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[Drama 2018] My Mister, 나의 아저씨 - Best Drama at 2019 (55th) BaekSang Arts Awards

Go Seung Ji

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@mushroomsoupie@fauna@relleaand @sadiesmith Thanks for posting all the videos and pics. It is so great to see these. I'm still behind on page 199 but I have jumped back and forth to try and find some videos and pics.


These pages just keep moving and it has been a week since the next to last episode aired. It's so great that you guys have kept going but it is making it harder for me to keep up! Keep posting but not so fast! I'm trying to savor every last bit of all your comments.


Oh, also that song was not U got the look from Prince but She's got the Look by Roxette. Sorry. But it would really be great with that song and a bunch of photos showing Jian's different looks/gazes/stares.

Edited by popai5
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33 minutes ago, sadiesmith said:


No kidding!  If you think My Ajusshi is ambiguous, don't even go near Paju.

@Sakari @sadiesmith too late! I've found it and  have started watching. But no worries, I didnt go far. I couldnt continue watching... because the subs are in Portuguese! I couldnt understand a thing! :lol: I stayed for a couple of minutes though coz you know...his voice :lol::lol::lol: but i figured it is depressing a few minutes into the movie. il go for my wife had an affair instead. Thanks! :D

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There was one scene that spoke volumes to me and it was in E15 when DH and JA were both in the hospital. JA was questioning why he didn't hate her after everything she did and this response really struck a chord with me:


DH - "When you truly know a person, nothing they do bothers you. And I know you..."


This one line summed up their relationship perfectly and honestly makes you wish you had that connection with someone. It was from this that I knew they were soulmates and even if they don't end up together in this lifetime (I STILL THINK THEY DO :D) they were going to be together eventually. I don't know, their relationship was so pure and heartfelt that I felt lucky to be privy to it.


I also couldn't help but compare this to DH and YH relationship because DH was angry, rightly so but if what he said to JA applied to YH then shouldn't he have been more considerate? That's why I believe that they did separate and honestly DH and YH were never meant to be - they just didn't connect and that's where I think problem lay.


Anyway I got exams soon, I don't why I'm still on this forum :ph34r: but I blame this drama for relentlessly still staying in my heart and making sure it'll stay there forever!!! Also I love all your comments! It's so awesome to read them all and this is the first time that I've commented so much on one forum (I count more than 2 posts a lot :tongue:)

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So I thought my life had gone back to normal....but I made the mistake of checking the My Mister search term on Twitter and found the above tweet!!




From stealing coffee sachets and scavenging left over food like a rat, to walking confidently into a coffee shop!!!!!


Someone asked upstairs, whether the writer is the one who puts in the small details about the colors of the Traffic lights etc, or whether the Director is the one who does it.


The Director is the one who does it. Writers are supposed to tell the story first, and leave the details to production. Of course, this doesn't mean that a writer cannot put in some of those details. 


Think of a script as a picture in one of those children's coloring books. The writer is the one who draws the picture, the production team and actors fill the picture with the appropriate colors.


I have also seen the Secret Love Affair Script, and it's amazing how sparsely written the scripts are. The writer puts in the characters, necessary action and dialogue and that's it. The director then takes a twenty four page script and translates it into a one hour visual festival. These directors did not come to play!!



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Hello everyone! Here I'll ramble on about episodes 15 and 16 and add some final thoughts. Now, I run the risk of repeating what fellow users have already written - all of you make such pertinent points! - and merely narrating what we viewers can see for ourselves, but there is just so much for me to be excited over, ha ha... Most of these links lead to the corresponding parts of the episode in question. (Please excuse any lapses in grammar. So sorry about that!)



This should not have to be said in light of the drama team having already established their prowess in their art. Still, I would like to thank this team for not forcing upon Ji-an the horrible aftermath of a Car of Doom (life-threatening injuries) and its accompanying side dish of amnesia! She does come out of the accident with an arm fracture, but this was not the key driver behind the plot's progression. Ha!

I appreciate that Ji-an acknowledges how Kwang-il was never always an antagonist. More importantly, she recognises that he was also suffering, even as his own pain does not negate the physical abuse which he has inflicted on her. While he could have been expressing his anger at her killing his father, he already knew deep down that doing so did not help matters at all. With this, Ji-an (inadvertently) offers Kwang-il the same understanding of the reasons behind his actions like Dong-hoon has done for Ji-an herself, contributing to his change of heart much later on. Also, could we please have the full log of the conversations between Dong-hoon and Ji-an included in the director's cut box set? Wait, that sounds very intrusive...


I thought that the scene when Dong-hoon meets Ji-an at Choon-dae's house was especially stunning. As Ji-an shies away from Dong-hoon, her hair conceals her face and emotions as she speaks those cutting words: "You're so nice to just anyone, like an idiot. That's why you're always suffering." Yet, instead of staying put, Dong-hoon moves to be right in front of Ji-an, thus forcing her to expose her true vulnerability and giving her no room to hide from him any longer. To me, this scene stood out in its execution and in showing the progression of Ji-an's emotions throughout her exchange with Dong-hoon.

Of course Ji-an had to one-up Dong-hoon with her response later at the hospital: "I liked all the sounds you made; all of your words and thoughts and the sound of your footsteps, all of it. It felt as if I saw what a human being was, for the first time." Even as the wiretap was illegal and a gratuitous breach of privacy, it was the key contributor towards the development of Ji-an's journey with Dong-hoon. Through this wiretap, Ji-an learnt how Dong-hoon would fight for his loved ones like his family, and later, someone like herself; through this wiretap, Ji-an learnt about Dong-hoon's struggles, all through his voice alone. Wiretapping aside, the fact remains that Dong-hoon and Ji-an connected not on a physical level, but an emotional one. (In a way, this reminds me of that one meeting between Jaejoong of JYJ and a blind fan, who "loves him for his voice".)

Ji-an's removal of the wiretap did hurt when it finally happened, even as it was inevitable and necessary. It felt very much as if Ji-an was cutting off a lifeline, and Yoon-hee's remark earlier in the episode that "she was only hanging in there by listening to [Dong-hoon's] voice" only amplifies this feeling :( The phone eventually going quiet is a painful reminder that Dong-hoon now ceased to exist in that private dimension where Ji-an had first developed her emotional connection with him.


EPISODE 16 (before time lapse):

Oh, Ji-an's feelings towards Grandma Bong-ae at the mortuary were so palpable! The way she struggled to approach Grandma, the way she looked so much like the lost child that she really is deep down, beneath her hardened exterior were expressed so well. And I could feel her immense regret masked beneath her words: I'm sorry that I could not be there for you more. I'm sorry that you had to suffer too! This was too heartbreaking for me; I'd personally hoped that no character would die in this drama...

I think Sang-hoon was driven to help Ji-an (and achieve some form of redemption from his otherwise passive life in turn) by his sympathy for her. The focus on him and his downturned mouth expressed his thoughts so clearly: How could a young girl like her go through so much? This sentiment is also echoed in the faces of all the other older men (particularly Jae-chul). I'm so grateful that the Park brothers and the larger neighbourhood ultimately came through for Ji-an. No, Dong-hoon, Ji-an never needed thirty men to beat up Kwang-il on her behalf, but she needed at least a few more people to send off Grandma (who truly deserved all the love in the world), and this neighbourhood definitely has succeeded in this regard. I also appreciated the close-ups on Ki-bum and Choon-dae during the funeral service; they were two other people who understood how much Grandma meant to Ji-an.

Like Grandma and Choon-dae, Kwang-il has seen how much Dong-hoon cares for Ji-an and how much Ji-an herself trusts Dong-hoon. It was likely the combination of Kwang-il's gradual realisation of the two's strong bond and Ji-an's empathy towards Kwang-il which contributed to Kwang-il's eventual heel-face turn (TV Tropes). By relinquishing the audio files, Kwang-il essentially gives up his lifelong grudge against Ji-an; by sending these files to Dong-hoon, Kwang-il just about entrusts Ji-an to Dong-hoon. He finally releases his hold on Ji-an after so many years, and this induces a powerful sense of loss which emanates from within himself in this scene; no, really, just look at him here!

The following words are printed on the banner in the makeshift office of Yeongkwang Loans: "I was once in the same situation as you. I will help you as if we were family." These words may sound suspicious considering Kwang-il's status as a loan shark, but it seems that they ring true in this instance. I wonder if Kwang-il will ever find out that Grandma has passed away? I wonder if Ji-an will ever learn that Kwang-il had saved her this one time, like he had done for her all those years ago?

These poignant lines marked my favourite part of this episode:



Dong-hoon: "You must have come to this neighbourhood in order to save me. I was on the verge of dying but you were the one who saved me."
Ji-an: "I really lived my life for the very first time because I met you."

Now, I swear I've come across something similar elsewhere, especially for Dong-hoon's lines. Even so, one cannot deny how much Dong-hoon and Ji-an mean to each other, partly because they met each other at this point in their lives, too. And Dong-hoon's subsequent call to happiness ("Let's truly be happy now.") - harkens back to that first instance in winter, but it does not ring hollow this time; both Dong-hoon and Ji-an have resolved their problems both between themselves and with the people around them, and they can only look forward now.

Wow, that hug was an absolutely beautiful way to cap off Ji-an's final meeting with Dong-hoon before she left the neighbourhood - I was speechless then, and I still am about this now. I would like to remark, though, that Jung-hee's presence does not necessarily take away from the impact of this scene; after all, she is the only other person who truly understands why Ji-an would consider herself 30,000 years old. This may be a reach, but I feel that Jung-hee represents the viewers of this drama as a witness to the proof that Ji-an would now be able to return to her home in the stars. (Sure, Ji-an may have liked the neighbourhood mainly because of Dong-hoon, but obviously Dong-hoon himself does not make up the whole neighbourhood :tongue:)

EPISODE 16 (after time lapse):


Grandma's last words to Ji-an are so very important: "What a wonderful relationship you have with him, and so precious, too! If you take the time to think about it, each and every interpersonal relationship is quite fascinating and precious. You must repay them. Live a happy life. That is how you can repay the people in your life." It was so fulfilling to see that Ji-an has taken these words to heart and that she is now able to live life to the fullest unlike before. She has not only repaid the Park brothers and the larger neighbourhood with this new life, but also Grandma through her teaching sign language to others. Grandma definitely lives on in her heart!

About Ji-an not showing her face initially: In light of this drama's title being "My Mister", I took this part to mean that we would be following Ji-an's perspective in this final scene; it is only when she finally finds Dong-hoon that we are able to take on his perspective and see Ji-an for the happier person whom she has become. In a way, this highlights how Ji-an is not truly fulfilled until she is with Dong-hoon, and it also serves as a confirmation for both Dong-hoon and the viewers that Ji-an is indeed living well.

I love how this open ending was done!! It struck a nice balance between establishing that the two leads are now reunited, and leaving room for viewers to wonder how they would progress. And I wasn't grasping for more as much as I was contented here, because I knew that Dong-hoon and Ji-an would have at least one dinner date lined up for them. (This felt much more complete than the ending for Kimi no na wa; while the final line there tied in to the main theme of the story well, that ending also left me so frustrated because I had no idea how exactly the leads would continue after that!!)

To me, Adult by Sondia (OST Part 2) is pretty much the character theme for Ji-an - by extension, it would be the theme song of this drama itself - and it was the best song to cap off this final episode, and the end of this drama. "On what day, at which time, at which place / Will my small world smile at me?" Oh, Ji-an, your world is smiling at you right now, and we know that things can only get so much better from this point on.


I think I had a little more to cover, but there is only so much that I can put words to. Thank you very much for reading this, if you did! I enjoyed reading all of your posts very much during these last few weeks, when this drama brought us upwards on this exhilarating ride and never let go.

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Was backreading and saw some comments about LSK probably getting cast primarily for his voice.  Wouldn’t be surprised if that was a major factor.  Park Dong Hoon’s character might have been written with LSK already in mind as the one who would play him.  The thing with his voice is that it’s got a beautiful, low timbre and can carry over even when he speaks softly.  It’s also very fluid in that he is able to convey a lot of complex emotions through his voice alone.  It actually made even those lines that Park Dong Hoon speaks in a low tone sound very intimate, even though it’s not supposed to be.  Like that scene in ep 4 or 5 I think. He was walking with his brothers and getting teased about Lee Ji an, and then he sees her walking towards them and he suddenly asks her where she has been.  His voice sounded so warm.  To think all he said was “Where were you?”. No wonder Ji An loved listening to him. :)



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I found this forum late last night and oh my, was I grateful!  I have followed K-drama for 10 years and I have never been this emotionally stimulated by any of them until My Ahjassi.   A week had passed like a breeze and yet I still find myself fixated with this drama in every way.    Simply having a hard time letting go of it here.   I just want to leave a  message to thank all the contributors here for your keen observations and all the beautifully written pieces.  I am overflowing with emotion and feeling truly lucky to have been able to immerse in the story of Park Dong-Hoon and Lee Ji-An with you guys.   Lots of hugs to all of you!

Edited by Sianna Luke
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4 hours ago, blueyyy said:

There was one scene that spoke volumes to me and it was in E15 when DH and JA were both in the hospital. JA was questioning why he didn't hate her after everything she did and this response really struck a chord with me:


DH - "When you truly know a person, nothing they do bothers you. And I know you..."


This one line summed up their relationship perfectly and honestly makes you wish you had that connection with someone. It was from this that I knew they were soulmates and even if they don't end up together in this lifetime (I STILL THINK THEY DO :D) they were going to be together eventually. I don't know, their relationship was so pure and heartfelt that I felt lucky to be privy to it.


I also couldn't help but compare this to DH and YH relationship because DH was angry, rightly so but if what he said to JA applied to YH then shouldn't he have been more considerate? That's why I believe that they did separate and honestly DH and YH were never meant to be - they just didn't connect and that's where I think problem lay.


Anyway I got exams soon, I don't why I'm still on this forum :ph34r: but I blame this drama for relentlessly still staying in my heart and making sure it'll stay there forever!!! Also I love all your comments! It's so awesome to read them all and this is the first time that I've commented so much on one forum (I count more than 2 posts a lot :tongue:)

@blueyyy  good luck on your tests...then you can make more comments!  hahaha

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On 5/23/2018 at 5:41 PM, Kimchi Sweet Potato said:

“I can't even watch anything else at the moment. I feel like I'll just be disappointed.”


@justamom I know the feeling. I am a bit half-hearted with the new premieres this week. I found myself criticizing the characters of the new dramas.



“My heart is still full of feels. Writing helps. But then I listen to one of @Kimchi Sweet Potato's fan MVs and I'm falling, falling again...”

@justamom Is it bad to admit that I have not watched my own MVs in the last 2 days cause I’m scared of falling again? I miss this show so much. Will stalk writer Park Hae Young’s Wiki page. Eagerly awaiting her next drama.


My heart just can't let go yet. I might try My Wife Had An Affair which I watched a little of when it came out but never finished.


@sadiesmith right there with you!!! Was Pasta really the last one? I don't even remember him kissing Gong Hyo Jin! My favourite was still the Coffee Prince kiss....


I watched him in another funny drama too, did you ever watch Loveholic? It's a teacher student romance and omg so bad, but Lee Seon Gyun was cool in it, as always.


11 hours ago, h2ogirl said:

Seriously though, we keep wondering if DH and YH got divorced or not. I don't know for sure either, but I think there are plenty of clues spread throughout the drama for us to conclude that, by the end of the drama, they are separated, if not formally divorced.


This is especially true if we look at things from YH's side. I'd say she is the one who called it quits.


Haha have you been reading my fanfic? :ph34r:


Going into Dong Hoon's head and spending some time there, that is the only conclusion I could draw!


11 hours ago, h2ogirl said:

It's clear that he wants to call it quits too, but is forcibly holding on.


THISSS! Yes!! So love your comments and @arctichare's on their marriage


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4 hours ago, miracle525 said:

Dong-hoon: "You must have come to this neighbourhood in order to save me. I was on the verge of dying but you were the one who saved me."
Ji-an: "I really lived my life for the very first time because I met you."

Now, I swear I've come across something similar elsewhere, especially for Dong-hoon's lines.


I loved your entire post, but I had to reply to this bit here. Of course it sounds familiar! It's very similar to one of THE best confession lines ever: "[H]e saved me... in every way that a person can be saved." 


Maybe I'm just a Titanic fanatic, but that handhold at the end of ep 16 reminded me of "I'll never let go. I promise." Without the angst and heartbreak, I mean. :tongue:


@justamom Of course I've been reading your fanfics! They're beautifully written! I just wish we had more action from DH, haha.

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On 23.5.2018 at 8:07 PM, nearsea said:


Or this one, [ I have to thank the wise poster from DB who had this observation.]

Seeing how intently dong hoon is looking at Ji An, Ki Hoon gave him the black sunglasses. He says in a matter of fact tone that Sang Hoon wants all three of them to wear the glasses, but it could also be seen as Ki Hoon telling him to look at Ji An to his heart's content without getting caught lol. 



So I don't know, Seems like too many coincidences for me. Or when he asks dong hoon after he is back home dropping yoon hee to the airport, how's Ji An doing. Or whether she calls him or not. Ki Hoon is always the observant one even if dong hoon never opened up to him.

Also about the separation, the moment dong hoon tells his mother that Yoon Hee has gone to the US to look for information on college, Ki Hoon tells him to move back to their house. 

IMO about Ji An, Dong Hoon gave his comment on episode 12 like someone said before. He was even hesitating to send her a text saying thanks thinking how would that be perceived. So, as a morally upright person as him declaring verbally how much she means to him is almost like asking her out by his book I guess. I also think what Yoon Hee said was right, that she knows he's still trying to be part of the family for the sake of his mom and the kid. But because he's a family man and loyal to the people in his life, it wasn't possible for him to leave her from his side. So she made it easy for him by making the move herself. At least that's the impression I got. 


I need a gif for this! Anyone got one?


I will forever remember this scene...it's so well shot....and you can see Ji An's awareness of him too even though she can't see him....


15 hours ago, mushroomsoupie said:


No matter how you interpret it, this scene is just (heartwarmingly / heartbreakingly) beautiful.. It's been a week and I can't seem to let this drama go... The withdrawal is real..


I've watched this way too many times....


And my interpretation is, Ji An's fingers loosen first. She let's go first. What does that mean???


He's more into her than she is into him!




Of course, the scene was just a second, so if you blinked you missed it, but given how much they rehearsed I'm pretty sure that's how it was written into the script.


"Reluctantly, he lets her go."

Edited by Jillia
Please do not quote pics! Thanks! :)
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See how beautiful this drama is? We can re-watch and find something new every time.  I think this is one of those rare times when the stars were all aligned and we had a great story, a brilliant writer, a genius director, excellent actors and a chemistry among everyone and especially between the leads that’s as explosive as it was unexpected. 


I do believe My Ahjussi will go down as one of the best KDramas ever made. :)

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18 minutes ago, justamom said:


I've watched this way too many times....


And my interpretation is, Ji An's fingers loosen first. She let's go first. What does that mean???


He's more into her than she is into him!




Of course, the scene was just a second, so if you blinked you missed it, but given how much they rehearsed I'm pretty sure that's how it was written into the script.


"Reluctantly, he lets her go."



Aha! After that hug before the time lapse, Dong-hoon tells Ji-an to go first, before he turns away and takes his leave. Yet he becomes the one who is temporarily rooted to his spot when Ji-an calls out one last "Fighting!"; it is then she, not he, who actually leaves first. After the time lapse, Dong-hoon's reluctance to let Ji-an go remains obvious :tongue:

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36 minutes ago, h2ogirl said:



@justamom Of course I've been reading your fanfics! They're beautifully written! I just wish we had more action from DH, haha.


OMG this man!! I'm so frustrated with him!! You know what line I most enjoyed writing in the last chapter?


"Park Dong Hoon I give up on you!"




But can you imagine....after holding back so much for so long, when they finally do get together....it's going to be sizzling, smoldering HOT!!!


15 minutes ago, akhenaten said:

We can re-watch and find something new every time.


No not me. Not re-watching yet. Don't think my heart can take it :ph34r:

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