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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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Ok..let's see..first..how packed and full our thread is..I feel like I have new families all comes together for the big wedding of our OTP..hahaha..okay,maybe that's not going to happen..my point is..I'm happy..welcome welcome newcomers..

Secondly.. @dhia205 and @KdramaSwimmer..I'm going crazy searching for the singer..lol..I still thought its SG Wannabe at the last ep9 for the int.vers.and maybe 4men? at the end ep9 sbs version..hope they'll release both..coz both songs are soooo good,with a verrryyy good voices too. (SG and 4Men voices would perfect for the osts..no?) - I compared their voices..SG with DOTS ost,and 4Men with Gu family book ost..I could be wrong though,since I don't know much ;p

Then,about LJG english language?I'm sure with his own character whose always want to do the best (okay,ambitious+perfectionist) he will learn english to speak more fluently..with his raising followers in IG that most of them (including me) are from diff.countries,I trust him..:wub:

Well,last but not least..chingu yaaa..its only thursday and we already reach page 611..I'm sure by the next eps we will reach 800..hehehe..and I'm so addicted to this drama..my friends seems too busy to watch this drama,my husband literally hates dramas (prefer action only with less convo),and my daughter's only 3yrs old. That's why I'm so blessed with all the friends I get from this Soompi thread.

Thank you in advance to @LyraYoo @bebebisous33 @briseis @marosa_jin @meahri_1 @MadraRua @qwenli @KdramaSwimmer @dhia205 @Mona Ys @40somethingahjumma @solelylurking @skxz @trizha1 and many more that I couldn't mention (there are 200+ ppl who follow this thread..yaayyyy). Spread the love and leave the hates..keep our peace.

Love and hugs :heart:

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14 minutes ago, Brenda Capers said:


1. Why didnt WS request HS as his bride/wife instead of his person?....because once he becomes King he will not be able to marry her because she has a scar.

2. Who does YH end up marrying?

3.What misunderstanding will HS have with Wook ,to cause her to break up with him and fall out of love with him when she couldnt do it when she knew it was hurting her cousin. And how is she going to fall in love with WS who she is soo petrified of right now?

1. I think this is because of her position as a palace woman, even though she is known to be from a noble family, she would now be considered a palace woman. Palace woman were supposed to serve in the palace for their whole lives (with a few exceptions), so HS leaving her position and being allowed to marry the 4th would be a really big deal. It would be highly unlikely that the King would allow it.

(Also, even though we have seen that the 4th does have some sort of romantic feelings for HS, do you think that he has thought about marriage with HS, like the 8th has? Or, do you think he thinks of HS as a really close friend who he is starting to have feelings for?)

2. The real YH in history marries the 4th. I think that it is likely that she will also marry the 4th in the drama.

3. In the novel and the C-drama,


the 8th is/becomes very interested in the throne, to the point that HS (Rouxi in the C-drama) asks the 8th to choose between her and the throne and the 8th chooses the throne. Also, around this point, the 4th shows that he has feelings for Rouxi (RX) and is there for her when the 8th wasn't. RX then realizes that she always has some sort of interest in the 4th (i.e. paying more attention to him).

I think in this drama, something will happen that changes HS's image of the 8th (maybe the fact that he is now going to fight for the throne? Or maybe help the 3rd against the 4th?) To HS, the 4th hasn't really shown that he is interested in the throne. Even though she 'seen' that he will be cruel when he becomes king, she still sees a good and kind person in the 4th. (i.e. In the 9th episode when she was talking to the 4th in the rain, she was thinking to herself and couldn't believe how 'a person like this could turn cruel'. Also, in actual history the Gwangjong doesn't actually become cruel until the 2nd half of his reign. I think this is why she will fall for the 4th later, when she is so scared of him now. She will probably think that something changed in history and he will no longer become a cruel king. 

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1 hour ago, Lady_Lara said:


i mean this shot. Wang So is again in mask! What will happen?! Hope he is not going to become again dark as he was in the beginning?!


It could potentially be when he goes to save her from the interrogation. He might be wearing the mask to protect his face from further harm, or to use as an intimidation factor aka: DON'T MESS WITH ME, I WILL CUT YOU. (literally).

1 hour ago, violet90 said:


i think he going to war but in here we can hear he say 'i miss you' so my take is they already in relationship at this point... 

EDIT: Actually I think this would be more likely. HAHAHAHA.
Whew finally caught up.

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3 hours ago, iloveknovela said:


We share the same thought! 

Honestly, I am not overly concerned with rating since each individual have different taste or preference.  Korean audiences might have gotten used to their culture, environment and lifestyle so they may be looking for something unique in the dramas they're watching.  International audiences may have felt the same in their respective countries and found Korean drama/movie more interesting, that's why they're drawn to it.  We all love something new and different.  I am partly speaking by experience here :D  

Anyway, this is all about entertainment.  As long as it served their purpose of entertaining the audience, then for me it's worth the effort. 

Sometimes, I don't pay too much attention on the story since I knew that most of them are product of imagination only.  When based on historical facts, I welcome any interesting/artistic deviation for entertainment's sake.  Besides we are in modern times.  As long as it keeps me entertained, then it's worth watching.  If it doesn't make sense?  Welcome to life.... even in real life there are lots of things that doesn't make sense.  I just watch with understanding while laughing or crying with them, since those actors and actresses worked hard too & became part of my daily life already. :D


You're right! It all comes down to personal preferences. ^_^ What appeal to us doesn't mean it will be appealing for K-Viewers. Though it may be so, I still feel bad for the actors,actresses,and production teams being judged without giving them the chance they deserve :( . It's like when some people say it sucks and start leaving hate comments (As I'm sure we all know how vicious hate comments can be in Korea), others will follow without actually seeing the content and potential. It feels as if you're being shunned by your own mother :(. This drama is Wang So with Queen SMS all over again, with us international fans as Hae Soo, that stick with him albeit his flaw. :D Though I'm glad some of them still watch this, enough to make SBS re-editing their pre-produced drama.

And yeah on this drama creeping into my daily life.

At first when I watched the first 3 episodes I was like, 'huh, what was that?", but despite the hate I felt as if it had potential, so I'm giving them a second chance in episode 4, and I'm not disappointed. I repeat, I'm not disappointed. This drama really change my way of watching KDrama. I mean I even do things I don't usually do.

What I do after watching an episode of other drama so far :

I watched_read people response from DB and Soompi, without bothering to comment_watch another good drama_Carrying on with life while thinking about the drama sometimes_Watch the next episode.

What I do after watching an episode of MLSHR :

I watched_read people response from DB and sompi_(create an account on the first time ever on both and commented for the first time ever) giving comment and liking other's comment_skimming through Soompi, Google, Youtube to search for newest BTS, Interview, & Pictures_Re-watching the episodes and video to get through the week_reading history to guess what will happen on the next episode_dropping other drama on hold to focus on this drama_Watching the next episode.

See what I did there? I know I'm beyond redemption when I started doing all the things I've never do. I mean, I'm not the type to give comment and voicing my thoughts but look what this drama has done to me!! Am I the only one who change this drastically?? LOL

I'm not gonna have this big expectation for this drama though, I don't want to be disappointed. I'm loving the development of the story so far and I'm gonna love it more when it keeps getting more interesting like this.

Anyway, late though it is, because I read this forum many times from a long time ago I feel as if I'm a member already, I forgot to say.... Nice to meet you, I'm new here, Please take care of me *bows*

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Wow. This thread is moving too fast I couldn't catch up. The funny thing that MLSHR made me do is to re-watch all videos related to the drama over and over again. And then when I re-watched the full trailer, I noticed that Wang So is wearing his mask again when he back-hug Haesoo and uttering "I miss you" to her. What happened? I thought the mask if off for good? Okay, I am excited since I miss the mask-man look so much....he is sexier with the mask on.

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For heaven's sake you guys are unstoppable and it makes me wanna read all the post y'all have made but seriously twelve pages. Even the last page i was read was 597, now 612 pages ? I already lost count --"

I saw some comment about the reason why they watched this drama ? Wanna a truth from me ?

I watched this drama because i accidentally heard the song from Baekhyun and voila, it's bugging me because the song is good and kinda tragic in lyrics department because the title already told me, For You. Even the poster shown IU and Joon Ki looking each other with passion and love on their eyes. I instead watching episode 4 before i watch episode 1-3. I didn't have no choice, i fell too deep in his black eyes like a black hole that absorb me and yes, i ship him with Hae Soo because basically he is like a moon and hae soo is a sun. 

the truth was out, only a half if i took a look again in episode 9 where Hae Soo yelled at him. So was afraid because he couldn't tolerate Soo acting that way. and the second half was made turning the situation more unbearable. Soo was freaking out meanwhile So got hurt because of her word. He loves her off course. He wants her. He needs her. He believes her. He trusted her. but with one action, the whole things he ever planned to her already blown up and shattered into a pieces like a dust. This guy needs love which i could understand why he acts like that. He is lacking in affection and love department. I found he couldn't look straight at the King and he even saved his brother ( mostly Moo, Jung and Eun also with Baek Ah) but he didn't earn what is meaning of grateful. 

I guess the story will deeply cut into so many pieces that we should share and pile it as long as we could. I don't mind if we get the sad ending because i know this is a melodrama. all of the cast have worked too hard for this drama wether this drama doesn't have any appreciation on their country. 

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15 minutes ago, junee22 said:

Bogoshipta..ohhh..his voice !!

 His voice is eargasm actually Lee Jun Ki is perfect. has a good voice and he slays when he's in acting and riding that horse. Slay Lee Joon Ki. Slay Lee Joon Ki. 

but i don't like him taking a selca. Ahjussi, you look alike woman when you take a selca ><

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20 minutes ago, faeriealice said:

I saw that WW's was wearing the same clothes which he had opened HS' room door in the 6min Preview, so so I am thinking it's when he realizes that she has been taken away for interrogation for attempting to poison the CP/verge of being killed and utter despair and devastation takes over and he has a meltdown about being so powerless.

It will be interesting to say the least of who will be involved in trying to prove her innocence because of the nature of the situation. It's likely that both WS and Baek-A will be proactive, but I am curious to see how WW will act upon this.

Edit: I'm still three pages behind LOL


Yes, Ia gree with you. WW must have not known HS has been prisoned until it was too late. That's why the outcry. 

What can Wook do to release her? At this time, nothing. His power is very limited because his mother doesn't have a high rank and their family was once exiled. But I think he will help to clear HS's name together with the other princes (I've mention this in my prev post) and get Yo and his mother for attempting to murder the CP. I doubt their being caught will mean a lot because in the previous attempt the King knew but do nothing as WS and Wook came out to defend Yo. This time around his mother will do something because it was originally her plan and she is a very powerful woman. 

WS? I think he will jail break her. He won't wait too long for her to be free until they cleared her name. Hehehe.. 

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11 minutes ago, solelylurking said:

WS? I think he will jail break her. He won't wait too long for her to be free until they cleared her name. Hehehe.. 

now let me join the discussion...

if we see she will be accused of giving poison to CP and will be taken to prison... but as you said wW will not be able to things in order to bring her out but surely WS with CP+BA will break the jail or prove her innocence to bring her out. That may be the last moment for HS to look towards for seeking help,

we see WS and HS on horse just passing by WW here was no expression on HSs face, she is all gloomy and silent nit even a look towards WW, why so ? she must be feeling disappointed about him being second to save her...

regarding HS fleeing.. when are you thinking she flee after getting out of prison of before ? and i still feel she cant, cause as we know she takes decision after thinking all pros and cons and then remain with the result with no guilt. and she also knows there is no place in goryeo where she can be with no eyes on king on her.

*over to you*

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I am going crazy here waiting. I hope by episode 10, two things happen,

1. Hae-Su either sees a more elaborate vision that shows her that circumstances were different when Wang So killed/looked like he Killed his brother, I still think its not the way she sees it. The general is in his favor. Maybe once 3rd Prince takes over, he tries to squash those who supported CP hence kills 10th and his wife and they were already dying when So sort of euthanized them or it was totally a false vision. 

2. The triangle can be over. I think the poisoning will play a part in it. That's the only way for now.

I re-watched both versions. Honestly, Hae Soo needs to realize that no matter who she gives her whole heart to, all the princes are capable of the same degree of cruelty. Survival is our most primal instinct and she is Goryeo where the rules of our century don't apply. Its kill or be killed there and that includes murder. Its not justifiable but Wook is equally capable of killing as much as 4th and the rest and he has more to loose compared to Wang So so he can go just as far as anybody else in the palace dynamic. In my honest opinion, at this point of story for Su to realize her existent yet dormant feeling for Wang So, the only option is if there is some sort of significant act of betrayal from Wook. So far, he has played it safe with her and has made promises over promises. I honestly don't think he will ever choose Hae-Su over his own sister and mother. I feel that he has so far painted Hae-Su a false picture of what the future holds for them. Its like a rose colored glass that isolates and distracts from her the cruel and unfair reality of Goryeo and the circumstances of Wang Wook and his family. We know they lost favor and marriage was their key to reentry into the good grace of the King. We also know there are factions slowly taking shape in the shadows so sooner or later he has to choose whatever he feels can gain him more power and gives him better chance at survival. Hae-Su needs to realize that so that she can understand her own circumstances better. She needs to sort her feeling out. Wook is her infatuation. I think Hae-Su's feelings or emotions for Wook is akin to filial imprinting in animals. He was the first guy who tried to understand her and stretched his hand out to be her guide when she was at her worst state dazed and confused by the change in her timeline. She has to see what Wook is capable of so that she can better sort her feelings. 


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29 minutes ago, cherilyn said:
1 hour ago, Brenda Capers said:


1. Why didnt WS request HS as his bride/wife instead of his person?....because once he becomes King he will not be able to marry her because she has a scar.

2. Who does YH end up marrying?

3.What misunderstanding will HS have with Wook ,to cause her to break up with him and fall out of love with him when she couldnt do it when she knew it was hurting her cousin. And how is she going to fall in love with WS who she is soo petrified of right now?

1. I think this is because of her position as a palace woman, even though she is known to be from a noble family, she would now be considered a palace woman. Palace woman were supposed to serve in the palace for their whole lives (with a few exceptions), so HS leaving her position and being allowed to marry the 4th would be a really big deal. It would be highly unlikely that the King would allow it.

(Also, even though we have seen that the 4th does have some sort of romantic feelings for HS, do you think that he has thought about marriage with HS, like the 8th has? Or, do you think he thinks of HS as a really close friend who he is starting to have feelings for?)

Yep I would after what he said after HS applied the make up and he said what he said............he got me with that I would assume he wanted to marry me and loved me yep......the man was so romantic at that moment I would have melted as did HS.

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At least he is breaking into Holywood... like the Lee byung-Hun in GI JOE. Although I think he might more on the effeminate side for north american male look. I still think it is an awesome break! Hopefully him and Daniel Henney will make more north american movies!

1 hour ago, Mona Ys said:
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Yes, he can speak english and sings in english too. He communicates in english and chinese when filming his movie in China/Italy, and of course when filming Resident Evil with Milla Jovovich in South Africa. :) 




55 minutes ago, qwenli said:

The movie is Resident Evil and will be out next year. He had said that he has very minimal screentime in the movie. Probably just some fight scenes with Milla, so he probably didnt have much dialogue.

I would say his elementary English is already very awesome for a Korean, at least he types English on his Instagram. I know many korean stars who have problems with the alphabets and dont even type hi or hello :D



Edited by LyraYoo
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35 minutes ago, junee22 said:

Bogoshipta..ohhh..his voice !!

Agree! So swoon-worthy!! Speaking of voice, I like Wang So and Baek Ah's voice the most in this drama, hehehe...we know how we find Wang So's voice (smeeexyyyy!), but Baek Ah's voice is like velvet-y and smooth, I find it very calming, hehehe... :D

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4 hours ago, novemberschopin said:

does anyone know who sings the OST during the kiss? So many feeeeeels

In the SBS version, I know it's Lee Hi. Not the one with Epik High, it's a new song :wub:



3 hours ago, KdramaSwimmer said:

2. And as we see HJ having flashes of WS (in Goryeo) means HJ-WS did have Soul Connections in past (and now too) and its time for their souls to meet in 21st century but she has forgotten him completely. So in order to make her recall all her love and life with WS (after being re-incarnated to his life multiple times she has forgotten about who she was when she really met her soul's other half) and now her souls  was transported back to Goryeo to re-live those moments, in that way when she comes back in today's life she will remember her Twin Flame, other half of her soul WS and how he looked.  And that way when they will meet (WS will have all memories intact) in 21st century both can identify each other immediately.

Y'all, I don't want Episode 10 anymore, me wants the last episode!!!!! BECAUSE MODERN WANGSO AND HAESOO OMFNDHSGDHFSDF

(((But at the same time, I really don't want SHR to end :tears: the withdrawal issue, oh gawd I don't wanna deal with it)))

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@briseis  , @irilight put an articl , that includs that  maybe there will be episode in 21st .. , here it is ..

sorry I can't put it as spoiler from my phone .. don't know way .. 

No plan to extend ‘Scarlet Heart: Ryeo’: SBS

Network channel SBS said it would not be extending “Scarlet Heart: Ryeo.”

“It is impossible to extend a series that was pre-shot,” a source from SBS was quoted as saying in an OSEN report.

The 20-episode-long period series, which airs on Mondays and Tuesdays, is scheduled to air its final episode on Oct. 31. There has been speculation that SBS might run an extra 21st episode on Nov. 1. 

SBS has yet to determine whether the finale will be broadcast on Oct. 31 as initially planned or a week earlier on Oct. 25, with both the 19th and 20th episodes broadcast in a row.

The drama “Romantic Doctor: Teacher Kim,” which is set to take over the “Scarlet Heart: Ryeo” time slot, will premiere on Nov. 7. 


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