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Winter Garden Detective Agency 2.0


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"Gotta drop this crumb here


Sometimes when we are deprived of some important scenes, we need to use our ears to listen




Thank you for posting it here bcos I am not familiar with twitter.

Basically, that means their love line was there from the beginning and this episode with the maggot scene is the one that made me a Wintergarden shipper :glee:

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On 8/9/2020 at 3:05 PM, smartiegal said:

Sometimes when we are deprived of some important scenes, we need to use our ears to listen

we die for even little crumb...


and they also talk sweetly like baby (aego) i sometime forget they older than me and me being early 30 means they almost mid 30..but their action were like mid 20..they so cute

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On 8/8/2020 at 11:06 PM, Sorary said:


as reading fanfics AO3, it make me really curious how lee writer and teams gonna right about jeong won...

So I have been on a YYS works watching/skimming spree since he is the crush of the moment. In most of his works (easily accessible ones), he seems to either die at the end, or his love is unrequited or he is jailed or some other such tragic outcome. In the few that he finally does have a happy ending - the actual romance has been a confusing arc and the end abrupt. Combining this with all the WG dynamics that have been missing - i have a long wish-list for Season 2. 

I really would like to see our guy being loved and loving abundantly in return. Like lots of romantic glances, hand-holding, hugging, canoodling, smooching, intimate conversations, open admiration, praise, tenderness, care...( could go on ;); you can add too!). We shippers and fans, deserve this side of YYS, instead of having it fulfilled only through fanfic or from manufacturing our very own erm...fantasies :)


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"So I have been on a YYS works watching/skimming spree since he is the crush of the moment....."


Same here my friend. My free time is me looking after his work, his photos, interviews,YOF and other projects.

Knowing myself I know it will take me a lot of time to move on.

I just sign in to say that all morning only thing I do is watching YYS update in t+kt+k.

Tell me I am not the only one.

As for the background song ....who picked it up? I love you baby...

I want to ask you friends what WG fanfiction you read?

I can not read all of them ( i m busy watching YYS videos lol)but I have few favors.

Unfortunately, the ones that I like dont have an update often.But the one that I loooove is "Crossing the line"


kudos to the writer @hollygyeoul.I dont know if she is one of you but her writing is so good and the way she puts down her thoughts and ideas are so convincing.The girl does a major homework studying characters.I love her writing.:thumbsup:

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Hi all...

I wrote a new post on my blog about WG. I haven't really said anything that I haven't said before but since we lost our first Detective Agency, I've rewritten some of the arguments I made while the show was airing.



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@kiklaminHo THAT BACKGROUND SONG IN THE TIKTOK VIDEO HAD ME LAUGHING HAHAHAHAHAH OMG I was like King Kong did not just pick that song LOL




Anyway folks I had spare time to skim through the drama and made a thread here


I think I clowned Jeongwon (YYS) so much in that thread. :crazymad:


I love your new blog entry @40somethingahjumma! Enough said and point was well communicated. I think it's quite rare for Kdramas which emphasize another aspect of human preference that people like me practice in real life (Jeongwon falling for Gyeoul because of the beauty inside not outside). I think when I resumed watching Kdramas starting this year (I stopped for more than 5 years already), I watched these Kdramas in a better perspective (I think Parasite movie helped me with it). So sometimes I would slightly help my real life friends to think differently on the Kdramas they had watched.


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49 minutes ago, ryanallright said:

So they do know their loveline during casting 



YYS knew it all along he will have love line. But I think he then knew it will be with Gyeoul after several meetings, seeing how he analysed the script on point he def knew alrd it's Gyeoul. 


Then Writer Lee told SHB she will be close to two main characters, Lee Ikjun and Jeongwon. They specifically mentioned she will have 'melo' plot with Jeongwon, but then Shin PD said that they won't focus on the melo much as it is seasonal drama. 


Gosh, Winter Garden is already sailing even before the drama started filming :highonflowers:

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you really clowned YYS a lot in that thread.:)

But the biggest clowning was from YYS and SHB.

I believed the had no idea they will have a love line.Not just a love line but an endgame also.

I should had pay more attention to YYS during SHB relay cam.He spill everything there.

And his " I love you .....HP" was the cherry on top.


lol of course I am going to watch it again.

After watching the special episode with SHB reading  GyeoUl's lines to director/writer ShinLee I have no doubt she was the perfect Gyeoul. She understood and read the lines  PERFECT.


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@kiklaminHo Tbh we should have seen this coming. The chase started at episode 2 and both YYS and SHB dropped the clue that their love line is meant to sail by the time season 1 ends. 


Hahahah SHB lied to JJS too about it LOL


They were meant to know this beforehand because of their love story’s timeline. 


Update: Subs for SHB episode is out! Go and watch!

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i think winter garden as endgame always safe from the start unless like shin pd mention to shb if she think its does suit her they will have somehow do something and shb jokes ‘-as she move to somewhere’...i think for seasonal drama their them shin pd and lee writer already build strong main plot but they will open to any changes that they never expected...


Then SHB interviews mention since geul wol and jeong won together if one of them out both of them will be no in drama too.


and they way lee writer ask her if she know yys and shb said no and again been asked if they had no meet in event!! i means does that question occurs because she know the probability of actress meeting or someone told her that they had someone meet in event...kinda like how jjs and yys told them how he watch md theatre even not meeting face to face except yys who great md in one event..

yet shb aswer maybe..but she had no recall..i find it funny..cause she totally jang geul wol

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1 hour ago, ryanallright said:

Lol i knew the other thread will still be updated despite last night


Time to harvest the flowers in the garden as winter is coming 


I don't wanna lurk on that other thread.. I don't want to waste my time anymore.. I did last night.. Very wrong move of me.. 

 The subs came very early.. Not even 24hrs after its broadcast.. The power of Winter. 


Missing wintergarden.. 


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Before I go back to work

I watched Men and Mission in t*kt*k.

I am so proud of Yoo Yeon Seok.

He showed that he is the man for everything.

He can do everything.

From variety,musicals,dramas,movies.....and everything else that is out there.

God bless this sweet humble man.

He sang wonderful Confession is not flashy and sent my wintergarden heart to paradise but he had the best for later.

His duo with LKS made me laugh so loud!

I stan the right person!:wub:

I will post the same to his thread too.

I feel like a proud mom .

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16 hours ago, kiklaminHo said:

I believed the had no idea they will have a love line.Not just a love line but an endgame also.

I should had pay more attention to YYS during SHB relay cam.He spill everything there.

And his " I love you .....HP" was the cherry on top.




Yes - they just led us on that they didn't have any clue! Must say the revelation gave me warm fuzzies. It answers my burning question - in fact,  the reason for which I joined the group. Now I need to re-watch the drama with this new info (was anyway looking for an excuse)

On 8/11/2020 at 9:19 PM, kiklaminHo said:

Same here my friend. My free time is me looking after his work, his photos, interviews,YOF and other projects.

Knowing myself I know it will take me a lot of time to move on.

I just sign in to say that all morning only thing I do is watching YYS update in t+kt+k.

Tell me I am not the only one.

Not the only one. So glad to have you with me on the journey. However, if and when I do meet YYS on Jeju island or Bali (most of my fantasies are centered around this), I'll make sure to bump any competition off :tounge_xd: Sorry!


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I didn't really watch the entire fanmeet..

but I really think YYS and LKSs segments were one of the best segments and most hilarious, especially that slap and those bubble suits :joy:

I really recommend everyone to see those clips if you need a good laugh aside from of course, YYS singing Confession is Not Flashy. I think YYS mentioned he tried to wear a similar outfit (his British Boyband "vest") from the HP virtual concert. YYS seems to be a very considerate star to actually think of singing the "first" part because he has always sang the second part in HP and fans haven't heard him sing that part before. 


About the other member of the WG couple...

PDs comment that they didn't realize it will be difficult to cast Gyeoul's character before the auditions was understandable. They thought someone just needed to read the lines in a cool and nonchalant manner but they realized it wasn't enough. They needed someone who could do that, will be willing to show a busy, tired resident look, can stay unnoticed, but still catch one of the main casts' attention. She should be able to slowly creep into the audience's minds while her character's significance is slowly revealed, which I think SHB and the writer/director were able to do successfully!

Like I've mentioned before, after ep12, we had to do a lot of rewatching and investigating :sweat_smile:


P.S I am beginning to get SHBs comment (I think she said it in her relaycam) that YYS IS a bit old-fasioned


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13 hours ago, smartiegal said:

@kiklaminHo I find it amusing that YYS sang the first half of Confession Is Not Flashy. It seems that fans will just have to merge the two parts together LOL :lol:


Btw he should be sent to Knowing Brothers as a guest for once. He exudes chaotic/crackhead energy


Have you seen him yesterday?

Where he finds  this energy with all the things he has to do?

I am not complaining at all.He left me speechless.Since yesterday I can stop smiling.

God bless him.

Yep, he has to do a guest and I ll be whipped again.

Lol, him singing" Confession is not flashy".

King of fanservice,King of shoulders,King of kiss lol .Expect no less of Yoo.


I did not read all SHB interviews but from what I read she seems the reserved, analytical person.

Anw nothing wrong to be old-fashioned in some ways.





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6 hours ago, kiklaminHo said:


I did not read all SHB interviews but from what I read she seems the reserved, analytical person.

Anw nothing wrong to be old-fashioned in some ways.

Yes, SHB seems to be that type of person. She also seems to be a simple person who just happens to be an actor. 

Hehehe yes, nothing wrong with being old-fashioned... I just enjoy learning bits and pieces about their true personalities.

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