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15 minutes ago, partyon said:

I guess his longer black hair and newfound self-confidence has been melting more than just @larus's and @Learry's hearts?

What is up with that tan sweater though? Are those cake-decorating tips sticking out of it?


2 hours ago, partyon said:

Did you see the ox blood ice cream in ep 7 of Heartbeat? :joy:

Urgh that sounds so gross! Still haven’t had time to watch eps 7 and 8. :crybaby:

Good to hear the Barbie movie passed muster with you! Too bad for them @larus didn’t like it. :lol:



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2 minutes ago, sweetroad said:

What is up with that tan sweater though? Are those cake-decorating tips sticking out of it?


Ask Valentino ? :D  He's wearing their clothes non-stop.



3 minutes ago, sweetroad said:

Good to hear the Barbie movie passed muster with you! Too bad for them @larus didn’t like it. :lol:


It was so good, chingu. Did you watch it already? Am planning on watching Oppenheimer tomorrow or early next week.


Cillian's eyes are beautiful. :wub:





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On 7/21/2023 at 8:32 AM, partyon said:

@Dhakra Danke schön! :kiss_wink: My Austrian EO colleague @agenth has been teaching me some Viennese slang lately. I shall share some of the phrases if you are interested. :glasses:


Bitteschön. ^_^ Sure, you can. But be aware that Vienna or austrian slang might be quite different from german. Especially since pretty much every german city has their own slang accent. 


On 7/21/2023 at 2:02 PM, kokodus said:

But there are worse idol turned actors than him. I guess I should watch that drama before I judge. Hmmmm  


Please do come here often. I dont know where else I can find you. Twitter you mean? 

Please say this out loudly so that haters cough @partyon cough @Sleepy Owl can hear it. V has such a unique voice, doesnt he? He is the greatest. 

As if there are any "good" idol turned actors. ^_^


Can't promise you to be here frequently, but I try my best sis. Twitter is probably the easiest way, otherwise I think I get a mail if someone sents me a private message here. So that might be a way too. Tagging should probably work too if I pay attention to my spam folder. :joy:


Sigh....agreeing with you feels so bad and dirty. but to tell the truth, V's Christmas Tree was my most listened song in 2022 and it's one of the most beautiful ballads I ever heard. I guess this is also because I LOVED the drama "Our Beloved Summer". It was so much fun to watch it and dream about relationships. :blush:

So yeah, V is actually a good singer, his song made it into my "Soundtrack of my Life".


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4 hours ago, Dhakra said:

Bitteschön. ^_^ Sure, you can.


Alright! Here goes.


@agenth taught me the phrase "Asche auf mein Haupt". (For +- chingus it literally means "Ashes on my head" - but is used as "my bad" or "sorry".)


She also taught me "Heftig" which is used as "Whoa!".


@agenth feel free to correct me if I have misunderstood. :kiss_wink:


Last chance to vote in the c-oppa poll, peeps! :gangnamstyle:@gm4queen @Learry @kokodus @MayanEcho








@MayanEcho tried to watch a bit of The Princess and the Werewolf yesterday but don't think it interests me enough to continue. :grimace: I did laugh that they plastered a fake mustache on Peter Sheng's face and tried to make him pass off as the princess's dad. :joy:


Am catching up on Numbers now but it's so distracting when one of the main characters looks so plastic and her face hardly moves. @agenth agrees, no?



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5 minutes ago, Learry said:

@partyon chingu thanks for the tagged  i have already c-oppa


No, it's not about your c-oppa. It's about determining who should have Vengo Gao as their c-oppa - you're not a contestant. :D See the poll on the top of this page.



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cto owner of the gifs


17 minutes ago, partyon said:

No, it's not about your c-oppa. It's about determining who should have Vengo Gao as their c-oppa - you're not a contestant. :D See the poll on the top of this page.


@partyondone chingu i voted already:hwaiting2:







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1 hour ago, partyon said:


Last chance to vote in the c-oppa poll, peeps!

None of them are interested. What should I even choose?!?


1 hour ago, partyon said:



@MayanEcho tried to watch a bit of The Princess and the Werewolf yesterday but don't think it interests me enough to continue. :grimace: I did laugh that they plastered a fake mustache on Peter Sheng's face and tried to make him pass off as the princess's dad. :joy:

Ahhh I already feel better about starting this show now that I know you don't find it interesting. It must be sooooo good then. 



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21 minutes ago, kokodus said:

None of them are interested. What should I even choose?!?


All of them are interested. @Lmangla sweetie even voted for herself. *shrugs*


21 minutes ago, kokodus said:

Ahhh I already feel better about starting this show now that I know you don't find it interesting. It must be sooooo good then. 


I loved Go Princess Go and have watched it. But since Peter Sheng is only ep 1 of The Princess and The Werewolf I will give it a pass.


I could have maybe continued to watch it if the ML would me more handsome in my eyes.



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11 minutes ago, kokodus said:

YOu DID NOT SAY THAT!!!! Did you not see the pics @MayanEcho has been posting.....


I did say that and that's exactly why I am saying it - because of @MayanEcho's pics. :sweatingbullets:


You should know me by now, Ms. Koko. I like manlier oppas, not kpop idol oppas.



He's still just a boy. Let's check again in 5 years when he's over 30.



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14 minutes ago, partyon said:


I did say that and that's exactly why I am saying it - because of @MayanEcho's pics. :sweatingbullets:


You should know me by now, Ms. Koko. I like manlier oppas, not kpop idol oppas.



He's still just a boy. Let's check again in 5 years when he's over 30.



Let me give you a manly oppa who is not a kpop idol and who is well above 30....




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14 minutes ago, kokodus said:

Let me give you a manly oppa

Ms Koko, there is a difference between a manly oppa and a serial killer oppa.


I really wish you would find oppas that are in between kpop idol oppas and serial killer oppas, and not in one of these extremes.


Can’t you find someone more similar to, say, Yoo Yeon Seok or Choi Jin Hyuk?



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2 hours ago, rocat said:



And who is this young boy may I ask?


2 hours ago, rocat said:

I am considering changing oppas


Surely not to the one in the pic? :scream: From Gong Yoo to this?!??!?!?! :yaaa:




Peeps, I just saw Oppenheimer. What an AMAZING movie! :highonflowers:


Loved it - despite it being 3 hours long I never felt bored @joccu @sweetroad @LeftCoastOppa and I never had to take breaks. Unlike most kdramas I watch. :unamused:
tvN - am talking about you especially. :rage:


And seriously guys, I had forgotten how charismatic some of my ahjussi oppas are!


Cillian- such an attractive man - still looks good despite the fact that he's close to 50. This guy has always been one of the runner ups to Keanu (my ultimate oppa). :wub:



Let's not forget Robert Downey Jr, who now should probably be categorized as a grandpa oppa (as he is 58 already). He was born to be on screen - despite his age he is oozing charisma. :wub:




Chingus, I have decided to dedicate the rest of this month to ahjussi oppas. :fullofhearts:


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