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[Drama 2019] When the Camellia Blooms, 동백꽃 필무렵


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Er--a dumb question but what's BOGO!?:huh:

Well it still doesn't change the fact that Mr. Noh's an idiot ha-ha:lol: Having said that, I don't find him infuriating, unlike Jong Ryeol or Dong Baek even (she cries so damn much geez:rolleyes:) I think it's 'cause his characterization is meant to be comic relief somewhat.


I feel like we often replicate what we know? Like there's certainly no manual on bein' a parent, so we instinctually mimic how we were brought up by our own parents. Of course everyone's different but yea ya get the idea. Jessica's dad seemed to be the typical korean patriarch. I think he was disappointed in having a daughter(?) and 'cause her other brothers hold such stellar jobs her dad sees her as a spare or not as valuable.

     As a result her mom tries to over compensate by smothering Jessica which made her incredibly spoilt & insecure. With Dong Baek, she feels she did parent Pil Gu the right way & to avoid her mom's mistakes. Instead she made Pil Gu into her emotional crutch & the kid ended bein' the adult as she was simply.. too weak to play the role of an adult. Something Pil Gu whines on constantly. There needs to be a balance to everything in life, this don't apply to just parenting but to all other matters. 

      Comin' from an asian family, personally I much prefer the way westerners bring up their kids. From my observation they encourage their kids to develop independent thinking from an early age which is commendable. I mean I know a mom who still gives her son baths & he's 13 y.o.:crazy::blink: Maybe it's a cultural thing as well (shrug) There's no right or wrong I guess but ultimately we just hope things work out don't we LoL. 

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It's lonely being the only one with this opinion, but I don't think we have Joker yet.



Kim Ji-seok's three words to describe Camellia:



Really unlikable characters have gained a measure of our affection as we learned more about them. 

The writer wants us to learn not to prejudge.


I'm looking forward to the conclusion!!!




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1 hour ago, Latte_Anyday said:


Er--a dumb question but what's BOGO!?:huh:


I feel like we often replicate what we know? Like there's certainly no manual on bein' a parent, so we instinctually mimic how we were brought up by our own parents.


LOL sorry, Buy One Get One.  GT tried to buy his votes with his meals.


Yeah, me too.  Adults/parents have so much influence on our perceptions of things as children.  We accept things as normal or judge things as not through them.  Our values def are shaped by our parents early on.  You can cite studies on how abused children grew into abusive parents without proper care of their well being, etc.. 


Jessica came from a military family (Dad's portrait on wall tells me such), think her mom compensated his authoritative strict parenting by spoiling her.  PG matured way too quickly because DB struggled in the past with her confidence to protect both of them. He is still a child who is not equipped to make all the adult decisions yet was tasked to do the choosing for the parents.  When he was confused and overwhelmed, DB couldn't guide him or make informed decisions.  I was glad to see her finally parenting at the end and adult-up.  PG was quite relieved to see her made a stance to fight for him, to show that he is important to her and not a burden.


What do you think of HS?  Poor him.  Knowing the horrible man that is your own father, hating that you share the same eye, but can't cut the familial tie that bind you.  Trying to not live as him and distance yourself away from the monster. Talk about a sad soul.   HS gravely fears the time when people finds out his father is the killer cuz he, the child, will be one sacked with the aftermath.  There will be no escape for the hate and outcasting by the villagers.  I hope the drama gives more in depth to the Joker story next week.


@1ouise  sorry, who is the guy, remind me? LOL

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5 hours ago, bedifferent said:

 I feel you in regard to YS.  He has been considerate in his relationship with DB and OG. However, it is not a balanced healthy relationship with him mostly being the giver.  If they get together now, his life will be dictated by others, including a confused little boy.  It might be tolerable for YS in the beginning but will eventually lead to frustrations that can change his love for DB.  Everyone needs to enter the relationship on the same playing level.  At this point, DB needs to clearly support YS as an equal partner in PG's eyes and she can't.  I think space is what many of our characters need at the moment.  Pil Gu needs to grow up.  He needs time to learn to handle his emotions and find his role in regard JR and YS.  I have no doubt he will outgrow the insecurities of an eight year old  and will embrace his identity. 


I guess I was blindsided by the brief mother son separation and swift reunion along with the capture of HS father. I thought that with the man we all presumed is Joker is finally behind bars, DB and YS could take things slowly and let matters just naturally run its course. I can't explain it but I really feel strongly against that break up scene. The unfairness of it. But as you have pointed out the imbalance of their relationship, with YS always the giver, then I'd like to wait for their relationship to be on the same footing,too. :P 

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I got to say, this drama is heartwarming. Which is why not a lot of international fans talk about. I-fans are more into hot oppa and fantasy stuff because most i-drama fans are teenager and not into family oriented theme. Glad Korea love this drama. 19% - 20% rating :scream:


Last episode make me cried a river. The mother and Dongbaek moment :bawling:

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I'm confused on what and who's DNA was Hyeung Shik DNA's(the swabbing) compared/tested to?

If they got samples from the Joker, shouldn't it show that there is a Paternity match(or a level of ancestry) when both DNA's were tested? Like they should have known who the killer is the moment they got Hyeung Shik's DNA and not on when the second sample was sent and tested.

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12 hours ago, realistic2280a said:

Hmm... i see the ratings are very high for this drama.. yet less discussions by members... why? Ps  i havent started watching the drama...


Do watch it, it is very interesting.  Maybe some just like to observe... and some just in awe reading at what have been discussed :ph34r:  I'm one of those people but never missed the series and the discussion.  :D There are so many things to talk about but sometimes one can't find the exact word or expression.   This drama makes one look at oneself and others in one's community. 


I used to say that one of the interesting part of this drama is the timeline.... that keep changing from past, present, future etc .... and what a surprise to hear PG's voice as an adult and see him so smart in different attire in the last episode.  Looking forward to the finale.... there are still lots of things I need to know and I believe the production will be able to wrap it up nicely.  B)

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10 minutes ago, nasaan ka Alex? said:

I'm confused on what and who's DNA was Hyeung Shik DNA's(the swabbing) compared/tested to?

If they got samples from the Joker, shouldn't it show that there is a Paternity match when both DNA's were tested? Like they should have known who the killer is the moment they got Hyeung Shik's DNA and not on when the second sample was sent and tested.

Against the DNA found under HM’s fingernails. It is clear that HS’s father is the one who killed HM as we see him putting ointment on the scratch inside his wrist. I agree that I was confused too because there should be at least some kind of a paternity match with the DNA.


The Joker arc was ended rather too abruptly this episode, so I think (and hope) there will be more about it in the finales. Like some people mentioned, we still have unanswered questions eg.motives to kill. 

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7 hours ago, bedifferent said:

HS has been trying to scare DB out of town for her own good.  Hopefully we will get more explanations about Joker next week.


Hyang Mi had a yellow "ball" in her hand, was alive in the truck.  Is it the Joker's post-it note?


Oooh interesting point, that Heungsik has been scaring DB to leave Ongsan. I didn't thought of that. That yellow ball bugs me too. What is it? What does it mean? 


6 hours ago, 1ouise said:

It's lonely being the only one with this opinion, but I don't think we have Joker yet.

Actually, your guess is valid. There are still some things that don't add up or still makes you ask why. If the people in Ongsan knows that Heungsik's father can't walk, then who has been visiting Camellia and scratching the lighter under the table? 


I've been thinking, could it be that Heungsik's father was responsible for the killings in the past, but not the one at present? 


Also, that makes Heungsik an accomplice right? Because if he knew what his father had been doing but he didn't report it to the police, then he's at fault even if he locks him up to prevent him from going out. 


Anyway, I don't want to think about it anymore hahaha I'll just watch the final episodes. 

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2 hours ago, htk9207 said:


I guess I was blindsided by the brief mother son separation and swift reunion along with the capture of HS father. I thought that with the man we all presumed is Joker is finally behind bars, DB and YS could take things slowly and let matters just naturally run its course. I can't explain it but I really feel strongly against that break up scene. The unfairness of it. But as you have pointed out the imbalance of their relationship, with YS always the giver, then I'd like to wait for their relationship to be on the same footing,too. :P 


No, I totally understand you.  I too feel for Yong Sik who has worked relentlessly to find the Joker in hope of not only save DB's life, but to keep her in Ongsan so they can be together.  It seems unfair that there was no rewards for his effort.  However, there are still the matters of Deok Soon's objections on top of DB's mom and JR's own drama.  Some of us do hope that they stay together to work out these issues as a couple.  There's a part of me that think otherwise.  Wouldn't it be better if DB learns to do it on her own?  I think Yong Sik has do too many things FOR Dong Baek up to now which did little for her growth as a person.  She needs to figure things out on her own.


1 hour ago, ktcjdrama said:

 I agree that I was confused too because there should be at least some kind of a paternity match with the DNA.


The Joker arc was ended rather too abruptly this episode, so I think (and hope) there will be more about it in the finales. Like some people mentioned, we still have unanswered questions eg.motives to kill. 


The hair samples were taken illegally by Yong Sik without a warrant and consent.  HS has to consent to the DNA swabbing cuz the police really don't have any right or a real case.  He could have said no.  I don't think they can test the hair sample against the DNA under HM's fingernails.  The pathologist even said so.  


What I am curious about the Joker line is how Yong Sik finally remembers that HS has a father from just looking at the sketches.  In the flashback, the Taekwondo boy is the young Yong Sik (his name is on his uniform) watching HS's father admitted to killing the cat.  Something about the drawing must have triggered his memory.  HS did such a good job protecting his father that the killer became invisible to the villagers.   He was never on YS' suspect list because he has been forgotten by the outside world. 


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@lollyminx it was HS who burned his father message to erase Joker's evidence.  I believe he also wrote the msg in red to warn her after successfully avoided the camera.  We still need explanations for the motives, fires, sawdust in victim's mouth, etc..

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Although I'm more inclined to think that the cops have finally nabbed the Joker, I don't feel that it's the end of the matter. I certainly hope it isn't because that would be sloppy and completely unworthy of the quality that I've come to expect of this drama. I haven't been disappointed so far and I really want to know why the Joker killed six years earlier and then killed more recently. The "why" hasn't been answered to my satisfaction.


The reason why JR can't and shouldn't think about fathering PG isn't for me just about the monkey on his back: Jessica and the dysfunctional dynamic there. As long as he wears that arrogance on his sleeve, he's never going to get anywhere with taking back PG. Everybody loves KJS who puts in a good performance here and makes JR much more sympathetic than he probably deserves to be so it's easy to gloss over the fact that he's really not a nice person.

While I agree that he wasn't given a chance to change his mind about having a child, I still say that I understand why DB chose to leave him. However, I have also posed the question that even though he apparently missed her a great deal after she left, it is telling that he never took the trouble to look for her. Instead he moved on and married an appearance obsessed woman child. JR has a type it seems to me... He likes them not too clever, to be reliant on him so that he can assert control over them.  An argument could be made that Jessica is as much a product of his influence as she is of her upbringing.

For him divorce would be the easy way out. because he wouldn't have to deal with his own character flaws. As he is right now, they would go their separate ways and he would replicate the same template elsewhere. 


It's telling too that PG said that he didn't want to play Major League. Of course he's only 8 and might change his mind down the track.;) But the reality is that PG isn't interested in the vision of life that JR has been waving under his nose. The first time he heard it, he unpacked his bag and ran. He was intelligent enough to understand the ramifications of going to "dad". My question is does JR really want to be a dad or does he want to be PG's manager? Because to me that is the difference. He wants to give PG a better life... and there's something commendable in that. However being a dad is more than just giving a child a better life. I'm involved in a non-profit that tries to give underprivileged kids in a developing country "a better life" via education but by no means do I think I can supplant their parents. If JR really wants to be a father then the first thing he should have done when he heard that PG didn't really want to go to Seoul was to take him back to his mother and sort things out with her. The terrible thing about JR is that he's quite happy to come between mother and son if that suits. It begs the question as to whether he sees PG as a son... or as a possession that is rightfully his (Or wrongfully denied him).

I'm sorry that I have to even ask the question. But just look at the language that comes out of his mouth when he's pleading and cajoling mother and son.


That said, I am not saying that he should never have some kind of relationship with PG but my problem with him is that he still doesn't know why he is not in any position to be a dad to an eight year old at this point in time. We don't have to compare him to YS (he's in a class all by himself) but just look at GT and see how far he's come in understanding why things fell apart in his marriage. This feels more like a man that deserves a second chance.


8 hours ago, Latte_Anyday said:


      Comin' from an asian family, personally I much prefer the way westerners bring up their kids. From my observation they encourage their kids to develop independent thinking from an early age which is commendable. I mean I know a mom who still gives her son baths & he's 13 y.o.:crazy::blink: Maybe it's a cultural thing as well (shrug) There's no right or wrong I guess but ultimately we just hope things work out don't we LoL. 



I've lived in both the east and the west and I've chosen to raise my kids to be much more independent largely because of my own personality. From the moment I came home from the hospital in fact. ;)Moreover I once heard a parenting expert say that we're raising adults not children. It has always stuck with me. I reckon the faster you teach kids to take responsibility for some aspect of their life, the quicker they learn to be independent. 

As to right or wrong, it depends on what your goals are. (I think there is a right way and a wrong way to do it though) If your goal is to make your children continually dependent on you... yeah... continuing bathing them at 13 but if you're trying to shape a potentially responsible adult, you'd do things a lot differently.



2 hours ago, htk9207 said:


I guess I was blindsided by the brief mother son separation and swift reunion along with the capture of HS father. I thought that with the man we all presumed is Joker is finally behind bars, DB and YS could take things slowly and let matters just naturally run its course. I can't explain it but I really feel strongly against that break up scene. The unfairness of it. But as you have pointed out the imbalance of their relationship, with YS always the giver, then I'd like to wait for their relationship to be on the same footing,too. :P 


The more I think about it the more I am of the opinion that the break-up was rather unnecessary so I'm sympathetic :D although I'm not as upset as you are. I don't see how the break-up solves matters with PG in the long run. The boy still has to get used to the fact that DB is a woman that some man will want to marry. He was largely feeling insecure and breaking-up was like trying to fix a watch by bashing a screwdriver into the cog. She hasn't dealt with the jealousy aspect of things. My problem with it, as I think more about it, is that she's framing this as a zero sum game. Why does it have to be PG vs YS? It's nonsensical. What about PG's need for a father? What's so terrible about having a stepfather who is a good man? She's not all that he needs and she can't be either. I suspect what upsets you... is possibly the fact that she's never tried hard to incorporate YS into their family dynamic and that she's given up apparently rather too easily.


Besides I don't see how breaking up is going to help achieve the balance that you and @bedifferent have discussed. The balance can still be attained with those two being together patiently teaching PG what this blended dynamic could look like and how it could be beneficial to him. What he needs to know is that even if she marries that he is still precious to her. Unfortunately her boundaries aren't very strong still and it does come across as she not loving YS enough to take the risk. Of course JR, Hyang Mi and the Joker hanging around didn't help make things easy for DB.


But honestly, if YS doesn't care about the imbalance, I don't. ;) As long he's getting something out of it that makes him happy, that's for him to decide. Anyway, it's not like they're getting married tomorrow. There's time for them to grow together. Nobody gets it right straight away anyway.


@multiloverssss I think PG had already given his permission at the end of last week's episode but the thought that he was a burden to his mother after a series of unfortunate events was what made him go over the edge.

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8 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

 I suspect what upsets you... is possibly the fact that she's never tried hard to incorporate YS into their family dynamic and that she's given up apparently rather too easily.


Besides I don't see how breaking up is going to help achieve the balance that you and @bedifferent have discussed. The balance can still be attained with those two being together patiently teaching PG what this blended dynamic could look like and how it could be beneficial to him. What he needs to know is that even if she marries that he is still precious to her.


Completely agree with you on this. You totally nailed the reason why I am so upset with the sudden break up.


DB gave up too easily, which was completely disheartening. And her crying during said break up scene only upset me even more. It's obvious she doesn't want to break up with him. 


I now noticed one of the drama poster, where everyone was seated save for DB, Pilgu and YS. It made me rethink the leads' present relationship. Was it intentional that DB is standing next to Pilgu, while YS is standing behind them? It seems to denote that Pilgu is and always will be DB's priority. <_<


Anyway, I am waiting for how the writer is going to fix this problem because frankly YS deserves better than this. And we need answers with all the questions regarding the Joker. 


To be honest, that scene where HS was begging YS not to take his dad away affected me. It made me worry as to what will happen to HS. Would the arrest further unhinge him and make him do something dangerous?



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Ahahah so that's what it means:lol: over here, it's known as Buy One Free One so it's BOFO LoL? That or 1+1.:D Although economy's rough so lately it's Buy 3 for Price of 2:P


Heung Shik's case is really sad..:(

I admire his benevolence though. Despite bein' abused by his dad, he chose to take care & protect him. It's still unclear why his dad committed all those murders though? Was it 'cause he had a mental illness? During his arrest he showed no remorse & was annoyed that it got too noisy..-_- 



Well that too LoL. Good for you on raising your kids sensibly. And like I said it's different for everybody. I think we do bring our kids up the same way our own  parents raised us. So if you yourself were raised to take on responsibility when young you'd tend to want the same for your own kids. Or if the individual is independent such as yourself.;) 

      I see the same with my own nephew & niece. They're both based abroad but their dad keep travelling to see them & coddle them. Even now with both in their twenties they depend on their dad for mostly everything. It's bad but hey they're his kids so what can you do LoL. 


      For me Dong Baek/Yong Shik's breakup was bound to happen. She was always the uncertain one. I mean she keep harping on the victim narrative while turning on the waterworks oy.:rolleyes::P I was tired on Yong Shik's behalf LoL. He has been so steadfast from day one. He had so much faith & encouraged her tirelessly to come out of her shell. Dong Baek's sort of bipolar:lol: as do certain characters in this drama who when taken 2 steps forward, they take 5 steps back wtf?! 

     I didn't like how she'd barged in to yank Pil Gu home either. She was way too attached to her son - I get it but it's not doin' anyone any good.   

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It's remarkable that in an episode with a very momentous event (Joker is caught), this event is overshadowed by all the intense emotions.


The way Jong-Ryeol treats PG is the same way he treated DB. He does love and care for both of them but he’s just not able to really make them feel fully loved and at ease, he just can’t make them feel safe, to give them a real home.


There are always circumstances. He was a rising baseball star. And he is a big star now. He can’t risk that. But it's always something. In the intervening years he managed to marry another woman and even have a child with her, so he’s able to make room in his life for Jessica and Rebecca which he just can’t/won’t for DB and PG.


So I was happy that DB popped him in the nose. Not just for being a bad father to PG for those few days - realistically, it’s not easy to parent an 8-year-old that you just met a short while ago (I’m a mom, too, I know this) - but for all the times he made DB feel insecure and unhappy.


Anyway, PG does belong with DB, I’m glad that was made clear to JR once and for all. I do think, at this particular time, JR's intentions were good. But again, good intentions, bad execution. And he’s just simply not equipped to be a father to PG right now. He can’t even tell people that PG is his son. So, I hope that he just takes the time to get to know PG better and humble himself a bit, too.


So Jessica’s big secret is that she was married before.


The ending dialogue spoken by Adult PG made it sound like YS and DB never got back together. He says, “Mom’s miraculous spring days ended like that, and I grew up eating those spring days.” So that can be interpreted as PG growing up with DB only being devoted to him.


The Netflix subtitles do not say that, by the way. They’re wrong a lot, it’s kind of annoying.


But I really hope this is a feint. It’s been made pretty clear that YS would be a pretty good father-figure for PG, and I hope things all work out.


Every time PG cries my heart is torn into shreds. But what really got me this week were the flashbacks. Seeing PG’s scenes in the earlier episodes… this little boy actor looks younger than he does now. He grew during the few months that this show was shot, and you can actually see it. That broke my heart more, for some reason.


I’m still really sad for Hyang-Mi. I wonder if DB ever realizes that Hyang-Mi = Go-Woon, and remembers her. Maybe it would be better if she never knew - she's already emotionally devastated by HM's death, this might make it worse.


I am very curious about what made the Joker kill, of course. I do think it’s not easy to explain a killer’s motivations without sounding cliche, but I’m confident that this writer can do it.

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2 hours ago, htk9207 said:


Just because she wants to be a mother first, doesn't mean she has to abandon the person who saved her life. If it wasn't for YS she wouldn't even be alive to punch JR in the nose. DB gave up too easily, which was completely disheartening, and for the first time her crying only made me even more upset.  It's obvious she doesn't want to break up with him. 


I also suddenly took notice of the drama poster, where everyone was seated save for DB, Pilgu and YS. It made me rethink the leads' present relationship. Was it intentional that DB is standing next to Pilgu, while YS is standing behind them? It seems to denote that Pilgu is and always will be DB's priority. 


Anyway, I am waiting for how the writer is going to fix this problem because frankly YS deserves better than this. And we need answers with all the questions regarding the Joker. 



The writer obviously has done a good job making us all love YS... and of course KHN has done his bit as well... ;) Amazing character. Not as unreal as one might think but rare I would imagine.


Look, I think it all ties in with this whole thing about mothers sacrificing for their kids. I'm sure that's what is going on here which is why the break-up has to occur narratively.;) It will be interesting how Pil-gu deals with it when he finds out what's going on. He didn't really object to the relationship until he overheard Ms Kwak's rants. So I have to consider the other possibility that the break-up is more about Ms Kwak's unkindness and protecting PG from her than it is about prioritising PG over YS.


I won't disagree that DB hasn't done more to draw the lines more clearly but in her defence she is new to the whole romance thing. Putting your child's interest over a man is not a sin. Except that it breaks his heart and annoys his fans. :D


(I like playing devil's advocate)



I had thought that since she had said yes to his proposal and demonstrated unusual eagerness to "go over to his place" that she had stopped wavering. ;) Objectively I don't think the break-up was inevitable but well... it is the sort of thing she would do because that's how the world works for her.



It is true I was raised to be somewhat independent to some degree but honestly, I'm just lazy about running after kids and I don't believe in mollycoddling them. :P I had a friend who helped me  with all that. A child health nurse.


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2 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

The writer obviously has done a good job making us all love YS... and of course KHN has done his bit as well... ;) Amazing character. Not as unreal as one might think but rare I would imagine.


As you rightly pointed out she is new to the whole romance thing. And putting your child's interest over a man is not a sin. It never was. That's why I'll just be waiting for the last two episodes to see how it would work out. I am watching Camellia because I really love the story and how some of the characters reminds me of people I know. ^_^ 


The writers wrote her characters very well and made the characters endearing, most especially YS. I both like YS and DB very much. There is something about DB's quiet resilience that made me like her character. Just not a fan of said breakup.:P

I cry very easily which is why I try to stay away from angst filled dramas as much as possible. One drama I watched in the past got so unnecessary frustrating that I was feeling emotionally numb by the time the series ended. 

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10 hours ago, multiloverssss said:

i really curious about DB and YS ending....

I don't think we need to worry about a sad ending. Camellia doesn't seem like a drama that will leave viewers sad. I have a strong feeling they're going to have a happy ending.


4 hours ago, chickfactor said:

he just can’t make them feel safe, to give them a real home.

It's annoying how Jungryeol hasn't figured out yet how to fix his life. :lol: Like dude... does the audience need to spell it out for you? But ok, maybe he's just really dense, which is why he's in a quicksand with Jessica and all the messy bits in his life lol


6 hours ago, htk9207 said:

And we need answers with all the questions regarding the Joker. 

I hope we get more answers because it can't just be as simple as he's just a psycho. He said, "What's the big deal about murder?" or was it "What's the big deal about murdering people?" something something to that effect. Is this the sole explanation? He just murders people?


4 hours ago, chickfactor said:

The ending dialogue spoken by Adult PG made it sound like YS and DB never got back together. He says, “Mom’s miraculous spring days ended like that, and I grew up eating those spring days.” So that can be interpreted as PG growing up with DB only being devoted to him.

Oooooh really? Yes, I didn't read this in the Netflix subs. Now I'm annoyed. How much of the actual subs are being left out on the Netflix episodes? 20%? Where can I watch with better subs? I only have Netflix now and I rely on it a lot because it's the only way I can watch it dramas legally. 

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“My mother’s miraculous spring days ended just like that, and I grew up under those kind of spring days” ~ this is translated from the Chinese subs that I watched on Netflix. 


Tbh, I can’t read whether it gives any impression of the absence of YS in their life. 

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