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27 minutes ago, kokodus said:

Mmmm but I must warn you guys though...he was kinda like a cardboard last time I saw....hmmm maybe he has improved....



Last I saw, someone else was cardboard too :rubchin:




Surely I have pasted the pic for no reason :exercice:


Chingus, you got to come to some conclusion on the C-Oppa, before @LeftCoastOppa Chingu starts to feel sorry for him and adds him to his list :piggydance:



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1 minute ago, Sleepy Owl said:


Last I saw, someone else was cardboard too 


Surely I have pasted the pic for no reason 




First of all he is not an actor. Still he is the most expressive person in the group...okay maybe next to jimin. 




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10 minutes ago, kokodus said:

First of all he is not an actor.


Why does his profile have "actor" listed in it then?


10 minutes ago, kokodus said:

Still he is the most expressive person in the group...


In which way Ms. Koko?



@larus and I vote for Yoongi as the most expressive!



Also, what did they do to Yoongi? :scream:




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7 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:

GWG's latest stint

Looking good! :kiss_wink: He is 191 cm? Nice normal height. 

8 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:

Pass :lol:

Don’t be shy. Leftovers are the yummiest :joy:





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2 minutes ago, partyon said:

He is 191 cm? Nice normal height. 


Some say though that his real height is 195cm. He's certainly one of the tallest in C-ent. And one of the most good-looking if even his male colleagues describe him as more handsome than them.


6 minutes ago, partyon said:

Don’t be shy. Leftovers are the yummiest


LMAO, yeah, if we're talking about food. :tounge_wink:



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On 7/18/2023 at 1:16 PM, kokodus said:

Don't worry. Just one of those phases. It will pass  I'm just glad that you are here. Seeing familiar faces around makes me happy. 


Yeah why am I not surprised that you are after an mediocre looking idol from a girlgroup that no one has heard about? Nothing has changed. LOL. 


I'm still into BTS. Did you hear Jung kook's new single? It's really an earworm. And why do I think that the girl in the video is exactly your type. 

Mhm, okay, I take you by the word. Just know my door is always open if this feeling continues for too long. I wouldn't get used to me being here though, I am forgetful like a goldfish and appear and disappear randomly.


EXCUSE ME? MEDIOCRE? She is the most beautiful idol in the whole wide universe. :wub: She crushes every stage on Queendom Puzzle. Her smile turns nights into the brightest day. Sigh. Rocket Punch is actually quite famous though, although not part of the big 4 companies, they are in one of the major ones. 


Why would I listen to a song from an random guy, whose voice is average at best and who sounds exactly like all the rest of the boygroups? At least give me V, he is actually one of the few idol singers who can actually pull of a decent high note.  


4 hours ago, partyon said:

Mother is a masterpiece! :fullofhearts:

Dongsaeng, she's the lady from VIP?!?!?!? :scream:



I had to look into it at first, because I didn't know what you were talking about, but yes, it seems she is the Lady from VIP. I did not watch the drama, I first saw her in "While You Were Sleeping", then from Taxi Driver Season 1, where I started to like her, but during Taxi Driver Season 2 this year I began to absolutely love her. 


She probably is the first non-evil character I really liked. 


Why?  Should I know something about her? Did she play an evil ex-gf, that everyone disliked, but in reality she actually always was the better, fit and everyone just misunderstood her?? Ahhh @kokodus weren't these the glory days?


I almost forgot how good your german was. 


4 hours ago, partyon said:

You know Ms. Koko @kokodus so well. She found a new oppa 2 weeks ago.

Of course she did ^_^ And in two weeks she will have another. But as long as my little coconut keeps one brother, all is fine for me. 


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6 hours ago, agenth said:

that photo reminds me of an Asian Lucius Malfoy


5 hours ago, MayanEcho said:

agenth Or Asian Legolas. 


6 hours ago, Sleepy Owl said:


Chingus, you got to come to some conclusion on the C-Oppa, before @LeftCoastOppa Chingu starts to feel sorry for him and adds him to his list

LOL. :loolz:

Who’s going to watch Barbie tomorrow?



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9 hours ago, partyon said:



@Lmangla sweetie -- well let's face it, she has had some SUPER QUESTIONABLE oppas the last few years. :grimace: Who can forget some of the Turkish serial killer mustache oppas that have been plastered on this thread? Bossam oppa - a Korean mustache oppa - not a huge improvement (I think we can agree on that, no? :kiss_wink:). So, the fact that she finds a non-mustache oppa handsome is a rare feat. Should Vengo belong to her?


bwahahahah.... come on! .... not that questionable! :P



8 hours ago, partyon said:


I don't think @Lmangla @larus or @agenth care. They like his looks, aura and manliness. :heartxoxo:



true! but that aura and manliness only seems to shine in his modern clothes photo. I didn't even recognize him as the long white haired dude from blossom cdrama -- would agree with @kokodus ; while I didn't watch the blossoms drama, the posters of him did give cardboard aura. ^_^


I voted for 33 percent. I don't want the whole anyway. I am flaky and will forget about this oppa too after a while! :lol:



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:waves: guys!


How are you all doing? I've been missing in action for some time. Work overloaded!!! Can you believe that I edited 2500 of wedding photos on my own lately? Well, I am glad that my boss was impressed by my hard work. But now I am done with my arm. It aches a lot that I need to take a long break. But NOO!! It's Friday and I have to work today. Even tomorrow..... Gosh, I am crying!! :criesariver:


By the way, what's up in the dramaland lately?? Who's this C-oppa that you guys are drooling over? Well, he looks manly and he is so tall as well? Wow, sounds like my-kind-of oppa. :D He he.. Just joking! :loolz:


And I don't even get what's @partyon unnie's poll is all about!! :joy: I've been laughing so hard reading all your comments though.. How come you guys are worser than me?? Ha ha ha..  :loolz:


Okay then.. I'll be back later today after work! :heart:


Have fun, everyone! :getmygrooveon:



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1 hour ago, Lmangla said:

bwahahahah.... come on! .... not that questionable! :P

Only Ms Koko who would agree with you on this thread :blink: 

26 minutes ago, gm4queen said:

Who's this C-oppa that you guys are drooling over? Well, he looks manly and he is so tall as well? Wow, sounds like my-kind-of oppa

Omo! Has @gm4queen entered the “Vengo Gao is my oppa” race?!??



@Dhakra Danke schön! :kiss_wink: My Austrian EO colleague @agenth has been teaching me some Viennese slang lately. I shall share some of the phrases if you are interested. :glasses:


Ya! Hard to get tickets to Barbie this weekend even though it’s running in all theaters non-stop.



1 hour ago, Lmangla said:

didn't even recognize him as the long white haired dude from blossom cdrama

I was trying to explain to @agenth yesterday about this drama but couldn’t recall it’s whole name. So just called it “the Three Pillows” drama. She understood which drama I was talking about.


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6 hours ago, sweetroad said:

Who’s going to watch Barbie tomorrow?


I already watched it. I was not impressed. I am curious if I will be the only one here who has this opinion. :D Remembering how some reviews said it is Oscar worthed it, I am lost....



13 hours ago, partyon said:


@larus -- mostly known for her long-lived dedication to her unnie Kim So Yeon, she has been revealing her interest towards certain oppas throughout the years. Cho Seung Woo, Kim Moo Yul, Kim Nam Gil come to mind - not forgetting a younger kpop oppa Yoongi who caught her eye a few months ago (all of us need a bad boy oppa :love:). No c-oppas on her list yet, though. Shouldn't she be allowed to take care of his Soompi actor thread?


I read that I am a contestant for something but did not realise for what at first. :w00t: My oppa? Nope. He is good looking but he doesn`t give me the vibe of an expressive actor. Not a `love at first side` for sure. :)






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14 hours ago, Sleepy Owl said:

I had planned to watch "Revenant" because of the cast and synopsis. Both looked promising. Oh Jung Se in lead, count me in. Kim Tae Ri is an excellent actress, and I like her acting very much. But somehow I missed on starting it. Then I decided to check out the ratings and comments, and both have been very good for it so far. So I will try to start it in the weened, I love horror genre 


Revenant looks good. Horror genre is OK if there is a meaningful story behind it. I did not read about the plot. If I will watch it will be totally new for me.



3 hours ago, partyon said:

Ya! Hard to get tickets to Barbie this weekend even though it’s running in all theaters non-stop.


So popular there! :eats2:

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24 minutes ago, sweetroad said:

How did you watch it if it comes out today?


I don`t know. It was like an avant premiere. I was on Thursday but it was available on Wednesday too.

I was with a friend and we were the oldest ones. There were only teens. :w00t:



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14 hours ago, partyon said:


Why does his profile have "actor" listed in it then?




Because he was there in that one flowerboy drama....I didn't watch that one yet. He didn't do any drama after that. I wonder why though? Is it because of his schedule or because he realized he doesn't have any talent in acting? But there are worse idol turned actors than him. I guess I should watch that drama before I judge. Hmmmm  




12 hours ago, Dhakra said:

Mhm, okay, I take you by the word. Just know my door is always open if this feeling continues for too long. I wouldn't get used to me being here though, I am forgetful like a goldfish and appear and disappear randomly.

Please do come here often. I dont know where else I can find you. Twitter you mean? 

12 hours ago, Dhakra said:

At least give me V, he is actually one of the few idol singers who can actually pull of a decent high note.  



Please say this out loudly so that haters cough @partyon cough @Sleepy Owl can hear it. V has such a unique voice, doesnt he? He is the greatest. :fullofhearts:

5 hours ago, partyon said:

Only Ms Koko who would agree with you on this thread :blink: 


I guess it's time to bring him back ..



What is funny here is no one in that list has agreed to take VG as their oppa? What are you going to do now @partyon?!


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@partyon Comment I found in the old, archived GPG thread. Proves that the drama endings (3!!!) didn't go by the book. :expressionless:


"The ep 35 ending is rotten.....the original has a lovely ending which magnifies QiSheng's love for Peng Peng.


"In the original ending, QiSheng went to war and "died".  Of course the news devastated Peng Peng but life has to go on as she helped her son ascended the throne.  After the son ascended, Qisheng secretly returned and lived with Peng Peng in the palace quietly forever...this was his way of assuring her that he would never kill her as an emperor. Instead she became the Empress Dowager helping the son to rule.   Wow, that was ultimate sacrifice of love for me and so beautiful.......but the drama ending pales in comparison plus bringing the time travel story back confuses even more to be a gay-theme drama which China audience is not accepting it well for general viewing.


"Not sure if they can even do a season 2 as there have been complaints about the drama now...  But not sure if these complaints are real or to promote the drama further."


Plus a lot more rants in the old thread, sigh. Scriptwriters are allowed to be creative and to adjust the story to help the drama/movie pass the censors. Not make the viewers unnecessarily angry. I agree with the commenter though that they did dirty with the 3 drama endings, and could have just followed the original story's. Would have even made the drama more epic and stayed online, even with the BL nuances. 


I'd bet viewers angered by the ending reported GPG to the censors for promoting BL and succeeded getting it off online.



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Barbenheimer la la land 

This looks like the poster for a period romance film in which a serious, workaholic professor meets a cheerful, pink loving lady who shows him how to have fun in life.9e02a33cc41189836a3e8b74bf4d3b3ef5c0c6b7.jpg











#Barbie earns the biggest preview with $22.3 million ,from Thursday night previews

Barbenheimer is going to be analyzed for years. What started as a petty rivalry became a mutually beneficial phenomenon & further proves audiences will show up if you give them a reason to.



Film Updates Greta Gerwig’s #Barbie is now tracking to earn $150M+ in the film’s domestic opening weekend, the biggest opening of 2023.
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