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[Drama 2022-2023] Trolley, 트롤리


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6 hours ago, CarolynH said:

I still think that SB had/has a crush on NJD.  That would explain the heart on the card.


That's what I thought at first, but I think the heart on the card was because she stole it from Yun-seo (the daughter)'s wall.


My theory about Su-bin is that she will help clear Ji-hoon's name eventually - that the drugs in his pocket were not his.


- I am assuming that Hye-ju had her photos printed and sent to her house. But she didn't notice anything missing when she looked at the photos later. Perhaps someone stole the photo she took of Su-bin in her workroom.


- I do think Su-bin's intentions were shady. She probably seduced Ji-hoon because he was an Assemblyman's son. After his death, she decided to use her pregnancy and move into his parents' home and... steal? Or she's possibly a mole for one of his political enemies. It's also possible that she's being forced into doing this by "JD."


But other than that, this show is so inscrutable that I can't guess what's coming next. It's really good, though. It's the best show I'm watching right now.

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Thanks @nrlleefor the review. About the photos - it could be Kang’s aide. Kang had asked him to dig some dirt on JH. 
The last 5mins of ep8 had my heart racing. When KHJ suddenly dropped JH’s phone, my first thought was she had seen some photos of NJD and SB. Its was actually chat between SB and JH. I dont think the tattoo is of NJD but rather the other guy in the photo with SB and JH. The baby is probably his that is why she wants to break up wIth JH. I also believe NJD had met SB before she came to the house that explains the tension between them and NJD thinks SB caused JH’s death

wow looks like things will get messy from here on with SeungHee meeting up with the perpetrator’s family

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19 minutes ago, imgreatgal said:

Thanks @nrlleefor the review. About the photos - it could be Kang’s aide. Kang had asked him to dig some dirt on JH. 

Good catch.  Could well be him.  KHJ took a pic of SB.  Was that in the envelope as well?  Did Kang’s aide take that pic out of the stack?


21 minutes ago, imgreatgal said:

The last 5mins of ep8 had my heart racing. When KHJ suddenly dropped JH’s phone, my first thought was she had seen some photos of NJD and SB. Its was actually chat between SB and JH. I dont think the tattoo is of NJD but rather the other guy in the photo with SB and JH. The baby is probably his that is why she wants to break up wIth JH. I also believe NJD had met SB before she came to the house that explains the tension between them and NJD thinks SB caused JH’s death

Sounds plausible.  It would be less dramatic if the tattoo is of the other guy in the pic, that’s for sure.  How did NJD get the phone?  Did police find it and handed it to him? 

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I was curious about how the drama will end.  There are four possibilities:

1) Sad ending: NJD turns out to be an unfaithful husband and liar.  He and KHJ take different ways in the end.

2)  Sad ending: NJD was not cheating, but the couple have been deeply hurt by the events.  They are not able to reconcile and take different ways. 

3) Happy ending: everything that NJD did/does is to profect his family.  He and KHJ are able to overcome all of the difficulties. 

4) Happy ending: NJD was indeed unfaithful, but KHJ chose to forget him. 

What do you think?   




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re: Your  friendly, neighbourhood EO Team: 


@confusedheart @partyon @agenth and @Sleepy Owl



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5 hours ago, imgreatgal said:

I thought the phone was not on JH’s body when they found him. 

Yes it wasn’t.  These were my notes pertaining to JH’s death.  See underlined section below. 


JH did not take drugs (not yet anyway).  Even his gf was shocked about the drugs.  She didn’t believe he would do that.  He was seen to buy the drugs/pick it up.  But no drugs were in his system.  He didn’t seem drunk when he went to pick up the drugs at a restroom by the Han River.  He was wearing the red jacket.  There’s a timestamp on the CCTV vision we are given 20220822 01:10.  Did he go to drink at Gangnam after the drug pick up?  He was seen to be drinking heavily a few hours prior to his death?  It’s a bit strange to pick the drugs up by the Han River, then go to Gangnam and drink and then return to the Han River where he’s purported to have slipped and drowned?  There was a lot of alcohol in his system according to the autopsy report so he was definitely inebriated.  His real phone was last used 4.5km upstream from his body and is turned off.  It’s not on him?  Why?  Is the phone that the gf has on her his?  Or hers?   JH’s death raises a lot of red flags for me.  It seems rather convenient?  Was it really an accident?  

So with new information, JH had “intent” to take his own life but was he serious when he said it to SB?  Or was it just over exaggeration on his part?  The excessive drinking in Gangnam would indicate he was upset.  

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Ah--no wonder Joong Do had so much animosity toward Soo Bin.. he discovered through Ji Hoon's texts that he killed himself over Soo Bin. And now poor Hye Joo finds out that hubs have been hiding their son's phone all this time..

    Their daughter, Yoon Seo is ruthless WoW LoL. She sounded savage that she will not go easy on her father if he did have an affair. Yikes. Why is Joong Do so persistent in handling the sexual crime case of that ol'lady's granddaughter? 

    Soo Bin suffered a miscarriage but find it hard to tell Hye Joo as she has been treated warmly by her.. I really hope Joong Do isn't hiding anythin' sinister LoL 'cause I believe in 'im yo LoL.

    Erm--why do I feel some spark between chief advisor with the restaurant lady ahahah?! 

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8 hours ago, Latte_Anyday said:

Their daughter, Yoon Seo is ruthless WoW LoL. She sounded savage that she will not go easy on her father if he did have an affair.

I get the feeling that’s just her bravado.  She’s channeling her dad and his righteous stance.  Remember how she wavered when she talked about the Trolley dilemma with her mom?  She’s was all for saving the 5 people and killing the one initially because it just “made sense”.  Until she brought up the scenario where that one person was a family member.  Could she do the same?  She got muddled then.  Would she be so cavalier if that person was her really her dad?  I have a feeling the decision then for her wouldn’t be as straightforward.  

If it is true that the police pretty much dropped the case against JH because of his death, then how is it that NJD has JH’s phone?  It would mean he had seen JH before his death.  The phone’s last location (when it was used) was 4.5km upstream from where his body was found.  So potentially JH encountered his dad/male secretary at the Han River, lost his phone there and then entered the River which possibly carried his body downstream to where it was finally found.  Was he pushed?  I can’t imagine NJD doing that to JH.  If he did, it would’ve been accidental.  Secretary WJ on the other hand, he dedicated his life to this political cause.  He would be capable of getting rid of anything that got in the way.  Currently SB doesn’t seem to pose a threat as such because there’s nothing sensationalized in the news.  If the news of her gets out however, she would definitely be in danger.  That could be why YJ Unnie opted not to tell WJ about the miscarriage, because she sensed that SB would be without any bargaining power and be in “danger” from WJ.




That's what I thought at first, but I think the heart on the card was because she stole it from Yun-seo (the daughter)'s wall.


I do think Su-bin's intentions were shady. She probably seduced Ji-hoon because he was an Assemblyman's son. After his death, she decided to use her pregnancy and move into his parents' home and... steal? Or she's possibly a mole for one of his political enemies. It's also possible that she's being forced into doing this by "JD."

Sorry I missed your post.  But this is definitely a possibility.  She did seem like she was in there for a reason.  But she didn’t seem to do any sleuthing whilst she was there?  She had lots of opportunities to do so?  Nobody was in the house the bulk of the time and I didn’t see any CCTV hooked up to monitor her movements inside.  All she did was play games on her phone much of the time.  So she’s a bit of a mystery still.  Good catch on NJD heart card being stolen from YS’s bedroom wall.


@dogstar I am hoping for ending 3.  :lol:  Happy ending.  NJD comes to his senses and ditches politics (goes back to being a lawyer/prosecutor) and returns home to be with his family.

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@nrllee i agree there’s a lot of mystery surrounding JH’s death. Him drinking in Gangnam could be after his argument with SB.

1 hour ago, nrllee said:

If it is true that the police pretty much dropped the case against JH because of his death, then how is it that NJD has JH’s phone?  It would mean he had seen JH before his death.  The phone’s last location (when it was used) was 4.5km upstream from where his body was found.  So potentially JH encountered his dad/male secretary at the Han River, lost his phone there and then entered the River which possibly carried his body downstream to where it was finally found.

With the election drawing near naturally NJD would have WJ monitor JH after his release from prison. I believe there was some issues with JH and SB that WJ had reported to NJD (this explains WJ handling of SB in the car where SB lost her lip balm) The three JH,SB and NJD then met up as you said at the Han River. Did NJD knew about SB’s pregnancy then? (He doesnt seems surprise when KHJ told him about it) and tried to break

them up. When SB suggested they breakup JH went off drinking at Gangnam. Intoxicated JH slipped and fell in the Han River. It still doesnt explained the meth in his pocket.

4 hours ago, Latte_Anyday said:

Their daughter, Yoon Seo is ruthless WoW LoL. She sounded savage that she will not go easy on her father if he did have an affair.

I see this as another potential sucide. If her friend expose her father’s affair he’ll be ridicule by the public if he is a public figure not to mention that it will caused a huge rift in the family. Oh no! YS will feel guilty/sorry her whole life just like her mom feels towards SeungHo.

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15 minutes ago, imgreatgal said:

With the election drawing near naturally NJD would have WJ monitor JH after his release from prison. I believe there was some issues with JH and SB that WJ had reported to NJD (this explains WJ handling of SB in the car where SB lost her lip balm) The three JH,SB and NJD then met up as you said at the Han River. Did NJD knew about SB’s pregnancy then? (He doesnt seems surprise when KHJ told him about it) and tried to break

them up. When SB suggested they breakup JH went off drinking at Gangnam. Intoxicated JH slipped and fell in the Han River. It still doesnt explained the meth in his pocket.

I don’t think SB knew she was pregnant when JH was alive.  The timeline doesn’t fit.  If she’s to be believed, she only found out after his death.  

Looking at my notes from Ep1


- pregnant girlfriend of JiHoon?  JiHoon was released from prison only 15days ago?  And she shows up at the door of the house 2 weeks after his death.  If she’s pregnant, she’s very early pregnant.  

SB was only 1 month pregnant (assuming they had relations as soon as he got out of prison) when she showed up at the door of KHJ’s home.


I am also not sure SB was in the conversation at the Han River (if there was one).  She wouldn’t have shown up at the door of the household if she were already warned off by WJ/NJD then.  She would’ve steered clear knowing the danger WJ posed to her?  And the interchange with WJ in the van seemed to imply that WJ didn’t really know much about her and that their first meeting (he accused her of being a prostitute) was at the Nam household that night.  I do think that potentially WJ/NJD may have shown up and confronted JH some time before his death to tell him to get his life together, stay out of trouble and to stop causing problems with the election coming close.  

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JH’s phone showing text messages and calls to SB.  1:07 and 1:08 on 20th Aug.  I got it wrong with the first viewing.  The messages read


”Don’t ever say you want to break up.”

”Do you want to die?” (Or Do you have a death wish?)


So JH is the aggressor?  He’s basically telling her he doesn’t want to break up and threatening her with death if she follows through with it.  And it was only after the phone call that he texts, “I’m going to kill myself.” 


Time stamp on CCTV that police had of JH walking into toilet block to pick up the drugs was 1:10 on 20th Aug.  So presumably, he tried to contact her that night just before he did the drug pick up.  He was upset so he ended up in Gangnam drinking heavily.  He must’ve returned to Han river afterwards where he fell (or was pushed) into the river and drowned.  



Also can confirm that @chickfactor was right about NJD’s card is the one from YS’s room.  SB must’ve picked it up just before she left the house just so she has his number.  

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Thank @nrlleefor your insightful and in-depth analyses!  WOW!  There are so many unsolved issues with JH's death. Also, thank @chickfactorfor pointing out that NJD’s card was taken from YS's room.  

For the further development of the story, I visited the Official SBS site for information (translated by Google).


In the character introduction for KHJ, it states that "things become strange after what happened....... even the husband". 

As for NJD's introduction, it says that "NJD tried to handle the problems after many secrets were releaved...... However, dear HJ, please believe me, do not doubt my love for you". 

Based upon the description, I guess there will be major misunderstanding between the couple, but NJD tries hard to solve the issues. 


Such description reminds me of another work of KHJ, Undercover.  In Undercover, the spy identity of the husband was exposed in Episode 10. The drama reached the climax in antagoanic interactions in Episodes 11-12. The couple solved their differences gradually in Episodes 13-14 and work together to fight the bad guys in Episodes 15-16.  I wonder if the timeline of Trolley would be similar.  



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1 hour ago, dogstar said:

Such description reminds me of another work of KHJ, Undercover.  In Undercover, the spy identity of the husband was exposed in Episode 10. The drama reached the climax in antagoanic interactions in Episodes 11-12. The couple solved their differences gradually in Episodes 13-14 and work together to fight the bad guys in Episodes 15-16.  I wonder if the timeline of Trolley would be similar.  

I was so excited to have JJH back on screen with KHJ but for the life of me I couldn’t find anywhere to watch it with English subs so I missed it altogether.  :dissapointed_relieved:

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31 minutes ago, nrllee said:

I was so excited to have JJH back on screen with KHJ but for the life of me I couldn’t find anywhere to watch it with English subs so I missed it altogether.  :dissapointed_relieved:

You can try to watch it on dramacool.fo it's there (this site is really getting more and more collection of older and new drama it's good if you want to see some old drama as well) 


I just finished eps 8 and wow the many of you  really good at connecting the clues here and there.. i might have new hope that NJD didn't have any sexual interest in SB nor any other woman as well.. from the JH's phone we knew that JH indeed like SB .. while SB affection toward KHJ seemed to yearn of a mother's love (not a resentment from a love rival if she did have feeling for NJD) so i thought SB and NJD didn't have love relationship here.. but, as for with other woman hmmm ???



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Trolley: Episodes 7-8

by missvictrix



What a bunch of episodes! What starts off as a husband’s rescue mission of righteous anger ends on a huge bomb drop. And with said bomb drop comes broken trust, about a hundred unsettling thoughts, and a lot of questions around our favorite married couple.



I was fully planning to open this week’s coverage by talking about the husbands in this show, and how their devotion to their wives is so nice to watch. Joong-do, as we soon see play out, comes to his wife’s rescue in a way that made me swoon, and Ki-young was willing to live alone with his miserable mother-in-law so his wife could get some mental peace. However, as the episodes progressed, my plans went to pot, as there is now reason to doubt the integrity of Joong-do — and dang, that was literally the last thing I ever expected to say about him.

But before everything shatters, we have our hero swoop in to save his wife from Seung-hee’s unhappy clutches. They won’t open the door? No problem, I’ll just ram the car outside to get their attention. That doesn’t work? I’ll just drive my car right through their gate, nbd, broken rib and all. In other words, thanks to Woo-jae’s information gathering abilities, Joong-do learns about the incident from his wife’s past and refuses to let her be trampled on by Seung-hee and her family. At one point he even says what we’re all thinking: “Why would you apologize!? You did nothing wrong.”

There were so many powerfully acted scenes this week, but this confrontation between Seung-hee, Hye-joo, and Joong-do was definitely my favorite. Guilt, trauma, anger, grief — there are so many emotions layered into this story (and this scene). Joong-do and Hye-joo leave somewhat victorious (in that no apology was forced), and they face a long silent drive home. It’s not till they arrive that Hye-joo apologizes to her husband for the mess this will cause him. Ever the perfect husband (*please stay true*), he tells her he’ll take care of everything. He also says that he believes her side of the story — because it’s you — repeating his sweet line from a few episodes ago.

Joong-do believes Hye-joo — and so do I — but no one can actually prove the truth. And that’s the problem, right? We explore this issue through Hye-joo’s past and through the ongoing aftermath of the med student’s suicide: what happens to the victim of a sexual crime when the assailant commits suicides and effectively aborts the entire investigation?



The injustice of both of these scenarios riles up Joong-do, and he’s committed to proposing an amendment to the law to prevent this from continuing. We see him telling his staff Hye-joo’s story (off camera), and later winning the support of Chairwoman Woo. He’s warned by everyone how an amendment like this will never pass, but Joong-do’s desire to make positive change has him using all his wiles. He needs public support if he’s going to shake up the status quo, and he knows it. As he tells Chairwoman Woo: “Controversy will make what’s impossible possible.”

This same idea is hammered in again later on in another loaded scene with Hye-joo, where she begs Joong-do to stop using the media to elevate the case of Perilla Grandma, her granddaughter, and the deceased med student. For Hye-joo, the pain of these people is unbearable, but here — brace your hearts — we see the first splinters in our couple’s likemindedness. Joong-do’s very opposing opinion is this: collateral damage is inevitable for the greater good. And there it is. He basically gave us our trolley dilemma setup again.


more https://www.dramabeans.com/2023/01/trolley-episodes-7-8/



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KHJ and JJH are my favorite actors! Love all of the three dramas that they work together, especially I have a lover.  

1 hour ago, imgreatgal said:

I so love them together since Miss Kim Million Dollar Quest that was way back in 2004. The best for me was 'I have a lover'



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