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[Drama 2016-2017] Person who gives happiness 행복을 주는 사람, Thansk for support this thread.


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I actually am proud of Ha Yoon who said it calmly to his delusional grandmother "Return me to my mother".

Gun Woo brought the brigade to save Ha Yoon. Madam Park slapped Gun Woo.

Madam Park said she regret giving Ha Yoon to her to raise. How mean of Madam Park who told Eun Hee the best thing she had done is sending Im Si Won off.

Jung Hoon told Chairman Lee what had happened. Chairman Lee asked whether Eun Hee was hurt. Jung Hoon said no but that Gun Woo got slapped. To avenge what Seok Jin did to Eun Hee the last time on the charge of kidnapping, Gun Woo is going to delay his time and let Madam Park wait at the police station. Jung Hoon said they may not be charged for kidnapping since Madam Park is the actual grandmother. Gun Woo and Eun Hee want to give them a lesson. Chairman Lee told Jung Hoon to apply for a restraining order on Madam Park and Seok Jin.

Madam Park flew off the handle and called Ja Kyung to scream at her. Even Seok Jin and Mi Sook was not spared. Madam Park was screaming for Ha Yoon to be returned to her.

Myung Son gave a piece of her mind to her birth mother without giving her a single cent.

Eun Hee's restaurant returned back to its normal business while Madam Park's place remained dead.

Seok Jin is told by the doctor that Madam Park showed early signs of dementia.

Three lady customers mentioned of the industrial salt sabotage and was going to turn away as they had no confidence in the food served. One lady mentioned the broadcast and Madam Park said she did no such thing. Madam Park accused the ladies that they were send by Eun Hee. The ladies then said that Madam Park had gone crazy. Seok Jin hugged his mother asking himself what should he do with her.


I believe that Seok Jin had declared war on Gun Woo, Eun Hee and Chairman Lee 

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@Lunkera ...thank you for giving insight on this...its probably will be the case...he never accept hayoon won't acknowledge him as a father instead for his selfishness using his blood related son to revenge against GW and EH...a bad father...just like you said...if only SJ rot in prison then he will give in if he still have heart to prevent ha yoon having any difficulties in the future...afterall who want to be known as a criminal's son.may i know what else GW can do to make SJ give up?or they have fight again in court?

Well other than losing their wealth later on i feel satisfied seeing ha yoon openly acknowledge EH and GW as his parent.

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WOW CSDM she got to taste  her  own medicine and I am so glad HY tell both of them GW is his dad, I wish what paper SJ refuse to sign I can't wait for @stroppyse translation 

what surprises me most is SJ delusion he thinks that it is EH fault when really knows that his mother was the one who started these mess I can see them penniless and CSDM in mental institution at this rate she is going to be danger for herself and her children 

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Since SJ won't appologize he will only make damage...how far he can fight now against Chairman Lee since even the Bank President won't entertain him no matter how much money Park have now...it can't be compared with a conglomerate.

What make it interesting is that whatever SJ trying to do now backfired on him...i think SJ will try to fight with the lawsuit his mom made about the defamation case...well its getting better if he did since now the caretaker is blackmailing him now.

I have to say i respect Chairman Lee more...he really care for EH and Hayoon and even instruct JH to apply for restraining order on Park and SJ..it a brilliant move and definitely make SJ and Park angry...Well I don't think SJ refuse to sign the official apology will become a problem for EH and GW instead make their reputation even worse...so its true that Park really set up a restaurant in front of EH restaurant?even the manager still contacting her....i wonder how much longer her loyalty with Park...well maybe until they go bancrupt...

Hopefully after this theyvwill focus more on the case in hand,ISW kidnapping case and EA hit and run case.

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It seems that the remaining episodes of this drama would focus on lawsuits/counter-lawsuits after another. 

SeokJin, at the moment, is the most confused person - he wants to believe his mother started everything but then thinking that it all happened because of his mother's love for him, he tries to argue with himself that all is done with good deeds.  He has lost true reasoning and now is dragging himself right behind his mother.

He is so stupid to give GW a warning - that he will do everything to destroy them.  So from now on, every wrongdoings that would happen with GW and those  around him  would be pointed towards SJ.  It will be the whole world against him - and he will never win. 

Seo SeokJin will completely lose his only child because of his actions.  After GW and EH marries, all GW and EH have to do is file a petition in court to make HaYoon GW's legally adopted son.  This will be the biggest blow to SJm's life.  His attitude and that of his mother will make him a completely unfit parent to HaYoon.

CA is found to have been developing dementia - and some mentioned SJm might be blaming this on  the Lees.  That won't be a ground for SJm to win this in court because a  thorough examination/investigation of the whole situation would  go  back to the starting point - CA being greedy of someone's wealth.

The male nurse would be the biggest opponent of SJm - this  guy needs money and he would definitely go to the one who has more.  But he should bear in mind - he might end up in jail for his actions.

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Episode 103

Eun Hee return tit for tat to Seok Jin once charge her for abduction (Yu Goe, 유괴,誘拐)

In the preview, it will be a stab in the heart when Ha Yun is seen givng flying kisses to a Grandmother who already departed than Madam Park who still alive & well

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SJm: On my mother’s 60th birthday, you take him to your mother’s columbarium? With that, my mother’s sins have all been paid off.SJm: You, your father, and Im Eun Hee, I’m going to do my best to create troubles for you.credited @stroppyse.

Actually this is just a beginning for Park and SJ suffering to pay all the sin.. not coming to her birthday is only a beginning since they will loss more after this..After all that happen, they expected hayoon  to come? That boy is scared of them, there is no sign of affection anymore, and I agree with Chairman Lee on this one when he persuade ISW to accept hayoon that Park losing Hayoon legally and publicly is her biggest punishment.

What kind of troubles SJ  can do anyway?May I know what is the consequences that SJ refuse to sign the document? Will it gives problem to EH? since after this they will receive another blow from Chairman Lee, restraining order for SJ and Park. They won't able meet Hayoon anymore.SJ is so foolish.Everything he did backfired on him. Just like when he ask Hayoon to lie to the judge during the guardianship case.

Looking forward what the male nurse will do after this, since he dare to blackmail SJ, I don't think he can be spared from jail...he actually should tell EA and the police from the very beginning.

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Are these people being trailed by Park and SJm?  That's stalking right there.  

After the recent abduction of HaYoon on the street, did CA and SJm really think and hope they will see HY again?  If I were EH, I will notify the court of what CA did and make them issue another order regarding visitation.  Who cares if she is blood-related; the court order doesn't say she can snatch the boy any time she wants to.  Good for Chairman Lee on getting a restraining order against the mother and son team; the more they won't be able to see HY.

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The fact Ha Yoon had seen violent outburst by his birth father and was really afraid of him that he picked to be with Eun Hee.

A paternal grandmother who hit and pushed his mother. The same grandmother who kidnap him and locked him in her room.

Ha Yoon had made his choice already. Im Eun Hee is his mother and Lee Gun Woo is his father. They are a family of three.

What does a child know about talk of bloodline? A child only knows is where he is felt safe.


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Looking forward for their reaction when restraining order being issued...SJ you declared war against GW, EH and Chairman Lee..instead you won't able see Ha Yoon anymore, Just like you said @Jackie1048, a child don't know about bloodline, what they know is who make them feel safe and cherish them.EH restaurant return to operate again but delay the opening ceremony for the new franchise right... Looking forward EH, GW and Ha Yoon enter the restaurant as a family, looking forward SJ pain reaction.

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As for Seok Jin's threat ... a Chinese saying "Never treat a tiger as if it is a sick cat". Chairman Lee had said he had no done anything yet (to retaliate) does not mean he cannot.

They have a restaurant that is losing money, they invested in a drama that has yet to give returns and now you have a blackmailer who is asking them to fund his gambling habits. How long more can they hold out and will Madam Park's goons stay with her when they don't get paid? 

Myung Son spoke of her deep friendship with Eun Hee when she argued with her birth mother. She told her that Eun Hee used the money (that Madam Park had given) she had received as if she was a beggar to buy the bread that she liked. What has her birth mother had done. Myung Son said she will not even give her 10,000 won.

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Seok Jin knows his mother is possibly crazy, is acting stupid and they're loosing money. If he still has the gall to threaten Lee family or Im family, he surely is following his mother's footsteps closely. I don't mind him making more mistakes because it would ensure that atleast one of beneficiaries of Park Ahjumma's dirty, stolen money will face possible imprisonment. The possibility of that being the arrogant, useless, shameless Seok Jin just is cherry on top. I hope Eun Hee gets married, gets Ha Yoon legally to be part of Im household and shoves their family registration documents in Park devil's face. It'll burn a hole through her like holy water.

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Actually I hope EH and GW get married as soon as possible, but I think the  writer intended to postpone the wedding until all this crazy mess settled, maybe until at the end of this drama....but I want to see Park and SJ lose their face sooner so that EH enter Lee Household and GW adopted Ha Yoon as his son...I'm not sure but someone mention before that GW after marry EH can petition to have Ha Yoon as hisadopted  son and enter his family registration. Is it true?

Whatever it is SJ and park is losing more now.

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Well they took several steps forward to make Ms Parks lose her mind. The preview for tomorrow shows just how inept  Eun Hee and Gun Woo are at parenting--is Ha Yoon walking the streets again by himself? At least this time, I don't think he will be kidnapped, but really EH and GW!!! Bodyguards for Eun Hee, what about a bodyguard for HaYoon?

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