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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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@ohoheli - 
At this point, MBC decided to do the subbing themselves and not give out any license. DramaFever has also been trying to get one for Empress Ki. It's crossed my mind that MBC might wait until ...like episode 20 or so and then suddenly grant ViKi and/or DramaFever a license. (I hope not) X(
@larabn - Oh, good point. Maybe MBC wishes to maintain control in order to avoid any controversy? 
People sometimes get mad at ViKi when a particular drama doesn't get subbed there but it's not up to them. They have to wait until they get a license before they can sub anything. MBC, for whatever reason - has decided not to give one out to anyone.  :(

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okay why do I keep hitting the lol button without meaning too. I am on my phone and it's to close to the edge. I am sorry to those that have comment I don't want to seem like I am laughing at what you are saying when it's not something to laugh at.

on to empress ki I can't wait till SN gets some power inside that palace so she can totally crush el temur an his brood I can't stand any of them. what did he feed them growing up they all turned up as evil as him. usually in those types of familes their is always an oddball that is good but nope not here. they are just so twisted and think everything should be handed to them and if it isn't well off with their heads. who do they think they are the queen of hearts. well I hope SN shows them this is no wonderland and if it is then she will be the one cutting heads.

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@m_g - Thank you so much for deleting that! Yes, we can PM each other.   :D   >:D<  If anyone needs links to Dark Smurfs, just PM me. You do have to be registered at their site in order to view subs though. 
@larabn - I dunno, I don't think "Ooolala room" was a great example of MBC's subbing skills.  :|  =))
On the other hand, it's an excuse to watch each episode more than once if I say I'm only comparing subs. Ahahaha. 

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okay, since I've been waiting for the subs for MBC, I'm bored lol
so I wanted to discuss something I remembered yesterday and I know it's been maybe discussed here ;)
did dangkise and his troop grow up between wolves for too long and developed a mowgly jungle book instinct in sniffing :-??
or does which I doubt SN use a women perfume, soap...
I mean she was sweating like the rest of them and he managed to sniff her like a police dog and know that she is a girl? :-&
I also researched it (doing my empress ki homework) after the episode lol, but didn't get my answer [-X
that's what you become when u get obsessed with fox subduing and skining for too long dangkise /:)...
you turn into a creepy skin sniffer yourself :-S
the olala room, well in terms of meaning it is where the olala happens while the whole palace is waiting outside the room for the olala to end =))

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@ohoheli - 

At this point, MBC decided to do the subbing themselves and not give out any license. DramaFever has also been trying to get one for Empress Ki. It's crossed my mind that MBC might wait until ...like episode 20 or so and then suddenly grant ViKi and/or DramaFever a license. (I hope not) X(

@larabn - Oh, good point. Maybe MBC wishes to maintain control in order to avoid any controversy? 

People sometimes get mad at ViKi when a particular drama doesn't get subbed there but it's not up to them. They have to wait until they get a license before they can sub anything. MBC, for whatever reason - has decided not to give one out to anyone.  :(

oh! thanks @tessieroo noooooona! didn't know that there is kind of that story behind the scenes. hehehe

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Sorry wrong post, I apologize!

Hahahaahahaahaaa =))

It's okay chingu ya.. I know how you feel. Our world goes upside down from Monday to Sunday. Live streaming, recap reading, RAW watching, rewatch RAW, waiting... finally subbed! Rewatch subbed.. again and again and again like an endless circle and on the top of that.. Struggle between reel (Kdrama) life and real life..

OMG I can't function normal to society..... :((

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I can`t wait to watch the next episodes. I can see why so many people love Seung-nyang and Huizong.  I personally love both pairs. I love JJM. When I find that he will be the main lead I was happy but JCW charmed me completely. :) I love Huizong, his silly behavior. I don`t know if I would have loved this character as much as I do now if somebody else played that part. JCW make Huizong so much better.

Now, in the last two episodes I loved more Wang Yoo`s scenes than Yuan court. The Turks strategy was great. I can`t believe a general like Baek Ah was fooled by that. :)) Good for WY and his men that used their heads.  Their leader, Batolu is a woman or it is something else? Now, I am intrigued. I like how WY gained his men`s trust. I felt the pain of Goryeo men being treated like animals and seeing their king humiliated.

In Yuan`s court Nyung is obsessed with revenge. I don`t say I blame her that she is blind by hate for Huizong but I want her to came to her senses. I believe that she will want to become a concubine to continue her revenge but I hope she will discover that being the king/emperor you are not a free man. The decisions are not easy to make and the life in that court is a battle for life and dead. She was surprised by Empress Dowager`s plead that Huizong accepts the concubine. It is the first step.

By the way, I read the recap of the novel about Empress Ki and I think I know how this drama will end. :(  I could accept it if this is going to happen but the only thing that I don`t want is that Ki`s child/  Crown Prince will be WY`s.   =((

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Guest seosono15

hello, everyone. its my first time making a post here in soompi particularly here in empress ki forum. but i have already read the post since the beginning. i just decided to come out just now because its hard making a post using my cellphone where i can connect freely on our neighborhood's WiFi connection. 
Before i discover this forum, i first discover ha ji won unnie's forum just this year though i already notice that forum before but i dont have interest to read it because it was so time consuming. But now, i getting all addicted that im not contented with reading news about her that's also why i decided to join a forum.being a ha ji won fan since secret garden, i see to it that I'm updated about her and her new drama which i didn't make it during secret garden airing in Korea because it was shown in the Philippines later on may 2011.and because of all of your post,that's where you guys really did help me a lot.
Hopefully, just like all of you, i can also share my thought about this latest drama "empress ki".

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@larus Welcome to the thread :)  Oh yeah word of advice, don't follow the novel or history. The writers are just writing something different altogether like a whole other story so i wouldn't be stressing out about the novel too much. They have changed things from the novel as you can see when you watch the drama. Like you, i am not a fan of her passing of someone's else Crown Prince for TH's whether he knows about it or not. So hopefully that stays as the fiction of the novel LOLAs for the Yuan people being clueless about the Turks plan, i was more surprised that Tal Tal didn't figure it out than the General not figuring it out. He is a little more level headed than the General. He stopped the General from following the Turks when they were getting away because he said that they didn't know the territory, and they could have been walking into a trap. Well it's not a spoiler anymore, so yes that Turk leader is a woman. She's SN turk version hahahah
I am sitting here wishing SN gets kicked out of the palace before at least epi 15. I am kinda tired of seeing her serving that damn tea already LOL I hope when she becomes an Empress, she doesn't just sit there drinking tea or sleep in that palace. She should be a warrior Empress kinda like that drama i saw some clips of (sorry i forgot the name, it was Empress something lol) I need some action and less political scheming.

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Guest seosono15

my thought about huizong realization of the possibility of ki nyang as SN:

about how huizong finally noticed that ki nyang is SN, is when he saw dangkise and SN in the bridge and thought to himself that even ki nyang is afraid while standing infront of dangkise and when he decided to leave, he saw SN just fiercely get the laundry basket away from dangkise w/o showing any fear while the latter was just like smiling instead of being angry about seungnyang's rudeness. that is when he thought no one will dare to act like that in front of dangkise being a known brother of the empress and an evil man. only SN is not afraid of dangkise.

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I definitely miss those eps when SN was a male SN... :x
I like them better than when she is a palace maid
she was full of life and funny as well as cool
but now she is a depressed, lonely soul just like the rest of the maids at the palace :|
and her scenes were a lot more funnier whether be it with WY or TH
but like I said we are following the sorrow big road with her right now
I hope the writers don't drag this for too long and get her to get away from the palace or become TH's concubine soon
anything is more interesting than a palace maid

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seosono15 said: my thought about huizong realization of the possibility of ki nyang as SN:

about how huizong finally noticed that ki nyang is SN, is when he saw dangkise and SN in the bridge and thought to himself that even ki nyang is afraid while standing infront of dangkise and when he decided to leave, he saw SN just fiercely get the laundry basket away from dangkise w/o showing any fear while the latter was just like smiling instead of being angry about seungnyang's rudeness. that is when he thought no one will dare to act like that in front of dangkise being a known brother of the empress and an evil man. only SN is not afraid of dangkise.

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@chrissydiva: Thanks. I come back after a while. :) Nice to see many familiar ”faces” at this thread.

So the novel is not these writer`s work. I am better now. :) I like them so I will trust their vision.

About the strategy, yeah, Tal Tal is the brain of the duo...and brings a lot of wisdom. Just that I thought General Baek Ah with his experience is a good strategist. He is hot tempered so he acts before he thinks. But, I am glad he let Goryeo men the opportunity to gain an advantage with this slip.

So, the Turks leader is a woman. =D> I love it. Once again the women in this drama are smart and strong. I love Seung Nyang better in the battle field as well but she will demonstrate her force in the court. I don`t think she will use the physical force anymore but her intelligence. I hate the royal court with so many rules. The political scheming can be intriguing but they are so stiff.  It`s like being in prison. Wang Yoo is the lucky one despite his hard time at the border.


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I can`t wait to discover Huizong that SeungNyang is at the palace.

A funny thing. I can`t stop smiling thinking at all Korean dramas with women disguised as men. Every single one has the man starting to like ”him” before he knows that he is a she. In this sageuk we`ll have two leading men falling for their ” male friend”. (Dankise, with his experience of women, is the exception.  :)) ) And both their eunuchs had the same hilarious reaction. ”What, you like him with all those beautiful women out there?! ”

I love when Huizon practiced archery. He did not succed to demonstrate his talent in front of the ”maid” who looks like his master.  ”I did it a minute ago.” :))

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