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[OFFICIAL] Hyun Bin ❤️ Son Ye Jin (BinJin Couple)


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18 minutes ago, Winny said:

May i know what sepanx mean?  And IV as in "interview"? Coz what came to my mind is "IV drips" :joy:

Guess i'm really old, can't keep up with these internet jargons :joy:

Hello comrade. Allow me to be your Kim Ju Meok today. :D


Sepanx is a shorthand for separation anxiety. So we can only imagine the withdrawal and other symptoms after CLOY ends. :bawling:

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4 minutes ago, phoenixember said:

Hello comrade. Allow me to be your Kim Ju Meok today. :D


Sepanx is a shorthand for separation anxiety. So we can only imagine the withdrawal and other symptoms after CLOY ends. :bawling:

Thank you for explaining... sepanx is real:joy: i just called my mom to let me see and talk to my dog because i can't deal with CLOY ending this week:joy::joy::joy:

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52 minutes ago, neverminditsjustnina said:

"those who love each other, will always meet again. No matter how far you are, you’ll always come back to each other." is just SO THEM. BOTH FICTIONAL AND REAL CHARACTERS LOL

*play but it’s destiny by 10cm as bgm*



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@xxyyI've been a fan of SYJ since sun-hee and jin hee then came a moment to remember. Since then she's been my girl crush and watched almost all her movies and dramas. She is my first love in everything Korean. And I'm just so shocked right now upon reading your post that hyunbin is the lead role of a millionaire's first love. How strange that I don't know or didn't care at all the names of the leads. Because this movie is also one of my favorite movie during my teenage yrs. Haha what I'm really trying to say is that how thrilled I am, very very happy that I am shipping my girl crush SYJ to hyunbin. 

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Omo Omo OMOOOOO. Guys I was rewatching for like 15th time the bts of eps.13&14 and I had saw in somewhere that someone point out that HB ''jocking'' take Yejin's hand and was going to the bed, I was like  no wayyy that this happened in front of all the staff but them I watched again paying attention on that and with the subs at this time and they were right, I'm shock :hushed:.

How naughty our CEO it's with his ''bestie'' he can't hide anymore because they're literally flirting in front of everyone :naughty:. The shy boy doesn't exist anymore :D.



eng subs by : DUCKHU TV https://twitter.com/DUCKHU_TV

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12 hours ago, xxyy said:

I had all these questions last night. I thought I'll just post it the morning but within the past 12 hrs/5 pages later....all the questions have been answered! Lol you lovely comrades… :wub:


Here it goes anyways as I have already drafted my post…


What is HB (and SYJ) personality and how has SYJ changed him?

Y’all did already answer it in the past pages but do feel free as I’d love to read more of HB’s before and after personality :D


Here is my story to the sailing of the ship.......


I have loved SYJ for a really long time because of "The Classic”. I can't remember how many times, I have watched the film. She was just so beautiful and that movie was just perfection. I didn't want anybody to be with SYJ (but JIS due to that movie). Funny though, I’ve never really watched her interviews nor any behind the scenes. So i was never really aware of her real life personality. 


HB was introduced to me through  Millionaire's First Love and Secret Garden. (I knew him in Kim Sam Soon but I didn't really watch it back then ). He was this tsundere/ spoiled/ funny character in MFL and in SG , he was mean/funny/spoiled brat character. So, I foolishly assumed that his real personality must be really fun and outgoing. When I saw the SG making of , I was surprised to see that HB & HJW seems formal with one another even in the funny scenes. I was like wait - do they not like each other or are they just introverts? I started noticing in the later interviews that he is very nice, soft spoken, polite, shy even and always look so composed. So, I concluded that uhmm....HB do have a reserved personality. But then, I even appreciated him more cuz of his ability transform into a complete different person. 


And I feel like HB’s personal life was much more on the news radar than SYJ ever was. It is ironic cuz he is reserved. But he is quick on admitting to the dating news and that makes him professional, which i admire. Anyways, I was so heartbroken when HB dated SHK, though I love her. I didn’t think that they were a good match for some reason. Then again, he dated KSR -  I was shocked and disappointed. She "again" didn't seems like a good match to him ( tbh …what do I even know? ) I thought it was just my posessive fan girl-self being jealous #noshame


That is until I see him with SYJ in the interview in the movie theater. It was like OMG :o– he can smile wholeheartedly and he can joke too! In all The Negotiation interview/fan videos with her, his dimples were constantly on display – I was just like that’s new :blink:! He was so attentive towards her - something I haven't seen him do in as much before.


By then - I have seen SYJ with JHI in The Pretty Noona making of videos and thought she just seems like the cool and fun person in general. She would just clicked with whomever. 


Then I arrived to the era of CLOY with all these assumption that HB is reserved and SYJ is fun


Boy was I wrong ? In all the interviews with her was constantly smiling and joking and stealing glances at her – I was like what is happening and am I seeing things :blink:?


Here is this long time fan girl - whom only wants SYJ to be with JIS and whom wants HB to be with practically no one else and finally realizing that with SYJ THIS IS IT!! DONE DEAL! for HB!!!


I was so disappointed in myself for not realizing this pair earlier. :wub:






 REALLY REALLY enjoyed reading about your shipping journey!!


Unlike you though, I had NO IDEA about HB and SYJ's real personality when I started watching CLOY. I've only seen them in dramas (MNIKSS, SG) and films (The Classic, A Moment to Remember). So it was a BIG reveal to me when I watched all the interviews and also discussion in soompi forum, that HB is introverted and shy, and SYJ is extroverted and friendly. That's like a complete opposite to their most famous roles!! It made me respect them more, at how they can act so well to depict roles that are pretty different to their more dominant personality!!


I also think that HB really act pretty differently when he is with SJY, and is most likely having a crush or in love with her (if they are not already dating). But SYJ is a bit more difficult to read as she is always friendly, funny and approachable to everyone. As you are a long time fan of SYJ, do you have any clues??


I do see though that SYJ acts pretty "familiar" with HB during CLOY BTS, like "beating" his arms during NGs, comfortable with HB putting his arms around her during NGs, acting "spoiled" with him like when she asked him to stand with legs apart (as he was too tall) and even held his belt to cajole him.... is that something SYJ has done with her other male co-stars?


I'm already so high with them being such great friends and so close to each other, so comfortable together, and will be even MORE THRILLED and over-the-moon should they end up as the real OTP! I hope they get all the privacy they need to develop their relationship and ready to announce their marriage without media outing them prematurely.


Both HB and SYJ are pretty "big bosses" and influential within the SK entertainment industry, and also very private. So I hope they are able to control the media play themselves and have all the time they need together, away from prying eyes!!


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10 hours ago, YuSanSeul said:


I thought this was really cute. Whilst it may just be acting, I feel like these lines are really meant for HB-SYJ don't you think? This whole fate and destiny theme that can really be applied to these two as well.

Esp at 1:05, her humourous expression when she says she dated this guy/that guy and none were the right one each time :sweatingbullets:. SYJ may not have had any confirmed dating partners in the media but she would've met a few men before this.

And HB's reaction to what she says from 1:17 onwards and his lip biting at 1:21. Am I the only one who thinks he was about to burst out laughing but was holding back at her absurdness but adorable retaliation? Lol I can just imagine them like this in real life. He seems like he would give in to her every.single.time.

AH my heart :love:

EDIT: as much as I know and feel that they deserve a break, why do I feel so sad and worried that they wont get to see and interact with each other on a daily basis anymore? :huh:

Although I remember with one of his past relationship (wont mention names), he did say it was the absence that made the heart grow fonder and that was the trigger point so he actually went ahead to actively pursue his acting partner. We can all see (from an outsider's point of view) that SYJ clearly makes you happy so dont let go HB!!


I loved this part too. Especially when she used her cheeky voice to turn around the situation. I bet that HB , oops JH was melting haha. I can imagine if it is in real life , HB will hug her and say “ yes yes it is my fault alright.I am sorry for not paying attention to you during the Award night in 2014. I am sorry for rejecting previous opportunities working with you. But Here I am now, wholeheartedly crash landing on you” :):) . I should tell this earlier to our great shipper, Ms writer-nim 

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8 hours ago, Oww TooCute said:


I'm SYJ fan who watched almost all her BTS.. I can say that in CLOY BTS she behaved just as her normal self except for the last BTS when she wasn't feeling well may be so she looks a bit weak and un energetic hahaha

In CLOY because her costar is HB, I feel that she's acting less dominant.. for me that's a good thing.. it's mean she has respects on HB

SYJ is cheery n bubbly n fun but I think it's hard to win her heart or her trust.. she seems doesn't trust people easily that's why she want a guy that wait her for a long time :D she must want to make sure is it Love or just Lust.. smart girl SYJ..

I really really want they both got together

If HB can conquer her heart wahh that'll be amazing


I also looked for signal from SYJ. When I watched the last BTS, I felt it stronger. SYJ is very lively and easy going with other costars; however, she always has certain limit and we can feel it.  And for HB, he would not express himself freely and easily like this without receiving the consent from other partner. during the video, I noticed there were couple of moments ( even though its not clear) that SYJ glancing at HB shyly when catching his honey gaze :):) oh my heart is singing again lah lah

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@xxyy@xxyy sorry if your name keeps repeating I can't delete it. Still new to this. Downloaded soompi app but to no avail.it didn't have son ye Jin's fans club.. Still figuring out how this works...

But anyways, I'd like to comment on that too on how yejin seems way different in front of hyunbin. Yes, my observation from watching almost her bts in her dramas and movies and in her interviews, she's that kind of girl who's easy to talk to, laugh so easily even in silly things, cowboy (you can put her anywhere,), that girl you can joke around, that actress who will do what needs to be done in the scene, that's why you can't stop loving her when you see/know her from that aspect. But hyunbin, she's that girl who is having a crush on him (negotiation promos) . Having her eyes twinkle when she looks at him (CLOY) and a girl in love when she looks at him (CLOY) hehe I mean she's becoming reserved and girly nowadays haha And I think my girl's emotion is reciprocated since I've been seeing comments from hyunbin's fans that he's acting different too. I'm really rooting him for SYJ. And I'm gonna stay in this forum until I will see the results :D

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1 hour ago, Mesokom said:

Omo sesange!! Hahaha thanks for sharing this video :D

Apparently he doesn't wanna be touched.

Only Ye Jin Unnie can touch him :wub:❤️❤️❤️ waaaah

(I feel bad for the other actresses tho) 



1 hour ago, lavanta said:


Some one posted interview of SYJ and HB earlier, there he said how SYJ thinks this drama is for them. Like meaning "written for them" or"written very accordingly to their actual life". 


This is what I think so too! It's like it was written with a touch of their love story


If I'd let my imagination run wild (as I normally would) I'd say they've talked to the writer (or they're friends with the writer) about it.


HB & SYJ: We know you're one of the best writers in the industry so we want you to write us a drama. Name your price. 


Writer-Nim: Omona! It would be an honor! I am currently working on a project. But this one's going to be a bit controversial as it's going to be about a South Korean woman who crash landed on the North. Are you up for it? Aren't you two involved in a dating scandal?


HB❤️SYJ: Exactly why we want to act together in a romcom. So the fans would fall for our characters and then eventually they'll fall for us. And then they would just accept us being together. And we know you write the best characters. Your characters are loved by all. 


........Okay. I'm not very good with this so let's just say they went on telling her about their story. So writernim added some bits and pieces of what's real into the drama.


Hahahaha :ph34r::wub::w00t::sweatingbullets:

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