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[Drama 2022] Forecasting Love and Weather ✸ 기상청 사람들: 사내연애 잔혹사 편


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I'm watching Ep 1 and 2 and i'm just sooooooo pissed at the 2nd leads...i can't wait for them to get their comeuppance. :angry: Edited: ok, i finished Ep 2...the FL finally speaking her mind to her ex was so satisfying... we must see more of that from her.

Edited by haruhi17
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Ah, they start dating. Who saw this coming? I didn't think they'd give in so soon, but it is promising that there's not much will they or won't they. Now it's all about the obstacles....


Speaking of which:

  • Toxic Ex Fiancée/Spokesperson: He is very unprofessional and can't deal with pressure much. For some reason he cheated on her, probably because he got bored in the relationship, as he supported her and she never gave him much attention as she put her career in Place #1. That's why it's strange that he now is with Reporter - already we see trouble after 2 months, during their honeymoon period. He treats her like a queen, but Reporter is a spoiled messy and doesn't do anything. 
  • Snappy Reporter: we see in Preview she is going after Chief, because she feels she has a right to the money from half of the flat. A very emotional person, her writing/reporting reflects that. Another unprofessional, who is allergic to her exbf's presence, and yet can't help but chew him out in a public hallway. Things will come out between her past relationship, because she keeps being drawn in by her exbf, especially when she remembers the good times when he waited hand and foot like a servant to his queen.
  • Senior Forecaster: Her issues with him quickly got solved, and his words are right. She needs to step into the role as Chief of Team 2, but she was doing nothing. Even her juniors try to make things easier for her, but she ignores their help. It also didn't help that she was late to the meeting due to a One night stand. 


However, her life gets easier with our goody two shoes ML making his move. He really is too nice of a guy, and quite laid back and someone who supports his partner. However, like in his past characters, Song Kang once again asks: "Do you have feelings for me?" This must be a Song Kang line :D Definitely overused. 


Too bad ML helps out FL, and she still refuses to sell her purifier to him, despite her getting sales with his help. He doesn't even get a meal out of FL, as she is quite paranoid their "relationship" will be found out by their coworkers. 


Just once I want leads being cool about it, when their "secret relationship" is threatened to be outted (as if their coworkers are mindreaders lol) and just nod to the coworkers and say, "Hey. You here, too? Let's eat together and have fun", instead of trying to pull a James Bond and turn a simple dinner into a spy mission.




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1 hour ago, agenth said:

Ah, they start dating. Who saw this coming? I didn't think they'd give in so soon, but it is promising that there's not much will they or won't they. Now it's all about the obstacles....


Did they start dating already? She didn't answer. I am worried that we'll get another 10 episodes of her being indecisive and him chasing her. :unamused:

And if that happens, I will be dropping the drama and I won't be looking back.

Minions Mic Drop GIF


I sincerely hope that Ha Kyung can come clean with her feelings to Si Won quickly. I really admired Si Won for being an adult and communicating how he felt and what he wanted. If she skirts around this matter when she clearly has feelings for him too, we have walked down the same path we've seen a trillion times before in kdramas. :bawling:


I agree that the 2nd leads are incompatible and that they will come to regret leaving the leads for a quick marriage. Seems both original couples never communicated clearly about their needs and feelings in the relationships, and that's why they deteriorated to the point that cheating occurred.

Never having had a single disagreement in 10 years is a red flag that there might be a glitch in the communication somewhere.


1 hour ago, agenth said:

Too bad ML helps out FL, and she still refuses to sell her purifier to him, despite her getting sales with his help.


Yeah, I didn't get why she couldn't sell the air purifier to him? They had a written contract and all.

Sesame Street Idk GIF


My hope is that we'll get some more barf in this drama to make it interesting, and not just angst and boredom for the next 10-12 episodes.


My wish list:

  • Ha Kyung comes clean and she and Si Won start dating
  • The second leads regret their decisions and try to win their respective spouses back creating a bit of drama here and there
  • An accidental pregnancy :glasses:

Yes, it's been years since I've seen an accidental pregnancy in a kdrama (I think the year was 2012 to be exact). Time for one again.


@LeftCoastOppa chingu, do join our discussions. :kiss_wink:


@Ameera Ali Are you watching this drama? I guess not, since there are no abs. Even in the shower scenes.


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13 minutes ago, itsmeash said:

I don't want them dating right away. But I also don't want to wait until ep 10+ for anything to happen again. I'll take the cdrama way of ep 7 or so please and thanks.


Noooo.... They already slept together too....I can't take 4 more episodes of chasing. :bawling: We need more sexy times. :joy:

@LeftCoastOppa @agenth and I are here for it.

Happy Spongebob Squarepants GIF


Let's date quickly. Pali pali!


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1 hour ago, agenth said:

Ah, they start dating. Who saw this coming? I didn't think they'd give in so soon, but it is promising that there's not much will they or won't they. Now it's all about the obstacles....


36 minutes ago, partyon said:

Did they start dating already? She didn't answer. I am worried that we'll get another 10 episodes of her being indecisive and him chasing her.


15 minutes ago, itsmeash said:

I don't want them dating right away. But I also don't want to wait until ep 10+ for anything to happen again. I'll take the cdrama way of ep 7 or so please and thanks.


I'm in a mix here - As nice and honorable as Si Won seems, I don't find it very realistic that one can dismiss 10 years of dating at the drop of a hat, even considering the cheating - Not to be misunderstood, Ha Kyung definitely should've left him if he hadn't done the deed first, but jumping headlong into a relationship when you've got 10 years of cheaters cob-webs to clear your head of first. 


I would've preferred to see them go from office enemies to friends as it originally appeared they were headed -  Si Won would take the time to prove himself faithful to Ha Kyung despite recurring distractions like we can now clearly see them lining up for us.  Si Wons ex will want him back, just as Ha Kyung's will,  and I can see the scene already ... "yeah, we had a lovely moment, but it was a mistake" ... :rolleyes:


My Wish List:


  • We get good comedy sleuthing from the office colleagues ... I think one saw Ha Kyung already
  • I want a genuine story for Senior Forecaster to reunite with his wife/daughter ... not just ep filler
  • We need a 2nd set of rom/com leads to root for (divorced sister maybe) ... the current 2nd leads are loathsome




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15 minutes ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

I'm in a mix here - As nice and honorable as Si Won seems, I don't find it very realistic that one can dismiss 10 years of dating at the drop of a hat, even considering the cheating - Not to be misunderstood, Ha Kyung definitely should've left him if he hadn't done the deed first, but jumping headlong into a relationship when you've got 10 years of cheaters cob-webs to clear your head of first. 


I can see your point, but Ha Kyung's relationship with her ex didn't seem very deep on an emotional level. And tbh she seemed to get over him pretty quickly too despite him cheating on her.


Dating is not the same thing as falling in love. @agenth and I were chatting about it, and to us it seems that Ha Kyung's lust cell is on overdrive after the night with Si Won. Is she in love - not necessarily? Is she looking for a good time? Most probably :joy:



cr. to owner


Yes to dating in ep 4!


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1 hour ago, partyon said:

Did they start dating already? She didn't answer. I am worried that we'll get another 10 episodes of her being indecisive and him chasing her. :unamused:

And if that happens, I will be dropping the drama and I won't be looking back.


It looked like they are starting to have a secret office romance, at least from what they said in the previews and all the glances and smiles. 


54 minutes ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

I'm in a mix here - As nice and honorable as Si Won seems, I don't find it very realistic that one can dismiss 10 years of dating at the drop of a hat, even considering the cheating - Not to be misunderstood, Ha Kyung definitely should've left him if he hadn't done the deed first, but jumping headlong into a relationship when you've got 10 years of cheaters cob-webs to clear your head of first. 


Hm yes, from what we've seen she doesn't seem that broken up about it. Humilitated, yes. She has to keep seeing him everyday and everybody knows about their business, plus she will occasionally also see his wife in a professional capacity. 


I think once they shouted, she accepted the end of the relationship, as he unloaded all the things he "put up with". Not that his actions were right, but I can see why it was a bad relationship in deep level, which she must have noticed too. She just got comfortable of being in a relationship for 10 years and after many years they decided to get married just due to "we're together". 


57 minutes ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

We need a 2nd set of rom/com leads to root for (divorced sister maybe) ... the current 2nd leads are loathsome

The 2nd leads story, I'm here for their marriage to crumble down. It looks satisfying haha. What kind of idiot gets married within 2 months of having their affair out in the open? Already he cannot stand the antics of his new wife haha. His past relationship he suffered a lot and never expressed his frustrations, now he blows up, but his new wife doesn't see what's wrong :D







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2 hours ago, partyon said:

@Ameera Ali Are you watching this drama? I guess not, since there are no abs. Even in the shower scenes.


Oh no , don’t she got a sofa  he known for taking his shirt on it :hwaiting2:


1 hour ago, partyon said:


.I can't take 4 more episodes of chasing. :bawling:


I am not watching but this lead man should be called Mr chaser  in every drama  he chasing the leads women around like stalker on mission :grin:


in MINE  he chase the maid until she surrendered :D


in Nevertheless he chased lead out of her mind :mrgreen:


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That's why they always say, "you don't know what you've got until it's gone". Both Yoo Jin, Ki Joon are havin' second thoughts tsk. Both are also a nuisance.

    I understand Ha Kyung isn't ready for another relationship, what more a subordinate who's also much younger. But she should just give it a try anyways LoL?

    I kind of feel bad for Si Woo 'cause of the hierarchy thing, he's sort of dismissed a lot. The senior forecaster is a prick btw. Why was he an absent parent for 14 years??? What happened?? Did he have to hide from debtors or mafia LoL?! 

    The end scene of ep. 03 was sooo "Nevertheless". I laughed when he said he doesn't sleep/fool around. Also Min Young look polish even when running late for work or after a passionate night before eheheh. 

    Fyi the right way to feel for temperature is back of hand but I guess that doesn't look romantic on screen LoL!?


Er--Song Kang wasn't on "Mine" though? @Ameera Ali ya have a point on him bein' stalkerish like LoL.


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7 minutes ago, Ameera Ali said:

I am not watching but this lead man should be called Mr chaser  in every drama  he chasing the leads women around like stalker on mission :grin:


in MINE  he chase the maid until she surrendered :D


in Nevertheless he chased lead out of her mind :mrgreen:


he did chase in Love Alarm 1 / 2. Also had that whjole "DO YOU HAVE FEELINGS FOR ME?" gig, as far as i remember. 



6 minutes ago, Latte_Anyday said:

I kind of feel bad for Si Woo 'cause of the hierarchy thing, he's sort of dismissed a lot. The senior forecaster is a prick btw. Why was he an absent parent for 14 years??? What happened?? Did he have to hide from debtors or mafia LoL?! 

i think he was "absent" because he was (forced to take) at work somewhere else, not in Seoul. So the family all should have moved with him, instead of having to pay 2 flats. 



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1 hour ago, partyon said:

Dating is not the same thing as falling in love.


True, but more often than not, it serves as the go-to precursor ...


1 hour ago, partyon said:

it seems that Ha Kyung's lust cell is on overdrive after the night with Si Won. Is she in love - not necessarily? Is she looking for a good time? Most probably


True again, but while lust may seem harmless in and of itself, it isn't as good a salve for heart wounds as it may easily appear ...  Besides, I doubt she's bold enough to straight up ask for a FWB situation, and from what little we've seen of Si Won, I doubt he'd accept if she asked.


We'll see -


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3 hours ago, partyon said:


Noooo.... They already slept together too....I can't take 4 more episodes of chasing. :bawling: We need more sexy times. :joy:

@LeftCoastOppa @agenth and I are here for it.


Let's date quickly. Pali pali!


I'm not against them getting together already, i'm just a bit worried. Usually in kdramas, the sooner the OTP get together the more likely they will have a longer drawn out break up before they reunite. I can't handle long drawn out breakups. They're the worst.

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16 minutes ago, itsmeash said:

I'm not against them getting together already, i'm just a bit worried. Usually in kdramas, the sooner the OTP get together the more likely they will have a longer drawn out break up before they reunite. I can't handle long drawn out breakups. They're the worst.

Yes this, I so agree I feel the same nod.

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9 hours ago, Latte_Anyday said:

    The end scene of ep. 03 was sooo "Nevertheless". I laughed when he said he doesn't sleep/fool around. Also Min Young look polish even when running late for work or after a passionate night before eheheh. 

Yeah, even her "walk of shame" (common slang word for when coming home in the morning after a hook-up) looked too polished. The hair, the clothes, the make-up were not messy enough at all. :D


9 hours ago, Ameera Ali said:

in MINE  he chase the maid until she surrendered :D


Wait, that was Song Kang's look alike Cha Hak Yeon. :emmm:

In Navillera Song Kang didn't chase anybody - except for his ballet dream. And sometimes haraboji.


8 hours ago, itsmeash said:

I'm not against them getting together already, i'm just a bit worried. Usually in kdramas, the sooner the OTP get together the more likely they will have a longer drawn out break up before they reunite. I can't handle long drawn out breakups. They're the worst.


I agree with you about the long drawn out breakups. :bawling:


I had forgotten that this drama is also called "Office Romance Cruelty". If that's the case, guess the romance will be in the center of this drama. Would also mean that we should get a romance on the table pretty fast like @agenth chingu was suspecting earlier.

The "cruelty" word sounds ominous though. :scream: And this is listed as a melodrama.... Might be that we're in for some stormy weather.


Just give us some barf scenes of the 2nd leads trying to break up the couple and then give us a happy ending, dear writers.

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