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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2019] I Will Never Let You Go / Legend of Huo Buo 小女花不弃


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23 minutes ago, mouse007 said:

@roxnilla7 YES! Go CY! Watching him reject LQW is so satisfying....


I'm on ep 27 now with the eng subs on Viki and don't kill me for saying this but I can kinda appreciate DFS. I mean, he's not bad looking, he's smart, aggressive and playful. If CY didn't exist, I actually wouldn't mind BQ ending up with him. LOL


Yes to everything you said!! I watched ep 28 & 29 with subs yesterday. I'm even more annoyed with LQW (and CY for allowing her to be so clingy/touchy) now that I understand the conversations. At this point, I'm pretty much on the DFS bandwagon until CY can redeem himself. I much prefer guys like DFS (when he gets better (based on previews)) and Xu Feng from Ashes of Love - they can see through the wiles and are steadfast in their love. At the moment, CY's actions don't quite reflect these characteristics. Perhaps there hasn't been an opportunity for him to display them. Regardless, I hope BQ makes him suffer a little bit. 

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As promised, I'm back!  Ep 32 recap




The episode picks up with DFS and BQ riding a horse through the town together.  As the townspeople watch them and then gossip about the nature of their relationship, it becomes abundantly clear the real purpose for DFS insisting that BQ come out and spend the day with him -- and so, BQ being BQ, calls him out on it.  As they ride off, we see a hooded man with a scarred face watching mysteriously from around the corner.


DFS invites BQ back to his quarters for tea and treats.  She flits around room looking at this and that, and DFS comments on her lack of fear at being with him by herself.  BQ is utterly unconcerned though.  She knows that Xiao Xia and others are nearby and she can call out to them, if need be.  She also tells him that she doesn't really think DFS is interested in her, and tells him how she thinks he's getting a bad bargain in her and that the Mysterious Man could never have imagined when he made his deal way back when that one day, his descendant would end up with a bad bargain like her (she's referring to the way she was raised).  I'll spare you all the back and forth that went on between BQ and DFS during this conversation, and only say that she underestimates herself as DFS is definitely interested in her -- and it's just not because of the fact that she's the Biluotian priestess. 


DFS ultimately reveals the true purpose of his invitation on this particular day, and that is to show her how he has Yunlang and the Dan Sha locked up.  BQ has a breakdown after witnessing this and tries to break down the wall in between the room that they're in and the cell that Yunlang and Dan Sha are in, but of course it can't be broken so that's when BQ starts begging on their behalf.  DFS doesn't like seeing her have so much affection for Yun Lang (and even wonders at one point if LYK would be jealous if he knew how she was behaving over this other guy), but BQ tells him that Yun Lang is a true friend of hers and she doesn't want to see him harmed because of her.  Eventually her sincere tears and emotions wears away at DFS (is that guilt I spy on you??) and he agrees to let them go.  But first he has to knock them out so they won't ever know who captured them, and BQ agrees to keep it a secret as she knows Yun Lang would otherwise seek revenge. 


Yun Lang and Da Shang are left in a field by themselves and from a distance, BQ watches them wake up and then walk away.  It's at this point that BQ finally takes her leave from DFS but not before getting into a tussle with him -- and, in the process, stealing a seal from him.  As she walks away, she looks at the seal and wonders why DFS would have a seal from Cheng prince's mansion.  Furthermore, she thought the Cheng royal had been dealt with by the Emperor already.  (Not a perfect translation, I grant you, but that's the general gist - because they just use the generic "wang" when referring to him, it's unclear who this Cheng person is and what his position is exactly.  But main takeaway is that, in addition to being the Mysterious Man's grandson, it's clear there are more hidden layers to this DFS.) 


After meeting back up with Xiao Xia, they continue to roam the streets.  The hooded person that we saw earlier reappears and takes aim at BQ.  This is witnessed by DFS.  But before DFS can leap to prevent this hooded person from taking a shot at BQ, and before the hooded person can even take a shot at BQ, she ends up being shot by someone else!  Mayhem ensues with Xiao Xia gathering up BQ in her arms and taking charge.  When DFS tries to come to their aid, she prevents him from getting near intimating that perhaps he's the one behind everything.  Of course he's insulted and vows to find the real perpetrator. 


Xiao Xia and her band of security men depart and DFS goes to find the hooded man who, at that moment, is also wondering who else could've gotten to BQ first.  DFS finds the hooded man and demands to know his real identity, but the hooded man kills himself instead.  (The hooded man was Liu Ming Yue's right hand man.  He'd made that vow to kill BQ for her and when Liu Ming  Yue expressed concern that the Mysterious Man would find out and be upset, he promised to conceal his identity so the Mysterious Man would never trace it back to her -- hence his scarred face, which apparently he did to himself.)


Back at Zhu Manor, the grandfather goes running off to BQ's quarters in a tear once he hears she's been injured.  But when he gets there, he can't find her, and that's when Xiao Xia reveals that BQ has already departed for Dong Ping Jun (where CY is stationed).   Apparently this was all part of her grand master plot - to make it look like she was injured so DFS would never find out that she'd already left Suzhou by pretending to be too ill to see him.  When the grandfather asks Xiao Xia why she didn't go with her, she explains further that she had to stay behind to lend credence to the image that BQ has been confined to Zhu Manor to heal from her injuries.  Clever girls! 


Meanwhile DFS is going crazy with worry and concern over how BQ is doing.  He even tries to see her at night by secretly flying over the walls of Zhu Manor.  Of course he is thwarted by Xiao Xia and their band of security men. 


Also in the meantime Best Friend Yuan (I can't remember his full name) pays a visit to Xiao Xia after hearing that BQ was injured.  She reassures him that BQ will be okay, and then he confesses that the other purpose of his visit is to tell her that he has to leave for the capitol the next day.  His father has called him back and Xiao Xia tells him this is a good thing -- he should have more purpose in life.  He doesn't think he'll be able to come back to Suzhou once his father puts him to work and wants to send his father to ask for her hand in marriage, but Xiao Xia declines everything insisting that she stands by what she said previously, which is that she'll never marry.  Best Friend Yuan is frustrated by her stubbornness and tells her the time of his departure hoping that she'll come to see him off.  After he leaves, Xiao Xia thinks about all their interactions.  Poor thing.  It's clear she's not unaffected by him.


The next day, she goes to see Best Friend Yuan leave (with the other Best Friend) -- but she watches from a distance.  This is where DFS and his sidekick find her.  By now, DFS has figured out that BQ stole his seal.  He's also figured out that BQ may have faked her own injuries to escape him.  As he watches Xiao Xia watching Best Friend Yuan, he also figures out that she has feelings for this man.  So he demands that Xiao Xia tell him where BQ is otherwise he will make sure harm comes to the two best friends.  At first Xiao Xia continues the pretense that BQ is at Zhu Manor recovering, but when he gives orders to his sidekick to go waylay the two best friends, Xiao Xia immediately confesses -- by telling him that BQ has gone to the capitol to do business.  DFS doesn't believe her.  The Mo Family has already cornered the market there and thus wonders what money she would be able to earn in the capitol, but Xiao Xia just tells him he can believe her or not, and maybe he should travel to the capitol himself.  After she walks away, DFS wonders if it might actually be true.  After all LYK is known for hanging around the capitol and maybe BQ went to go ask him about the seal.  He ends up telling his sidekick that he will travel to the capitol.


While this is all going on, BQ has started her journey to Dong Ping with Zhu Shou for company -- they're pretending that he's the master and she's his servant (named Ah Zhu).  She also decides on taking a long detour to Dong Ping because she's afraid that if she goes directly there, DFS will figure everything out since he's so smart.  The episode ends with BQ and Zhu Shou trying to do business in the other city that they're detouring through (looks like some sort of gambling business -- I just hope they don't get into trouble!). 



Now on to watch Ep 33.  :) 

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Ep 33 . . . sigh . . . not gonna lie.  Not one of my favorite episodes, but a necessary one I suppose to keep things moving forward in the story.  On the plus side, looks like tomorrow (in episodes 34 and 35) we'll finally see our favorite OTP reunited.  But more on that in a bit!  First, here's what happened in episode 33:




(Rather than the usual play-by-play, I'm going to do the recap by characters just because this episode lends itself to that style of recapping and it'll be easier for me than trying to remember the exact order in which events occurred)


The episode picks up with BQ and Zhu Shou in that other city selling a gambling table (I think) to a merchant.  After they leave, the merchant gets a missive from DFS.  In episode 32, prior to deciding to travel to the capitol, DFS had also drawn a picture of BQ and Zhu Shou and instructed his sidekick to send copies of that picture to all of their merchants so they could be on the look out for the two.  In this episode, the merchant receives a copy of the drawing and realizes he just met with the two people depicted within.  He sends a message to DFS and by the end of the episode, we see DFS meeting with the merchant.  He chuckles with the realization that BQ made a business transaction with one of his family's merchant (and apparently made quite the deal), but more importantly, he knows she's not in the capitol and the general direction in which she is actually traveling.  I think this is how he'll catch up to her in the sand/desert in tomorrow's episodes (but I'm getting ahead of myself).


Yun Lang and Dan Sha return to Mo Manor.  Yun Lang originally wanted to just drop Dan Sha off and turn back around to Suzhou to find the person responsible for kidnapping them, but she convinces him to enter Mo Manor since they're there already.  You can tell Yun Lang is hesitant to visit for other reasons, but he ultimately agrees.  His aunt and cousin are glad to see him, even as his cousin scolds him for having disappeared for half a year.  His aunt similarly berates him for letting his father worry and being with Dan Sha this entire time - oh, the appearances!  Yun Lang has no patience for his aunt and cuts her off, telling her that he'll take responsibility for Dan Sha and marry her.  To smooth over the awkwardness, Mo Fei invites Yun Lang to check out a sword that he knows his cousin will be interested in.  The aunt sends them off, but when the two cousins visit by themselves, Yun Lang can no longer hold himself back.  Whereas Mo Fei would like to talk about random matters, Yun Lang asks him if he's figured out who poisoned BQ.  Mo Fei says no because shortly after her death, LYK also disappeared and hadn't been heard from.  Yun Lang explodes and says Mo Fei knows it was his own mother who actually poisoned BQ.  This shakes Mo Fei.  He says only four people knew about this and wonders how Yun Lang knows.  He guesses BQ must be alive and that they met up, but Yun Lang insists he figured it out on his own while traveling and that BQ is dead.  Mo Fei has also since visited BQ's grave site, though, and knows that it was disturbed so he suspects she's still alive.  Yun Lang says even if she is alive, Mo Fei will just want to harm her but Mo Fei denies this and says he would never hurt her.  Yun Lang tells him he'd be better off dealing with his mother - and all I can say is amen to that.  After Yun Lang leaves, Mo Fei orders his right hand man to investigate BQ's whereabouts (and make sure his mother knows nothing about this).


During this time, Dan Sha meets with her brother who gives her the antidote from the Mysterious Man.  Her brother is still trying to figure out a permanent antidote, but he hasn't yet been able to figure out the poison that the Mysterious Man used.  They then speculate over what use the Mysterious Man continues to have for them, but are at least relieved that he is still sending the antidote every three months as promised.  Dan Sha promises to kill the Mysterious Man to avenge her father.  Her brother then asks her about Yun Lang, but she tells her brother that she's given up on him.  Right at this moment, Yun Lang calls on the brother and says that he plans on marrying Dan Sha.  In fact, he's going back to his to his father to set the marriage plans in motion.  After he leaves, Dan Sha runs after him.  She asks him if he isn't going back to Suzhou and Yun Lang says no, because he's thought things over some more and realizes it could only have been DFS who kidnapped them and there's no point in trying to handle him.  Dan Sha is glad to hear he's thought things through.  She then talks to him about their engagement -- she knows how he feels about BQ and she doesn't know what happened between them, but she's always said she'll be by his side and support him no matter what so she's happy and accepts his proposal.  She then gives him a good-luck charm that she had made after her father's death and asks him to carry it to keep him safe.  Sigh.  I'm just starting to come around to liking her and I just know she and Yun Lang are marked for death.  Like @achng I've long suspected that the scene in the credits of the bloodied hands belonged to Yun Lang and Dan Sha.  It just fits with the arc of their characters and with every development in their story, I swear we get closer to that suspicion becoming a reality.  Sigh....


Most of the remainder of the episode revolved around Qing Wu, Chen Yu, Liu Ming Yue, and Qing Yan.  To put it simply, Liu Ming Yue is still hidden in the sand caves and Qing Yan has found her way back to her after "escaping" from Mo Manor.  Liu Ming Yue is treating her with those needles and I just know she must be messing around with Qing Yan's blood system in the same way that she messes around with everyone else.  She tells Qing Yan though that Qing Wu has turned against her so the new plan is to kill Qing Wu and then Qing Yan can go pretend to be her sister and get close to Chen Yu, while working for Liu Ming Yue.  Meanwhile Qing Yan keeps thinking about what Mo Fei told her about Liu Ming Yue and how she killed members of the Xue Family and stole twin baby girls, and is starting to realize that Mo Fei was probably telling the truth which means that Liu Ming Yue killed her parents.  I seriously cannot wait for everyone to turn their backs against Liu Ming Yue.  :P 


As for Qing Wu, she pretends to be weakened by poison/illness so that a spy sent by Liu Ming Yue will convey that information back to her.  Because of this information, Liu Ming Yue sends back word through the same spy that Qing Wu should come meet her at some neutral place so that she can treat her poison.  Qing Wu ends up following the spy to that designated place where the spy and his men immediately shoot their arrows at her, trying to kill her.  Qing Wu anticipated this though and jumps out of the way of the arrows, escaping death, but one of the arrows does manage to graze her.  Meanwhile, Chen Yu had been following at a distance with his army of men.  When they see her signal, they rush in to save her.  Chen Yu sees Qing Wu injured and carries her back to his place.  She tells him that it's pointless as she's been poisoned from the arrow, and he says it's nonsense.  He calls for the doctor and as they wait for the doctor's arrival, Qing Wu asks him if he's liked anyone other than BQ.  He tells her no.  She then apologizes for the injury she once inflicted upon him and tells him that she unhesitatingly betrayed her master to help him, and so she just wants to know whether he still thinks of that cold-hearted killer person that he used to think her to be.  He tells her it's nothing and that the injury was minor and healed long ago.  Qing Wu smiles and says he's finally admitting to being LYK.  He doesn't see a difference in whether she knows, downplaying its significance.  He then tells her that he no longer thinks poorly of her.  Rather, he thinks of her as he does BQ.  That she's someone to be pitied because of the way she was raised, and that maybe if she'd been raised differently, she'd be a different person.  Qing Wu laughs bitterly.  She says that Chen Yu has to know how she feels about him, but he firmly tells her that he has only ever considered her as a friend.  The doctor eventually arrives and after examining Qing Wu he says she wasn't poisoned, she's just weak and so he'll prescribe medicine to help her body become strong again.  After the doctor leaves, Qing Wu reveals that Liu Ming Yue is somewhere in the sand caves because the sand bandits are within her control.  Chen Yu is surprised to hear that the sand bandits are connected to Liu Ming Yue and announces that he's going to go into the desert to find her exact whereabouts.  Qing Wu wants to go with him, but he tells her to stay put.  He also tells his men that it'll be safer and easier for him to travel by himself.  (As with DFS, I think this is how he'll end up running into BQ in the upcoming episodes.)  After Chen Yu leaves, Qing Wu mutters to herself that she'll make Chen Yu hers because whatever man she wants she always gets (or something like that -- just "ugh" is all I can say).


Episode ends with a brief bit of BQ and Zhu Shou continuing in their travels. 


I'm so ready for those travels to help her cross paths with Chen Yu!  (Even if DFS will make an appearance as well. :P)  Speaking of those travels . . .



Here's a super cute IG clip from episode 34-35 (translation):


[In this scene, BQ and CY are pretending in front of DFS that they're strangers who have just met.]



BQ: Aiya, if I knew I'd run into Gong Zi, I'd have caught that snake from earlier today.  Then we could roast snake meat now to eat.  It's been too many days since I've eaten meat.  I've almost forgotten what that meat flavor tastes like.

CY: Zhu Gu Niang is very similar to my wife.  [He's referring to her as his wife!!!!  :wub:]  Do you know?  When my wife is hungry, she'll even eat a mouse.  It doesn't matter what kind of a mouse it is, she'll dare to eat it.  When I heard it, I was so surprised!  For her, I even ran into someone else's kitchen and stole a chicken drumstick to give to her to eat. 

BQ: (laughs) Your wife is amazing! 

DFS: So you already have a wife!  Why didn't you say so earlier?  Are you on bad terms with your wife?  Or were you not saying it on purpose?  (He then accuses CY of being a philanderer.)

CY: It's just some family matters.







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I feel like I must be watching a different show because frankly I really don't feel the love for DFS. ;) I keep wanting someone... BQ most of all... to punch him and wipe that smug grin off his face. :P

Sorry... not a fan.


I am impressed though with how the show has managed to maintain that underlying levity even while many in the show are plotting, killing, backstabbing and avenging. I must confess the humour is what I come back for. It's nice to watch a period drama that doesn't take itself too seriously for a change. Not that I mind serious semi-historical tear jerkers but a change is as good as a holiday. I am waiting though... for someone to inflict a slow painful death on Mother Mo. Sadly I have a feeling I'm not going to get my wish.


The person that I'm really impressed with in recent days in Yun Lang. He's developed so much since we first encountered him. It feels like he's matured so much compared to what he was previously and become more of a man through recent experiences. His love for BQ demanded self-sacrifice and he's certainly stepped up. He really is a man of his word and I hope... ( I don't say this often) that Dan Shi is worth it. Sure she has proven her devotion but I'm still rather sore about the way she manipulated him into matrimony. 


I feel I must defend YC re: his dealings with LQW. ;) 

I personally don't see any kind of inconsistency. It seems to me that the kindness that he shows her comes from the same place that gave birth to the folk hero Lian Yi Ke. CY IS a softie at heart. That's how he was able to overcome his resentment for BQ in the early days and rescue her from threats time after time. His ability to show compassion and empathy is what caused BQ to fall for him. I would hate for him to become a lesser human being just because he is in a relationship with BQ. CY is a good man and if people mistake kindness for love... well... it's on them. LQW crushing on him is her problem... based on her own presumption. Anyway, he is at least drawing those boundary lines.

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I saw. Did BQ just kill off all the main families?


LY is going to die and he is from Feiyun fortress. Mo is another big family name and the mother will die obviously and Mo is discredited. CY's father died so the treasury control is out of their hands. Mingyue the villain will die? DFS will die? The Zhu family is not of the main families.


Who the heck is left? Of the influential families? The best friend is just the Commandant's son.


So why would they need to hide? BQ just killed off all the competition. Oh you mean the KIng is still around to harm them?


I am actually posting to ask about the subbing vs raw episode release since I actually marathoned 27 episodes in 3 days. When are the actual episode release dates and how many episodes per week?


Because it was ep 27 last week and ep 28-9 are now subbed on viki. I now assume the 2 episodes were released Tue. But then ep 28-31 were released this Mon? But then I see ep 33 raw now on the streaming sites.


I am so confused

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37 minutes ago, ck1Oz said:

I am actually posting to ask about the subbing vs raw episode release since I actually marathoned 27 episodes in 3 days. When are the actual episode release dates and how many episodes per week?


Because it was ep 27 last week and ep 28-9 are now subbed on viki. I now assume the 2 episodes were released Tue. But then ep 28-31 were released this Mon? But then I see ep 33 raw now on the streaming sites.


I am so confused


Two episodes are normally released every Tuesday-Thursday, for both raw and subbed episodes (subbing usually takes a day though, so for episodes released on Tuesday, you'd have to wait to watch it subbed on Wednesday and so on).  Sometimes the production skips an episode/day though.  For example, in its first week, there was one day they released only one episode instead of two (which is why we're now on an odd number count) and of course, this past Thursday there were no new episodes at all (a very painful day).


As for why the raw episodes are ahead of the subbed episodes, please see my earlier explanations:




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@themarchioness as always, thank you for the recap. My favourite part is where LQW asks CY if he's ever liked anyone else other than BQ and he says no. 


@40somethingahjumma I loved your post and I agree with all your points. You are right, CY being nice to LQW is a testament to the type of person he is. In the beginning, I did want to punch DFS in the face for his arrogance and manipulativeness. But it's funny because the thing I hate about him is also the thing I admire most from him. I hate that he just forces himself and manipulates situations so he can have what he wants. But there's also something attractive about a guy who knows what he wants and just goes for it. 


I think one of the major differences with CY and DFS is that CY, although he loves BQ, is an all around nice guy and cares for the welfare of other people - his friends, strangers who need help, etc. Meanwhile, DFS focuses all of his energy into the one thing he wants which is BQ. He doesn't care what happens to the people around him as long as he gets what he wants.



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I am probably the only one who is supporting DFS ship sailing with BQ. Though i dont think that will ever happen because obviously he wasnt the first lead. Love their love hate relationship and find them bickering really cute atm. Probably because how the recent scenes are focusing more on them and how we see DFS from being playful to being more sincere towards BQ. I also like it when man treat his woman special where he only focus and treat his woman well instead of being kind to everyone (like CY). The scenes where he gets BQ angry in purpose and then pretending not to care but behind he is protecting her is just very sweet in my thoughts.:wub:

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19 minutes ago, Ck_teens123 said:

I am probably the only one who is supporting DFS ship sailing with BQ. Though i dont think that will ever happen because obviously he wasnt the first lead. Love their love hate relationship and find them bickering really cute atm. Probably because how the recent scenes are focusing more on them and how we see DFS from being playful to being more sincere towards BQ. I also like it when man treat his woman special where he only focus and treat his woman well instead of being kind to everyone (like CY). The scenes where he gets BQ angry in purpose and then pretending not to care but behind he is protecting her is just very sweet in my thoughts.:wub:



@Ck_teens123 I totally get it. DFS certainly has his faults but I also find it endearing how he puts on an act in front of BQ but then he's secretly doing things for her. I know that as this drama progresses and we see DFS change, I'm going to like him even more. That's not to say I don't ship BQ and CY because I want them to end up together for sure. But I'm going to have love for DFS as well. Like I said, if CY didn't exist, I would be all for DFS.


BTW, I am curious, why does BQ call CY "Chen Yu" but everyone else calls him "Zhangqing"? 

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@angelangie, there aren't enough words to express how much I'm looking forward to those scenes.  I couldn't tear myself away from IG last night, just kept watching all the vids over and over again.  LOL.  No doubt about it, I'm definitely leaving work on time tonight.  Yesterday, I stayed late and I was itching to watch by the time I got home.  As I expect today's episodes to be even better, I'm definitely going home on time to watch them as soon as I can.  :P 


@40somethingahjumma, I agree with everything you said -- especially your analysis of Chen Yu and his relationship with Qing Wu.  Like @mouse007 , I really appreciated when Chen Yu told Qing Wu that he'd never loved any one other than BQ and that he only considered her a friend.  To me, this is Chen Yu creating boundaries for Qing Wu and demonstrating the constancy of his feeling towards BQ.  The fact that he may be kind and generous towards others doesn't make him any less devoted to her.  Would we be debating how he felt about BQ if Qing Wu were a male?  


On the other hand, I do understand that because Chen Yu is so nice to Qing Wu, that opens the door for her to create situations that cause misunderstanding.  But like you said, that's on her.  Not Chen Yu.  He is still making his position clear; he only loves BQ.  We need to trust in him, and so too does BQ.  


As for DFS, I've definitely had that same reaction as you - wanting to smack him and wipe away the smugness from his face.  And it reaaaalllly bugged me the way he he kept messing around with her just because he could.  Buuuuut, I will also admit that of late, I'm starting to see how he is looking out for her.  It's just done in his own weird, "special" way.  I suspect my feelings towards him will continue to warm as the story progresses, but it's been a slow process getting there and most of the time, I am frustrated by him.  I've also never shipped him with BQ and never will.  :P  



1 hour ago, mouse007 said:

BTW, I am curious, why does BQ call CY "Chen Yu" but everyone else calls him "Zhangqing"? 


Chen Yu is his name.  Zhangqin is an honorific title that means, literally, "senior relatives."  You can kind of think of it as akin to how Koreans refer to their older schoolmates or work colleagues as sunbae.  



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Finally just watch finished ep 35 and I must say it would be another most awaited ep cause they reunited again!! Here's some spoiler for u guys I flim while watching earlier. 




Translation :


HBQ wanted to eat the snake meat DFS cooked but CY jealous and keep telling her not to eat DFS's food :love::love:


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15 hours ago, themarchioness said:

As promised, I'm back!  Ep 32 recap


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The episode picks up with DFS and BQ riding a horse through the town together.  As the townspeople watch them and then gossip about the nature of their relationship, it becomes abundantly clear the real purpose for DFS insisting that BQ come out and spend the day with him -- and so, BQ being BQ, calls him out on it.  As they ride off, we see a hooded man with a scarred face watching mysteriously from around the corner.


DFS invites BQ back to his quarters for tea and treats.  She flits around room looking at this and that, and DFS comments on her lack of fear at being with him by herself.  BQ is utterly unconcerned though.  She knows that Xiao Xia and others are nearby and she can call out to them, if need be.  She also tells him that she doesn't really think DFS is interested in her, and tells him how she thinks he's getting a bad bargain in her and that the Mysterious Man could never have imagined when he made his deal way back when that one day, his descendant would end up with a bad bargain like her (she's referring to the way she was raised).  I'll spare you all the back and forth that went on between BQ and DFS during this conversation, and only say that she underestimates herself as DFS is definitely interested in her -- and it's just not because of the fact that she's the Biluotian priestess. 


DFS ultimately reveals the true purpose of his invitation on this particular day, and that is to show her how he has Yunlang and the Dan Sha locked up.  BQ has a breakdown after witnessing this and tries to break down the wall in between the room that they're in and the cell that Yunlang and Dan Sha are in, but of course it can't be broken so that's when BQ starts begging on their behalf.  DFS doesn't like seeing her have so much affection for Yun Lang (and even wonders at one point if LYK would be jealous if he knew how she was behaving over this other guy), but BQ tells him that Yun Lang is a true friend of hers and she doesn't want to see him harmed because of her.  Eventually her sincere tears and emotions wears away at DFS (is that guilt I spy on you??) and he agrees to let them go.  But first he has to knock them out so they won't ever know who captured them, and BQ agrees to keep it a secret as she knows Yun Lang would otherwise seek revenge. 


Yun Lang and Da Shang are left in a field by themselves and from a distance, BQ watches them wake up and then walk away.  It's at this point that BQ finally takes her leave from DFS but not before getting into a tussle with him -- and, in the process, stealing a seal from him.  As she walks away, she looks at the seal and wonders why DFS would have a seal from Cheng prince's mansion.  Furthermore, she thought the Cheng royal had been dealt with by the Emperor already.  (Not a perfect translation, I grant you, but that's the general gist - because they just use the generic "wang" when referring to him, it's unclear who this Cheng person is and what his position is exactly.  But main takeaway is that, in addition to being the Mysterious Man's grandson, it's clear there are more hidden layers to this DFS.) 


After meeting back up with Xiao Xia, they continue to roam the streets.  The hooded person that we saw earlier reappears and takes aim at BQ.  This is witnessed by DFS.  But before DFS can leap to prevent this hooded person from taking a shot at BQ, and before the hooded person can even take a shot at BQ, she ends up being shot by someone else!  Mayhem ensues with Xiao Xia gathering up BQ in her arms and taking charge.  When DFS tries to come to their aid, she prevents him from getting near intimating that perhaps he's the one behind everything.  Of course he's insulted and vows to find the real perpetrator. 


Xiao Xia and her band of security men depart and DFS goes to find the hooded man who, at that moment, is also wondering who else could've gotten to BQ first.  DFS finds the hooded man and demands to know his real identity, but the hooded man kills himself instead.  (The hooded man was Liu Ming Yue's right hand man.  He'd made that vow to kill BQ for her and when Liu Ming  Yue expressed concern that the Mysterious Man would find out and be upset, he promised to conceal his identity so the Mysterious Man would never trace it back to her -- hence his scarred face, which apparently he did to himself.)


Back at Zhu Manor, the grandfather goes running off to BQ's quarters in a tear once he hears she's been injured.  But when he gets there, he can't find her, and that's when Xiao Xia reveals that BQ has already departed for Dong Ping Jun (where CY is stationed).   Apparently this was all part of her grand master plot - to make it look like she was injured so DFS would never find out that she'd already left Suzhou by pretending to be too ill to see him.  When the grandfather asks Xiao Xia why she didn't go with her, she explains further that she had to stay behind to lend credence to the image that BQ has been confined to Zhu Manor to heal from her injuries.  Clever girls! 


Meanwhile DFS is going crazy with worry and concern over how BQ is doing.  He even tries to see her at night by secretly flying over the walls of Zhu Manor.  Of course he is thwarted by Xiao Xia and their band of security men. 


Also in the meantime Best Friend Yuan (I can't remember his full name) pays a visit to Xiao Xia after hearing that BQ was injured.  She reassures him that BQ will be okay, and then he confesses that the other purpose of his visit is to tell her that he has to leave for the capitol the next day.  His father has called him back and Xiao Xia tells him this is a good thing -- he should have more purpose in life.  He doesn't think he'll be able to come back to Suzhou once his father puts him to work and wants to send his father to ask for her hand in marriage, but Xiao Xia declines everything insisting that she stands by what she said previously, which is that she'll never marry.  Best Friend Yuan is frustrated by her stubbornness and tells her the time of his departure hoping that she'll come to see him off.  After he leaves, Xiao Xia thinks about all their interactions.  Poor thing.  It's clear she's not unaffected by him.


The next day, she goes to see Best Friend Yuan leave (with the other Best Friend) -- but she watches from a distance.  This is where DFS and his sidekick find her.  By now, DFS has figured out that BQ stole his seal.  He's also figured out that BQ may have faked her own injuries to escape him.  As he watches Xiao Xia watching Best Friend Yuan, he also figures out that she has feelings for this man.  So he demands that Xiao Xia tell him where BQ is otherwise he will make sure harm comes to the two best friends.  At first Xiao Xia continues the pretense that BQ is at Zhu Manor recovering, but when he gives orders to his sidekick to go waylay the two best friends, Xiao Xia immediately confesses -- by telling him that BQ has gone to the capitol to do business.  DFS doesn't believe her.  The Mo Family has already cornered the market there and thus wonders what money she would be able to earn in the capitol, but Xiao Xia just tells him he can believe her or not, and maybe he should travel to the capitol himself.  After she walks away, DFS wonders if it might actually be true.  After all LYK is known for hanging around the capitol and maybe BQ went to go ask him about the seal.  He ends up telling his sidekick that he will travel to the capitol.


While this is all going on, BQ has started her journey to Dong Ping with Zhu Shou for company -- they're pretending that he's the master and she's his servant (named Ah Zhu).  She also decides on taking a long detour to Dong Ping because she's afraid that if she goes directly there, DFS will figure everything out since he's so smart.  The episode ends with BQ and Zhu Shou trying to do business in the other city that they're detouring through (looks like some sort of gambling business -- I just hope they don't get into trouble!). 






Now on to watch Ep 33.  :) 

Thank you for the recap!! 

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I'm watching the raw version of ep 35 and I cannot wait for the subs! Almost the entire episode has BQ and CY and all the jealousy that's going on is so funny and cute! When CY smiles, I forget about DFS. But I must say DFS is also cute when he's jealous.

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1 hour ago, mouse007 said:

thank you for the clarification @themarchioness! So the fact that BQ calls him CY signifies that they have a close relationship? 


I won't pretend to be an expert in naming matters, but I think the logic follows that yes, that's the implication.  I mean, I would assume that most people would refer to him by his title/position (previously Shi Zi and now Dong Ping Wang).  Next closest would be his friends who refer to him as Zhang Qin.  But then you have BQ who calls him by his given name, so... :) 

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3 hours ago, turtle0217 said:

So i'm not watching the raw episodes anymore, so I don't spoil it for myself and just slowly watching it with subs. But saw the scene where they are like at the desert and CY is jealous of HBQ with DFS. What happen? Can anyone spoil it for me? :lol:


Ep 35

DFS went to look for HBQ in the dessert, founding that they are in trouble. HBQ managed to escape leaving Zhu shou there to drag time to let her escape. After a while zhu shou manage to escape quietly when DFS barge in to find the both. DFS managed to find HBQ. DFS tried to lead her out of the dessert but end up getting lost. After travelling for days, left a little water, CY appears and he acted like a stranger to bring the both out. Otw out they met LQW who was finding CY.  


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8 hours ago, themarchioness said:


@angelangie, there aren't enough words to express how much I'm looking forward to those scenes.  I couldn't tear myself away from IG last night, just kept watching all the vids over and over again.  LOL.  No doubt about it, I'm definitely leaving work on time tonight.  Yesterday, I stayed late and I was itching to watch by the time I got home.  As I expect today's episodes to be even better, I'm definitely going home on time to watch them as soon as I can.  :P 


@40somethingahjumma, I agree with everything you said -- especially your analysis of Chen Yu and his relationship with Qing Wu.  Like @mouse007 , I really appreciated when Chen Yu told Qing Wu that he'd never loved any one other than BQ and that he only considered her a friend.  To me, this is Chen Yu creating boundaries for Qing Wu and demonstrating the constancy of his feeling towards BQ.  The fact that he may be kind and generous towards others doesn't make him any less devoted to her.  Would we be debating how he felt about BQ if Qing Wu were a male?  


On the other hand, I do understand that because Chen Yu is so nice to Qing Wu, that opens the door for her to create situations that cause misunderstanding.  But like you said, that's on her.  Not Chen Yu.  He is still making his position clear; he only loves BQ.  We need to trust in him, and so too does BQ.  


As for DFS, I've definitely had that same reaction as you - wanting to smack him and wipe away the smugness from his face.  And it reaaaalllly bugged me the way he he kept messing around with her just because he could.  Buuuuut, I will also admit that of late, I'm starting to see how he is looking out for her.  It's just done in his own weird, "special" way.  I suspect my feelings towards him will continue to warm as the story progresses, but it's been a slow process getting there and most of the time, I am frustrated by him.  I've also never shipped him with BQ and never will.  :P  




Chen Yu is his name.  Zhangqin is an honorific title that means, literally, "senior relatives."  You can kind of think of it as akin to how Koreans refer to their older schoolmates or work colleagues as sunbae.  



Lol I guess I  just don't see  the 'endearing' ways that DFS shows his love toward BQ as being 'endearing'.  

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