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[Drama 2016-2017] Person who gives happiness 행복을 주는 사람, Thansk for support this thread.


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Seems like SJ is trying to do something related with Sojung business. towards the end EH and Sojung finds out about crazy ahjumma dementia i think. ends with caretaker being back. In the preview he visits SJ and make him go insane. He meets EH,GW and the rest at her restaurant. Crazy Ahjumma at the police station. The moment with HY and JK is really short. seems like she intends to go abroad and wanted to visit him before she left. She got EH permission before. HY almost directly said EH is my mom from the preview. oh seems like crazy ahjumma might use her dementia




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5 minutes ago, Lunkera said:

Seems like SJ is trying to do something related with Sojung business. towards the end EH and Sojung finds out about crazy ahjumma dementia i think. ends with caretaker being back. In the preview he visits SJ and make him go insane. He meets EH,GW and the rest at her restaurant. Crazy Ahjumma at the police station. The moment with HY and JK is really short. seems like she intends to go abroad and wanted to visit him before she left. She got EH permission before. HY almost directly said EH is my mom from the preview.

@Lunkera  Thanks for the update.. I hope caretaker reallyy drives SD crazy trying to protect there ill gotten gains


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6 minutes ago, Lunkera said:

Seems like SJ is trying to do something related with Sojung business. towards the end EH and Sojung finds out about crazy ahjumma dementia i think. ends with caretaker being back. In the preview he visits SJ and make him go insane. He meets EH,GW and the rest at her restaurant. Crazy Ahjumma at the police station. The moment with HY and JK is really short. seems like she intends to go abroad and wanted to visit him before she left. She got EH permission before. HY almost directly said EH is my mom from the preview.




@Lunkera thanks for the updates I couldn't watch live these days waiting for the clips 

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7 hours ago, stroppyse said:

I don't want to see redemption for SJm at this point, and I think dementia is too big a blessing for such an evil character as CA. I'm rather disappointed that the writer decided to let CA off with her dementia. I think it would be far more fitting for her to have to remember her sins until her dying days, and reflect on the ruin that she's made of her children's lives, preferably in a jail or a sanatorium. 

I'm aghast that the writer seems to be trying to create sympathy at this stage for SJm. Anything other than him dying a lonely, bitter old man ruminating on the ruins of his life brought about by his own actions and his mother's actions won't suffice for me as a good ending.


I agree @stroppyse.  I think the writer is giving CA the easy way out. Although, it appeared that CA used her 'dementia' to try and trick EH and AH today.

I also agree that SJm deserves just as much punishment as his mother. From a young age he was okay with his mother mistreating EH and her sister. The only thing that has changed since he's become an adult is instead of being a bystander, he's now an equal culprit.

The writer has put a lot of little things in this drama to "fit" the plot wether it makes sense or not. SJm being an attorney and yet he was a director. Being a director just doesn't happen, it takes years of understudy to become a director--the same as it takes years to become an attorney. However when the plot needed it, she made SJm attorney--which is what he went the school to be.

Side Note: I hope that was MS calling EH to let her know that JK was coming to visit HY. As far as I'm concerned, JK gave birth to him but didn't care if he lived or died. They didn't bother cleaning him after he was born. The doctor didn't expect HY to live. He was nourished back to health--although he still has heath issues which have disappeared (so unrealistic considering the disease the writer has given him). She didn't care when he was sick in the hospital. She was only concerned how she could use him for her own career. 

I have a feeling that JK may run off with SJm....I hope not.

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Till the end , still no remorse, Park using her illness to escape punishment but the caretaker said its not the case i think...What kind of damage SJ can do to EA business? Looking forward about it since everything they did will uncovered not long after that..

Its too much,Park using her dementia to fool both EH and EA and also escape punishment...isn't she scared that one day she won't even remember her family and his grandson?let see till what end her evil will continue...

Then let the court rule her as dangerous and mentally unstable, need to be monitured 24 hours..how does it feels being in a mental hospital and not allowed contact with family...since she don't want to be in jail, being in mental hospital is equal to it..so her beloved son will bear all her evil deed and pay it in a jail...the writer really bring Park evil deed to maximum so i hope her punishment is also heaviest and will be remembered to others.

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3 minutes ago, farhah_1986 said:

Till the end , still no remorse, Park using her illness to escape punishment but the caretaker said its not the case i think...What kind of damage SJ can do to EA business? Looking forward about it since everything they did will uncovered not long after that..

@farhah_1986  This is the last week of the SD duo to spread there venom all hell should be breaking a loose by friday whatever SD got planned will backfire and cost them big time plus do more damage to CSDM resturant.. I'm hoping they finds out that her dementia is and act because her and son needs to be lock under a jail house..

As far as MS friend goes I don't see his mom allowing him to be strap with a girl like MS knowing what type of background she comes from

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Theme of tomorrow preview is "call my bluff"

Madam Park question the "massive outflow" funds as Seok Jin tells that it is to pay for the "silence" of the Male Nurse as Seok Jin tell that they need to satisfied & counter Eun Hee & Eun Ha's offer, there is a close up on Madam Park grip to indicate "fear"...It looks like she is out of the frying pan into the fire

It looks like Male Nurse is playing 2 ways or it is part of a master plan?

Seok Jin demands for the recording obviously after paying a handsome sum, Male Nurse is playing "hard to get" & driving Seok Jin into upset

Gun Woo pays the Male Nurse as Male Nurse finds the pay off lucrative. Eun Hee laments that they can't charge Madam Park for her father's death due to her dementia. Male Nurse hint that it is otherwise

Madam Park in her acting award mode.....goes to police station to report that she had knock down Eun Ha due to her suffering of dementia

Madam Park is obviously playing with fire.....& she will definitely get burn which also includes her precious Seok Jin

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Can we say both Park and SJ now play with fire?they are using Park dementia, but till what limit its acceptable? 

Actually the caretaker also playing with fire.a person who is cornered will do anything..its no suprise if SJ decide to kill the caretaker to hide the truth.

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As I mentioned earlier, the male caretaker is driven by greed, just like CA, so he is trying to  milk asmany cows as he can.  He is trying to find out who has more money and finding out that EA has more and that EA has a better case than CA, then he will definitely be on EA side for the moment.  However, he is forgetting the consequences of what he is doing. 

SJm is making a big mistake trying to touch EA's business.  Chairman Lee has warned him to be careful in the future (during the 'supposed' meeting with the bank director).  SeokJin is digging his grave deeper and deeper - just like what @gerrytan8063said, he will be tossed from the frying pan to the fire.

Is EH being fooled by CA dementia - again?  She gives up so easily - good thing she has a feisty sister like EA. 

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Is it true that SJ trying to touch EA business? Sabotaging like they did to EH business? Just after Chairman Lee warning him, hopefully EA and Chairman Lee prepared ..it just don't make sense since SJ never has any experience in that business afterall they just barely get away with punishment during EH salt incident..it just make him look stupid anyway .JH must take note if anything going wrong.

It seems that SJ is going to loss everything by messing with EA business. I believe that although EA business suffer they will recover fast just like EH business but this time I want to see SJ completely loss and never recover financially and chairman lee must show him that..he really don't know his place now. I think its about contract ...maybe SJ try to make EA suffer a cancelled contract or what?

I think i want to see SJ humiliated more than Park..like mother like son, both of them has no remorse with their action. If anything happen in their business definitely it has anything to do with SJ, i want him loss everything and return to their poor self like before, I hate him more after what he did.he is now justifying everything his mom did and also his doing.

i guess if SJ plan to sabotage EA business failed while being blackmailed by both Caretaker and driver no, he will commit another crime which is attempt to kill like his mother...isn't that happen after being cornered?

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Well, so now SJ is trying to play smart now? Looking the scenario it just same like EH sabotaging case...just the method a bit different.I hope the writer won't make EA like a stupid businesswoman, blindly producing the product without confirm who is making the order first since this is a drama...if they can detect who make the order before making a shipment EA can sue SJ for whatever case they can.

Park restaurant franchise is not giving any profit if i'm not mistaken..so if SJ sabotaging EA failed they really won't recover..am i right? They have to sell everything including Park main restaurant right in order to pay any fine and blackmail by the caretaker and driver no.

Chairman Lee definitely must show his power as a head of a conglomerate now..for SJ kneel on his toe

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How can a person with dementia remember she did something wrong and then turn around and say 'I don't remember what I did because I have dementia'.  With few episodes left, I am hoping the writer don't end up getting drunk and let this drama go somewhere.  This is the remaining daily drama I continued supporting up until this time - the other 2 (First Love and Shining Idiot) fell off badly while doing bungee jumping.

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4 hours ago, farhah_1986 said:

Can we say both Park and SJ now play with fire?they are using Park dementia, but till what limit its acceptable? 

Actually the caretaker also playing with fire.a person who is cornered will do anything..its no suprise if SJ decide to kill the caretaker to hide the truth.

@farhah_1986  I look for him to try and kill him but end up being saved by Gw and Ea.. This will be the end of CSDM and SD..

2 hours ago, stroppyse said:

Since the drama needs SJm to think that he knows something about the skincare line, product marketing and sales, etc., it's going to conveniently let him do things as if he does. 

Anyway, SJm and CA are bleeding money right now with their various little shenanigans. And, none of it is going to bear them fruit. (Sorry about all the mixed metaphors. Tired right now, so brain isn't quite working right. :D )

@stroppyse  Thanks, And to all SD crazy antics trying to break Chairmans bankroll will seal the deal to hand CSDM restirant over to EH because it will be found out he was behind the order and will be made to pay for it or if he use some kind of chemical in food that she supposedly have sent to where ever the order is going they will be sued and CSDM will loose the resturant.. I hope it's on the scale so big that not only do they loose the resturant but the house to..

35 minutes ago, viyra said:

How can a person with dementia remember she did something wrong and then turn around and say 'I don't remember what I did because I have dementia'.  With few episodes left, I am hoping the writer don't end up getting drunk and let this drama go somewhere.  This is the remaining daily drama I continued supporting up until this time - the other 2 (First Love and Shining Idiot) fell off badly while doing bungee jumping.

@viyra  This writter has been so good with writing this story.. Let's just pray CSDM dementia is a bigger set up to her down fall   

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There is phone app out there that records your telephone conversation. My husband has one on his phone as he received so many calls in a day and it is good to listen back in case he missed out any important points of the conversation due to a hectic day.

The male nurse must have one. It is most interesting that male nurse sold his recording to the highest bidder as Chairman Lee told Gun Woo to make an offer he cannot refused. Seok Jin with his opening of branches will not have so much spare change as it is.

Madam Park thinks she is so smart to push everything to the fact she has dementia. Seok Jin somehow does not look so confident with the idea.

"I have dementia so I am now above the law."

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I'm not sure how EA and Chairman Lee will counter SJ attack on EA product, but the writer sure going a great length to establish SJ downfall. This is my prediction, SJ messing with EA business will be his biggest plan to cause Chairman Lee disturbance if only its work but I think it will backfired so badly for SJ till he need to sell all their assets to cover whatever cost he need to bear if he failed, but looking as only 13 episode left, I say that his plan will backfired (hopefully Chairman LEE will teach him his plan is no match with him and SJ should learn humility) and it will be great to see if he have to kneel on his toes as he bear all the consequences all alone. 

Since SJ and his mom won't admit they stole ISW money and  to live in luxury all this years by using stolen money, let them loss everything and return to their original state. I have to say that even MS won't spared. I won't be surprised if SJ asking MS to return the deed to an apartment he give to her to cover their loss.

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13 minutes ago, farhah_1986 said:

I'm not sure how EA and Chairman Lee will counter SJ attack on EA product, but the writer sure going a great length to establish SJ downfall. This is my prediction, SJ messing with EA business will be his biggest plan to cause Chairman Lee disturbance if only its work but I think it will backfired so badly for SJ till he need to sell all their assets to cover whatever cost he need to bear if he failed, but looking as only 13 episode left, I say that his plan will backfired (hopefully Chairman LEE will teach him his plan is no match with him and SJ should learn humility) and it will be great to see if he have to kneel on his toes as he bear all the consequences all alone. 

Since SJ and his mom won't admit they stole ISW money and  to live in luxury all this years by using stolen money, let them loss everything and return to their original state. I have to say that even MS won't spared. I won't be surprised if SJ asking MS to return the deed to an apartment he give to her to cover their loss.

@farhah_1986  Once they realizes the losing it all they will run to EH begging on there knees not to leave them broke and in destitute.. This is where the writer is going with this story having both of them kneeling down in front of the IM sisters.. They'll runt to EH first because they see her as the easy pushover and they use HY if they can..

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