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[Drama 2018] Lawless Lawyer, 무법 변호사


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CMS using BSP and JY to bring down club 7 members is an interesting idea but surely she isn't delusional to believe she could do so without getting herself entangled. And trust me SP and JY would never let that happen. 

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37 minutes ago, sava2sava said:

Sorry to cut your post,  I was wondering what could CMS have offered DW right hand man and this could be it.. CEO of AOJ company.. She needs another thug to replce AOJ and to keep laundering the money and do her dirty work when things gets to close to her.. What will really blow her mind if AOJ put BSP in that position.. AOJ doing something like this could insure AOJ  life and position as mayor.. She wouldn't dare touch him on a move like this..

I don't think BSP and JY will consent to be partners with AOJ ever. CMS got all of AOJ's money and now has partnered with KMB which means AOJ has already lost the OJ group. Without the money, there is no OJ Group. The only thing he has is a title of a mayor. AOJ has countered with witnessing that BSP did not kill his uncle and therefore getting the trial of BSP thrown out and BSP free. That means BSP now will counter CMS in court and at the same time work on getting AOJ convicted. Both BSP and JY especially BSP will never forget that he witnessed the killing of his mother by AOJ and his uncle by the turd of a minion of AOJ. JY also knows that and has pictures given by her mother to prove the crime of both CMS and AOJ. I suppose both BSP and JY need to be creative in their fight for justice as they seem to have only each other and JY's mom for support. My guess is BSP will devise a plan that will have CMS, AOJ and KMB suspecting and fighting each other. Remember when he told AOJ that CMS told JY to defend him and prove his innocence and said to AOJ that he and CMS are not on the same page. I am betting he will do the same to KMB and CMS. He and JY will have the bad guys suspecting and destroying the other. I also do not think that KMB will be very keen on being a dog to CMS that he has his own goals and maybe to extend the Seoul gang to Gisung. It may surprise CMS to realize that she is not feared or even respected outside of Gisung that her power does not yet extend outside of Gisung. 


In episode 10 before the start of the trial, JY was looking at SP very intently and when SP asked if anything is the matter JY answered that she intends in this trial to prove his innocence and get him out of prison. She knows how her man feels about AOJ. When AOJ entered the courtroom, everyone including CMS and YH were looking at AOJ with stunned expression while JY was looking at SP for his reaction before she went back to her seat. SP's reaction was also of disbelief and surprise. In the preview, SP and JY seem to be talking about the trial and SP expressing his understanding. BSP and JY have lots to contend with so we shall see.


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I loved the move HJY made by allowing AOJ to be a witness for BSP. It may not be a move that SP likes, but it's definitely one he respects because he trusts her. She knows AOJ is using her/the trial for his own needs, but she has no qualms using him right back if it means getting SP out of jail and proven innocent. Plus it puts AOJ and CMS in a position to fight against each other directly that they may not see what moves JY and SP are gonna make next. 

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6 hours ago, zenya22 said:

I don't think BSP and JY will consent to be partners with AOJ ever.

oh hell no!!!Unless BSP suddenly develop the heart of Mother Theresa or something or he had a severe case of amnesia to forget that this was the man who had a heavy part in killing not one but two of his most precious people.


I mean even when they were having their "enemance" moment.This is not the kind of conversation that indicates they will suddenly reconcile and be buddies:D:




its so funny too.AOJ-ssi how can you kill someone who is already dead:D?





But on a serious note though,  CMS and AOJ should not die.Thats so anticlimatic.They should be judged in a court of law; then found guilty of all the crimes they committed and then sentenced to life in prison.Thats the best revenge.A lifetime finished with no money, no power, no luxury massage for CMS.

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The thing is A person like CMS with wealth, connections and reputation will always find a way to control and inspire fear even in prison. And they can live pretty  well . That’s why drug lords Can still run their  operations and kill people from jail . The only way to kill a snake is to cut off its head .

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On 12/6/2018 at 11:31 AM, violina said:

Tell me about it...lets give a point to sang pil too..his love language is show love by action and physical touch but when he says words like these:

accompanied by those laser beam love eyes(swoon:wub:).Normally it would sound cheesy but when I watched the whole scene it just hits you in the feels.His eyes and voice when he was saying this is what makes the difference.

But if this wasnt an emotionally charged moment and he wasnt dripping blood.I am telling you she would have punched him again for being so reckless:D


Everything you said... and more. Do you know what always makes my heart burst (and cry like a child)? the BGM. in both this scene and when he wake up in the hospital... or in the date scene... the BGM always makes everything more beautiful and meaningful. i love it and i want it

and as always love your gifs and want more gifs :D


On 12/6/2018 at 1:34 PM, zenya22 said:

At first I thought that An Bae was just acting making it look like he was angry with BSP so that CMS  would not be suspicious when he or she approaches the other for a deal, that it was a part of the plan to infiltrate the CMS club and get to both AOJ and CMS but then An Bae told CMS about the Thai woman, I am not too sure now about his intentions. He knows that DW went to Gisung alone because he did not want to attract attention or expose the identity of the Thai woman.


But, I am not too sure that all of DW's people will follow An Bae if it was his intention to let BSP hang. Somewhere, somehow there should be a lawyer who will produce the original will. And there should be people whom SP had helped over the years who will support or believe in his innocence regarding the murder of his uncle. He saved TG from being beaten by a gang and thus became his right-hand man, he also helped save the accountant in the first episodes from being killed by a gang at the request of his uncle. I am guessing here, but there must have been others whom he had helped or done favors over the course of the years and will support BSP. Anyhow, it will be interesting what happens in the next episodes. 

After AB told CMS about the thai woman i'm sure he's not innocent and revenge driven anymore... and as i said before, the ominous look he gave uncle when he was leaving for Gisung might say it all

I also think the other thugh, the one in jail might become BSP alley and will make the gang believe in SP


On 12/6/2018 at 10:20 PM, violina said:

so true.Guess what?t we have a bts from tvn now:

 and naughty director cut this scene:D and he is such a tease releasing the footage knowing we will be mourning the loss of such a sweet moment:D RIP peck scene I am guessing script was; she was supposed to look him in the eye, kiss him, caress his cheek, and then punch him

(or these two ad-lib again which is just too cute:wub: but director wasnt having it:D.Maybe he thought it was overkill.But anyway, the scene was still lovely even without the peck.)

I love this BTS so much, might be one of my faves, though i wish it would be longer... i seriously need to know what really happened in the elevator. lol (i replayed many times the scene just to figure it out)

and the peck is so so sweet. As i got to see it in the BTS i don't regret not watching it in the real episode... as i can have both versions of the scene...


On 12/6/2018 at 11:58 PM, chrissydiva said:

New Vid!


Thank you so much for sharing... i love it. i haven't enough time to go fan mv hunting but i really need to make time to do it!


Are those shared here? from viki FB



An this from TVING




more on the link. i hope someone would translate...

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We have the stills for ep 11 so just waiting for the lovely angel who usually uploads them here.But for now here is an article translation accompanying the stills:





New stills out for Episode 11!

Sang-pil, Jae-yi, and Ahn Oh-ju set out to fight the bloody battle against Cha Moon-sook, the ‘greatest evil of Kiseong.’ Particularly the stills suggest Sang-pil and Jae-yi will take advantage of Ahn Oh-ju’s betrayal of Cha Moon-sook and prepare a more reckless, more aggressive strategy to fight the battle. Viewers will find out whether the duo will finally bring Cha Moon-sook to her knees.

One of the stills draws our attention by showing Sang-pil and Cha Moon-sook intently staring at each other in the lobby of the courthouse. Behind them are standing the statue of the goddess of dike and the statue of late judge (Cha’s father) Cha Byung-ho as if they engaged in a confrontation. It makes viewers wonder who is going to seize the chance to turn the tide and come out as the winner.

A two-shot of Sang-pil and Ahn Oh-ju also grabs our attention. A sly smile Oh-ju puts on while facing Sang-pil suggests he might have a hidden agenda of his own, giving viewers goosebumps. In the previous episode, Oh-ju became enraged upon finding out why Cha Moon-sook got him elected as mayor and decided to testify in favour of Sang-pil. Viewers wonder if  Sang-pil and Oh-ju team up again after delivering a shocking twist as unlikely, albeit temporary, allies.

Source: http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=112&aid=0003040334


Translation credit: IG: jg_kdrama

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1 hour ago, antoniaclamens said:

want more gifs :D

This one is for you.There is such a thing as "hand chemistry".Three different scenes but deliver same fuzzy awwww feels.Its kind of sweet how the roles are switched here.The defendant(aka boyfriend) is reassuring the lawyer(aka girlfriend) that she got this, he trusts her so she should be brave.


a.This was when he(BSP) had cried his heart out at his uncle's funeral but before they hauled him away..he still reach out to his woman and hold her hand



b.and then we have this scene where she was telling him not to worry and he said the same to her..telling her he is used to being locked up and that he is ok.



c.But my favourite is this one.I am doing something different in real life, but I went to law school myself for my first degree.So I participated in moot competitions and mock trials.I can relate to those nerves she is showing.It can happen even to the most confident person you know.My friends who are barristers say its stronger when you are a rookie but it gets easier with time.For some it never really goes away, they just grit their teeth through the whole process, but they continue their job because of the satisfaction they get after winning the case.So a client like BSP is a heavensent.




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9 hours ago, LavelyShai said:

Though it'll take more than just cutting off Judge Cha's limbs with her connections, they'd also need to alter how the public sees her because her image is how she's continued to get away with things. People love her & see her as some saint, so some kind of public uproar is also needed. 

Agree.I need this to happen so that HJY's dad can fully redeem himself in my eyes.He is starting to redeem himself already just a little bit with this:







I interpret this to mean although he doesnt agree with HJY's decision to align herself with BSP.He will support her because she is his daughter.I respect that.However, the CMS image needs to be shattered so that he can stop being such a fanboy and be a man his family needs.

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4 hours ago, LavelyShai said:

Yes, that's exactly what it means. Though Ha Ki Ho does not agree with Jae Yi's choices/decisions, he's still choosing to respect them & support her. That's what unconditional love & being a parent is about. You may not agree with their decisions, but you support them anyways. He realized this when she said Sang Pil was someone she loved & he knew nothing he said would sway her. 

I gained even more respect for her even before she made her love confession.She has her head straight as a lawyer too.A lawyer who is resolute about what her stand is, even without knowing what the outcome will be, is a lawyer you can trust.


Dad: I didnt put you in school so you could defend a thug.

JY: Its not because he's Sang Pil.



JY: He's innocent.He was framed Dad

Dad: Do you hear yourself?



HJ: I am defending my client who's innocent

HJ: I took the case because I know that.



The whole time she was cool and collected.No screaming to make her point.Just a calm, respectful but honest conversation between dad and daughter.

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@Violina I love that despite the relationship HJY may have with a client (personal or not), she's still a lawyer first and foremost. When BSP asked HJY if she didn't have a problem representing HM after everything he did she responded that he didn't kill the mayor so he should be proven innocent. So mature, so calm, so collected, so level-headed. Love that :wub:

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On 14/06/2018 at 3:18 PM, RobinM said:

That’s why he needs to start teaching her proper self defense. If his right hand man gets hurt trying to protect BSP will be devastated again and she will feel terribly guilty.

looks like you got your wish:)




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1 hour ago, RobinM said:

Can’t wait! I bet he is going to conflicted about training her rigorously vs being to rough and she is going to be like “WTH?  Dude this is fun! Come at me again”

The stills look like the situation is serious but why is my mind wondering off..sorry am helpless sometimes:D


I saw this and my mind immediately recalled this from another drama.Especially with our duo..this is more likely than not to happen:D:




But yeah lets arm jae yi with the skills needed to fight these high level thugs.gimme those sessions.After all the drama is about using your fist and the brain to maneuver around this dirty city.

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Thank you for the martial arts training stills. She is wearing the white belt and he the purple. He has not yet gotten the black belt but the way he fights, his purple belt is unbelievably masterful. Imagine when he gets to black belt. I am so proud of them both. The look on both their faces says it all, they are taking this seriously.  That drawing at the back of his martial arts uniform though and the words "Successor of the Empire"...... hmmmmm, maybe it just my wishful thinking here but he did say in the preview, that he was sorry he was not going to follow his uncle's dying words. Is he going for the successor? 


Just for fun, googled this, the meaning of the color of belts.


Meaning of the Colors 

Originally, the white belt was simply dyed to a new color. This repeated dying process dictated the type of belt color and the order of the colors. The standard belt color system is white, yellow, gold, orange, green, blue, purple, brown, red and black. Due to the dying process, it was only practical to increasingly use darker colors. All of this came about shortly after the Second World War, when Korea and Japan were poor countries. Dying the belts to a new color was a cheap way to have a visible, simple and effective ranking system. 

White Belt: White signifies a birth, or beginning, of a seed. A white belt student is a beginner searching for knowledge of the Art. The white belt is the beginning of life's cycle, and represents the seed as it lies beneath the snow in the winter. 

Yellow Belt or Sash: Yellow signifies the first beams of sunlight which shines upon the seed giving it new strength with the beginning of new life. A yellow belt student is given his first ray of knowledge, opening his mind, from his instructors. 

Orange Belt or Sash: Orange represents the growing power of the sun as it warms the earth to prepare for new growth in the spring. The orange belt is starting to feel his body and mind open and develop. 

Green Belt or Sash: Green signifies the growth of the seed as it sprouts from the earth reaching toward the sun and begins to grow into a plant. A green belt student learns to strengthen and refine his techniques. 

Blue Belt or Sash: Blue signifies the blue sky as the plant continues to grow toward it. A blue belt student moves up higher in rank just as the plant grows taller. The light feeds the plant so it can continue to grow. The student is fed additional knowledge of the Art in order for his body and mind continue to grow and develop. 

Purple Belt or Sash: Purple represents the changing sky of dawn, as once again the student undergoes a new change and prepares for the transition to advanced student. A purple belt begins to understand the meaning of the black belt. 

Brown Belt or Sash: Brown represents the ripening of the seed, a maturing and harvesting process. A brown belt is an advanced student whose techniques are beginning to mature, and he is beginning to understand the fruits of his hard work as a beginner. 

Red Belt or Sash: Red signifies the red-hot heat of the Sun as the plant continues growing toward it. As a red belt student acquires more detailed knowledge, just as the plant grows slowly toward the Sun, so the red belt student learns to be more cautious with his knowledge and physical abilities. Red is a sign of danger, and the red belt is beginning to become dangerous with their knowledge and abilities. 

Black Belt or Sash: Black signifies the darkness beyond the Sun. A black belt seeks new, more profound knowledge of the Art. As he begins to teach others, he plants new seeds and helps them grow and mature. His students, many whom will form roots deep into the Art, blossom and grow through the ranks in a never-ending process of self-growth, knowledge, and enlightenment. 
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