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[Drama 2022-2023] Trolley, 트롤리


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There is still a story that needs clarification and that is how Ji Hoon died. If he did not have the meth in his pocket then it would be easier to accept that he died drowning. Having the meth in his  pocket makes it necessary to tell the real story of how he died. When JD started asking WJ as if he really was concerned that WJ may have killed his son, was he acting? Will WJ tell the truth? In a way, he covered up plenty for JD, will he enter into a plea bargain, tell what he knows of JD in return for his freedom? He covered up plenty for JD.

10 hours ago, nrllee said:

I hope that’s what really happened.  And that last scene with the press is not us seeing a “dream” of HJ’s.  The truth should always win.  You should not suppress the truth by believing that letting one man go scot free can be justified

I do too. I mean it is the finale and they can't end it with everyone being run over by the trolley for the sake of one deluded sociopath

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Yup as expected the finale was explosive LoL but also.. cathartic(?) I love that ending scene where Hye Joo unrolls a blank scroll with a smile.. it symbolizes a new beginning.. a fresh start..

    Seung Hee, Yoon Seo redeemed themselves but a tad too belatedly in my opinion. Both were so warped in their arrogance pfft. And the biggest victim was Ji Hoon sigh..

    I knew from the way Woo Jae held back he did have somethin' to do with Ji Hoon's final moments.. I wished he too faced punishment. And indeed it was the pimp that was Soo Bin's baby daddy. Glad that he will be put away. 

    Satisfying also to see Seung Hee's mom feelin' the pain, now she knows what it's like to be on the receiving end eh? Too bad Ki Young remained loyal to Seung Hee ahah kinda secretly wished he rekindled with Hye Joo but this is not that kind of drama LoL.


Well that's Adios for me eheh. It has been a rollercoaster ride of a drama LoL, I had fun. Take care y'all. 

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1 hour ago, Latte_Anyday said:

Well that's Adios for me eheh. It has been a rollercoaster ride of a drama LoL, I had fun. Take care y'all. 

Adios till the next drama. I agree about Ji Hoon and Woo Jae could have helped Ji Hoon but just watched the kid drown. I wish he too should have faced punishment but it seems JD took it all upon himself therefore absolving WJ.

Thank everyone for your company and insights.

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Well a drama isnt a drama if it isnt ‘dramatic’. 
i havent watch ep16 but after reading the online recap i’m just going to take my time watching no hurry. 
At least they didnt make NJD into a much bigger monster by being the ‘killer’ of his own son JH. Was he really sincere when he knealt and apologized to YJ and was he working really hard to reedem himself? 
I dont think WJ could have saved JH. I dont know why they need to also make him a monster??? Sigh

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- With HJ’s reveal, the repercussions are huge and we are shown (rightly so) that these decisions are never easy.  They are fraught with difficulties and you will doubt as to whether you made the right decision in the first place.  I like the realism in this drama.  - - For HJ, when she told YS what she was going to do, YS begged her not to reveal it.  It could just be kept secret.  Then she wouldn’t have to go through life being labeled a “rapist’s daughter”.  She sounded like her father.  But for HJ’s part, she stood firm.  She realized that in the long run, the truth is what will set you free.  That her daughter needed to learn the lesson of standing for truth and not hiding in the shadows for expediency’s sake.  Because these secrets will always eat at you.  They keep you up at night and they will never let you live a truly authentic life.  HJ’s act of courage inspired others to do the same.  SB reported JD to the Police.  YS’s friend at school spoke to her mom about what she knew about her dad’s affair.  

- NJD tried to take his own life but was saved by HJ.  She berated him for being selfish right to the end.  Telling him he should face this like a man rather than just run away (by taking his own life) and leave the living to deal with the guilt and consequences.  NJD turned himself into police.  He was to be tried.  HJ visited him in prison and issues divorce papers.  She leaves him with JH’s journal from when he was a child.  In it, JH had written, “I want to be a kind and honest person.  And I want to make the world a better place.”  He weeps when he reads that.  

- YJ’s identity was protected to some degree but I think the truth did eventually come out (by the blabber mouth employee of hers at the restaurant who was disgruntled because she was sacked for stealing money from the till).

- SB gave HJ a stack of photos of JH that she had on her phone and told her that JH still loved her very much.  And that he had vowed he would never break her heart again before his untimely demise.  He ate up all the tofu that HJ gave him after she picked him up from jail.  SB looks to be an apprentice of HJ’s at the book restoration.  As a sign that their relationship is repaired, HJ notices that JH’s journal in the Columbarium is has a ripped page.  So she takes it back to her studio and lovingly repairs it, before giving it to NJD to read whilst he is waiting for his trial in prison.  JD was finally caught by police and he was going to trial for extortion.
- We get the full reveal of what happened between WJ and JH at the Han River.  JH had planned to be found by police with the drugs on him so that he would ruin his dad’s political career.  After he threw the drug into the river, WJ turned around, walked to the car.  In that time, JH had left his phone under his umbrella to head into the water to retrieve it.  When WJ looked to see if JH had followed him, he was gone.  So he got into the car, and started to drive off (this is why the dashcam footage didn’t include the next bit because the car wasn’t facing the river).  WJ sees JH struggling in the water.  He gets out of the car and then remembers how JH threatened to ruin NJD, so he didn’t jump into the water to help him and instead just watched him go under.  He picked up the umbrella that JH had left by the bank of the river but didn’t see the phone which was left there.  WJ never tells anyone about this little detail.  He’s left to live with this guilt for the rest of his life. 
- the end featured HJ at her shop.  On the pinboard there’s a pic of the 4 ladies - HJ, YJ, YS and SB sitting together happily together.  


I love how this drama wrapped up the moral of the story.  The Trolley dilemma was explored well and the quandaries a person faces is also presented realistically.  The right thing to do will always be the right thing to do.  It starts with the individual doing the right thing in the first place.  Courage under fire doesn’t have to look like a politician making grandiose promises on a stage, more often than not, it’s a quiet Ahjumma who finds her voice and stands her ground on the side of truth and integrity.  

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I'm glad for Hye-ju. This is her story.


I applaud her "rip off the band-aid" approach to solving this dilemma. Many people would not have made the decision she did. But she recognized that hiding ugly truths is not for the greater good after all - and made the decision to be an example to her daughter.


The other end of the spectrum is Woo-jae, who was all about hiding secrets for "the greater good," and ended on committing a terrible, immoral act - for which there is no earthly punishment, but he has to live with himself. And the viewer saw how things can go very wrong once you start making excuses and turn a blind eye to the truth.


Joong-do was certainly on his way to being this way. But I'm glad his wife helped him see the error of his ways. The damage has been done, but at least his soul was saved.


I loved seeing the final photo of Subin, Hye-ju, Yeo-jin, and Yun-seo. The animated opening sequence shows four figures, and I wondered who they were - and realized that it is the four women, the four survivors.


I loved that Hye-ju laid down a fresh piece of paper in her workshop, signifying the turning of a new page. It felt impossible, but people can heal and move on if they do the right thing.


For those wondering if they shoud watch Trolley - I thought it was a good drama. But it wasn't a very fun watch.

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Here are the ratings for Episode 16 *Last episode*! :).




“Trolley” Comes To A Steady Close As “Our Blooming Youth” And “Brain Works” Continue Fierce Ratings Battle

SBS’s “Trolley” has come to a steady close!


According to Nielsen Korea, the February 14 broadcast of “Trolley” achieved an average nationwide rating of 4.2 percent for the finale, which is the same as the score achieved by the previous episode.



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I finished ep 16!

I enjoyed how the last chapter ended.  Even though NJD was a huge disappointment, his acts led to KHJ becoming a stronger person by having the courage to tell her story.  And became a good role model for her daughter.  Seo bin, who I found irritating at the beginning of the drama, end up someone who will become a good person and not headed down the precarious path she was headed.  Even Seung hee, who irritated me until the second half of the episode, seems likely to finally find happiness with Ki Young.  Seo Yin will finally be free of the burden she carried.  


The big losers.  Naturally NJD, but like @chickfactor mentioned, his soul was saved by admitting his wrongdoing.  Woo jae.  I thought he could have had his own political career if Ji hoon ruined his father's career.  Woo jae seemed to be able  spin anything thrown at NJD, so woo jae could have disassociated himself from NJD and struck out on his own.  Seung hee's mother.  She lost her money, her daughter and herself.


@Shimmery-summer  I thought this drama was anything, but boring.  It can be an uncomfortable watch, but it's the type of drama I enjoy.  I think it usually takes a couple of episodes to understand what is going on.  I usually give it 4 episodes.  If I still hate it or am thoroughly confused or bored, I'll drop it.  It does help reading comment in drama threads.  Sometimes you miss things or other people have good insight into the episodes. 

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  • ferily changed the title to [Drama 2022-2023] Trolley, 트롤리

It finally ended.. thank you everyone and @nrllee for earlier eps we had fun to comment as soon as new eps came out.. hope to see you all again in The Bequeathed where KHJ and PHS would do drama together again.. hope that they'd end up together in this new drama LOL 

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Trolley: Episodes 15-16 (Final)

by missvictrix



Phew, what a ride. Trolley had much to accomplish in its finale week, from delivering final twists, to elucidating the final trolley problem, to taking our hearts and crushing them under said trolley.




After a few months of watching a steady string of dramas that let me down with their conclusions, the finale week of Trolley reminded me what it’s like to watch a drama that satisfies. Trolley delivers its ending beautifully, and somehow manages to catch a glimmer of light in what I’m pretty much ready to call a horror story. There’s no serial killings or bodies hanging in meat lockers — but the horror of gut-wrenching betrayal and lies is a horror that goes far deeper.

I think we can all agree when we first tuned into this drama, it was with absolutely no idea of how many dark twists it would take, or that it would end with this final lurch of horrible actions. I have so many thoughts about the drama’s ending, and how it tied its web of interwoven moral dilemmas into a final crowning dilemma, but first: that terrible cliffhanger.


We pick up with Hye-joo’s TV appearance, setting the record straight around the assault in her past, and confirming everything that Joong-do has said previously. She is towing the party line, looking at the good the Namgoong Sol law will do, but it’s clear she’s not at peace with what she’s done.

At the moment, Hye-joo thinks she’s covering up her husband’s affair, and though we can imagine how she feels, she still goes running to the hospital when she gets a call that Yeo-jin has attempted suicide. She survives, and Hye-joo shoos off Joong-do so she can stay with her. There’s a poetic mixture of love and resentment in her eyes, but it’s about to shift when she hears the news we did in our cliffhanger.


Yeo-jin wakes up and decides to tell Hye-joo that the affair was a lie: she was actually raped by Joong-do five years ago. Hye-joo, of course, has a hard time fitting this in her brain and denies it at first. But, as she weighs the possibility against what she knows of Yeo-jin and the lies she’s learned Joong-do is capable of, she soon comes to accept it. We see a flashback of Yeo-jin’s PTSD around Joong-do’s study where the incident occurred, and — gosh, it hurts — if anyone understands that kind of trauma, it is Hye-joo.

And so, these two women wind up comforting each other in this horrible mess they’ve found themselves in, and it’s hard to say who is more miserable and apologetic. The drama also fleshed out the conversation between Joong-do and Yeo-jin that Ji-hoon overheard, as well as the previous scene where Yeo-jin entered the study for the first time since the assault. As expected, with new context, both conversations read completely differently. It’s clear there was no affair.

So, while we can be relieved about the lack of adultery (and shame on the drama for that completely fictional moment of desirous gazes between Joong-do and Yeo-jin), where we land is far worse. It’s nothing short of sickening to imagine what happened to Yeo-jin; I can’t understand how that happened in that household and honestly I don’t want to.

Here we quick-cut to Hye-joo and Joong-do in her studio in maybe the fifth or sixth scene where Hye-joo confronts her husband on a lie and he has to own up to it. Each time this has been dreadful, but this one is just unfathomable. Joong-do insists it was “a mistake,” and Hye-joo says what we are all thinking: How can you call that a mistake? How could you do something so heinous and preach Namgoong Sol law?

Joong-do’s perspective is that he was so doggedly pursuing the Namgoong Sol law — even falsely incriminating his own son — to atone for what he had done. He even insists that Hye-joo not apply for divorce until the law has had a chance to pass.




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I wonder if you are still visiting this forum.  There was an interview of the writer.  I found the article informative.  The writer stated her motives for this drama. She would like to bring comfort to the victims who were hurt for the second time for extreme choices by the offenders. 


In addition, she said that the actors were informed in advance that NJD would be a sexual offender in the end of the drama.  It was very difficult for PHS to take the role initially.  He finally agreed eventually since he hoped to bring positive impacts for people in the similar situations.  Besides, the scenes and reasons for NJD's sexual crimes were not shown on purpose. She did not want to voice for the offenders.  


The writer chose the final scene to summarize the drama.  She said that the key purpose of the drama is to make HJ smile peacefully. 


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On 2/16/2023 at 4:09 PM, dogstar said:

Besides, the scenes and reasons for NJD's sexual crimes were not shown on purpose. She did not want to voice for the offenders.  


The writer chose the final scene to summarize the drama.  She said that the key purpose of the drama is to make HJ smile peacefully. 

Thanks for sharing.. it made me understood better since i felt that it lack of explaination on why did NJD assault YJ.. and again kudos to all of them and esp to PHS to again acted as villain yet again .. hope that in bequeathed he'd be the hero LOL 

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  • 9 months later...

[2023 Year in Review] The real husbands of dramaland

by Unit

They are charismatic, they are dramatic. They are possessed with a glib tongue and the ability to lie without blinking. They know how to work a suit and can charm your pants off. They are: The Real Husbands of Dramaland.


When I think about male characters in a K-drama romantic setting, my mind primarily goes to the swoony — and very much single — love interest who’s coming to charm the pants off the female lead. Or the pitiful second lead who’s always one step behind. Husbands are definitely not at the top of my mind. But this year, somehow, I kept noticing them. Maybe because a number of them had similar characteristics — which we’ll get into soon enough — but yeah, 2023 was indeed the year of the husbands. We had the good, the bad, and the ugly. And without further ado, let’s dive into some of the featured husbands in dramaland this year.


1. Nam Joong-do (Trolley)

There are good husbands and genuine politicians. And there’s me, who’s neither of those.

Politicians are a crazy bunch, so I remember being wowed during Trolley’s opening episodes when I saw a K-drama assemblyman with a normal and healthy marital life. Nam Joong-do was the epitome of love and devotion to his wife, and he was headed for husband of the year! Heck, I already wrote down his name in my best dramaland husband of all time list. And then, boom! This guy was revealed to be the scummiest scum that ever scummed.

It was a rude slap to my face because I rooted for him. We were all rooting for that hypocrite who spent the entire drama working for the “greater good” when in reality, he was the worst of the lot. This is why people develop trust issues! Nam Joong-do single-handedly ruined his family, and he will go down as one of the biggest character disappointments ever.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Actress Soo-bin Jeong is posing on the red carpet for the 2023 SBS Drama Awards held at SBS Prism Tower in Sangam-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul on the 29th.









At the SBS ‘2023 SBS Drama Awards’ aired on the 29th, Kang Yoo-seok, Kwon Ah-reum, Kim Do-hoon, Yang Hye-ji, Lee Shin-young, Lee Hong-nae, and Jeong Soo-bin won the Rookie Acting Award.




Nominees for Best New Actor Award include Kang Yoo-seok for 'The Law', Kwon Ah-reum for 'National Death Penalty Vote', Kim Do-hoon for 'Escape of the Seven', Yang Hye-ji for 'Ghosts', Lee Shin-young for 'Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim 3', and 'Romantic Doctor Kim'. Lee Hong-nae of ‘Master 3’ and Su-bin Jeong of ‘Trolley’ were named.


The winners of the New Actor Award were Kang Yoo-seok for 'The Law', Kwon A-reum for 'National Death Penalty Vote', Kim Do-hoon for 'Escape of the Seven', Yang Hye-ji for 'Ghost', Lee Shin-young for 'Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim 3', and 'Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim'. Lee Hong-nae of '3' and Su-bin Jeong of 'Trolley' all received awards.


Shin Dong-yeop said, “They said they prepared a special time this year because there were so many new actors who performed well.” When asked who comes to mind right now, Areum Kwon responded nervously, "I can't think of anyone right now," causing everyone around her to burst into laughter.


Kim Yoo-jung asked if there was anyone she would like to thank Jeong Soo-bin from ‘Trolley’. Jeong Soo-bin said, “I worked with all the seniors who were really good. I miss them and am very grateful, and I will work hard to become a good senior.”





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'Ghost' Kim Won-hae and 'Trolley' Jeong Soon-won won Best Supporting Actor... “Thank you” [SBS Drama Awards]




Next, Jung Soon-won, who performed passionately in 'Trolley' and 'My Demon', won the supporting actor award in the miniseries romantic comedy/romcom category. He expressed his gratitude to the director, writer, and producer. He also mentioned his parents, saying he has many people to thank. Jeong Soon-won garnered attention by saying, "My father is very ill, so I'm glad I can make him proud before it's too late. Ever since I was young, I wanted to become an actor because I wanted to make my family proud. My heart is full."






'My Demon x Trolley''s Seo Jung-yeon Wins Supporting Actress in a Miniseries



‘My Demon’ and `Trolley` Seo Jeong-yeon does not participate in the ‘SBS Drama Awards’… Mourning for the late Lee Seon-kyun


Actress Seo Jeong-yeon will not participate in the ‘2023 SBS Drama Awards’. According to Star News coverage on the 29th, Seo Jeong-yeon will not attend the '2023 SBS Drama Awards' awards ceremony to be held this afternoon. She decided not to attend due to scheduling issues.


Seo Jeong-yeon is being mentioned as a strong candidate for the Supporting Actress Award at this year's 'SBS Drama Awards.' He recently played the role of Shin Myeong-seo in the SBS Friday-Saturday drama 'My Demon' starring Kim Yoo-jung and Song Kang, and is receiving a lot of love from viewers.

In addition to 'My Demon', Seo Jeong-yeon also appeared in 'Trolley' and 'The Law', which ended in February. It is known that he was invited to this year's 'SBS Drama Awards' for roles such as 'My Demon' and 'Trolley'. He appeared as Eun Ji-hee, the older sister of Eun-yong (played by Lee Seon-kyun), in 'The Law'.


In addition to 'My Demon', Seo Jeong-yeon also appeared in 'Trolley' and 'The Law', which ended in February. It is known that he was invited to this year's 'SBS Drama Awards' for roles such as 'My Demon' and 'Trolley'. He appeared as Eun Ji-hee, the older sister of Eun-yong (played by Lee Seon-kyun), in 'The Law'.



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Jung Soon-won wins Best Supporting Actor award... “I’m glad I became something my father could be proud of before it’s too late” [2023 SBS Drama Awards]




Actor Jeong Soon-won moved viewers with a touching acceptance speech at the ‘2023 SBS Drama Awards.’ At 8:40 pm on the 29th, the ‘2023 SBS Drama Awards’ was held at the SBS Prism Tower in Sangam-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, hosted by Shin Dong-yeop and Kim Yu-jung.


On this day, Jung Soon-won (My Demon, Trolley) won the Supporting Actor Award in the Miniseries Melodrama/Romance category. Jeong Soon-won, who came on stage immediately after receiving the award, said, “I will be loyal to the director and writer. “I am grateful to my seniors who taught me a lot while filming with me,” he began.


He continued, “My father is very ill, so I am glad that I was able to make him proud before it was too late. “Ever since I was young, when people asked me why I wanted to become an actor, I answered, ‘I want to make my family proud,’ and today I feel like I’ve achieved one step, so my heart is full,” he said, expressing his emotional feelings.

Meanwhile, the '2023 SBS Drama Awards' are 'Trolley', 'Flower Scholar's Love Story', 'The Law', 'Model Taxi 2', 'Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim 3', 'Ghost', 'National Death Penalty Vote', and 'Next to the Fire Station'. This is an event to sum up all SBS dramas aired this year, including 'Police Station and National Forensic Service', 'Escape of the Seven', and 'My Demon'.



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[2023 Year in Review] Bean of Hiddenness

by DB Staff

We’ve handed out the Bean of Greatness, the Bean of Disappointment, and the Bean of Squee. For our final bean of the year, we’re awarding the Bean of Hiddenness. You know the drama — it was flying under the radar. Well, until it flew right into your heart and became the hidden gem you didn’t know you needed.

Not to be confused with the famous Editors’ Picks, this bean series is much like our other DB team posts — each writer sharing their feels. Add your own personal Bean of Hiddenness in the comments and share your gems!



missvictrix: Can a hidden gem drama also be painful and full of torment and tension? If so, my Bean of Hiddenness goes to Trolley. It’s not a fluffy drama. You won’t leave with stars in your eyes. You’ll probably be a wreck of emotions. But that being said, it’s a drama that’s amazingly acted, well-written, and absolutely riveting. And even though our heroine goes through a harrowing journey of lies and deception, the overarching message is about facing your demons, and being able to discover a deep well of inner strength, even when it feels like there’s nothing left inside of you. How’s that for being totally depressing and yet vaguely uplifting? Jokes aside, this is a well-crafted, high-intensity drama that deserved much more attention than it got.



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