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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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@SizzlerZ @lilac_alex WELCOME! WELCOME ABOARD WANG SO's SHIP!:wub: Our heroine apparently bought the wrong ticket and board the wrong ship.:sweatingbullets: She is still feeling confused and lost on whether she should exchange the wrong ticket. She is kinda weird right now. It's making some passengers angry but don't worry everyone, THANKFULLY, OUR CAPTAIN WANG SO HAVE A HUGE AMOUNT OF PATIENCE, and still wait for her. Meanwhile what we can do in this ship with our captain are :

-Learn how to put BB Cream properly to conceal some scars

-Learn to create and wear some amazing mask. Maybe doing some mask party

-Watering the plants

-Plant some trees, and giving them a name

-Learn horse riding

-Learn Goryeo men fashion and women fashion sponsored by universal lotus pins

-Learn swordsmanship

-Learn fast skinship, wrist grabbing, and kiss stealing

-Learn swoon worthy words

-More will be announced soon by our beloved captain

Hopefully the heroine will get her senses soon or we may just sail without her. TO THE KINGDOM! ALL HAIL KING GWANGJONG! THANKYOU and ENJOY;)

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24 minutes ago, Gabi Bros said:

People are you really shipping YeonHwa with Wang So because Hae Soo is a fool...or because you really think she is a nice person for him? LOL I can imagine her being totally capable of hurting his baby like Queen Yoo did to baby Wang So...she is no different. Honestly, if Wang So have another woman...I want a nice woman not a witch. He don't deserve that. 


Sadly that ship will sail in the next episodes. Maybe around ep13-14 that YH will marry WS. The King and JM knows WS will marry YH, so he might decree the marriage before his death. It will be Sanggong Oh and King Taejo Part2 story. 

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@chi13lou @SizzlerZ
 Yup. Why is Wang So dragged into this whole fiasco? He should have his own drama with his own leading lady who is utterly devoted to him like HaeSoo is to that Wang Wook. I usually watch the raw on Monday and Tuesday nights, but I can't be bothered with it tonight. And I am even contemplating if I should even get the DVD/Blu Ray when it comes out. 

I honestly feel bad for Wang So. Poor dude, how many times has he been rejected in today's episode alone? I get that she is still recovering and not in the right state to accept him etc., which I can totally understand and accept from Hae Soo's POV. But to still long and miss Wook? Yikes! *facepalm*

i'll continue watching since I have invested my heart and time into Wang So. But I won't be shipping them anymore. I am a shipper of Wang So x the throne. Go get your throne, my hot masked man! 

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Just now, hrkharis said:


If this is actually happens that the storyline will take Wook-Soo Couples into the happy ending, it seems I have to get ready to stop seeing this drama.  Swear ..... , I don't like Wang-wook character, whatever it is. He has a handsome face, looks soft, easy made promises that he himself can not keep it, and his big mistake and can not be excused is that he is a real coward. he is No Action Talk Only
I think all the girls will agree with me, more loving Wang-soo character. He's handsome, mysterious, looks rugged, without preamble, but he was a caring and has empathy. He is No Talk Action Only

Thank God that our Wang So will get the girl in the end ;) same with me. In the beginning, I liked WW as a character, moreover KHN is a great actor himself. But, as the story progresses, I start to be kinda annoyed by his character. Not just because he's a coward. I can still forgive him being a coward because he has to protect his family. But, he makes empty promises to haesoo and still blames wangso for all things that happened to haesoo when he cleary knows that her sister plays a big part of it

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2 minutes ago, Rosemary83 said:

Gosh people you are too mean to So if you want YH for him!!! How could you only imagine him with this rat!!! Very and really upset with such wishes...

Definetely! Hahaha poor So!!! I want him alone and happy before being with a witch... I think she could also be capable of killing him if he tries to "unqueened" her...with the response of "I was prepared to die after all...so I did it". :lol:  

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Luckily we have SoSoo couple's moments in the beautiful fan arts; waiting to see this happening soon is really frustrating     sigh onion head

It bothers me Hae Soo but not so much as Mi Do from "When a man loves", she and Jae Hee were so annoying that I really want both disappeared. At least WW and HS are not yet at that level.

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Guys, calm down! It was just ONE episode! We still have 8 to go, just don`t drop a drama for such a thing. 

I`ll wait for judge what happened when I watched it w/subs, but right now I think  HS is clearly avoiding WS for some reason ( doesn't want to change history and is afraid that her presence will affect the outlook of events maybe?)

I haven't watched the C-version, but I know that there's something similar there (spoilers ahead maybe?): Ruoxi didn't want to accept her feelings for the 4th prince bc she was afraid of what would happen in the future and of what he would become ( or something like that?), till she gave in and accepted her love for him despite what was going to happen in the future. I think the Kdrama will follow this route as well. 

There are probably things that still need to happen before our otp get together ( like YH and WS marriage and I don't see it happening if HS had accepted WS feelings for her in this episode). 

The drama has been incredible till now, so please don't just start hating it because one episode didn't go according to what we wanted. Have more faith in it, let the plot unfolds and have so patience =)

I'm going now, see you later o/

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6 minutes ago, faeriealice said:

I am getting annoyed with the writer's snail-pace. The current pace right now would be fine if we had at least 25 episodes, but we don't, and I really dislike the fact we're not seeing the true starcrosed lovers ship even have the chance to even start sailing this late into the game. Today was Episode 12 correct? That means we have eight episodes (seven if WW x HS is supposed to be DONE DONE tomorrow and we actually start seeing progression on the HS x WS side). The script is going to have to go above and beyond with delivering a convincing transition from HS's heartbreak to falling and then being fully in love with WS within the next seven episodes, otherwise this 'epic love story' is going to be an epic fail.

Edit: And just to be clear to all the haters. Do not blame the actors and actresses and seriously, keep your hateful opinions to yourself.

How I wish we have 24 episodes, therefore I won't be complaining about the development of the story. I'll be just fine with haesoo still pines for wook until ep 12

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4 hours ago, ChyuuNyuu said:


Why is everyone so swooned by the 4th prince?? To me it sounds like he will stalk HAE SOO until she fall in love with him, without respecting or caring about what she went through. She just got heart wrecked by WOOK! Give her a break: "Wang So keeps telling her that she can try to run away but he will follow her" HOW CREEPY IS THAT? It would be nicer if he would be like: "Hey, I know you've had a hard time but I'm there for you if you need a friend to rely on." But his vibe is more like: "Hey, I love you and I will stalk you until you love me back (Plus kill every other man you love that is not me)." And what do you mean with: "He will keep confronting her with reality, until she can face it". What reality? That he loves her and she can do nothing else than accept it? This is not right.  
And I agree that WOOK did some shitty and weak decisions but he had no choice by choosing his family over SOO (Would HAE SOO be with somebody who killed his family for her? NO.) SO on the other hand had not as much too loose.... I don't want to downgrade this bravery trying to save HAE SOO but still, his dominance towards her and his cruelty towards others is not normal....

Sorry @bebebisou33 =D please don't take it personally.


I think 4th doesn't know that HS was in relationship with Wook, but i agree he should give her time because he knew HS still got heartbroken for Lady Oh's death. But i think he tried to help her by telling her that he can take her away from palace by married him and she can leave him if she still didn't like him. Correct me if i'm wrong i get the translation from one ch

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8 minutes ago, solelylurking said:


You're welcome. 

Well I already a piece of two of my mind regarding of HS in my past posts. And she still haven't change it yet so I'm, like you, still waiting. If the ep 13 is still like this, I don't know if I can continue recapping in a way that is readable and not cursing. ^__^

I hope you enjoy my writing. I did it with a lot of self control regarding harsh words and curses. Hehe. 


@solelylurking hmmmm indeed I was cursing at my tv when I was watching live..that why I didnt wanted to write comment when the show ended...totally understand how u feel...ur recap is really very neutral ... I guess u had backspace much to edit the cursing and harsh some comments out..it is really well written...if this drama had 35 episode like BBJX or at least 30 episode..I guess we will not be so anxious...

dont worry, even is not not readable and full of cursing...I guess I will still be understanding it, let's hope for the best for episode 13 

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7 minutes ago, esma-div said:

Why are you upset with hs... This is a realistic drama, with the real and complexe inner feelings of a Human being... Not an imaginary lovely dovy story


You're right about that, but there needs to be a balance. Right now the concern is that the writer is going to drag out fall out of WW x HS for too long and there will be too little time to appreciate the WS x HS development and love story. It should be fine if HS finally gets the closure she needs within the next episode, and officially breaks it off with WW. My guess we will need a week (two episodes) for a smooth and not too rushed transition before HS falls in love with WS. It's going to be extremely complicated and difficult to do however with all the chaos that is about to unfold that will likely take up a lot of the episodes' time.

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1 minute ago, ilovekorearocks said:


Sadly that ship will sail in the next episodes. Maybe around ep13-14 that YH will marry WS. The King and JM knows WS will marry YH, so he might decree the marriage before his death. It will be Sanggong Oh and King Taejo Part2 story. 


Yup...i think the king will do that...and if he disobey, something bad will happen to HS..same as in drama Shine or Go Crazy...

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Hi. M new to this thread. Used to b in other threads. I've not seen d c drama so m watching this without being bias. I've read somewhere that HS character is not the type to tell So out loud that she loves him. She loves in silent but thru her actions something like Court Lady Oh mayb. But from d start till now I've seen her change in her attitude towards WS. From cold to concern (subconsciously love). Soo obvious frm the way she acts looks react s well s d "voice". Moving in quickly frm 1 prince to another without break doesn't it just portray her as an easy woman which she is not. The "I miss you" part shud not b literally taken as her lingering feelings for WW, I tink it is more for her to assure herself that, while denying her feelings for WS, that she is not a cheater (remember she was cheated on). U can sense frm her tone that the feelings has turned sour. She just nids d extra boost to okay herself to move on. Plus she's definitely juggling a lot of things physically and emotionally but she can just let out to WS meaning she's comfy enuf wif him. Not easy being in her position being unable to change misfortunes in d past as it will change the present. She's like being trapped and forced to go with the flow without doing anything. Can see that she feel very stuffy abt it. Its like she has dis BIG secret that she can't tell anyone and it is becoming a v big burden to her esp wif the king saying stuffs to her. Definitely not easy that's y she trying to just kip on working hard in hopes to forget all that happens. As u can see she no longer smile even with WW or WS. 


Just my opinion.m looking forward to next ep.

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Okay..okay..before I go to sleep..first...I've calm down now..and decided to stay to see what tomorrow eps will bring..let's see..thank you @MadraRua @meahri_1 @Gabi Bros and everyone else for the reminder *fingers crossed* I'll give this drama one more chance...fiuuhhhh...

Special thanks to @amisyka77 dear friend...thank you for putting my mind into words (I was calling for someone to help in my previous post..to explain what I'm trying to say) though maybe you accidentally did it..I'd still want to thank you :)

Yes..like I said..when HS rejected WS proposal I can see sadness in her eyes (and you've explained it so well). Why did I forget that?I guess because I'm too emotional when I read the recap lol. And yes..I could also see the little smile in HS lips when WS is going to the mission..not only you by the way...so once again..thank you :)

gud nite all fellow eclipses.. Let's see what will unfolded in the next eps..hwaiting!!!

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19 minutes ago, Diana Blanche said:

Very well said! And if Wang So will turn his attention towards Ywon Hwa I will not blame him. Probably this will be the beginning of a relationship between them. Hae Soo will wake up too late.

But as I can see in the preview of ep. 13 Hae Soo will run towards Wang So. Maybe she will want to tell him something. Anyway I will wait to see ep.13. For now I'm too upset to comment more.

Honestly right now with my mind and feelings at a mess urgg~.. I'd welcome that idea just to suffice my heartbreak right now.. but it won't do good I mean, sucks to say but losing him against another woman will knock the sense out of her? over So about to richard simmons die drinking the poison she served him :( 

I'm so mad that I feel my veins are about to popped out on my forehead but my love to this drama and our otp is just so immense that I'm willing to be a total fool just like HS is. 

On a brighter note, its good to see Eun back again and is about to fall out of his crush to HS :lol: Gee, I dunno but I really like their romance? ok not yet, but hell looking forward to it :) As to BA and WH hey girl, if something happens to my beloved BA :angry: you better run~run~ *inserts run devil run song* kekek~ jk! (sighs double the heartache HS acting fool as hell and BA getting snatched away by someone else :tears:)

I better wait for the subs before dropping my 2cents.

Anyway again huge thanks for the recaps/screencaps! you worked hard guys :wub: nomuu~kamsahamnida *bows* 

Things are really not looking good in here.. I can understand all the anger and frustrations.. I'm mad as you are, but let's not turn our backs on them please? :tears: I refuse and no way in hell be a Wook in this kind of situation. 

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