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[Drama 2023] A Secret Woman / Woman in the Veil - 비밀의 여자 - Mon to Fri @ 7:50 KST


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17 hours ago, liyahsbutterfly said:


Of course, but the villain in Gold Mask was unapologetically evil. This villain seems a lot more complex. I enjoy complex villains in dramas, instead of basic one-note villains.

The MIL was an extreme snob. The woman who was the second wife was supposedly taking revenge on the family because her father had been in coma for something they did. So her redemption came as a twist at the end while she was a miserable piece of work throughout. Very contrived. 


JAR was shown to have vulnerabilities from the latest episode.


I find SR's sister terribly annoying when she met JAR. Just.

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Didn't I say she annoyed me? She's stupid, met JAR in some god-forsaken building and we know JAR was gping to hurt her. More, I think she killed SR's sister. But need to wait for the subs to see how the adulterous husband got involved.

GW's father :surprisedwut:, how long is he going to be fooled by JAR and YJ?

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Almost 15 episodes in and the rating has yet to break out to 12% or more.

Looks like KBS2's daily drama is losing more and more audience.


As a comparison, Red Shoes's last episode was 19.6%, Love Twist's highest was 16.2%, Gold Mask's was 17.8%, and the latest VOTB's was 15.7%.


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On 3/28/2023 at 9:11 PM, maribella said:

Didn't I say she annoyed me? She's stupid, met JAR in some god-forsaken building and we know JAR was gping to hurt her. More, I think she killed SR's sister. But need to wait for the subs to see how the adulterous husband got involved.

GW's father , how long is he going to be fooled by JAR and YJ?

the father is so dumb -- it is not even suprising that he is getting played. facepalm. 

and yes, the sister was stupid as well; all these characters are running around headless chickens.

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looks like the sister died but rather than feeling sorry, I just want to facepalm. first, it is super obvious that someone who has rebuilt their life with a new identity and direction is not going to come forward to give witness. why not go to the police or go to a lawyer? why would you threaten someone to give testimony? and not update anyone about what is happening after you were almost kidnapped? FACEPALM.

and serin is the brattiest sister -- she sounds like a teenager in tauntrums. tae yang didn't ask either of these stupid sisters to fix the situation. shouldn't he be involved considering it is his case? again, facepalm. 


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7 hours ago, Lmangla said:

looks like the sister died but rather than feeling sorry, I just want to facepalm. first, it is super obvious that someone who has rebuilt their life with a new identity and direction is not going to come forward to give witness. why not go to the police or go to a lawyer? why would you threaten someone to give testimony? and not update anyone about what is happening after you were almost kidnapped? FACEPALM.

and serin is the brattiest sister -- she sounds like a teenager in tauntrums. tae yang didn't ask either of these stupid sisters to fix the situation. shouldn't he be involved considering it is his case? again, facepalm. 


She was asking for it. How can we feel sorry? Only JAR has brains. The others are all super annoying. 

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So first of all I want to thank @maribella for letting me know that The Glory is a good show to watch. Putting it on my watch list then. Just hope that I stomach the bullying scenes sometimes they become difficult to watch just as I get way to squeamish while watching medical dramas due to the blood scenes and all.



Anyway, moving on to the drama itself. Before watching the actual scene where Gyul Wool bites her husband to prevent making out with him. I was going to make a joke that is how she probably got pregnant as this might be a horror or sci-fi show meaning that she was an Alien or something. But after watching that scene I actually realized that would have been insensitive of me. Someone pointed out that it was almost like she got raped. What they might not have realized that had Yujin actually forced himself on her at that point it would indeed be considered as such in some countries. Atleast according to British Law that is. So if a wife doesn’t want to do it and her husband forces himself she can easily take him to court. I would assume that this law would also apply in the States and Korea. Assuming this due to the fact that Gyul Wool tells him what he is doing is committing a crime. And no, he can’t use the fact that he was drunk so he didn’t know any better as a defence.


Though if we are still on the subject of how she got pregnant and if she hadn’t done it with him before I would point out two things regarding this. Firstly she probably did do it with him in the past if not Aera wouldn’t have resorted to secretly giving her birth control pills. Secondly the night that Yujin tried to force himself on her they actually ended up doing it as well. Thus how she may have gotten pregnant. This can be seen when he threatens her that if she didn’t do it with him that night she would never get the chance in the future. She then agrees to do it instead of sending him to sleep on the couch.



Moving on to other parts of the show. Have to agree that Aera is quite fast on her feet and the others simply can’t touch her so it will be actually nice when the main leads decide to take her down. Speaking of that lets make a few guesses of things to happen in the show. Something is bound to happen to Gyul Wools baby. This can be seen by the fact that it has already been pointed out that she has a red birth mark which is going to be used to identify the baby in the future (when it has become a child). Basically there are generally two ways of identifying children in dramas when they have been separated from their parents. They either share the same allergy as their parents or have a birthmark to help identify them. In this case it seems to be the latter.



The other thing we can be sure to expect is the death of Gyul Wools father. Sorry folks we are going to need our comedy section from elsewhere at this point. Serin is probably going to be responsible for his death because she will want revenge for her sisters death and will stupidly believe the planted evidence and fake witness testimonies. So probably she won’t let the father out of jail and due to this he won’t be able to take his medication or something along those lines. Yes, just like Man In The Veil. Look the father must sadly die. He may not be the smartest guy in town but he is the only one that knows that Yujin and Aera were not only having an affair but how they were drugging Gyul Wool as well. Once that is revealed they are probably doomed, and they can’t have that. So, they need him gone. Serin doin it is just going to be in their favour and also extend the plot or storyline. So if you need your tissues now is the time to get them if you have run out of stock.

Someone pointed out that Serin is behaving like an overgrown teenager I would say that she seems to dress like one as well. The fashion department either messed up for a bunch of characters or they were going for something but the execution didn’t pan out. What are your thoughts regarding this.



So we discover that Seyon was adopted what a birth secret. Now you know what else would be better. If it turns out that she was Aera’s younger sister. Before anyone tries to tell me that this theory is bonkers and tries to poke holes in it like shredded cheese. Don’t bother I will do it by myself. We know that isn’t the case since the sister was younger than Aera and Seyon seems to be her senior. Not only that but if she was indeed her sister she should have recognized Aera when they met even if she couldn’t do so from her younger pictures since Aera still looks the same from her flashback days. True that isn’t much to go on since in Gracious Revenge characters couldn’t recognize the mother who looked the same apart from her hairstyle.



The only reason that I was saying that it would have been nice if this was the case because it would have been karma getting back at Sera. Ie she would have been responsible for the death of her own sister. Probably driving her bonkers and ending up in the loony bin. But that is just my own wishful thinking at this point. I do wonder what has happened to her sister. I suspect that she may have committed suicide due to the pressure that she was under and the depression as well. I guess that we have to wait and see.



Still not getting what Aera wants by becoming the lady of YJ Group. Sure, one can say that she will get a comfortable life and whatnot. But in reality, it isn’t going to be all that simple. Yujin is the least bit bothered about the company and how to run it. He relies on Aera to help him out and likes to play games instead of working. Heck he even needs her to get out of his own mess and is totally spineless. This would mean that if they intend on keeping the company in the family and reaping it’s benefits, she will need to continue to work in the company or run it herself. Meaning shopping and other benefits will be placed on the backburner.



The other thing is that if people bothered to communicate a whole lot of problems could be easily resolved. But then we wouldn’t have the show 2 Crazy Sisters and 1 Idiot. Let’s see of how things could have gone better if this did happen. Yujin for some reason was cheating on Aera with Gyul Wool. Now at this point Aera could have simply confided in Gyul Wool and thus each of them could have decided who wanted to keep the trash bag at this point. Instead Aera lets him get married to Gyul Wool and then she continuously drugs her so that she can’t get pregnant and has an affair with Yujin. The father could have let his family know what is going on and they could have also decided if they wanted to remain as a family or get a divorce.



Moving on to other things. The first time Seyon got scammed by the fake Jang Mi. why didn’t she get her money back. Now before people over here tell me that she tried to contact her and the previous owner but couldn’t do so as they had cancelled their contact numbers. I would point out that she discovered that Jang Mi was a fake pretty fast. Ie Tae Yang entered the moment she left and asked her who the strange woman was and confirmed just as fast that it wasn’t Jang Mi. At this point if they had chased after her they could have probably easily recovered the money atleast. As for the secret video that is still up for grabs of who actually has it. Everybody place your bets now. I do wonder why Aera took the video in the first place. Not only that I also wonder why Tae Yang took the fall for the murder. Sure he feels guilty but he isn’t entirely responsible. It also doesn’t make sense that Aera would know about the secret cameras and even if she did what does she gain from stealing it.



Someone pointed out that Seyon was an idiot for following Aera into a deserted building. I agree with that assessment I also wonder why she didn’t put a stop to that earlier and demand to speak with her in a public space. I also wonder just how far that building actually was and why there never seems to be any kind of security over there. i did find it amusing that Aera had to drag the poor body all the way into the mountains to try and frame Gyul Wool’s father.



A shame really that Korean Drama Cops are so incompetent that they don’t find anything suspicious when they arrested Gyul Wools father. Sure there is so called evidence that he is guilty but at the same time there is evidence to the contrary as well. Let’s start with what they do have.



The Murder Weapon

Fake Witness

Planted Evidence (Medicine Bottle)




Now moving on to the things that are probably in the fathers favour and if they actually bothered to think they too would realize that something is suspicious. The motive can easily be disproved if the father actually bothers to speak up and reveal what Aera and Yujin were actually upto. While it wouldn’t totally help it could help redirect the investigation elsewhere. But we know that he isn’t going to do that because he doesn’t want to hurt his daughter’s feelings or something along those lines plus he is either going to end up dead or the detectives incharge of the case will be bought off.



The medicine bottle and fake witness may be harder to write off but not totally impossible. I would start of by checking the contents of the bottle first of all. Just how many pills are still inside it. Frankly I don’t know if diabetics carry their meds at all times. I would assume that isn’t the case since if it was the father should have been carrying them and not left them at home allowing Yujin to swipe them. So, in this case the quantity of pills is important. If it is a used bottle ie half empty then it makes little sense for them to be at the site unless someone wanted to plant them as fake evidence. If they were full then he would indeed have needed to explain their presence because the detectives could assume that he just purchased them before killing Seyon.



As for the murder weapon why was he carrying it around with him. He could easily have tried to dispose of it elsewhere. Such as near the body or even chucked it in the sea aka the infamous Han River. Instead, it was found in his car or on him if we are being technical. Only an amateur would be so careless with evidence. Finally, there is one other major clue in his favour and if the detectives were actually smart would have realized it as well. How did he transport the body to the crime scene. If he used his car there should be more of the victim’s DNA over there. I would assume the only one that is there is from the murder weapon. But that isn’t enough. If he dragged or carried the body other people should have spotted him. Okay scratch that last bit since nobody noticed Aera doing that, but one gets the point.



As for Gyul Wool how did she not figure out that Aera was having an affair with her husband. Even with all the lies that were told and what she discovered. The biggest clue was the fact that she was spotted at the resort. She first lied that she wasn’t there. When that was exposed as a lie she claimed that she was there with her boyfriend who turned out to be a fake. But the issue that was overlooked by Gyul Wool was the fact that Aera had no reason to 1. Go to the resort under a coworkers name when she could have used her own visiting pass/ticket. Unless she had already used hers earlier. 2. The hotel reservations were already apparently full so where did Aera spend the night. It would mean that she had to have made a reservation earlier or that it was under her supposed boyfriends name. Either of these facts could have been confirmed by Gyul Wool but she failed to think that far ahead. Also why did Gyul Wool only request the corridors video footage later on and just one of it only.



She should have confronted Aera with enough evidence so that she couldn’t get out of it. As for only one footage I meant that there could have been other times when Aera could have entered the room as well but she only received the one when she left the room and that was edited by Yujin. Guess he was good for something atleast. But this does indeed bring me to question where exactly did Aera spend the night. Was there a spare bedroom in that hotel room because clearly they wouldn’t have spent the entire night making out. That would probably have been the longest make out session in history otherwise. I doubt that the bed was large enough to accommodate all three of them and that would just be plain creepy.



Still not liking Serin. But at times I do like how she doesn’t take nonsense from others can make them suffer if they are indeed in the wrong. Take that blind date who tried to marry her for her money. She sent goons after him and he had to apologize to Tae Yan for hurting him. That obsession of hers is starting to really get annoying at this point though. The guy is an adult and he can handle his own problems. If she has discovered something important it is far better to reveal it to him than trying to bully people and whatnot. Also what happened to smartphones when the brother was confessing to his mother that he was the one responsible for murdering his own brother she should have recorded him instead of making a scene. Far more helpful than throwing a fit over there.



A mistake Seyon made was probably to confront Aera for confirmation. What she should have instead done was to call her Jang Mi. No matter what identity you are using you probably can’t help but respond to your actual name which would have given her up way earlier. Seyon should have also taken other precautions once she discovered that Aera had been lying to her all this time especially after she had been scammed the first time round. For starters record their conversations and secondly she should have brought Tay Yan for confirmation as well. Trying to resolve the matters on their own is what brought this on themselves. So I also find it difficult to feel sorry for those characters.



Okay while I was going to add more it sadly slipped my mind and am therefore going to have to watch the drama to remember what I wanted to add. But before I leave I do want to bring up the point that some of the places have really amusing names such as Secret Apartments. There was another name that I found funny. Anyway till next time folks.



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2 hours ago, yamiyugi said:

So first of all I want to thank @maribella for letting me know that The Glory is a good show to watch. Putting it on my watch list then. Just hope that I stomach the bullying scenes sometimes they become difficult to watch just as I get way to squeamish while watching medical dramas due to the blood scenes and all.



Anyway, moving on to the drama itself. Before watching the actual scene where Gyul Wool bites her husband to prevent making out with him. I was going to make a joke that is how she probably got pregnant as this might be a horror or sci-fi show meaning that she was an Alien or something. But after watching that scene I actually realized that would have been insensitive of me. Someone pointed out that it was almost like she got raped. What they might not have realized that had Yujin actually forced himself on her at that point it would indeed be considered as such in some countries. Atleast according to British Law that is. So if a wife doesn’t want to do it and her husband forces himself she can easily take him to court. I would assume that this law would also apply in the States and Korea. Assuming this due to the fact that Gyul Wool tells him what he is doing is committing a crime. And no, he can’t use the fact that he was drunk so he didn’t know any better as a defence.


Though if we are still on the subject of how she got pregnant and if she hadn’t done it with him before I would point out two things regarding this. Firstly she probably did do it with him in the past if not Aera wouldn’t have resorted to secretly giving her birth control pills. Secondly the night that Yujin tried to force himself on her they actually ended up doing it as well. Thus how she may have gotten pregnant. This can be seen when he threatens her that if she didn’t do it with him that night she would never get the chance in the future. She then agrees to do it instead of sending him to sleep on the couch.



Moving on to other parts of the show. Have to agree that Aera is quite fast on her feet and the others simply can’t touch her so it will be actually nice when the main leads decide to take her down. Speaking of that lets make a few guesses of things to happen in the show. Something is bound to happen to Gyul Wools baby. This can be seen by the fact that it has already been pointed out that she has a red birth mark which is going to be used to identify the baby in the future (when it has become a child). Basically there are generally two ways of identifying children in dramas when they have been separated from their parents. They either share the same allergy as their parents or have a birthmark to help identify them. In this case it seems to be the latter.



The other thing we can be sure to expect is the death of Gyul Wools father. Sorry folks we are going to need our comedy section from elsewhere at this point. Serin is probably going to be responsible for his death because she will want revenge for her sisters death and will stupidly believe the planted evidence and fake witness testimonies. So probably she won’t let the father out of jail and due to this he won’t be able to take his medication or something along those lines. Yes, just like Man In The Veil. Look the father must sadly die. He may not be the smartest guy in town but he is the only one that knows that Yujin and Aera were not only having an affair but how they were drugging Gyul Wool as well. Once that is revealed they are probably doomed, and they can’t have that. So, they need him gone. Serin doin it is just going to be in their favour and also extend the plot or storyline. So if you need your tissues now is the time to get them if you have run out of stock.

Someone pointed out that Serin is behaving like an overgrown teenager I would say that she seems to dress like one as well. The fashion department either messed up for a bunch of characters or they were going for something but the execution didn’t pan out. What are your thoughts regarding this.



So we discover that Seyon was adopted what a birth secret. Now you know what else would be better. If it turns out that she was Aera’s younger sister. Before anyone tries to tell me that this theory is bonkers and tries to poke holes in it like shredded cheese. Don’t bother I will do it by myself. We know that isn’t the case since the sister was younger than Aera and Seyon seems to be her senior. Not only that but if she was indeed her sister she should have recognized Aera when they met even if she couldn’t do so from her younger pictures since Aera still looks the same from her flashback days. True that isn’t much to go on since in Gracious Revenge characters couldn’t recognize the mother who looked the same apart from her hairstyle.



The only reason that I was saying that it would have been nice if this was the case because it would have been karma getting back at Sera. Ie she would have been responsible for the death of her own sister. Probably driving her bonkers and ending up in the loony bin. But that is just my own wishful thinking at this point. I do wonder what has happened to her sister. I suspect that she may have committed suicide due to the pressure that she was under and the depression as well. I guess that we have to wait and see.



Still not getting what Aera wants by becoming the lady of YJ Group. Sure, one can say that she will get a comfortable life and whatnot. But in reality, it isn’t going to be all that simple. Yujin is the least bit bothered about the company and how to run it. He relies on Aera to help him out and likes to play games instead of working. Heck he even needs her to get out of his own mess and is totally spineless. This would mean that if they intend on keeping the company in the family and reaping it’s benefits, she will need to continue to work in the company or run it herself. Meaning shopping and other benefits will be placed on the backburner.



The other thing is that if people bothered to communicate a whole lot of problems could be easily resolved. But then we wouldn’t have the show 2 Crazy Sisters and 1 Idiot. Let’s see of how things could have gone better if this did happen. Yujin for some reason was cheating on Aera with Gyul Wool. Now at this point Aera could have simply confided in Gyul Wool and thus each of them could have decided who wanted to keep the trash bag at this point. Instead Aera lets him get married to Gyul Wool and then she continuously drugs her so that she can’t get pregnant and has an affair with Yujin. The father could have let his family know what is going on and they could have also decided if they wanted to remain as a family or get a divorce.



Moving on to other things. The first time Seyon got scammed by the fake Jang Mi. why didn’t she get her money back. Now before people over here tell me that she tried to contact her and the previous owner but couldn’t do so as they had cancelled their contact numbers. I would point out that she discovered that Jang Mi was a fake pretty fast. Ie Tae Yang entered the moment she left and asked her who the strange woman was and confirmed just as fast that it wasn’t Jang Mi. At this point if they had chased after her they could have probably easily recovered the money atleast. As for the secret video that is still up for grabs of who actually has it. Everybody place your bets now. I do wonder why Aera took the video in the first place. Not only that I also wonder why Tae Yang took the fall for the murder. Sure he feels guilty but he isn’t entirely responsible. It also doesn’t make sense that Aera would know about the secret cameras and even if she did what does she gain from stealing it.



Someone pointed out that Seyon was an idiot for following Aera into a deserted building. I agree with that assessment I also wonder why she didn’t put a stop to that earlier and demand to speak with her in a public space. I also wonder just how far that building actually was and why there never seems to be any kind of security over there. i did find it amusing that Aera had to drag the poor body all the way into the mountains to try and frame Gyul Wool’s father.



A shame really that Korean Drama Cops are so incompetent that they don’t find anything suspicious when they arrested Gyul Wools father. Sure there is so called evidence that he is guilty but at the same time there is evidence to the contrary as well. Let’s start with what they do have.



The Murder Weapon

Fake Witness

Planted Evidence (Medicine Bottle)




Now moving on to the things that are probably in the fathers favour and if they actually bothered to think they too would realize that something is suspicious. The motive can easily be disproved if the father actually bothers to speak up and reveal what Aera and Yujin were actually upto. While it wouldn’t totally help it could help redirect the investigation elsewhere. But we know that he isn’t going to do that because he doesn’t want to hurt his daughter’s feelings or something along those lines plus he is either going to end up dead or the detectives incharge of the case will be bought off.



The medicine bottle and fake witness may be harder to write off but not totally impossible. I would start of by checking the contents of the bottle first of all. Just how many pills are still inside it. Frankly I don’t know if diabetics carry their meds at all times. I would assume that isn’t the case since if it was the father should have been carrying them and not left them at home allowing Yujin to swipe them. So, in this case the quantity of pills is important. If it is a used bottle ie half empty then it makes little sense for them to be at the site unless someone wanted to plant them as fake evidence. If they were full then he would indeed have needed to explain their presence because the detectives could assume that he just purchased them before killing Seyon.



As for the murder weapon why was he carrying it around with him. He could easily have tried to dispose of it elsewhere. Such as near the body or even chucked it in the sea aka the infamous Han River. Instead, it was found in his car or on him if we are being technical. Only an amateur would be so careless with evidence. Finally, there is one other major clue in his favour and if the detectives were actually smart would have realized it as well. How did he transport the body to the crime scene. If he used his car there should be more of the victim’s DNA over there. I would assume the only one that is there is from the murder weapon. But that isn’t enough. If he dragged or carried the body other people should have spotted him. Okay scratch that last bit since nobody noticed Aera doing that, but one gets the point.



As for Gyul Wool how did she not figure out that Aera was having an affair with her husband. Even with all the lies that were told and what she discovered. The biggest clue was the fact that she was spotted at the resort. She first lied that she wasn’t there. When that was exposed as a lie she claimed that she was there with her boyfriend who turned out to be a fake. But the issue that was overlooked by Gyul Wool was the fact that Aera had no reason to 1. Go to the resort under a coworkers name when she could have used her own visiting pass/ticket. Unless she had already used hers earlier. 2. The hotel reservations were already apparently full so where did Aera spend the night. It would mean that she had to have made a reservation earlier or that it was under her supposed boyfriends name. Either of these facts could have been confirmed by Gyul Wool but she failed to think that far ahead. Also why did Gyul Wool only request the corridors video footage later on and just one of it only.



She should have confronted Aera with enough evidence so that she couldn’t get out of it. As for only one footage I meant that there could have been other times when Aera could have entered the room as well but she only received the one when she left the room and that was edited by Yujin. Guess he was good for something atleast. But this does indeed bring me to question where exactly did Aera spend the night. Was there a spare bedroom in that hotel room because clearly they wouldn’t have spent the entire night making out. That would probably have been the longest make out session in history otherwise. I doubt that the bed was large enough to accommodate all three of them and that would just be plain creepy.



Still not liking Serin. But at times I do like how she doesn’t take nonsense from others can make them suffer if they are indeed in the wrong. Take that blind date who tried to marry her for her money. She sent goons after him and he had to apologize to Tae Yan for hurting him. That obsession of hers is starting to really get annoying at this point though. The guy is an adult and he can handle his own problems. If she has discovered something important it is far better to reveal it to him than trying to bully people and whatnot. Also what happened to smartphones when the brother was confessing to his mother that he was the one responsible for murdering his own brother she should have recorded him instead of making a scene. Far more helpful than throwing a fit over there.



A mistake Seyon made was probably to confront Aera for confirmation. What she should have instead done was to call her Jang Mi. No matter what identity you are using you probably can’t help but respond to your actual name which would have given her up way earlier. Seyon should have also taken other precautions once she discovered that Aera had been lying to her all this time especially after she had been scammed the first time round. For starters record their conversations and secondly she should have brought Tay Yan for confirmation as well. Trying to resolve the matters on their own is what brought this on themselves. So I also find it difficult to feel sorry for those characters.



Okay while I was going to add more it sadly slipped my mind and am therefore going to have to watch the drama to remember what I wanted to add. But before I leave I do want to bring up the point that some of the places have really amusing names such as Secret Apartments. There was another name that I found funny. Anyway till next time folks.



I agree with most of your comments but I do not feel bad for the dad dying because he is an idiot for trusting his SIL in the first place but he sold his daughter to that family to take care of the white lotus  debt and her son ok every time I see GW she always saying she is sorry I can see why she is dumb look who her dad is,this is karma for the dad in his previous life he got away with everything in Man in Veil he did not get punish  at all can not wait for SR to destroyed that family and take out GW in-laws LOL   Angry White Woman GIF 

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@yamiyugi the 'glory' needs to be watched between the fingers for many parts. But it does not reduce the comprehensibility for me. Glad you enjoy it, but don't expect the FL and ML to play by the book or be upstanding citizens. 

@yamiyugi You have confirmed what many of us have thought about the characters in this show: idiots and SR must have a screw loose. She just can't pull off the indulged little sister without parental control type.


Another missing baby with a birth mark? :smirk:

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Okay so I finally remembered some of the points that I wanted to make yesterday but forgot. So here goes another long rambling post from me. Apologies in advance



First of all I just want to ask what is the best or most amusing comment that you all have come across in regards to this drama. (not necessarily from this forum but it can be added). For me it would have been the Following. An Uber straight to hell for Aera. This literally had me laughing for a bit. Good thing that I didn’t have anything in my mouth or else my poor laptop would have been a casualty.



Now moving on to other joking matters. Any bets over here that the uncle is going to get into an accident. Perhaps a love tap on his head or get an electric shock which will suddenly transform him into a super genius and make him the MVC (Most Valuable Character). He will then end up solving all the mysteries for us. Also take down Aera and perhaps even Serin as a bonus.



Someone mentioned that Tae Yang has his own trauma just be thankful that it isn’t like his last one where he had himself locked in a store room and his only constant companion was a mannequin. Sadly whose name I forgot at this moment. Though he does end up with Gyul Wool. Will he be lucky a second time? We will just have to wait and watch.



Another thing that keeps me puzzled is how nobody found it odd that Aera confronted the person that Assaulted the uncle on her own. Sure, she gave a reasonable excuse that she used the same method as Gyul Wool. But what made her even think about it. Was she randomly asking around and she got lucky. The people should have first of all asked. After that they should have asked her why to confront a dangerous person on her own. Even Gyul Wool who isn’t all that sharp went with protection ie her brother and the cops. Not only that they don’t find it suspicious that Aera was alone with the guy for some time. Now why would this be suspicious. Let’s look at what happened when she confronts him, and he assaults her. Any reasonable person would have been shouting out for help especially when they are banging on the door to be let in. instead she beats herself and the guy panics and runs. She ends up pretending to be the victim and nobody is even suspicious of the following points.



Finally someone brought up the matter of how the ratings of this show are quite low. I suspect that this maybe due to this show having extremely few likable characters. It is understandable that we get one or two dislikable characters. But when even the characters that we are supposed to root for don’t make much of an impression then we have a problem.



The only saving grace in this show would probably be the acting skills of the actors making them comedians at certain points. Take for example Yujin can’t seem to do anything on his own and is begging to either not get caught or hoping Aera finds a way out of their predicaments.



His mother is just the same. A terrible person but when it comes to certain interactions she can be amusing to watch. I really do wonder what her reaction is going to be when she does indeed discover that her son was/is having an affair with Aera. Probably will be a bit shocked at the start but once she discovers what Aera can bring to the table she will suddenly be okay with it. Sadly, the price of it all will be that she can’t boss Aera around and she will start regretting her choice down the line.



Gyul Wool is the supposed main character but as of now she is everyone’s favourite punching bag and the sad thing is that she thinks that she deserves that. Until she snaps out of that mentality, she is going to be hard to watch.



Back to Yujin. He is an extremely despicable character not simply because he is having an affair with Aera regardless of whether she was his first or not. But because he has no objection to Aera picking/assaulting a mentally handicapped person but because that said person also happens to be his own uncle. If he can do that to family I shudder what the rest of them may have in store in the future. Not that I will be the least bit bothered. The uncle is the only decent person in that family due to his condition. The grandfather is somewhere in the middle. He does seem to be concerned about Gyul Wool but either because she doesn’t speak up or he isn’t a 100% bothered he can’t care about her. That is until someone brings up a point in regards to the matter. For instance that family is probably loaded but they don’t seem to have enough hired help that Gyul Wool was treated as such until her accident. Which was probably a blessing in disguise for her.



I could point out more reasons why some of the other characters aren’t likable, but I feel we already have that covered so will leave it for the time being.



Any ideas of what ships might end up happening by the end of the show. Here is one of them from my end.



Aunt Mal Ja and Serin’s Uncle. Will have the standard get together and talk about each others family without realizing this initially. Probably will also get drunk and end up in a motel where the Aunt will then discover sometime later that she has become pregnant from said encounter.



This last one might be hard to pull off so whichever of the triangle works go with it because each of them would be equally bad in my opinion. Gyul Wools brother is probably going to end up with either Yujin’s airhead sister or Serin. As I said not sure which would be better because as of now each of those two has major issues. Serin might also be a bit more complicated especially if she gets a face swap with Gyul Wool as that would make it super messy. Do think that they may indeed head out for the face swap plot. This was hinted by the fact that Tae Yang noticed that Serin had a habit of twirling her hair whenever she was nervous or angry etc… this means that is going to be her Tell in her new body.



Still trying to figure out why the swap will take place. Perhaps she will want to ruin the family completely for supposedly killing her sister and will try and take the Miss Monte Cristo vengeance route. Kill an innocent sister for the price of her own sister. Which may result in an accident of sorts where she will also get stuck. Thus in the confusion of it all they will mistake her identity and the face swap will happen. She will also during this time try and seduce the brother in the hopes of revealing that like all the other men that approached her he will be after her money as well. By the time she realizes that he isn’t like that she will think that this is a bore and try and leave him breaking his heart. (Probably her initial intention anyway) but she will discover that she too has developed feelings for him as well. Perhaps the accident will further complicate things for her.



Anyway, I have to go now. Got to check up on something. Then catch up on the latest episode. So, till next time. Hoping that this show will improve, and we finally start liking the main leads atleast.





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On 3/28/2023 at 11:41 PM, maribella said:

Didn't I say she annoyed me? She's stupid, met JAR in some god-forsaken building and we know JAR was gping to hurt her. More, I think she killed SR's sister. But need to wait for the subs to see how the adulterous husband got involved.

GW's father , how long is he going to be fooled by JAR and YJ?


I foresee JAR will hurt GW father, she can't stand him spying on tailing her/YJ...she's one scary woman...the look on her eyes when she was about "to eat up" SR's sister at the abandon building.


Poor SR sister, gets killed will trying to help See Ra..

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Why is it that every dailies there's bound to be an annoying character...especially GW's

Mother in law......having a terrible mouth which speaks out those ill words without going

thru the brain.


Don't Koreans LOCK their house doors before going out !... how could Yu Jin walks into

his faither in law house so easily. The same goes to Korean cars...don't they have auto

locking system once alighted from the car.


GW's father in law is another lame character, he is so weak nothing solid comes from him as

the Chairman of YJ Group.


The idiot uncle with brain of a child, is so annoying.


I know you guys sees GW father as dump, however from my pov he is trying to protect her

precious daughter not to be hurt by the jerk, Yu Jin. He tries to believe that he wont cheat on

her, however his efforts were outsmart by cunning evil Joo which landed him in jail.


Tae Yang mother finally speaks out the truth about Se Yeon to Se Rin. No doubt Se Yeon

has no blood relation to Se Rin, she's being treating Se Rin like her blood sister after their 

mother passed away and hot temper Se Rin regretted so much that she's going

revenge her dead.


SR & SY are nieces to the big guy who stays together with them.


The ending shows Joo were startled to meet Tae Yang at the police station. 

I'm sure smart Joo will brushed off saying she does not know TY and dragged GW into her car  and drove off.  


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