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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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On 9/26/2016 at 9:18 PM, _Nachan07 said:


 I die .... blood-pink-mouse-emoticon.gif?1292950503 So happy! Thank you so much!!


@salz @salz @salz @salz Here you go your forever beloved baby XD XD XD  impact-pink-mouse-emoticon.gif?129295051

@Jillia Our Dururu is out!!!!! :w00t:

@mellinadear Fufufu is hereeeee :w00t:

Other Dururu fans who previously asked about the song @picadrama @Shadi Daryoush @JCWfanSR :wub:

And to all Dururu fans, finally our long wait is over :wub::w00t:B) Yoohoooo Happy!!

@nachan07 OMG!! Chingu Thank you soooo much!! I was actually thinking the other day that" did I miss this!!," I mean it's been like 600 above pages since I last asked about this particular OST and so many of them have already been uploaded!! I was scared how many pages I would had to go through!! Thank you dear :wub:

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@jbying7 That thought did cross my mind as well when I watched the last few minutes of Episode 12 last night. In the said episode, we've been shown reassurances (including flashbacks) about uri OTP's promise to each other that they wouldn't ever let go of each other's hands no matter what.. So my hunch is that the song, "Love Is Over" could not have meant the end of LY and RO's love but perhaps the love between RO and her Omma...? Is that too far-fetched?? Maybe, but it's good to know that I'm not alone in this assumption. :D

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7 minutes ago, jbying7 said:

Here's a thought that's bugging me...I love love love the OST so far and I know Baek Ji Young's voice always lends a beautiful, emotional weight to a drama's OST. BUT I struggled so much with this latest song and the meaning behind it...

Especially when our OTP shares loving and longing looks at each other and in the background, the chorus is going, "Love is over..." And mentally I'm *screaming* Nooooooooo :sweatingbullets:

As I have been showing my other half highlights and marvelous scenes from MDBC, I think he noticed how forlorn and stressed I looked at the end of Ep12 that he offered this: "Maybe it's the love between Ra-On and her mom. That mother-daughter love is over. She had to break away from the love of her mom that has kept her strong this past ten years and into the arms of the CP's love that spells danger, a dangerous love with sacrifices involved."

LOL...Sigh...kudos to my other half for trying to comfort me...creative but stretching it a tad much :P


Whoah.....I like the way your other half comfort you....good thoughts.....you must thank MDBC for bringing the best out of your other half...so tweet to you......:wub:

I have learnt my lesson....don't read too much into anything....including SONG TITLES or lyrics......it makes us go through roller-coaster emotions ........joy, sadness......pain...like what Ra On once said to CP when she asked if he knew any beautiful woman and he said yes, remember?  Our hearts are being riled.....just keep calm and enjoy as the story unfolds....unless you love roller-coaster ride...then enjoy it too...because roller-coaster can be fun at times....  I am going to dis-embark from the roller-coaster ride for a while.....keep my heart for next week...... kekeke. :P

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As I have been showing my other half highlights and marvelous scenes from MDBC, I think he noticed how forlorn and stressed I looked at the end of Ep12 that he offered this: "Maybe it's the love between Ra-On and her mom. That mother-daughter love is over. She had to break away from the love of her mom that has kept her strong this past ten years and into the arms of the CP's love that spells danger, a dangerous love with sacrifices involved."


Brownie points to your other half for making the effort LOL. The lyrics of the song certainly don't bode well for our OTP and am I the only one to think a song with English lyrics (lovely as it is) seem a little strange for a period drama? I believe Ra On will try to hold on to LY as she had promised so I don't know how the song will fit in with the plot. Perhaps a temporary separation so that both can be safe.

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I haven't watched the recent episodes for my upcoming exams:tears: cause once I watch I won't be able to stop thinking about it, but I will be able to watch those before next Monday, one good thing out of this is the fact that I won't have to die out of impatience for the upcoming episode:w00t: I hope we get a kiss in the next one and more and more CP and Raon-Ah :blush: scenes!! Pretty please Writer-nim PD-nim:)

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28 minutes ago, febz said:

Oh so now you don't want to become my seonsaeng-nim?? wae..wae... sacks of rice don't satisfy you anymore?:angry:

Haiz what happened to actors these days??they do have tendency to a sad & dramatic ending. Are their real life just being too delight? 

  Reveal hidden contents

LJS also hoped the same for W ending. Although eventually it's a happy weird ending that happened:P 


Heh?? then we don't have to worry for YS character at end. If his character must die it can be represented by the PD :lol:. KYS or KS-Y won't be a matter because we're not a stiff viewer :P


aigooo...I thought you would be happy being my seongsaeng-nim....if not...then nevermind... *hugs*  

In JY's case, not sure if he was dropping hints or he liked being a "martyr in love" in the story....but I think looking at JY's sweet character...could be the former.

Omo...your last sentence is really hilarious..... :lol:

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My.. my.. my.. I do believe my heart stopped for a moment at the sight of Yoonsung battling all the baddies to protect both Crown Prince, Raon:wub: He just looked hot, and so graceful as a gazelle;) And Bogum's smile toward the end at the sight of his ladylove *swoons* their love is so strong... It's sad that they have to be parted(?) hopefully not for long. I know that there's been many praises for Bogum's acting and I just wanted to add that tender scene where he backhugged Raon to comfort and reassure her, his face...his eyes were so very expressive that there was no need for words. No wonder they say the eyes are the windows to one's soul. Bogum's eyes are indeed just that^_^ 

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Ok ok one last thought and I need to rest my MDBC-hyper active brain...

I know everyone talks about how beautiful our OTP looks (and I agree too!) but I also love Bogummy and KYJ's voices in this drama...

Bogummy's voice is manly and has warmth...his 2 unforgettable delivery of lines are when he first learnt Ra-on's full name at the garden...his "Hong...Ra...On" is deep, reflective and...sexy :P 

The other one is when he did the sign language and as he narrated the words of his hand gestures, his voice was low, husky, hesitant and the enunciation carried all the weight of his pleading and love :wub: :wub: :wub:

KYJ's voice is surprising quite low despite her young age...I like! Because it is low yet girly enough which reflects her youthfulness and playfulness and not nasally or high pitched like some young starlets...*shivers* 

My fav parts of her delivery were when she was narrating the sign language (Sigh...my ultimate, unforgettable romantic scene of a kdrama for a long time to come) and when she's one-on-one with CP, especially in the library ;) I kinda like that the CP's library is their special secret meeting place, it's also their private sanctuary....ok, besides his bedroom, next to the study table...hahahaha but Eunuch Jang and the other ladies-in-waiting and not forgetting BY, also go there regularly. So yes, the library is SPECIAL. :wub:

Have a good midweek ahead Moonlighters! 

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59 minutes ago, inlovewithmdbc said:


I totally agree with what you say. Some people have been saying KYJ needs to do these intimate scenes to be seen as an adult actress and that if she agreed to do such scenes, she must be comfortable with them. First of all, she isn't an adult yet and there is such a thing as invisible pressure to please or conform. As an actress and entertainer and a young one at that, you don't want to offend anyone especially those who have the power over casting. For instance, I read that in Heirs, PSH was not told that she would be kissed in one scene. The Pd-nim just decided on the spot. How would you feel in her place? Kick up a big fuss or just give in?


yeah, we're 2/3 rds into the drama and so far the PD has been handling it really classy, like he respects the fact that she is very young and wouldn't be comfy with too many kiss scenes, also Bo Gum helps a lot since he can emote so much with just his eyes.

I didn't know about PSH in Heirs, but KSH who is another minor like KJY ended up giving in and doing a lot of kiss scenes in that ghost drama. 

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4 hours ago, tiendoank said:


Current members of YFC :

1. @nonski

2. @lovehbhjw2013

3. @Earth2KatyD117

4. @charliew

5. @tiendoank

6. @bonuibonui

7. @ruka18

8. @zee0123

9. @angelineong

10. @syeramy

11. @ruuuuthpft

12. @iheartyoojung

13. @febz

14. @minsunie

15. @PeachyPeach


List updated! ;)


Wowser!!! The number is groowing!


thanks @syeramy for this beautiful pic!

Daebak! i never thought we would grow this much! hahaha i am so happy that many hearts are going to uri Yoon-sung.crazy-monkey-emoticon-003.gif

oh and do not be misguided... we are loving CP and of course RO but we are showing our love to Yoon-sung as well.  

He who have not one but us from the YFC.

He needs someone to cheer him on!

Yeorubon... welcome to Yoon-sung Fans Club!



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@JCWfanSR You're welcome! :wub: I'd been mentioning about it ever since the dance scene & a couple of Moonlighters had asked about the song as well. Luckily my brain has selective memory XD XD XD :P :P so I was able to remember & tag some fans in :w00t::wub: *spreading the love to Dururu* <3 


I finally have some free time to watch episode 12 with subs today /__\ 

And when it came to this scene :w00t:


(Gif credit to jeonghyang :wub:)

All I could think about was...

...'I've seen this back before! :P'


... when Bogum refused to go shirtless in 1N2D (it would be bit easier to play the game if he did) & only showed his back like this ahahaha XD dummy2-pink-mouse-emoticon.gif?129295050 



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3 hours ago, iheartyoojung said:


I watched this scene many times but I still fail to understand this part, after CP was slashed, YS saw, turned and walked away and BY after apologising he was late disappeared, is there some disconnect here? In normal circumstances, these 2 guys should rush over and help Raon or call the ambulance but she was left holding CP on her own, anyone else think it's strange?


i actually thought the same when that happened but thought twice.  but of course, RO was already there tending to CP, BY had to go after the run-away assasin and our YS seeing the two of them and assessing the situation had to run and find medical help for LY. there were only the four of them left with no palace guards around and maids slayed by the masked men, no one would have known if YS would not have sent for help.

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6 minutes ago, bogummish said:


yeah, we're 2/3 rds into the drama and so far the PD has been handling it really classy, like he respects the fact that she is very young and wouldn't be comfy with too many kiss scenes, also Bo Gum helps a lot since he can emote so much with just his eyes.

I didn't know about PSH in Heirs, but KSH who is another minor like KJY ended up giving in and doing a lot of kiss scenes in that ghost drama. 


I would like to think Bo Gum, being the perfect gentleman that he is, would also support KYJ in nixing kissing scenes if she was uncomfortable with it since he showed such care with their first kiss scene. I don't know how much say actors have but if both of the leading actors politely refuse, perhaps they can get away with it? In any case, kudos to the PD for showing restraint thus far. Less is more sometimes. :)

Regarding what you said about KJY, how skeezy of the PD to break his promise and do that to the young actress! I'm glad that information got out so that other young actresses that work with him later on know what they're getting into.

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2 hours ago, stroppyse said:

I had also been assuming that Young and Ra On have already become lovers, though we don't get to see that much of that on the screen, probably due to KYJ's young age. However, especially in episode 12, they look and feel as if they've become lovers. When Young picks her up and sets her on his lap, wiping her face tenderly, when he lays his face by hers on the table and then holds her hand as they talk about Ra On's dreams, there is plenty of chemistry, but there isn't any nervous anticipation that I probably would have expected if they had not been intimate. Rather there is a comfortableness to them that bespeaks of intimacy having shared, to me anyway. Even during the backhug, when RO leans back into Young, it felt right, not just because of how much relief she must feel right then that he is recovered enough to be able to stand upright, but because it seems to be comforting and familiar.  

The other thing is that just logistically speaking, Young is a young, healthy, male Prince who has an appreciation for women, no vows of celibacy as far as we know, and by the way, happens to be in love with a young, healthy, beautiful woman whose job it is to serve him 24x7. I realize that it's her job to serve him as a eunuch and not as a woman, but my point is that she does not have a curfew or a family who is tracking her whereabouts and would be shocked at her spending time in the Prince's rooms. Even her fellow eunuchs know what it's like to be at the beck and call of the royal family, so probably don't find it that remarkable that RO is constantly with the Prince. Given their proximity and the availability of private spaces, not just the Prince's palace, but the various spaces that no one goes to that he knows about as he's told RO in the past, I would think that there would have been plenty of physical affection between Young and RO after they've professed their love for each other. 

While the pervy part of me would like to see more physical demonstrations of the obvious affection that Young and RO have, it isn't that material to the story. Also, as I said, I think they convey their physical comfort with each other well to the point that I think they've exchanged intimacies, albeit denying the viewing audience. Rather, Young and RO have shown time and time again that they love each other, and that there is no limit to their love for each other. In that sense, both PBG and KYJ are depicting their characters well.

Having said all that, I would still like to see a few more kisses, if possible, please. At least at the end, when there is a happily ever after. Hoping there is a happily ever after?  Though, I'll trade in all the kisses if it means that RO and Young will get their happily ever after. With children. With Uncle Yoon Sung and Uncle Byung Yeon coming by from time to time to show them how to sword fight. 


i love your post dongsaeng @stroppyse! it makes sense.  that is what i noticed with Ra On too, although there are moments when she seemed a bit conscious of Lee Young's actions there is that undeniable aura that bespoke of understanding and feeling of being at ease with the close proximity of her lover.  it made sense too that being together all day would give them the chance for skinship since no one at all can go inside the prince's  chamber even eunuch jang without him knocking first or announcing his entry. they are already in love and had acknowledged their love towards each other, what would stop them?  As much as we wanted to see these intimacies, we are by far limited to it due to KYJ's age.  Though we were given much clues and traces of their intimacy to assume the same, even then which has mislead us to think it would be shown. :)  hopefully we'd be able to see more kisses despite the current flow of the story which is heading towards angstville.

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i am not sure if this was posted earlier but here:

B1A4’s Jinyoung Expresses His Affection For Park Bo Gum On Instyle

B1A4’s Jinyoung Expresses His Affection For Park Bo Gum On Instyle

Currently known for his role as Kim Yoon Sung in KBS’s “Moonlight Drawn By Clouds,” B1A4’s Jinyoung recently shed his traditional clothes and turned into a sweet guy for Instyle magazine.

Jinyoung spoke of the mood on set of the drama, saying, “Because all the actors are close in age, we communicate well and sympathize with each other. When I see Park Bo Gum, I especially want to look after him. It’s enjoyable when we’re together, so it’s also fun when we work together.”

B1A4's Jinyoung

When asked about Kim Yoon Sung’s attractive characteristic, Jinyoung responded, “He doesn’t really have an interest in many things (including girls), but when he meets Hong Ra On, he goes all in.”

Jinyoung also reveals his affection for his group, saying, “It makes me glad that the drama’s success is also raising B1A4’s level. All the members sincerely want to stand on the stage together again.”

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4 hours ago, lovehbhjw2013 said:

My comeback post, :lol:  a Yoon-Sung-laden post....

@febz  @nonski @tiendoank @moodypie @lavender2love @Earth2KatyD117  @charliew and all those who loved YS so much in the YSC....Thanks for showing sooooooooo much love to YS that I have decided to cut my self-ban from not posting to one day instead of two (too painful for myself if I don't talk about Yoon-Sung) and de-lurk cos Ep 12 is actually a Yoon-Sung-Hero-in-Action episode to both his childhood friend and the one he loved deeply in his heart....how can I miss that action to discuss him? He really swept me off my feet for his loyalty and deep friendship for CP and his unconditional love for RO. Thank you @febz my wonderful chingu, a lovely self-claimed disciple, for knowing me so well and even giving me ideas how to de-lurk, much appreciated...you deserve this....:kiss_wink:@tiendoank  Thank you for starting the YSC too!...for that you also deserve this...:kiss_wink:His love story with RO with his Misty Road

sorry to cut your post short chingu-deul @lovehbhjw2013.  happy that you've de-lurked.  episode 12 is just too intense for you to not post, hehehe! it's hard to keep up with this thread, always so fast.

3 hours ago, tiendoank said:

Okay, ladies. Gotta go to bed as I have to go on a business trip tomorrow.

Anyone who wishes to join Yoon Sungie Fan Club (and I bet thousand more are willing to join us),  please just continue the list in page 704.  We welcome as many kind souls as possible.

And we're not two-timing uri Crown Prince. We simply have large capasity in loving wonderful guys. So, instead of 100% of love divided into two, it's more like 100% love for CP and another 100% for YS. And we'll definitely add another 100% for uri Kim Hyung.. coz boy needs comfort too, knowing his bromance with CP will eventually face hardships.

have a safe trip chingu @tiendoank your efforts on YSFC is greatly appreaciated!

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