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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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I like today's episode but I wish that mbc will release the subs sooner this time
I wanna know what did WY do in terms of the letter and why did the whole palace turn into a mayhem
but overall TH's scenes with SN were very nice and although I didn't understand what anyone was saying
I felt sad for all three of them TH-SN-WY
need the subs mbc plz hurry this time lol

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I agree with you I like seeing Wy getting jealous for pushing SY away...I cant understand a thing they said except for the ones you have mentioned... Hope that instead of them taking away SY I hope TH will think of SY safety so instead of keeping her perhaps sending her to WY despite being jealous?
Can't wait for the sub another week to wait to see what happens next... Im happy that the kiss didnt happen therefore there is still a chance that WY will get to kiss SY first. 
Hope that the bridge scene will push WY to declare his feelings?  But then our WY is righteous and wants to save and help his people but I hope he stop being that and just kiss SY if that is what you feel instead of pushing her getting mad and saying sorry...Just kiss the girl already! :)
Great episode either way...thanks for all the screencaps and quick recaps...
Doest anybody agree that Golta is a great eunuch? telling SY to stay with TH? Knowing how he feels about what happened and how SY affects TH?

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well we have 3 we all want dead
El Temur
Byong Su
seriously they are the dark triangle in this story

and our baby emperor is childish but kind at heart and doesn't take advantage of a women drunk
he is a really well behaved emperor although he has weird demands from his love interest
but he is a well mannered guy

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I think death is not cruel enough for El temor, i mean he has lived almost all his life according to his wishes, everything got done according to him, he is old now, he will die anyway. But i want him to suffer, suffer the harshest punishment for torturing so many lives. and that's why i think death is not the harshest punishment for him. Maybe his children tortured before his eyes? but then again i don't want TN to suffer that much too because she is pitiful too(only a little though) i don't know, he needs to somehow get the cruelest punishment.

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I'm still thinking that today's episode was a little draggy, especially around the political machinations and stuff.  But there was more Tal-tal on our screens for a change!  It's all good eventually. :D

Thanks to all the recappers and screencappers -- I'll be back later with the ratings.  Hopefully they'll go up again, like Tuesday's episodes always do! :X

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I hope this will push him to get closer to SN at some point
but that cliffhanger doesn't look good specially with dangkise laughing with all his teeth showing
I have a bad feeling...maybe she will take the blame at some point to save WY and dangksie is happy cause she will be thrown out
so he can take her...I'm just guessing her don't know but there is a creepy thing to that laugh I'm sure

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and our baby emperor is childish but kind at heart and doesn't take advantage of a women drunk

he is a really well behaved emperor although he has weird demands from his love interest

but he is a well mannered guy

Yaaaa.. I feel like hugging him for being soo kind n well behaved.. I dun care if he still not good in politics yet.. Learn slowly my baby.. Mommy will continue to produce the mothers' milk farm for you...

Geeezzz.. If we hv the right technology to produce mothers milk massively.. Everyone can be genius.. We can be genius!!! Wahahahaha... Sorry nonsense stuff is good for this thread.. Hahahaha

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larabn said: well we have 3 we all want dead
El Temur
Byong Su
seriously they are the dark triangle in this story

and our baby emperor is childish but kind at heart and doesn't take advantage of a women drunk
he is a really well behaved emperor although he has weird demands from his love interest
but he is a well mannered guy

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