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[Drama 2022] Alchemy Of Souls: Light and Shadow ✴ 반환


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Good thing episode 8 didn’t disappoint.  The episode started where they finished the previous one, with the passionate kiss. I thought something was going to happen between the two but they just teased the viewers.

Finally things are moving forward with Naksu recovering her memories and the mysterious Bu-yeon making an appearance. Jin Mu is also proceeding with his plan of drying the lake to make another ice stone.

I was really annoyed with Lady Heo in episode 7 but her actions here turned out to be the final act that enabled Naksu to regain her memories. Yes, it made her and Uk sad but what is kdrama without moments like this.

I’m curious about that mystical prison. Is that an actual place or an inter-dimensional magic place? Because Jang Uk was able to go there to save Naksu from the wraith.

The next question is who was the skeleton inside that place with what looks like an ice stone? Someone posted here that maybe Naksu’s soul can go there. Can the ice stone actually reform a body?

Lastly what is Bu-yeon’s plan? Is it to do the rain dance to stop the drought?

Only 2 more episodes left so I’m sure we’ll be subjected to a roller coaster of emotions. I can’t wait to see how Jang Uk and Naksu will react after Naksu’s total recall and Jang Uk’s realization.

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48 minutes ago, Bojun said:

I can’t wait to see how Jang Uk and Naksu will react after Naksu’s total recall and Jang Uk’s realization.


Please include a scene of Jang Uk eating humble pie for all the times he was mean to his one-true-love-in-multiple-iterations. YOU MARRIED NAKSU, DUDE! Be nice to her!

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The walk. The stare. 

Naksu is back. 




This episode (8), Go Younjung reminded me so much of Jung Somin's performance as Naksu, the stoicism which conveying the emotions she's trying to suppress in front of Jang Uk. She really feels like Naksu-Mudeok. The fierceness in her eyes, her tone of voice has also deepened. Oh, and she finally might have character motivation that involves reclaiming herself? Go Younjung was such a genius today.  
"Now is not the time to turn the light off!”:Pandabulous:



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Two episodes left, it's still  Naksu-BuYeon-Naksu-BuYeon- ... goodness!!


I am still not over the lame Reborn Rich ending. That's also the 1-2 type.

Waiting for this to end better. Hope it's not a titanic :)  Just thinking aloud.:hwaiting2:


P/S I think it will most likely be Naksu awareness or soul. BuYeon has been gone a long time and only known to the viewers. It will be a new person.

@partyon I had watched the Reborn Rich ending which had 17 years of a man's life transposed into 1 week of dreams of a man shot in the head. That does terrible things to my head. So I am ready for the sneaky Hong sisters' ending. Bring it on. Like it was all in BuYeon's dream. :hahah!:

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I finally watched ep 8 and Yey agree with you all that it shouldn’t have taken 8 episodes for Naksu to get her memories back. Finallllllyy— cute OTP scenes at the beginning. The Hong sisters like to give whiplash to viewers - seriously and while I get Naksu’s guilt and running out of time, it is just taking up time with two episodes left. JU is also a goofy fool too. I was like why don’t you get it by now lol 


Naksu taking charge at the end is what I’ve been waiting for. Her aiming across the turtle was cute too. Is that another ice stone in the skeleton? 

I wish the show runners were a bit more consistent and yes we all know JSM can’t be there but it was really odd to see YB’s soul as a little girl. They could have done a better job with that scene. 

I am gonna join the ‘wait and see’ group because I don’t trust the Hong sisters re endings. They have a terrible track record. 

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39 minutes ago, STARSX said:

This episode (8), Go Younjung reminded me so much of Jung Somin's performance as Naksu, the stoicism which conveying the emotions she's trying to suppress in front of Jang Uk. She really feels like Naksu-Mudeok. The fierceness in her eyes, her tone of voice has also deepened. Oh, and she finally might have character motivation that involves reclaiming herself? Go Younjung was such a genius today.  

YAAAAASSSSS 100%! THIS is what I was waiting for! As soon as she heard Jin Mu was going to be there, Naksu came back before our very eyes, hackles and all. I'm cheering! Finally I feel like Naksu 1.0/Mudeok/Naksu3.0 are the same person.

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Naksu’s glare.









I understand where Naksu is coming from. At first, I thought “she has to tell him that she’s alive.” but then I realized it wouldn’t be fair for Jang Uk. Before she got her memories back, she was aware and saw it first hand how damaging the past 3 years for Jang Uk was. Yes, Jang Uk will be happy knowing she remembers but then the happiness will be short-lived because Jin Bu Yeon will reclaim her body and her soul will disappear. When that happens, it would be like killing Jang Uk twice.


5 hours ago, Yinye said:

I am gonna join the ‘wait and see’ group because I don’t trust the Hong sisters re endings. They have a terrible track record. 

With so much parallelism between the first season and the second season, I wouldn’t be surprised if the writers will let Naksu get petrified again. Once Jang Uk realizes this, he will either damn the whole world to make a new ice stone or sacrifice himself so he can give his eye stone to Naksu. But i hope i'd could be wrong.

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Here are the ratings for Episode's 7 and 8! :)


Episode 7 : 6.4 percent. and Episode 8 :8.605 percent




“Alchemy Of Souls Part 2” And “Red Balloon” Soar To New All-Time Highs In Viewership Ratings

The Saturday-Sunday dramas have started the new year strong!

On January 1, tvN’s hit fantasy drama starring Lee Jae Wook and Go Yoon Jung achieved the highest viewership ratings of its entire run so far. According to Nielsen Korea, episode 8 of “Alchemy of Souls Part 2” garnered an average nationwide rating of 8.605 percent. This is a 2.2 percent increase from its previous episode’s rating of 6.4 percent.


“Alchemy Of Souls Part 2” And “Red Balloon” Soar To New All-Time Highs In Viewership Ratings | Soompi


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10 hours ago, Yinye said:

but I don’t trust the Hong Sisters at alll

i have a bad feeling about them too...who knows what they have in mind?they should know that after all the problems in the world viewers need happy end at least in the dramas...

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So as we head into the final week, just a few thoughts ...


At the end of season one I was VERY skeptical, to say the least, on how they could bring Naksu back to Jang Uk in a different body/face in just 10 episodes.  I now freely admit, even as excruciating as it has been at times, the amnesia cliche actually worked here.  Now the only worry is the ending -


- Naksu/Bu Yeon.  Somethings just don't add up here -


In season 1, Bu Yeon interrupts Naksu's attempted AoS and draws her soul into herself - Why? This question is still missing an answer - When we first see Bu Yeon in season 1 she is looking a little disheveled, perhaps a bit hungry, blind (we know she was always blind) but to this point in the story we have been shown nothing that would suggest Bu Yeon needed Naksu's "power" at that point. Yes, she had summoned the Ice Stone, and then had it taken. Yes, she was pushed into the lake and almost drowned, but that all happened as a younger child, who obviously lived to grow into adult Bu Yeon/Mu Deok.


In season 2, Bu Yeons need for Naksu's power makes a little more sense as the 2 had become petrified which kills normal soul shifters. If Bu Yeon utilized most of her energy to keep the 2 souls alive, then the need for Naksu now makes a bit more sense. BUT  we still don't have a definitive explanation of what is Bu Yeon actually trying to do.


If any chingus here actually speak Korean, can we get an actual translation of Bu Yeons conversation with Naksu at the tree?  Subtitles say that it would've been better if Naksu hadn't regained her memory until after Bu Yeon restored her full divine power, and that she could've left without sadness.


- Does Bu Yeon ever say "die"? or just that Naksu must "leave"?


- As Bu Yeon was aware that Naksu regained her memories, and appeared right after, she must've been conscious inside the whole time.


I refuse to believe Naksu's soul has been just an arbitrary source of power to Bu Yeon, I'd offer that the exchange at the tree is not as dark as it may have seemed.  What if Bu Yeon needed her full divine power to restore Naksu in another body? What if her plan for Naksu was to have her remain "asleep" (no memories) until Bu Yeon could regain her power - restore Naksu, and her memories when she "leaves" Bu Yeon's body, thus preventing the "sadness" she is now experiencing.  


Additionally, while they also have never explained the scene where Bu Yeon saves Jang Uk inside the AoS, todays episode might have shed a little light on that.  The Red/Blue jade ... a relic of Jinyuwon ... Jang Uk & Mu Deok/Naksu/Bu Yeon had exchanged the jade just before the AoS attack on Jang Uk.


Just as Naksu instinctively powered the jade while running from the wraith, and Jang Uk with the power of the Ice Stone was able to reach and save her - Jang Uk may have done the same while within the AoS, and Bu Yeon responded and saved him ... still doesn't quite explain that loving look in her eyes when she pulls him close in that scene, but its a start.



So to bring this long rant to a close - while I am fully aware of the Hong Sisters history, I refuse to believe that they will kill off their Main Leads TWICE.  So, Bu Yeon with her fully restored divine powers, extracts the Ice Stone from Jang Uk without killing him. She uses the Ice Stone to restore Naksu and soul into 1 body. Bu Yeon then uses the power of the Ice stone to perform the water ritual again, only this time, she and the Ice Stone return to the sky at the conclusion thus removing its power from the hands of men. ... I'm sure theres some sort of link to Jin Soel Ran tucked in there somewhere, I just can't figure it out

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1 hour ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

Just as Naksu instinctively powered the jade while running from the wraith, and Jang Uk with the power of the Ice Stone was able to reach and save her - Jang Uk may have done the same while within the AoS, and Bu Yeon responded and saved him ... still doesn't quite explain that loving look in her eyes when she pulls him close in that scene, but its a start.



So to bring this long rant to a close - while I am fully aware of the Hong Sisters history, I refuse to believe that they will kill off their Main Leads TWICE.  So, Bu Yeon with her fully restored divine powers, extracts the Ice Stone from Jang Uk without killing him. She uses the Ice Stone to restore Naksu and soul into 1 body. Bu Yeon then uses the power of the Ice stone to perform the water ritual again, only this time, she and the Ice Stone return to the sky at the conclusion thus removing its power from the hands of men. ... I'm sure theres some sort of link to Jin Soel Ran tucked in there somewhere, I just can't figure it out


here's some of my two cents in attempt to try to make sense of all the mess :D (or i could be writing a whole fanfiction, we'll see)


For the record, this drama has an inherent flaw, in which we, as a viewer never fully understand the rules, and the extent of the way this AoS universe works. Best we can do is guess, just like with the extent of jin bu yeon's ability, which has been said similar to that of the legendary jin seol ran. Both are blind, both have divine power that able to sense magical power and manipulate it. How far in terms of distance (and time?) could she sense the presence of magical activity? Could it be that she has been quietly monitoring the situation all throughout Daeho despite being isolated in the little Sari Village?


Reason for Buyeon and Naksu's alchemy of souls:

In the beginning, if i remember correctly, it was implied that the decision to move and being sold as a slave in the city was mudeok's decision. Sure, mudeok lost her grandma, hence she has no other reason to stay in the village, but could it be also because she started to notice the increase in magical disturbance because all of the alchemy of souls that's happening (courtesy by jin mu et al)? So maybe she decided to move to check the situation closely?

Once she got to the city, she happens to stumble upon an aos ritual, performed by a quite powerful mage. So maybe she's like, 'not on my watch', and redirect the whole soul exchange into her own body. She might also sense that naksu has dangerous power and intentions, hence she's trying to contain her and subdue all naksu's power inside her body.


Reason for Buyeon saving Janguk during the alchemy of souls attempt:

Back to jin bu yeon's divine power. She could have sense janguk's special situation (being blessed with the king's star), and she understand the significance of janguk's existence to fulfill whatever his destiny is. So she saved him by blocking the aos attempt. The part when she looked at him and smiled? Perhaps more in a 'So you're the King's Star' way, rather than in a 'I like you' way.


Buyeon's grand plan:

Even though master lee has speculated that all that is currently happening is part of buyeon's plan, the scene with bu yeon and naksu when naksu regained her memory in front of the tree has proved otherwise. Buyeon had planned for herself to regain power before naksu regains her memory, perhaps because she had planned to get rid of naksu's soul painlessly, no drama involving the star crossed lover (janguk and naksu). See, from buyeon's point of view, these two has been developing a whole love story (or two) via her body, that she did not ever consented. For all we know, she could care less about all the drama happening with janguk and naksu. All that she care was utilizing her power and the ice stone power (now inside janguk's body) to end all the chaos that was made by jin mu. Naksu and Janguk being lover was never part of the equation, but now that it happened anyway, she wants to send naksu quietly without naksu and janguk even realizing about the inevitability of them being separated anyway.


That being said. It was all just a plan. Sure, jin bu yeon has divine power, bu she's not a goddess. And so here's a loophole where the writer could insert some ridiculous deus ex machina to somehow resolve all the issues. Logical thinking (according to current known facts) would results in one of them dead. But, watch them finding out new tools and gadgets to save both naksu and jin bu yeon, lol. Whatever happens, the ball is in hong's sister's court now. For me, I'll just enjoy the ride rather than trying to guess their move. What's the point of it if they're just end up trolling us anyway :coolshades:


(sorry if my grammar and tenses are all over the place; if it hasn't been clear already, english is not the language that i speak daily, so, i hope it's clear enough to understand)

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15 hours ago, partyon said:

The biggest wasted opportunity of this drama was giving us to "abs" scenes this week. But they were just baby abs - more like "barely there abs". :bawling:


Instead we could have been enjoying Crown Prince's abs,

twin @partyon we need to forget about crown prince abs :mrgreen:

Them on silver plate 



Crown prince: 

hell no I will not take off my undershirt they don’t pay me enough to show my asset :D



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so I'm watching the first part and for this second part there are only two episodes left, I have the impression that I won't be surprised, I'm waiting to see how they will conclude the different characters especially mama jin and Jin Mu , I want to see what the writers have their reservations
Lee Jae Wook definitely did a great job, it's great acting, he and GYJ have a wonderful chemistry, I like how GYS changed the intonation in her voice when she became Nasku again in the scene with mama jin, but on the other hand the facial expression is not really her strong point
a season 3 for 2024 I don't believe it

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