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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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4 hours ago, kaoriharang said:

maybe perhaps the poison works in two ways?

one if by making it lethal, JM would die right away. Wouldnt the King (who knows that the Queen and Yo covert the throne) immediately investigate the Queen? So maybe in order to cover her tracks she gives him a lighter dose? Plus JM is already weak and frail so wouldnt a weaker dose already been just as effective?

second, even though the queen has not found out about WW-HS, she knows that HS has a signifcant value to So, so maybe she is using HS as a scapegoat also to torture her son?

Maybe it is YH in cahoots with the Queen who wants to get rid of HS because Soo is in the way of getting her brother married off and her own plans for WS. Remember in the preview she barged in on Queen Yoo so she probably wanted to form an alliance.

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4 hours ago, alna0507 said:

The rain scene is my favorite in c-version and  i cried a lot :bawling: now its going to happen again in k-version... Hope the ending won't be too sad like c-version.

i feel the same...i did not watched c version i just read about it...i hope they will do some changes...i hope HS will be honest and tell him she once thought she loved WW and wanted to marry him...

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57 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

You know what is truly amazing and supernatural abt this story..

How in world, two very different countries, two very different kingdoms have so much in common in this game of throne..

How it is 8th, 4th, 13th, 14th, 9th prince in Chinese history  and hence in the original novel... And how those exact numbers correspond to korean history in another era..

Too much of a coincidence.. did i misinterpret some knowledge shared here on the forum?? The resemblance in uncanny


The order of princes in the K version has been changed from the actual history. For example, 14th is considered to be older than 8th because he married an older half-sister than 8th. The only coinciding number is 4th, the other princes' numbers are not clear from history.

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2 hours ago, pujajain said:


While Queen Yoo might not be aware of the relationship, Yeon Hwa has some hints and everyone has some understanding on how So feels about Soo.

As for poison, I don't think they need to kill CP, just establish he is not worthy and force king to declare an alternative as CP. My guess is the poison would either killed or made CP sick. CP's skin sickness would have weakened his immune system and constitution making him more vulnerable to poison than So who was healthy and probably had one of the best constitutions amongst the princes given his harsh life. It impacts him but does not kill him.

I have a feeling that when So cools down, he insists on taking So to the beach and give her the gift he got. Soo goes despite her apprehension and reluctantly. WW and Jung sees them return together and sees a quiet/unhappy Soo on horse and assumes that So is pressuring her into a relationship. He decides to go and ask the king to be allowed to married to her at the right opportunity much to the frustration of Yeon Hwa. He conveys the same to Soo when he sees her later but instead of her usual exuberance, she is withdrawn which worries WW and makes him feel powerless and insecure. Meanwhile Yeon Hwa (historically she was very knowledgeable about poisons) joins hands with the queen to get Soo out of the way. It serves multiple purposes, harm CP, nip Wook-Soo marriage dream in bud, remind So as to who holds the power in palace and deliver a major emotional set-back to him. 

Meanwhile WW forms an alliance with Yo and they try to take out So. The attempt does not succeed but warns So. He confronts his mother who tells him about her plot and challenges him to stop her. So is shocked next day to see the maid in plot is Soo. He does the only thing he can, he drinks the poison to save the CP and at the very least save Soo's life.

Soo is punished and tortured while everyone looks on helpless since speaking on her behalf implicates them. So is recovering all this time. Eventually lady Oh takes the blame on herself and we have Soo begging for mercy in rain while So supports her.

What is interesting to me is -

1)Everyone knows and understands that lady Oh and Soo had no interest in harming the CP and they have had many opportunities to do this past if they wanted to. Odds are that everyone understands who the conspirators are but still innocents are punished to maintain appearances. 

2)Does Wook ever realize the role his sister played in the conspiracy and how does he react to it?

3)So would have managed to win even more of king and CP's favor than ever before after his sacrifice, in someways this incident would change the dynamics in the palace completely.

4)Does Soo ever realize how Wook household is involved in this conspiracy that results in almost death for So, her torture and lady Oh getting entangled in the plot? What is her reaction to it?

agree with all your points. seems like so couldnot succeed but when soo is cuddling bloodied so,he seems alone.so somebody might have tipped off against su.

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thank you chingu for your kind words of appreciation. 

and before I go to bed to dream some more scarlet ones... another observation after re-watching epi 6 (4th time) that evil queen does have an hunch of WWs interest in HS and thats the reason she asked him (when he went to his mom to seek help regarding HS marrying king) Does thia marriage worry you so much, after asking that her expressions were like trying to take MRI of his brain or xray of his facial expression. also she is worried why her son Jung is also worries abt HS.
so she can surely play some evil tricks to get rid  of HS or to make some deal with WW for her safety.

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42 minutes ago, Adnana said:

@Artheusa @Mau_Cherry and everyone else wondering what WS is holding in his hand.

It is his sword.



Ahhh - me again I´m not used to a wooden hilt. A Sword for me is iron... my mistake.. but I like it a lot. He will be ready to fight against anybody who wish to take her away from him and he will not let anyone harm her more. He could not help her before - I´m sure because he had to recover and maybe he did not even know...

Really ---- we have to wait more than one day.. still... I feel like I wait an eternity already...

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1 hour ago, briseis said:

It might appear I judge Hae Soo too harshly, but the truth is I’m just objectively assessing her actions and actually still love her very much (more in my upcoming posts). It’s completely natural and understandable that she would feel panic and some degree of fear. I’m not blaming her for that - I can even relate to that - anyone would. She had travelled more than 1000 years back in time and that’s something extremely difficult to deal with, but let’s not forget that she has been there for almost a year now; she has already seen many things, terrible things (she even HARMED HERSELF). And while she must have felt abandoned, and as if she were the only person she could rely on, THERE HAS BEEN ONE PERSON WHO HAS ALWAYS STOOD BY HER SIDE AND PROTECTED HER NO MATTER WHAT. And IT’S NOT WOOK WHO KEEPS PROMISING HER SUN AND THE MOON AND FREEDOM, AND HOW NO ONE WOULD EVER TREAT HER BADLY, BUT NEVER MAKING GOOD ON THOSE PROMISES. IT’S WANG SO - HE STOOD BY HER EVEN WHEN WOOK GAVE UP ON HER, even when she herself gave up! 


And there lies the crux of the whole problem, she is TURNING ON A MAN WHO HAS ALWAYS PROTECTED HER, who has never done anything wrong to her. HE WAS NOT THE ONE WHO LOVED TWO WOMEN AT THE SAME TIME! You know one thing was when Wook thought he didn’t love MH and that it was only a habit and gratefulness and the moment he acknowledged out loud it was love - he basically admitted he wanted to have both cousins. She forgets everything good So has done for her, SHE DOESN’T EVEN REMEMBER ALL THE ENLIGHTENED THINGS HE DID IN HISTORY - LIKE EMANCIPATING SLAVES IN THE 10TH CENTURY?! Just by doing that he saved thousands of lives and saved even more from unhappiness. SHE IS JUDGING AND CONDEMNING HIM ON UNRELIABLE, OUT-OF-CONTEXT HISTORICAL TRIVIA AND VISIONS, AS IF SHE HAD A GOD-LIKE ABILITY TO KNOW THE BEST AND RECOGNIZE THE TRUTH, AS IF SHE WERE UNFAILING IN HER JUDGEMENT. The worst thing is that she doesn’t give him barely any benefit of doubt. She wants to change his life and the lives of his brothers, but you know what - SO ISN’T SOME MONSTER WHO NEEDS FIXING, HE NEEDS SOMEONE WHO WOULD LOVE HIM AND ACCEPT HIM AND SEE WHAT AN AMAZING HUMAN BEING HE IS. 


I think that’s basically one of the core messages and morals of the novel -INFORMATION IS POWERFUL AND DANGEROUS, BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN THAT’S THE COMPLETE TRUTH. KNOWLEDGE OF THE PAST, NO MATTER HOW VAST OR LIMITED IT IS, DOESN’T GIVE ANYONE THE RIGHT TO JUDGE OTHERS. One of the reasons why SO fell in love with HS is because she never judged him, no matter how damning the circumstances where, no matter how much literal blood was on his hands - but now she is judging and condemning him for crimes he didn’t commit WITHOUT GIVING HIM THE OPPORTUNITY TO DEFEND HIMSELF. This is Hae Soo’s biggest crime and she will realize it soon, unfortunately it’s already done AND SHE WILL LOSE HIM FOR IT. 


And in the same time honest with her.

I know you like Hae Soo from your previous posts. That's why I was amazed by your critique even I knew that you're right. Thank you for your answer.

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19 minutes ago, Diana Blanche said:


And in the same time honest with her.

I know you like Hae Soo from your previous posts. That's why I was amazed by your critique even I knew that you're right. Thank you for your answer.


I just want to add to your discussion.

Do you think Hae Soo is extra afraid of Wang So, because she can see that he is capable of killing many. She saw him in his breakdown when he was all bloody and confessed to her that he killed many.

I agree that Wang So delivers on his promises more with action than Wang Wook. But I also noted that many of the things that he did for Hae Soo like confronting his mother after she interrogated Hae Soo was done behind the scene. Hae Soo is not aware of the many things Wang So has done with her.

Before Wang So realized his feelings for her, they had a friendly relationship, but he was also more gruff with her, and threatened her multiple of times. He never expressed romantic interest until the make up scene, which made her freeze from shock.

I think Hae Soo is as of now only romantically focused on Wang Wook still. So she would be more concerned for Wook's safety and the other princes if anything were to threaten them. Wang So happens to be threat according to her vision, and that scares the hell out of her, because her actions with the make up gave him the opportunity to be the king, so she feels responsible.

Just my take.


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55 minutes ago, ruizaio said:

@Adnana I have decided to bring up synopsis stuff only after the relevant timing passes in the aired episodes and if deviates much from the actual episodes. So I'm just going to keep my fingers zipped up about this issue.


Hahaha. I suppose it's a good thing that, if I and fellow spoiler-hunters lack the self-restraint to keep from fishing for clues, you possess the self-restraint to keep your lips... ah, your fingers zipped. :) And by good thing, I mean of course, "as expected, just my cra**y luck", lol.

Really, it's fortunate for my sanity that I only live-watch at most 2 dramas per year. It's not that I need plot spoilers as such, but that I need a series of assurances that only a complete drama can provide, before I start watching. Like the assurance of a HEA. I don't even know how I ended up live-watching (and obsessing over) a drama about which the only sure thing is its tragic ending. Must be the power of LJG's Wang So. Sigh.

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3 hours ago, pujajain said:


While Queen Yoo might not be aware of the relationship, Yeon Hwa has some hints and everyone has some understanding on how So feels about Soo.

As for poison, I don't think they need to kill CP, just establish he is not worthy and force king to declare an alternative as CP. My guess is the poison would either killed or made CP sick. CP's skin sickness would have weakened his immune system and constitution making him more vulnerable to poison than So who was healthy and probably had one of the best constitutions amongst the princes given his harsh life. It impacts him but does not kill him.

I have a feeling that when So cools down, he insists on taking So to the beach and give her the gift he got. Soo goes despite her apprehension and reluctantly. WW and Jung sees them return together and sees a quiet/unhappy Soo on horse and assumes that So is pressuring her into a relationship. He decides to go and ask the king to be allowed to married to her at the right opportunity much to the frustration of Yeon Hwa. He conveys the same to Soo when he sees her later but instead of her usual exuberance, she is withdrawn which worries WW and makes him feel powerless and insecure. Meanwhile Yeon Hwa (historically she was very knowledgeable about poisons) joins hands with the queen to get Soo out of the way. It serves multiple purposes, harm CP, nip Wook-Soo marriage dream in bud, remind So as to who holds the power in palace and deliver a major emotional set-back to him. 

Meanwhile WW forms an alliance with Yo and they try to take out So. The attempt does not succeed but warns So. He confronts his mother who tells him about her plot and challenges him to stop her. So is shocked next day to see the maid in plot is Soo. He does the only thing he can, he drinks the poison to save the CP and at the very least save Soo's life.

Soo is punished and tortured while everyone looks on helpless since speaking on her behalf implicates them. So is recovering all this time. Eventually lady Oh takes the blame on herself and we have Soo begging for mercy in rain while So supports her.

What is interesting to me is -

1)Everyone knows and understands that lady Oh and Soo had no interest in harming the CP and they have had many opportunities to do this past if they wanted to. Odds are that everyone understands who the conspirators are but still innocents are punished to maintain appearances. 

2)Does Wook ever realize the role his sister played in the conspiracy and how does he react to it?

3)So would have managed to win even more of king and CP's favor than ever before after his sacrifice, in someways this incident would change the dynamics in the palace completely.

4)Does Soo ever realize how Wook household is involved in this conspiracy that results in almost death for So, her torture and lady Oh getting entangled in the plot? What is her reaction to it?


Thats a very good summary that you have written...


Just a few comments on my end


1. That's how the palace worked and which is exactly what everyone but HS was pointing out. Without support and a royal backing, you cannot survive in the palace. Remember what happened in the earlier episodes? The king knew that the queen was behind the earlier assassination plot but still he is choosing to keep a blind eye or rather keep your enemies closer approach.

2. He may have not known it earlier but he definitely would know it later on. But by then...

3. To a certain extent, yes WS would have gathered support but then again if he rescues HS, how will the king be happy with him? Isn't that going against the all mighty King?

4. Bingo. That has to be the breaking point for her. Plus the part where WW keeps not delivering his promise to save her would be the tie breaker. 

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2 hours ago, briseis said:

I think that’s basically one of the core messages and morals of the novel -INFORMATION IS POWERFUL AND DANGEROUS, BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN THAT’S THE COMPLETE TRUTH. KNOWLEDGE OF THE PAST, NO MATTER HOW VAST OR LIMITED IT IS, DOESN’T GIVE ANYONE THE RIGHT TO JUDGE OTHERS. One of the reasons why SO fell in love with HS is because she never judged him, no matter how damning the circumstances where, no matter how much literal blood was on his hands - but now she is judging and condemning him for crimes he didn’t commit WITHOUT GIVING HIM THE OPPORTUNITY TO DEFEND HIMSELF. This is Hae Soo’s biggest crime and she will realize it soon, unfortunately it’s already done AND SHE WILL LOSE HIM FOR IT.

@briseissorry to cut your post but thank you for your post. I do agree with your analysis of Hae Soo's reaction and her knowledge or lack of knowledge of history. It seems she does not know much about her history or about the history of the country of her ancestry centuries down the line. She travelled far from her present which was the 21st century to the past of the thousand + years ago. From where she came from exists the superspeed information highway and everyone who wanted information on anyone at least their general history would have used that highway for information. It seems all she knew is about the 4th was what she imagined that he killed many people. Even if she did study history all information is subjective especially if one is so unfamiliar with the land, the people, the time and the mores of that time. It seems she had no information at all about how the 4th became the emperor of Goryeo and his ruling. He ruled longer than his brothers and I think longer than even his father the founder of the dynasty. He did not go into a killing spree once he became king. So is already witnessing how his brothers and even his mother and family battle for the throne as he was asked to kill the CP by his own mother who wants to put his older brother on the throne. Struggle for the throne between  brothers and clans is not something new that just happened when So became king. The first years of So's rule were spent in study of other kingdoms on how to rule and establish governance. He actually had a plan and consolidated his power base in the early years of his rule and he stabilized the ruling of the country and maintained diplomatic relationships with other countries. As you mentioned he also emancipated slaves and established civil service exams that included common people to recruit officials by merit and give everyone equal opportunity of serve as officials of the government and not just given to the rich and powerful clans. So, Hae Soo just responding to her imagery and not questioning the validity of her historical knowledge of this time period and instead judging So based on what she thinks she knows could be troublesome for her  and yes she might just change history in a big way by giving false hopes to the wrong person such as Wookie. Does she ever think that instead of preventing the killing (as if she can) that she might instead cause the tragedies she is afraid will happen if she decides to meddle? 

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30 minutes ago, pigsflyy said:


I just want to add to your discussion.

Do you think Hae Soo is extra afraid of Wang So, because she can see that he is capable of killing many. She saw him in his breakdown when he was all bloody and confessed to her that he killed many.

I agree that Wang So delivers on his promises more with action than Wang Wook. But I also noted that many of the things that he did for Hae Soo like confronting his mother after she interrogated Hae Soo was done behind the scene. Hae Soo is not aware of the many things Wang So has done with her.

Before Wang So realized his feelings for her, they had a friendly relationship, but he was also more gruff with her, and threatened her multiple of times. He never expressed romantic interest until the make up scene, which made her freeze from shock.

I think Hae Soo is as of now only romantically focused on Wang Wook still. So she would be more concerned for Wook's safety and the other princes if anything were to threaten them. Wang So happens to be threat according to her vision, and that scares the hell out of her, because her actions with the make up gave him the opportunity to be the king, so she feels responsible.

Just my take.


Let's assume that Hae Soo doesn't know anything about GJ. Would she have had that terrible vision? Would she have felt responsible? No. The truth is that Wang So didn't do anything wrong to her on the contrary, he was always by her side. He didn't do anything to enforce her belief that he will become a cruel king.

And yes, she didn't know what he had done for her.

I pointed that out in one of my previeous post

She never was afraid of him even when she saw him soaked in blood knowing what he did.

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2 minutes ago, Diana Blanche said:

Let's assume that Hae Soo doesn't know anything about GJ. Would she have had that terrible vision? Would she have felt responsible? No. The truth is that Wang So didn't do anything wrong to her on the contrary, he was always by her side. He didn't do anything to enforce her belief that he will become a cruel king.

And yes, she didn't know what he had done for her.

I pointed that out in one of my previeous post

She never was afraid of him even when she saw him soaked in blood knowing what he did.

Lol I don't know what would happen if Hae Soo had no knowledge about GJ, or whether that would affect her visions. I think it would totally change the plot line and be a different story. I'll concentrate this storyline so far where she does have hazy history knowledge, have her scary visions, and does feel like she has some responsibility.

I agree that Hae Soo have seen the good points in Wang So when he was at his worse. Although she knows his good points, I wouldn't say that she knows everything about him to make a concrete decision. I think she wants to believe the best of him, but her fear of what could happen to her loved ones may make her question what Wang So is really capable of. 

I wouldn't say Hae Soo never feared Wang So (she seems scared of him in the beginning episodes), but she chose to see his good points. The fear of being wrong in your judgement of someone causing the demise of others you care for is what I think Hae Soo is currently feeling.

Both Wang So and Hae Soo are currently acting on emotions. I want to see how they resolve this issue and make their relationship grow.

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