easily get caught for"

Some parents might find this to be a little off-the-mark, but Teacher Hong knows that "honesty is the best policy" is for Plain Janes, not his hot-blooded, micro-skirted students. He does have a point though – if you're already going to lie, you'd do better if you make sure you're able to get away with it!

"Getting good grades is a talent in itself"

Remember that the next time you're scribbling poetry or recording a Smule video in class, kids. Students are meant to ace exams and Teacher Hong is very enthusiastic about exams. Besides, with a teacher like Hong Ji Hong at the front of the classroom, isn't that good enough motivation in itself?

"Love comes from the brain, not from the heart"

Expect to hear more lines like "Affection comes from the amygdaloidal nucleus in the limbic system. The brain gives you emotions." – the show is called Doctors, after all. The next time you try to win someone's heart, you'll know the way and it's not through their stomach. Will Hye Jung apply this lesson to Teacher Hong – and will he fall for it?


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@Kasmic To me, JH made it pretty clear that he was not into her. She was the one who asked him to marry her aso. Her strategy was similar to SW's in my opinion. Sure, you're right. She acted as immature but this doesn't mean that she was immature. SW is also acting as confident but she is not. SW and In Joo appear to be what they are not: nice, confident aso. Both feel insecure next to HJ and they are indeed mean to her.

Besides I don't see In Joo as naive. The words she chose to make sure that HJ wouldn't cling onto JH shows that she knew what she was doing: "JH and you belong to different worlds". She definitely saw HJ as a thread. I know, the actress played a more innocent role in OMHE, but this doesn't mean that she has the same role here. 

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3 hours ago, angelangie said:


i know of JiSoo from 'Cheer Up!' :D love him then and spill over here :D

i watched bits frm sassy go go n he was gd there but he was better n im loving his character in pageturner. pity tht it was a short 3 ep drama but still, it was really enjoyable n jisoo with all the cast acted well.

i watched tht drama bc it came frm the writer of pinocchio - and i loved pinocchio so much n nt bc im a shinhye fan but bc of the storyline too. i hear ur voice is written by her too n im loving it also. im loving this doctors drama is ofc for sh n the storyline. hope the story gets better nt jst loveline but hospital related too :)

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