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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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1 hour ago, Gabi Bros said:

That pic is photoshopped. :lol: One of the many that fans did when it was said IU was going to play a princess (the info was wrong because Hae Soo is a noble lady not a princess). 




@Gabi Bros Oh wow really? There goes my heart, breaking. I thought it was part of next episodes. Love her back wearing pretty clothes. Like this. Hope this is not just promotional shoot but a part of next episode! *cross fingers

Image result for moon lovers scarlet heart


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Hello everyone...

I've been gone for just 2 days and the thread is already 787 pages!!! At this rate, we'll reach 1000 pages even before the drama ends I think.  Now I got a lot to catch up. Some of you mentioned missing WS with his mask and I quite agree that he looks more smexy and mysterious in it, though without it I love him just as much hehehe. Anyway, I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this before but regarding WS new mask, I prefer his old mask better.  At certain angle you can't really tell that he's wearing a mask due to the way how his hair falls etc.  With this new mask, he reminds me of those Marvel superhero characters and the mask is really" in-your-face" kind of thing.  It even covers half of his nose.  What is the purpose of that?  He looks more machine-like? Robot-like? I don't quite know how to describe it but I'm not sure if I'm liking it as much as his old mask.  What happened to his old mask?  Was it destroyed?  I remember when WY slapped him, his face fell onto the ground but it was intact (unless it cracked etc). Am I missing something here?



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2 minutes ago, liddi said:

@meahri_1 Interesting analysis and definitely one that is in line with the analysis of Soo's origins - thank you! 

If I were to take apart the lyrics, my conclusion would be slightly different, but more because I am influenced by Hae Soo's name in Hanja, which C-subs has it as 解樹 (解 her surname Hae, and her name 樹 meaning "tree") - is her Hanja name accurate, @ruizaio? Come to think of it, if the Hanja is accurate, then it is poetic seeing that So's only friends were previously trees, and Soo's name means exactly that. But I digress. Assuming the translation of her name is correct, then my take is that Soo is represented by nature - flowers that were scattered, that bloomed and died.

So's name 昭 means "clarity", and the 日 (day) in the name is associated with the sun. Hence I am more inclined to see So as the sky who weeps because it has lost the light of its life.

And the imagery of nature being on firmly on the ground, whose bounty is intrinsically tied to the sun... while the sun is within sight but always out of reach... seems to symbolise their intense need for each other... but clearly marked by a gulf that neither can bridge.

Just my 2 cents... I need to stop listening to the song! :P 


@liddi  I think your translation is more appropriate. It sounds right...especially with So as the sky, indeed weeping at the loss of the light. And then Soo as the scattered flowers that bloomed and died. Ugh. That sounds even more tragic than before. :(  I can't seem stop listening to the song, though. 

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@liddi I don't know what the proper spelling of Hae Soo's name is, (I don't think it came up in the show so far) but if the Chinese subs use the tree one, then it must be that one. It is rather unisual for a girl's name, but it does fit with Wang So's treehugging spirit. :P 

When Wang So started living in the palace, he referred to Hae Soo as the star that only rises in Goryeo. 

Also, some Korean fans consider Hae Soo to be the sun (her family name is really that, and the hanja is borrowed, which is why it is later changed to Go) and Wang So to be the moon. The moon is always there, but you don't always see it because of the light of the sun. The moon only shines as it reflects the sunlight. 

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9 hours ago, briseis said:

From the beginning, his love for HS has always had limits and conditions and depended on so many “what-ifs” and it a way it’s very fickle - the moment he notices a hint of affection for So in her eyes, his love wavers and he lets go of her hand - how apt and symbolic, recoiling both physically and emotionally - IT’S HIS FIRST BETRAYAL.

 @briseis  Chingu well said on Wang Wook's betrayal. He has alwasy drawn a line with Hae Soo and him. Oncly time he dares to cross it is when Wang So is in the picture. I think Wang Wook may have always thought he was better than Wang So until Hae Soo came along. Since she came into the picture, Wang So seems to be above him. Everytime he sees her with him, he would get jealous and it made me wonder why??? does he feel that way when she has always been very open about her feelings. Why is Wang So such a threat when he thinks he is way better than him. Wang So is always respectful to him but he has to be so disrespectful. Wang So doesn't even find him disrespectful at all. If I was Wang So , I would never speak to him after the way he spoke to him in episode 4. Wang Wook has always taken a back seat to So. LIke for example , when the tried to help Hae Soo Run away they chose So to take her aways because they could not take the punishment that will come for disobeying the king. smh smh smh 

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6 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

kiss bts http://tvcast.naver.com/v/1141826/list/93990


can someone translate..

and the guy holding cake, is that IU's real bf.. looked like him


Looks like her manager --  "chipmunk ahjusshi".  Don't remember his real name since we always refer to him by his nickname. :P

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10 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

Yes, since Hae Soo is connected to the myth of Goryeo. This was explained by @brielover

Water is all along present in this drama and under different forms:

- bath (ritual and Yoo)

- Rain (ritual and the pleading for lady Oh)

- snow

- the lake and cottage

- the ocean

- and finally tea

Therefore I would like to analyse the different significations and uses for water.

Water symbolises purity and as such it is used for cleaning. Therefore water symbolises purification too. For example, in Christianism, holy water is used for baptism. Striking is that Queen Yoo loves to take a bath. We saw her twice taking a bath. Each time, there were many flowers so that her bath would smell good. This is no coincidence in my opinion. First, Yoo needs to take often a bath because of her misdeeds. She wants to wash off her sins in order to make herself feel better. But since she is such a bad person, water is not enough to atone her sins hence she tries to cover it with perfume. That's why she hates stink and reproached So to stink. When So went to visit her in her room, she complained about the smell of the blood. Her words and behaviour reveals that she doesn't want to get her hand dirty and doesn't want to be confronted with the results of her actions. She will always use her maids or her son Yo to dirty his hands. She can remain clean, yet she has no clear conscience in the end. Hence she bathes very often. But the way she tries to purify herself is not working therefore she is often seen drinking tea. Drinking tea can be considered as a way to clean herself in the inside. We had two scenes for that: Yoo poured tea for her or So witnessed how his mother poured the tea into her bath. Each time, it happened just before a crime would occur. In the last mentioned scene, it was interesting because by throwing away the tea, she wanted to demonstrate her strength in front of So. She acted as if she had a clear conscience and what she was doing was right. Her intention was to prove to So how strong she was. The bottom of the line is that Yoo has in the end no clear conscience. She feels dirty, yet she doesn't want to be seen as a big sinner. Therefore she wants to shine like a sun so that noone behind her glow would notice how tarnished she really is. She hates So for that matter too: the scar of 4th prince is the sign of her evilness. She can't wash it away. It is there forever. Moreover, when Wang So appeared in front of her during that night (episode 4), he popped up covered with blood so that she was confronted with her own evilness. Due to her scheme, Wang So had to kill the witnesses. No wonder, she hated him even more as she hates it being confronted by the results of her own actions. When Wang Yo visited her, he was always very clean. Then in his character description, it is written that he suffers from germaphobia. The cause of his illness comes from his mother. Since he has been her tool and toy, he was the one who had to get his hand dirty. His mother never does, like I mentioned it above.

The bath appeared also with the princes. They were all washing themselves, when Hae Soo appeared out of nowhere. For Wang So, it happened later. Yet I believe, the bath can be seen here as a new start for all the princes. From the moment they met Hae Soo there, their relationship and their behaviour started changing. Wang So couldn't hide his vulnerability something he had hidden very well. Eun started growing up, in the sense that he started getting interested in girls (peeping, later the courting). He was still an immature boy, still a child (he still had a lot of toys!!), however he fell in love for the first time. Wang Wook started seeing life from a different perspective (more laughing, jokes, poetry aso). Wang Jung also began behaving more like a responsible person. When Hae Soo saved his life, he pledged that he would repay her with his life and promised her to become a great man. His maturity was even more visible in the last episode and I am expecting more from him now. While in the past, he used to stop Eun or Baek Ah to follow So or Hae Soo, he is now the one who starts doing something. In the episode 10, he searched for Soo worried that she would get caught. He refused to stay passive. In the rain scene (episode 11), he took the initiate to go on his knees first. He was also the one who proposed that all the princes would go to the King and ask for Hae Soo's release. So the bath represented a new start in their life. The only exception is Wang Yo... but he has never been close to hae Soo anyway, moreover he was the only one who wasn't really interested in the girl who had suddendly popped up in the bath.

As I had mentioned it above, rain is often used in this drama in order to underline a change and a significant turning point. Since rain is made of water, it can be seen as purification as well. But it is not really purification, it rather destroys the appearance and reveal your true self or identity. Let me explain: When you walk without umbrella and it is raining, rain wets your clothes, destroys  your hair and your make-up so that in a sense, a new side of you is revealed. Here, it should be seen figuratively. Rain will reveal your true personality. That's why the rain in the episode 9 was a little different. Wang Wook hid from the rain and talked to his sister protected. He was fighting with his inner demon (greed, ambition), but he never really revealed it to his sister. Therefore he only put one hand outside. This gesture showed that he was still hiding his true personality (cowardice, ruthless, greedy aso). Wang So was on the other hand totally soaked... since Hae Soo had seen him as Gwanjong before the rain fell, she was first scared of him. Yet Wang So revealed a new side to her with his words: gentleness, his longing for being accepted by his father aso. This explains why Hae Soo decided to give him first the benefit of the doubt. Nonetheless, he showed her a new soft side of himself. Finally, I will talk about the rain scene from the last episode. Here, we have a turning point again: Wang Wook's mask fell off. Hae Soo realised Wang Wook's betrayal and his true personality. He was a coward who didn't try to protect her. She realised that his love for her was not strong enough, but she also got aware of his true personality: the long list of empty promises. He would get her out and he never did. He abandoned her. But her disappointment didn't last for long, as she saw Wang So by her side. Wang So was brave enough to stay by her side and ignore his father's thread. Hae Soo's eyes revealed relief and gratitude. Finally, she was able to see Wang So's true personality: he keeps his promise and protects her no matter what. He is totally hers. So the rain takes away her "love" for wang Wook, like washing off. And this is the beginning of a new one. Sure, she was attracted to him before, but she hadn't realised her feelings for him. Her love for him is already visible, when she worries more for him than for herself who is in prison and has been tortured. Moreover, the rain marks a new start for Hae Soo as well. She has lost her innocence and she will view people now more carefully.

The scene with the ocean in the background is also important because Hae Soo can breathe again, ocean is an open space and as such, it means freedom. Since Hae Soo hadn't left the palace for so long, for her seeing the ocean is like  revitalising herself. She looks calmer and almost happy thereSince Hae Soo is connected to water, the sea is like a part of herself she had been missing. Wang So notices it which makes him happy. But before they went to the ocean, Hae Soo went to the lake, when she was suffering from her panick attack. So here again, she was trying to calm herself but couldn't because of wang So's sudden presence. Both always go to the lake in order to revitalise themselves, gather some strength again and think too. 

Snow appears in the episode 5, whenWang Wook and Hae Soo walks together, but also when he has lady Hae on his back. Snow is a different form of water. It is not only cold, but it can also burn as well, therefore snow can inflict pain. Deep snow like here is often connected to hardship and death so that it implies that Wang Wook's love for Hae Soo and lady Hae is connected to pain and is in the end doomed. Since it was also used with lady Hae, we can also see similarities. Both women suffered due to him: abandonment, unrequired love or better said, Wang Wook could never say to his wife that he loved her. On the other hand snow is also connected to innocence and purity because of the colour white illustrating again the nature of their love (both lady Hae who was selfless and Hae Soo who idolised Wang Wook). This love will never be concrete and physical, but Wang wook will always live with regret. He tried to cover his regret by loving Hae Soo so that he could feel better for neglecting lady Hae but he failed again. He allowed his coldness to control his life again. Therefore his love was never deep enough because it was connected to coldness as well. @solelylurking

@fathiayunia @dramu51ch0c10ve @40somethingahjumma

@syeramy @littleloony @Yongzura @valsava  @junee22 @evie7

@bebebisous33 well said chingu. I just love reading your post.  This is one of the reasons , I love watching kdrama because of the symbolism of everything that is told in their drama's.  It made perfect sense that , I can see the truth in every characters action in this drama. 

@MAROSA_JIN.... Just love all your GIF's chingu in your post. It is so funny and so on point. Wang Wook acting like he is her husband. The ironic part in this drama is (HAE SOO NEVER ACCEPTED HIS PROPOSAL), i AM SO VERY GREATFUL SHE DIDN'T BECAUSE HOW WOULD SHE HAVE COME BACK FROM THAT. I wonder why did she hesitate most girls in love never hesitate when they are in love. She took a long time to want to get married. Another thing i found really annoying is Why be jealous when it is a natural reaction for a "kIND " PERSON TO WONDER if his brother survived the poison. Any person with a heart would be worried. The fact you only care about some people doesn't make it alright. 

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First timer to this thread since I finally caught up to all the episodes and can come out of my lurker status!

I'm really enjoying this Korean version of Scarlet Heart more than the Chinese one. It's a lot more exciting and interesting with all the interactions and schemes. The romance is also a lot more elaborate IMO.

One thing I'm not getting is: when did 9th join Queen Yoo's side? Did I miss a scene? And it also wasn't explained much how 13th got so close to 4th?

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hi everyone.

please vote daily for moon lovers in asianwiki is now in top10  SBS dramas here is the link 



and vote for lee joon gi here



and vote for moon lovrs in mydramalist here


and press on heart icon for lee joon ji here






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4 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:

@bebebisous33 well said chingu. I just love reading your post.  This is one of the reasons , I love watching kdrama because of the symbolism of everything that is told in their drama's.  It made perfect sense that , I can see the truth in every characters action in this drama. 

@MAROSA_JIN.... Just love all your GIF's chingu in your post. It is so funny and so on point. Wang Wook acting like he is her husband. The ironic part in this drama is (HAE SOO NEVER ACCEPTED HIS PROPOSAL), i AM SO VERY GREATFUL SHE DIDN'T BECAUSE HOW WOULD SHE HAVE COME BACK FROM THAT. I wonder why did she hesitate most girls in love never hesitate when they are in love. She took a long time to want to get married. Another thing i found really annoying is Why be jealous when it is a natural reaction for a "kIND " PERSON TO WONDER if his brother survived the poison. Any person with a heart would be worried. The fact you only care about some people doesn't make it alright. 


WW got jealous when she inquired about WS because as a man he can sense she has deep feelings for him. If she inquired about Eun or CP in that way, he wouldn't react like that, he only reacted that way because its WS. She didn't even look at WW in the rain ritual and he could see she was looking at him, he also picked up on them having private conversations and WS giving her special treatment so he already knew they were close but not like in a normal way hence the easy jealousy. SO-SOO FOREVER!!!! :D


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3 hours ago, faeriealice said:

Getting married in secret would be so like them = v = The only one who would be invited it Baek-ah hahahaha.
But seriously I hope it happens.

Other than that, the instagram shot is ADORABLE.


That would make all fans happy and match history...

Almost everything I want goes against the real history so most likely won't happen in the show but something like this would send me over the moon :wub:

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1 hour ago, dhia205 said:

@solelylurking don't too tight dear.. it will leave mark on your hand... are you wanna show to the world how much you enjoy love the bracelet? ^_^

and no... i'm not into yoga dear, but i'm sure someone will teach me the best way to ride..


Hmmm.. Rein can leave a mark too, you know?? 

I'm sure WS can teach you a lesson or two on how to 'ride' safely and joyfully. He's an excellent rider! 

Do you want to put on your 'hair pin' while you guus riding?

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36 minutes ago, ruizaio said:

@liddi I don't know what the proper spelling of Hae Soo's name is, (I don't think it came up in the show so far) but if the Chinese subs use the tree one, then it must be that one. It is rather unisual for a girl's name, but it does fit with Wang So's treehugging spirit. :P 

When Wang So started living in the palace, he referred to Hae Soo as the star that only rises in Goryeo. 

Also, some Korean fans consider Hae Soo to be the sun (her family name is really that, and the hanja is borrowed, which is why it is later changed to Go) and Wang So to be the moon. The moon is always there, but you don't always see it because of the light of the sun. The moon only shines as it reflects the sunlight. 

@ruizaio Thank you for your insights! And thank you for reminding me that Wang So did refer to Soo as the star... which now makes the lyrics of the sky that weeps over the loss of the stars that much more poignant.
Interesting that Soo's surname means the sun... 解 in Chinese means "to explain"... which is not quite the same meaning, but does imply bringing clarity or shining light in darkness. As for Wang So being the moon... that is another poignant imagery... and that without the sun, he will be plunged back into darkness once more.

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