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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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Which couple is the cutest?(Vote)

Updated : July 06 2016

Here are our hottest drama couples, which couple is most adorable?

skipped . . . . . .


Park Shin-hye and Kim Rae-won


(Pan Entertainment)

(Pan Entertainment)


Park and Kim are a new rising couple who are currently receiving a surprising amount of audience attention for their adorable relationship in the new series, “Doctors.”

Park plays a doctor who has grown from being a lethargic rebel, and Kim plays her senior who lives his life for justice in the midst of agony.
The story is about a couple who were in a teacher-student relationship in the past, and later reunite as doctors only to fall in love.
Park’s growth story, with help from Kim, along with their growing affection towards each other, has already gained popularity among fans.



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6 hours ago, angelangie said:


hahaha i didnt think the dance as awkward but cheesy for me :D:D:D



While reading the recaps at work (shhhhh!--our secret), I read comments about the dance being awkward like the kiss and some said it was cheesy.  Seeing some of the stills that were posted at the time, I thought, yeah, kinda of awkward (kiss) and the dance was kind of cheesy. However, when I saw a longer video clip of the kiss, I thought awwwww, he's trying to put her at ease; make her feel like she doesn't have to be on defensive, which is her nature. I loved the fact that she accepted his kiss by closing her eyes. (Side Note - for anyone wondering if he's a good kisser, all I have to say is "A Thousand Day's Promise").  

Then when I saw the dance in it's entirety leading up to the kiss, I thought, he's so cute--I loved it!  He wants her to live and find joy in life. It made me think of the lyrics to "Singin' In the Rain", instead he was "Dancin' in the Rain":

I'm singing in the rain
Just singing in the rain
What a glorious feelin'
I'm happy again
I'm laughing at clouds
So dark up above
The sun's in my heart
And I'm ready for love
Let the stormy clouds chase
Everyone from the place
Come on with the rain
I've a smile on my face
I walk down the lane
With a happy refrain
Just singin',
Singin' in the rain
Dancin' in the rain
Dee-ah dee-ah dee-ah
Dee-ah dee-ah dee-ah
I'm happy again!
I'm singin' and dancin' in the rain!
I'm dancin' and singin' in the rain...
Why am I smiling
And why do I sing?
Why does September 
Seem sunny as spring?
Why do I get up
Each morning and start?
Happy and head up
With joy in my heart
Why is each new task
A trifle to do?
Because I am living
A life full of you.


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20 minutes ago, angelangie said:

bone to pick with HJ

Hehehe that seems to be the case doesnt it :D but I am loving supergirl HJ with her  smarts, her kickass moves, her looks, her fashion and high heels and her also her cocky attitude :blush: its like the description of everyother alpha male lead except this time its a female :P

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50 minutes ago, Bookworm95 said:

Hi chingus, I've been a silent reader :D LOL

this drama is sooooo addicted, i'm dying with KRW warmness :wub: 

i found BTS from youtube... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fp5siM8o9pc it's boxing BTS, can somebody help me to translate this BTS?

(i don't know how the rules in this thread.. can i post some link?)

Welcome. We love all links in this thread, if it is related to the drama Doctors , cast, writer, PD, etc. Just take a tour of the thread. 

Love the video you post.:)


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49 minutes ago, Bookworm95 said:

Hi chingus, I've been a silent reader :D LOL

this drama is sooooo addicted, i'm dying with KRW warmness :wub: 

i found BTS from youtube... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fp5siM8o9pc it's boxing BTS, can somebody help me to translate this BTS?

(i don't know how the rules in this thread.. can i post some link?)

Happy Eid Mubarrak muslims chingu... :wub:

Downloading the bTs and super excited right now!

Hoping another bts will come out soon.

Addicted wth "Hong hong hong cheese" brand!


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I find it so sad that even with the horrible treatment Hye Jung has received at the hands of the people that are meant to be her family, she still wants them to be family. It's why she went to meet Yoon Do to ask that he operate on Ga Jin and why she'd told him that she wished Ga Jin was her family. It's also why she went to the restaurant and was touched by Yoo Na's words. She's a strong woman but a sweetheart at heart and all she wants is love, acceptance and family. Like seriously though, why wouldn't everyone be drawn to that vulnerability? Why wouldn't Soon Hee be loyal to her in all these decades. Why wouldn't Ji Hong be in love with her in all this time? Hye Jung is just that amazing. 

On the other hand, it's like everyone around Seo Woo keeps reaffirming her entitled, this belongs to me no one can take it away from me mentality.From her father who asks her why she can't make Yoon Do hers to the restaurant ahjumma who tells her not to let anyone 'take' Yoon Do away from her because nice people never get happy endings. Like I'll bet now, Seo Woo will have herself convinced that Hye Jung is the 'wicked' person taking Yoon Do away from her, and she would conveniently forget that Hye Jung is the nice one in the situation. Honestly, when someone already has a selective memory working for her, where she only remembers the truth she's conveniently twisted in her own minds, telling her such things is just reaffirming that behavior and makes her want to lash out. And it annoys me. 

And although I did feel for her when the restaurant ahjumma died, I think someone needs to get Seo Woo a dictionary stat. Because I'm sure traumatized doesn't mean what she thinks it means :blink:.


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5 minutes ago, alcides14 said:

Welcome. We love all links in this thread, if is related to the drama Doctors , cast, writer, PD, etc. Just take a tour of the thread. 

Love the video you post.:)



Sweet the fighting BTS is out! It looks pain when KRW was flipped over by PSH. Oucchhh! PSH must have practice secretly to prepare herself (looks cool)! 

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19 hours ago, USAFarmgirl said:

To me the kiss was perfect... I think the kiss was meant to be tender more than one filled with passion JH is thinking about treating her gently teaching her slowly about love.  He knows she has very little experience and understands & respects that.  He also knows as she herself once told her own father "my heart is already dead".  JH didn't just give her a kiss he gave her a song, a dance in the rain, an embrace and a memory she won't ever forget....:wub:

Credit & Thanks to original owner of Quote & Photo....


i've gone thru the comments about the kiss and in this case, we share the same thought.  To me its the kiss of a very tender & loving man, one who loves & truly cherishes the one woman that has left a deep impression on him, this precious & lovely woman-child who is hurt & lonely just like him.  And we mustn't forget,  he has been carrying around this deep regret of love lost, or rather being haunted by all the beautiful possibilities that a great love can bring.. So, our prof isnt about to let anything like that happen again, no siree…  he's just going to spend every damn minute loving her and getting her to love him back, no matter what it takes lol.  He's a passionate man i havent the slightest doubt lol but he's bent on taming the scared skirtish but oh so beautiful gazelle… that is whats so beautiful about it :wub:

Goofy passionate tender & ooooooh so patient….  JH ur da man :w00t:

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38 minutes ago, angelangie said:


hahahha definitely and i hope they let the female lead keep this facade :D even though i dont mind her soften up for JH ^_*



oh yess! she'll melt soon :D I mean there is only so much you can resist the "Hong hong hong cheese" love-you-crazy-rabbit-emoticon.gif


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36 minutes ago, yuhotarubi said:

Hello everyone, how are you all doing ?? Before anything about the drama Eid Mubarak to all Muslims in this thread :)

i've been a silent reader since the beginning of the drama, but I decided to join you all, this is the first drama I fell in love with since cheese in the trap ( I was heavily traumatized, lol ) and now I can't get enough of Park Shin Hye and Kim Rae Won, to be very honest, I've never seen Park Shin Hye this perfectly matched with a costar before, the chemistry I see here is so awesome and so much better than any of her other dramas ( Pinocchio is her only drama that I didn't watch ) the developement of the relationship between Ji Hon and Hye Jung is so beautifully made and expressed into the screen, although I've seen many complain about the kiss scene in yesterday's episode, It didn't bother me much and I liked it, despite me loling  at the picture of Ji Hong bending down to get to Hye Jung, I liked the hug better , but that's just because I like hug scenes better in any kind of romance, I just look at hugs as the best way to show affection. 

This is my first K-drama of Kim Rae Won, and I can't believe I've been blind to him all this time during my 6 years of k-drama watching, he is just soo good in this role, he's so hear fluttering with a smile and a loving gaze of gold, I started watching punch to get more of him during the week while waiting for new eps of doctors and guess what ? He is INCREDIBLE. 

This is by far my favorite role for Park Shin Hye, she is totally showing her talents through this work, she can now do action films :) 

the ratings are well deserved, the drama is easily watchable, fun, warm, beautiful, even if the plot is not heavy or too complicated, but that's its charm, I hope it'll reach 20% by the next episode. 

Ok I wrote too much for now, hahahaha, i have to watch episode 5 and 6 again cause the first time watched them i was just silimg from ear to ear, well we can't help it I guess :)  

Let's all hope we'll see more OTP scenes in next week's episodes, I will be sure to join.:blush::blush::blush:


@yuhotarubi, I agree with you in regards to Park Shin Hye.  I have always loved her and she's one of my favorite actresses. However, I always associated her with "young", "flowerboy" type male leads and "high schoolish" dramas.  Compared to her other dramas, her acting here is so different--more 'mature'.  At first, I wasn't sure I could see her in a convincing role as a doctor and against a male lead like Kim Rae Won who is manly to me.  I've noticed that both actors have tweaked their acting to complement their co-star.  It's the subtle facial expressions and looks that they give each other that speaks volumes. The way Ji Hon looks at Hye Jung is so powerful......... I feel it all the way through my laptop!!

The writer has created this wonderful story, I hope it keeps on this path and doesn't get lost in angst and ridiculous plot lines. 

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@Kasmic @maplekist @Ahpheng @nonski @Mau_Cherry @heartoppaya @delfin @irilight @siena407and @evie7 Good morning my dear chingus, smileys this is the first post for today on this thread and it will be a long one! Let me know what you think about this analysis!!  raccoon

After giving some thought, I have realised that the relationship between SW and the ahjumma is really interesting and important because it can help to discern SW's personality even better and explain her evolution in the drama.

First of all, the ahjumma is the first one who really aknowledges SW as a doctor. Since she has no idea where SW comes from (her family background aso), she can only judge her on her behaviour. The way she calls SW each time reveals great respect for SW. Although the ahjumma didn't see that SW hadn't helped her first, SW felt somehow concerned about her. SW is recognised for her ability and her kindness and she is not treated respectful because of her family. SW gets aware of it.

The second observation is that SW is able to sympathise with this woman. The world has treated her badly and SW feels sorry for her. Actually, her fate looks a lot like HJ's fate: the latter was also mistreated and abandoned. Ahjumma and HJ have a lot in common. Both are motivated by anger and both felt the need to hurt others hence the ahjumma made a scene. get out crazy rabbit



Her behaviour is really similar to HJ's atitude in the past who would show her hand to others. Actually this kind of behaviour is a sign that deep down they want attention and love but are not aware of it. Since HJ and the ahjumma are similar, I come to the conclusion that if SW could get free from her wrong picture about HJ, she would be able to feel empathy and compassion for HJ's situation. SW is not cold-hearted and doesn't lack empathy. Her real problem is that her point of view is biased.

Then, the ahjumma starts giving her some advice based on her own experience:





She is telling her to fight for what she wants. The problem is that the ahjumma thinks that SW is a nice person from what she observed and her own biased point of view reinforces the wrong perception SW has got from herself. There are bad guys in this world (HJ) and SW is too nice with her. She should fight for YD and not be nice to the bad guys (HJ)!

Yes, her conversation gives me the impression that the ahjumma's words might push SW into the wrong direction because SW has not been correctly perceived by her. The ahjumma doesn't know that her situation is similar to this of the "bad guy" HJ. HJ was the one who got rejected and mistreated. Her words "The world stands up for the bad guy" reminded me of the halmoni's surgery and the behaviour of SW's father after her death because that's exactly what happened to HJ. But the truth is that SW is identifying herself in the ahjumma's situation. 

Striking is that SW gave her the same advice than JH to HJ: she should stop being angry and mad and start enjoying more her life (dating aso) yet the woman refused as it was too late for her.

Finally the ahjumma's death is important because SW experiences for the first time real loss. She had told JH that she had lost many things due to HJ but JH never agreed to her point of view. Now, SW has lost her only true friend. With her, SW could be sincere and herself!! She was not accepted because of her family background but because of her personality. 

As conclusion, I do fear that SW might first go into the wrong direction: she was confirmed by the other that she is indeed the victim / the nice person and the other one is the bad guy. On the other hand, the friendship between SW and this woman illustrates that SW is not a bad person per se. She can be warmhearted.

I think, the more YD is trying to correct her biased view, the more she might resist... thinking that he has been manipulated. Moreover, if SW witnesses that HJ is getting more and more support from the staff, she might come to the same point of view:  



So that there is a high chance that she starts playing more and more dirty. My only hope is that she is stopped before. Maybe meeting the stepmother and the stepsister might make her realise that she got it all wrong.

So that's it for now.  

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1 hour ago, Bookworm95 said:

Hi chingus, I've been a silent reader :D LOL

this drama is sooooo addicted, i'm dying with KRW warmness :wub: 

i found BTS from youtube... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fp5siM8o9pc it's boxing BTS, can somebody help me to translate this BTS?

(i don't know how the rules in this thread.. can i post some link?)


@Bookworm95, seeing this clip is about to make me start a rumor about these two..:heart::heart::heart: seeing the two of them in the clip as they watched themselves,,,,,kekekeke........loved it!!  Park Shin Hye gets a little embarrassed and leans her head on his shoulder as she giggles.  TOO FREAKING CUTE!!!!

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