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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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" All this talk of "transcripts" reminds me of how I made my own "transcripts" ---   I was caught up with Writer Bae's dialogue --- but of course only via the English translations --- always a little different that whatever was REALLY being said in Korean.  The choice of English words can vary so much ---And can never convey the same exact meaning ---That is what I think.  I will always be curious about this!  But I suppose, in the end, the difference can be "worked around" somehow with sincere effort.  Spoken language is not the only language we use to communicate with, Right?

Yes what you say is indeed true...this is why it is better that you have a better comprehension of the said language (Korean) than to relied on English translation. It is not easy to catch & deliver the meaning & the right feeling when dealing with another foreign language & culture that is totally in vast contrast.....the saying, the usage of the language in their sentencing & grammar, the idioms (especially quoting  "Sa Ja Seong Eo" (literally means 4 characters idiom, or commonly known as Chinese idioms, 사자성어,四字成語, Chengyu, 成語 ), their cultural quirks & their usage of honourifics & folk expression, dealing with emotions such as joy, sadness, love & etc & to convey this delivering of the feelings & emotions into English is in itself a task to be reckon & the likeliness to be lost in translation & you will end with a very "cold" (frigid) english translation

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To : All Chingu LOVERS

Thank you so much.  We have one episode left. It's been fun because of all of you.
Thank you for all the wonderful posts, the live recaps, the screenshots, the photos, the links and translations.
Hahaha the drama had been fun, a roller-coaster ride, sometimes exasperating & frustrating, mind-boggling with all the trollings hahaha, anyway it has been overall a happy journey here with you.  Let's enjoy together the last episode.  IHAL fighting ! 



Wow, i agree, it's my first time to see a "kiss-on-the-neck" in Kdrama.  It seems it is so much more intimate than the usual kiss on the lips (which we commonly see).  KHJ and JJH seems really comfortable with each other to be able to do that sweet scene. It looks KHJ got tickled though, she might be very ticklish? ha ha ha :lol:


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Episode 49


JE query HK 

JE: First & foremost.....tell me what was the reason behind for not appealing?

HK: Oh? (What)

JE: Just sending me a single text message ( Mun Ja, 문자 )....the reason that you had no other choice but to leave...honestly tell me the truth...love is not something to be look/gaze upon at...moreover it is not something that you can do on your own effort...the person will had reap weariness....suffering (hurt)...a person you who had to carry the flaws of life & coming towards...I will definitely come to seek you out...until the very end...therefore don't take consideration to my suffering...let me be make aware of your suffering...hand that over to me

HK is silence

JE: Hae Gang ah?

HK chose to keep her silence & upset JE to leave the room

HK (v/o): How could it be possible for me to tell this in front of you, that the person who had sent me to prison is none other than your sister...moreover your father...had killed our father...how could I tell you....if I was to tell you, I will surely lose you...as of now for me to say.....that there is nothing more important/precious to me than you...I do feel that in comparison to the truth, in order to safeguard you....is for I to be blissful...it is not done for your sake....but it is for mine...that I will not tell 

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Episode 49


HK discover that JR had be "hiding" MTS in her bedroom

HK: What has happened, how long had he been like this...when did this started.....having such a high temperature...what is happening here, you need to sent him to a hospital immediately...if you just let him be....it will a risk to his life...with a fever like that, he may suffered brain damage

JR: You want to report this to the police....instinctively you will definitely report...you don't want him to escape...want to sent him straight to prison, therefore you are there saying to sent him to the hospital

JE comes into the room

JR: With regards to the matter....for the sake vengeance that I had cause you to sent you to prison...now you want to report him to the police....for a year...you had sat there idle (prison), gritting your teeth...now you sense that the opportunity had arise, that you must be feeling exalted right now

HK: Now...there is no time to waste...first & foremost is to save the person...I will called 119

119 is the Korea Emergency Services

JR tries to stop HK from calling

JR: Don't call...don't call...we can't

JE restraints his sister

JE: Call for the ambulance

HK on the phone as JE checks MTS vitals

HK: Hello, this is Pyeongchang-dong 28 daero (대로, 大路 )-1 gil ( 길, 街 ), there is a 40 year old male with febrile temperature....don't know when it started (fever)....it seems that is at risk...quickly sent an ambulance...at once

JE: Breathing is shallow....

HK: Quickly do cardiac massage, Yeobo

JE give MTS cardiac massage trying to resuscitate

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Episode 49


HK: There is Abeonim's (Chairman Choi) statement (affidavit).....Abeonim had choose to push all the wrongdoing (negligence) accountability onto me

JE: What?

HK: It is falsified...definitely 100% that it is falsified...there is no need to be too overly concern...we have already sent for a graphology test, the result will be in tomorrow

JE: then what you are saying, it is because of that (false statement) that you gave up your right to appeal

HK: In the beginning, didn't know that it was falsified...it was later

JE: It is because of the court hearing...it would have come to my knowledge that Noona would have done something against you...there is a likelihood that Noona also will probably be remand for her action, therefore you choose to keep your silence & treat me like an idiot & make me so despicable.....allow me to be so wretched (pathetic)

HK: Do we need to bicker again......we had just bicker.....now do we still need to bicker...yesterday we also bicker...today do we need to bicker yet again...then what am I to do.....even if it will cause my death, I am not willing to see you get hurt...don;t wish for you to be harmed....for fear that you will "run away" from me that I was petrified... I commiseration for you as you were once commiseration for me before, did you not.....I who conceal myself....choose deceive myself....for the sake to pay off my mother debts...work as a replacement driver....being harrassed by loan sharks...it is not the matter whether or not for you to believe or not...it is not because that I had choose to rely dependence on you...it is because that I love you...it is because I love you so much, this is why I done so...why you can do it.....& why can't I 

JE: As now...it is consider the same n comparison

HK: Then do we need to weight them in scales, to see the probability that it is the exact same...obligate to do...choose to do...as for me to say, you are not a matter of choice that I had to make...you as of now, you are whatever in the matter of fact in comparison....is more precious than I love my own life itself...it is you who had made me into such a manner

HK holds JE hands

HK: Although now that you really loathe me to death but however, I still feel that you really do love me...what are we to do.....wipe away my tears...you are the person who cause me to tear (cry), you need to fix it (wipe it away)....quickly

JE wipes HK tears then hugs her as HK seek solace at JE embrace

JE: I really can't live (torment) without you...you really left me without any strategy (tactics)

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@gerrytan8063 ---Appreciate your translations, as always. Thank you!   :)

Two Comments after my second viewing of Epi. 49:

 First of all, Jin Eon told Hae Gang (paraphrasing, "You only had to wait 2 years & 2 (or 3?) months".   Anyone can help me with this math? You know I loved to calculate within the drama --- But I'm a little lost with this one. Is he starting with the date of her "accident'/amnesia --- So round it up to "Oct. 2011" and count up to "Dec. 2015"? When her amnesia was resolving or completely gone?  When he expected to receive that "special birthday gift" from her?---- He lost me with his reasoning here!   B)

Secondly, I hope HK & JE will give that orphanage a fresh supply of more appropriate girls' books --- With worthy heroines for the 21st Century young girls!  Save the classic fairy tales for later when they can be better explained as examples of old style classics!   Avoid the "Candy" stereotypes, please?

Except for those minor, minor points --- LOVED this episode!  I know the dialogue will "flow" even better after Viki Editors have more time to work on it!  Always seems that way to me, at least. Maybe just a week will "refine it even more!  Thank you, Viki subbers for being so very fast today!     :wub:

EDIT:  ---3 AM EST  Feb. 28 --- I didn't stay up to watch "live on-air" last night  (8 AM here!)  to reduce any crying over scenes I might not fully understand.  And  I've decided to wait until tomorrow to MAXIMIZE the enjoyment of this last episode.--- Expecting a wonderful  & happy conclusion with a possible "partial" time jump into the characters' futures.   So I'll say Goodnight now.  And to all the Recappers ---Enjoy the finale!    :D    And "Thank You" for all the hard work and for the photos & translations all this time!

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I am waiting for the writer to show us what will be a good husband and good wife through IHAL  2nd marriage life.

Husband and wife should be like best friends and lover even there are expectation all of mine is yours and vice versa.

People said BS encouraged and support HG, but HG said JE has been working and paying her mom debt without telling her even to beaten to death. How HG see JE's sacrifice and love for her ! BS managed to change HG to warmth because HG was amnesia and further HG like at DKYG and believe she is like that as she lives in the poorer family.

Like I said BS, have not given up on HG. sorry for the fans of BS.  In fact JE did said HG was not looking at people. HG changed in the 1 year prison and she became lighter as HG. HG listened to JE very intensively. This is good for marriage. I like that part in hospital. Do we need to bicker again? very good dialogue. scrip-wrier is a woman. she gave HG such a gentle way to steal back JE. HG knew

KJH couldn't performed well without JJH partnering and assistance. JJH's facial expression superb.

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Indeed it has been a roller coaster ride for fans of IHAL from episode1 to 49! This site should be a role model. Here I meet great minds agreeing & disagreeing with respect. I enjoyed reading all your posts. Thank you!.. it has been fun!  :) 

I can see a light at the end of the tunnel for JE & HG. Gosh! I hope the writer will continue this happy scenes for IHAL fans. 

I'm still hoping for that good visuals of HG & JE making love. :P Would there be a proposal lying down without clothes? Oh dear....

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JE is reaction to HG is normal for a man. some men does act like big baby to wife at times though they have ego, pride and manly. Men loved to be cuddled by wife , or desired by wife too. Men less emotional than ladies.

JE said he waited HG very long and could not wait. HG said that she waited "to sleep with Je or do it with JE" longer than JE (because HG wanted to have sex with JE again to consummate a new baby after ES death before the 4 years separation".  I think HG said she will propose to JE since she desired to be JE wife more.



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HG was reading book to Hana whilst JE cannot sleep. HG heart was thinking of JE and felt sad for hurting jE. HG knew that JE is hurt and confident JE will sleep with her or do with her. HG was sad because she knew JE was wounded (as if HG rejected JE) because HG had to honour promise to little child. Whilst she end the scene, hugging hanna saying "sleep well, my angel" . for HG, JE is like an angel to her.

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HW and JE conversations. JE claimed he waited 9 years for HG before HG accepted proposal. Now, another 6 years before 2nd proposal. 4 years separation (lost of memory) , 1 year ( meet again before HG jail terms) and 1 year (HG in jail).

1)Before HG agreed to JE proposals: 9 years (include 2 & 1/2 years in army, I guess so..)

2)Marriage life before HG pregnant & giving birth : ? years (minimum 1 year as take 9 months to give birth even JE got lucky on 1st year of marriage)

3) ES dies at : 5-6 years (JE mentioned ES will be 10 years if ES still alive after 4 years)

Time period from 1-3, minimum 16 years..

4)Separation: 4 years (with BS)

5) Reunion: 1+1 : 2 years

I think JE really went all out to proof himself after courting HG for 9 years.

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Dear script-writer, I trust it will be good ending. I am not waiting for YK & WJ. I am waiting for you to end script to show us the marriage life of a couple through JE & HG. It will give hope and light what is a marriage amidst today world that is so broken, filled with marriage failure, fight, couple bickering .

This generation lost what are love and marriage all about other than sex or sleep together.

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19 hours ago, trust71 said:

To all chingu LOVERS who come and go  through out the entire (49 and 1  more ep. to go) of this drama....happy to be a part of this journey with you......

We agree and disagree is what we encounter in all our opinion......

We are happy and sad that we are reaching the end of this show....


THANKS TO @irilight in starting this forum.

i found a family with you guys....and learn alot about this wonderful drama.

to all the following CHINGU lovers...nice to meet you all thru this forum...

 @jadecloud  @Lmangla  @deandraluv  @chubbychub1966  @my2centsworth  @lenet  @tambui  @iamtaken  @jyfan88  @UnniSarah  @Jalhanda  @thegoldbug  @tiMadam  @gerrytan8063  @juntan  @myonenonly  @berny  @lover7  @andy78  @Kfan7172  @mdj101  @viktoria  @Kehinde  @isprawl  @ihyw  @roseann10  @DelroyB  @qwenli  @sip-on  @ross27  @dhelovely  @yunra89  @12blbl  @ayselluna  @lauren2b2  @liltash85  @hibiscus23  @airgelaal  @rairamegumi  @imeantan  @drmjs   @maplekist 

@nahoku Activities  @macaronandsakuratea   



@trust71 Thank you Chingu for including me in the list..I am really unworthy of this mention since I am not as active as others were. But I really had a great time with all the IHAL posters int this thread. See you around (I saw you in DOTS thread...let's spazz like crazy!)

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34 minutes ago, myonenonly said:

Indeed it has been a roller coaster ride for fans of IHAL from episode1 to 49! This site should be a role model. Here I meet great minds agreeing & disagreeing with respect. I enjoyed reading all your posts. Thank you!.. it has been fun!  :) 

I can see a light at the end of the tunnel for JE & HG. Gosh! I hope the writer will continue this happy scenes for IHAL fans. 

I'm still hoping for that good visuals of HG & JE making love. :P Would there be a proposal lying down without clothes? Oh dear....


Wow! It will be a feast to the eyes if it happen! 

Hopefully not via the usual K drama standard :P 

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May the message from the heart of scriptwriter be caught well. Life is a journey. I like the message of the script writer. We lived in a world , deceived by own fairy tale or dreams or own desires way or "it's all abt me" but failed to seek out how to foster healthy marriages and relationship.

It is like reaping what u sow. JE is doing what HG did to him (making her wait & coming to him) like early days . HG is doing to JE what as the persistent love of JE in early years. I love that dialogue. It's not about placing in weigh  what I am doing  compare what you did for me. That's love. HG said "It's not for me to choose or a decision to choose"..It's you Je..wow brilliant script-writer..That's love ..

Indeed, HG loves JE more now & more than her life. She has courage to say it all. It all for her own sake. JE said he is helpless against HG. He is also waving his white flag. KJH has such a pretty & gentle demeanor, she fits that role so much. Which man dun fell to prey..to such manner or pretty woman? lesson: if a wife too harsh, it will not work in men. Men loves wife to be gentle and weak and dependent on him. Cries soften men's heart. no point argue right or wrong.

Brilliant dialogues in Ep 49..This drama is worth to see again. the early episode is common in real life today. only we need to ask, what went wrong when husband look for 3rd party. it can also be own sexual indulge. In IHAL, sorry to say, the story lines of JE infidelity was due to HG fault and her communication problems due to her upbringing and fear or something...JE was faithful husband before ES died. If I am JE, I also get angry with my wife. Let's not get angry on the earlier episode..It's something real .though loop holes. Nothing is perfect.

I still conclude " no shame, no wrong doing, no debt , no failure, nothing can be separated by the existence of "real love"". Love can not be divided by anything or circumstances or love cannot be separated by each other evils or flaws. The script writer shows the truth so well though many cannot understand why  JR can loves MTS. Love can love someone who is darkened by life.

Good script if we can pay attention what the scriptwriter wants to tell the broken world.


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17 hours ago, juntan said:

Wow! It will be a feast to the eyes if it happen! 

Hopefully not via the usual K drama standard



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Good morning! Up early for the last ep of IHAL dying-onion-head-emoticon.gif... 

A bit late but here is the last written preview :(

‘영원히 기억할 우리가 사랑한 순간.’

해강은 부암동 침실에서 서랍에 있던 반지 케이스 2개를 보며 속상한 마음으로 결혼반지를 꺼내 손에 끼고, 해강과 진언은 서로의 손에 반지를 끼워주며 벅차오르는 감정으로 애틋한 키스를 한다. 한편 진리는 세희와 함께 살기로 약속하고, 태석의 면회를 가서 처음으로 태석에게 사랑을 받고 있다는 감정을 느끼는데...

그동안 '애인있어요'를 사랑해주신 시청자 여러분들께 진심으로 감사드립니다.

Google Translate:

'Forever remember the moment we are loved. " 

Haegang is watching the two ring case were in a drawer in Buam-dong bedrooms remove the wedding ring to upset mind wearing in hand, Haegang the mantra is with emotion rising arduous gives put the ring in the hands of each other the aeteuthan a kiss. The truth is promised to live with sehui, and the feelings that go with the visitation of the first taeseok loved by taeseok you feel ...Thank sincerely to you submitted meantime, viewers love "I'm a lover." 

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