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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Thanks. I come back after a while.


Nice to see many familiar ”faces” at this thread.

So the novel is not these writer`s work. I am better now. :) I like them so I will trust their vision.

About the strategy, yeah, Tal Tal is the brain of the duo...and brings a lot of wisdom. Just that I thought General Baek Ah with his experience is a good strategist. He is hot tempered so he acts before he thinks. But, I am glad he let Goryeo men the opportunity to gain an advantage with this slip.

So, the Turks leader is a woman. =D> I love it. Once again the women in this drama are smart and strong. I love Seung Nyang better in the battle field as well but she will demonstrate her force in the court. I don`t think she will use the physical force anymore but her intelligence. I hate the royal court with so many rules. The political scheming can be intriguing but they are so stiff.  It`s like being in prison. Wang Yoo is the lucky one despite his hard time at the border.


No, they did write the novel too, they are just not following it words for words.

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his sniffing experience that is ;), he probably sniffed that she is a women from the very start...geez a creepy version of mowgly the jungle boy
I think I'm insane in liking jungle creep despite his cuckoo personality and ugly braid, but they shouldn't have chosen an attractive actor
with an attractive smile to play the part ... :-w 
seeing his pics is not helping in hating him :)) (but remembering that creepy sniffing scene will help :-SS )

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I think the other two also sensed she was a girl deep down. What guy would princess carry another guy? Who let himself slap by a guy without retaliating? LOL It's just that Dangkise called a spade, a spade. Like I gave the example of Coffee Prince with the line "how can you not know she was a girl?"

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Guest sogongx3

I have a question...

TH&TN SLEPT together?? at first I thought he just went to sleep and nothing more...

this means SN will be his third woman???? [-(

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@larabn: I know what you mean. I like Dangkise too. The actor is guilty for this craziness. I feared El Temur and his son in the beginning. Now, I am enjoying ”his cuckoo personality”. :)) I don”t mind his hair cut. Good he doesn”t have the real hairstyle of the era. 

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@hadarix3 Ok my original post got eaten so i'm gonna just shorten it. Like Larus said, he did not sleep with her (yet), but i don't know how much longer he can put it off since he is still afraid of her daddy dearest. SN and TH are not in a romantic relationship so he doesn't owe her to save himself and neither does she LOL He is an emperor not a virgin Mary male version. This is why i love that the Tudors even though they try to romanticize some of his marriages, they still didn't portray him as a faithful virtuous man to one woman only.
@larus Yes, shows/movies based on books usually keep the main events in so i'm still wary of that plot happening. I guess we'll see. First, she needs to meet with WY and not just through dreams. There won't be any kissing or anything else happening through a dream resulting in baby unless we are watching some supernatural sageuk lolAfter finally getting a proper kiss in Heirs, they better give me some kissing in here or i'll go to MBC! I have seen kissing in sageuks so it is doable. Please no amateur kissing either.

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Guest sogongx3

Child between WY&SN is a BIG NO for me because this will be the end of my ship (SN&TH). if they have a child together it will be hard for SN to fall in love with TH because she will always have WY's child by her side.

moreover it would be so weird because I can't feel the love between them! seriously I don't understand why they miss each other :-/

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I really can't believe she thinks she's the only pretty person palace. The king can't look at know other woman but her if not she's going to tell her daddy.  She don't fit the bill to be and Queen. her attitude to is to nasty also. Back then if was known by the emperor that his Queen character was rudely and unjust they will never seek them out again. Until it's time he wants to add one the court ladies as a royal concubine.
There has to be a method to his madness I'm wondering how long is he going to continue to be like this be for he starts to gets some balls.

@larabn,     I think I'm insane in liking jungle creep despite his cuckoo personality and ugly braid, but they shouldn't have chosen an attractive actor 
with an attractive smile to play the part ...   
seeing his pics is not helping in hating him  (but remembering that creepy sniffing scene will help  )
Very funny,  Every mother thinks there child is cute even if he looks like a fish. 


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Guest pandora460

@chrissydiva..oh yes it was the thanksgiving holiday! I echo your concern for the upcoming Christmas holidays but thanksgiving is a bigger holiday in the US, so lets hope for the best. ;)

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tessieroo said: @ohoheli - 
At this point, MBC decided to do the subbing themselves and not give out any license. DramaFever has also been trying to get one for Empress Ki. It's crossed my mind that MBC might wait until ...like episode 20 or so and then suddenly grant ViKi and/or DramaFever a license. (I hope not) X(
@larabn - Oh, good point. Maybe MBC wishes to maintain control in order to avoid any controversy? 
People sometimes get mad at ViKi when a particular drama doesn't get subbed there but it's not up to them. They have to wait until they get a license before they can sub anything. MBC, for whatever reason - has decided not to give one out to anyone.  :(

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